I’m Being Held Captive by Demons Chapter 2: The couple love each other

In the morning, the rooster crows.

“Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh!”

The sound of a rooster crowing full of energy broke the silence of the morning.

In the wedding room where it was just after dawn and the sky was not yet bright, Kong Ning sat up suddenly, his face full of horror.

“My belly! My belly!”

He hurriedly lowered his head and looked at his stomach.

In Kong Ning’s field of vision, his stomach was intact. There was not a single scar on the belly that was completely cut open last night.

Although the white cloth on the bed sheet was a little bloody, it was not his, but the redness of his wife’s wedding night.

Kong Ning reached out and touched his stomach, but he couldn’t feel the wound. Shen Xin sensed that the zhenqi in his dantian roamed the whole body, and after the slightest cold feeling spread, no abnormality was found.

Nothing strange was injected into his stomach.

The horror scene he saw last night was a nightmare?

But the nightmare was too real… as real as it really happened.

Empty Ning on the wedding bed, silent.

But at this moment, the door of the house was pushed open and someone walked in.

“Husband, you are awake.”

The voice of the girl who used to be a young girl, but is now a young woman, sounded clear and sweet, but Kong Ning trembled.

He turned his head sharply to look, only to see the lady Su Yan in a green dress, slim and beautiful, with a smile on her face. A long black hair like ink was pulled back and made a woman’s bun, but it was even more playful and cute.

In her hand, she walked in with two bowls of millet porridge and a small half bowl of pickles on a pallet.

Putting the porridge and pickles on the table, Su Yan said, “Go wash up and then eat. Although today is the first day of marriage, it would be bad if the yamen ordering time was missed. .”

“You only got so much limelight yesterday, and the magistrate came to congratulate you in person. Now there are so many pairs of eyes staring at you and hating you. The more this happens, the less you can relax.”

“Don’t be late, and be honest. Otherwise, people will be sinister, who knows how those guys will hurt you…”

“Okay, I’m about to get up to eat, why are you staring at me?” Su Yan, who had already sat down, picked up one of the bowls of millet porridge and started eating with pickles.

Seeing Kong Ning staring at her the whole time, the girl tilted her head and was a little confused: “Husband? What’s wrong?”

On the wedding bed, Kong Ning stared straight at the wife in front of him, sizing her up and down.

However, no matter how he looked at it, he couldn’t match the cute and lovely wife in front of him with the terrifying and infiltrating monster image last night.

The huge scorpion tail, the weird stinger, and the eggs that were injected into the stomach in a trance… Those frightening memories seem to be really just a nightmare.

However, Kong Ning still did not dare to relax.

He carefully got out of bed, got dressed, washed up, and finally sat across from his wife and picked up his bowl of porridge.

He began to eat in small bites.

The wife in front of her is still charming, lovely, gentle and virtuous, no different from the Su Yan in her memory.

While the two were eating porridge, the girl helped Kong Ning plan the next trip to the county magistrate to thank him and what gifts to give.

Mature like a little adult, with a little nagging concern, but from time to time jumping off and telling a few funny jokes, let people know that she can’t be old-fashioned at all.

The girl in front of Kong Ning is more cheerful than the cheerful and lovely girl before marriage. A lot of words have been said recklessly, and there is no gap at all.

Anyone who sees this scene will envy the newly married Yan Er’s young couple for their good relationship. I envy Kong Ning even more for marrying such a gentle, virtuous, yet charming and lovely wife.

Gradually, Kong Ning’s heart settled down.

I couldn’t help sighing in my heart.

Probably because I’ve been so stressed lately that I’ve had nightmares.

He has been in this world for eleven years, and has been a hunter for three years. He has practiced martial arts. Although he has heard a lot of stories about monsters in the countryside, he has never seen a real monster.

This world should be the same as the ancient times in previous lives. Although it is feudal and superstitious, there are no monsters.

How can my wife be so cute?

Even if she really is a monster, how could she still talk to him so innocently after she harmed herself.

I’m crazy.

Kong Ning sighed in his heart, couldn’t help shaking his head, raised his head and drank the last porridge in one gulp, muttering: “Tonight, Lao Zhang and the others are treating guests to Zuixianlou, I will be back later, you don’t have to wait for me. Dinner.”

After speaking, Kong Ning put down the bowl and got up to go out.

The wife in a green dress nodded and said, “Husband, walk slowly.”

After speaking, seeing that Kong Ning had walked out of the door, the girl added another sentence.

“Other husband, remember not to drink too much.”

“If you drink too much during the brooding period, it is not good for your health.”


Kong Ning, who had just walked out of the door, stumbled, his heart suddenly tightened, and an icy chill spread all over his body instantly.

He turned around with a stunned expression and looked at his wife behind him.

In the wedding room full of happy words, the wife in a green dress is looking at him in surprise and tilting her head: “Husband?”

Kong Ning’s hand was subconsciously placed on the Pu Dao around his waist. His eyes were full of vigilance and suspicion.

“What… what did you just say?!” Kong Ning almost squeezed this question out of his teeth. The terrifying feeling of being dismembered last night seemed to come up again, making him horrified.

