I’m a Courteous and Honorable Man, Not a Devil: Three, famous schools

  After half an hour.

   The incense burner crane mouth no longer emits mist. The thunder and thunder in the concussive chamber gradually stopped.

  Ni Kun slowly received the power, pressed his hand to his mouth, tacitly calculated, and nodded with satisfaction.

   “Yes, my heartbeat has dropped from fifteen times per minute to twelve times. Energy and physical strength are more full…”

   Next, he took a deep breath.


  With his deep breath, Gale was set off in the secret room. The wind rose from all directions, and into the mouth of Ni Kun in the whistling wind.

   Breathe in!

  When the air inhaled into the lungs was compressed to the limit, Ni Kun opened his mouth and vomited again.


   A stream of air, an arrow usually shot out of his mouth, until four feet away, hitting on a brass vase, and with a snorting, the brass vase was thrust into a circle of little finger thickness Shaped holes!

   exhale into a sword!

   “Before you can exhale three feet to break the iron armor; now you can exhale four feet to break the copper bottle… The centenary miracle fruit has a magical effect, at least save me half a year of hard work!”

  Ni Kun smiled with satisfaction, and was about to try something else. Outside the door of the secret room, a low and old male voice suddenly came: “Master, Master?”

   “Liang Butler?” Ni Kun frowned slightly, “What is calling me?”

  The low, old male voice outside the door replied: “The old man called you home.”

   “Got it.”

  Ni Kun put a few precious medicinal herbs in a large copper-cast cabinet and locked it. Then he came out of the secret room, and was waiting outside the door. His white hair was pale, but his waist bar was straight, tall, and burly. The old Liu butler speaks.

   “My father called me back now, but what’s the point?”

   “I don’t know.” Liu Guanjia respectfully said: “The old man just asked the young master to go home to see him.”

  Ni Kun nodded without asking much, and left the Tianxiang Building with Liu Guanjia, took his own carriage, and headed out of the city. Although the Ni family had a house in the county, Master Ni did not like the noise in the city. , So lived in the manor outside the city all year round.

   Since Ni Kun opened the Tianxiang Tower, he lived in the Tianxiang Tower for a long time, but he rarely went to live outside the city.

In the sound of the wheels, Ni Kun sat in the car with his eyes closed, without saying a word, secretly trying to figure out the second layer of the unknown exercise, the tricks that come with the visceral thunder sounds, and he continued to practice and enhance in his mind. Understanding of this style of boxing.

   Speaking of this, although the boxing method that comes with the unnamed exercise method is a bit ridiculous, the difficulty of practicing is really staggering.

   Like the first boxing method that comes with the first heavy exercise method, the name is actually called “Black Tiger Takes Heart”.

   is such a trick that sounds like a “dragon set”. It took Ni Kun a whole year to truly be a master-you know, he practiced other martial arts. . Even if the martial arts of someone else’s family are used in front of him, he can learn it at a glance, easily practice to the point of success, and even innovate and play tricks.

   But what his pair of “eyes” brought was a martial art talent that turned against the sky, and it was not so good in front of the unnamed kung fu.

  The first “black tiger takes heart”, it only took one year to complete.

   The second heavy “Thunder in the Palm” is even more fist-proof, and it takes three years of hard work before it can start to get started.

  Cultivation is so difficult, it makes Ni Kun suspect that his nameless exercise is a kind of “high martial arts” or even “super martial arts” martial arts. It can be invincible, but it can cultivate longevity. He is still reserved.

   was concentrating on “Thunder in the Palm” while the carriage suddenly stopped. At the same time, a wailing noise mixed with crying wailing came into Ni Kun’s ears.

  Ni Kun opened his eyes, disgruntled: “What’s going on?”

  The coachman outside replied: “Master, there are many people in front to block the road.”

  Ni Kun sneered: “Is someone coming to trouble this young master again?”

   “That’s not true. It seems that there is a woman who is sitting on the ground crying, many people are watching and talking, blocking the road. Master is not in a hurry, the younger will disperse them…”

  Ni Kun said lightly: “Wait.”

   said, he lifted the curtains of his car, looked down from the top, and saw that there was indeed a muddy, bruised young woman sitting on the ground and weeping.

  Many passers-by gathered around the woman, pointing and talking, and sighed with emotion, and they all looked somewhat sympathetic.

  After seeing the situation outside, Ni Kun slightly groaned and commanded: “Liu Guanjia, ask the situation in the past.”

   “Master, wait a moment.” Liu Guan, who was sitting next to the driver, jumped vigorously off the carriage and entered the crowd.

  Ni Kun put down the curtains and continued to close his eyes and recuperate.

   Soon after, Liu Guanjia returned to the car, opened the curtain, walked into the carriage, and reported to Ni Kun:

   “Master, the woman who is crying on the road is a widow named Qin. After her husband died, she planted the land during the day and spun at night, diligently dedicated to raising her in-laws and raising young children. Fangxiang reputation.

   “Only today, her only son, who was only four years old, suddenly disappeared while playing outside the house. Some neighbors said that they saw a beggar passing by her house. The time was calculated when the beggar crossed the road. Later, her only child disappeared.

  ”So Widow Qin went to the beggars gathering place in the city, and unexpectedly not only did not find his son, but was beaten by the beggars. Qin Widow went to the county government to sue the official, but the government did not accept… The widow had no hope, this Sitting on the road and crying, attracted everyone to watch.”

  Ni Kun frowned, “