In the dimly lit wedding room, the bride smiled slightly and repeated the words just now: “If you drink too much during the brooding period, it is not good for your health… Husband, is there any problem with this sentence?”

There is a problem! There is a big problem!

Kong Ning felt his hand holding the knife trembling frantically.

It is a complex emotion brewed by many emotions such as anger, fear, and grief.

He stared at the girl in front of him, no longer doubting that what happened last night was a nightmare.

He did marry a monster as his wife, and the monster laid eggs in his belly on the night of his wedding night!

“You…you…” Kong Ning gritted his teeth, stared at the woman in front of him, and said, “Why did you want to kill me?”

This kind of question made the girl stunned for a moment, and then she smiled: “What did the husband say…Isn’t it a matter of course to inherit the lineage? Just letting the husband carry the child instead of Yan’er did not directly harm the husband. Life, husband can’t even accept this?”

Su Yan’s face was full of smiles, and her smile was full of meaning.

Kong Ning stared at her and asked, “What about when the fetus matures? How will it be born? Just tear open my stomach and climb out, and then eat my flesh and blood to grow up? Don’t tell me that after the fetus is born? , I’ll be unscathed!”

Kong Ning gritted his teeth in anger, full of murderous intent.

The woman in the house shook her head and said, “Husband is really interesting… When you led someone to burn my whole family and kill my family, how high-spirited you were.”

“Now it’s just laying eggs in your stomach, so I’m so angry… Could it be that you burned my entire family to death, didn’t you think that one day in the future there would be a fish that slipped through the net to repay you?”

The woman’s words made Kong Ning suffocate in anger and suddenly thought of an incident two years ago.

At that time, in the mountains near Shanlan County, there was a huge nest of scorpions that often harmed people in the mountains and forests, killing several people. The county magistrate saw that Kong Ning was very skilled, so he sent Kong Ning to lead a team to quell the matter.

Kong Ning took ten hunters to search for ten days and ten nights in the mountains, and finally found the so-called giant scorpion in ambush.

It was a black scorpion the size of a grinding disc, which was terrifyingly large. It hid in the forest and used poisonous thorns to assassinate passersby.

Kong Ning followed the scorpion and found the scorpion’s lair. Then a fire burned the entire scorpion hole completely, and a total of thirteen scorpions were burned to death.

The largest scorpion at the time was the size of a calf.

Kong Ning also joked with his colleagues that if the group of scorpions were allowed to grow longer, they might become elites.

But I didn’t expect that a scorpion sperm had found him and laid eggs in his stomach…

Kong Ning’s face turned pale.

The knife around his waist was clenched, loosened, loosened, and clenched again dozens of times.

But in the end, I still didn’t have the courage to pull it out.

Kong Ning, who has practiced martial arts with his father for eleven years, has achieved a little, and his perception of breath is extremely keen.

Although the woman in front of her had a sweet smile and was weak and gentle, there was a terrifying murderous intent hidden under that smiling face.

Once he draws his sword, he will die on the spot in an instant.

This is the keen intuition of martial arts practitioners, and should not be a joke.

What’s more, in this small courtyard, in addition to his Kong Ning, there are parents who don’t know anything about this goblin.

I rashly drew the knife, angering the demon girl who came to take revenge, she died a hundred times, but if my parents were also implicated…

Kong Ning’s face was gloomy and uncertain. After gritting his teeth for a while, he finally let go of the knife handle around his waist and said slowly, “What do you want to do? If it’s just revenge, killing me is enough. Well…”

During Kong Ning’s silent time, the woman in the marriage room also said nothing, just watching him with a smile.

Now that Kong Ning had given up resistance, the woman let out a playful chuckle and said, “What are you talking about… Husband, you have killed more than a dozen of my family’s young and old, but now you want to pay for it with one life, It’s not that easy.”

“If you were dead ~IndoMTL.com~ wouldn’t it be cheaper for you?”

“Anyway, you have to use your blood to help me raise a few children, right?”

The girl laughed, looked at Kong Ning, and said, “So husband… just accept the reality obediently. The eggs I left in your stomach will take about six months to hatch.”

“These six months, we can continue to be husband and wife~”

The woman smiled sweetly, but Kong Ning had a gloomy face and couldn’t help sneering.

“So you’re going to torture me for six months, right…”

First torture the will, play the prey to despair, and then kill it slowly.

The monster in front of me is indeed a cruel and terrifying thing.

Having spent eleven years of peace in this world, I never imagined that I would come into contact with real monsters in such a way.

After being silent for a while, he said slowly: “If I cooperate with you in the past six months and help you hatch the child you want, then… at the very least, you can save my parents’ lives. ? They are already old, and even if you don’t kill them, they won’t live long. Kill me, let the white-haired people send the black-haired people, they are more painful, and it will make you feel better than simply killing them.”

The parents who cared about him after crossing over were a concern that Kong Ning couldn’t let go of.

Now he knows that he has no way out, and can only beg the monster in front of him to let the two old men go.

However, Kong Ning’s request made the woman slightly startled.

The smile on his face disappeared.

“Your parents?” Su Yan frowned at the man in front of her and said, “You asked me to let your parents go?”

A hint of surprise flashed in the woman’s eyes.

Isn’t her husband an orphan…

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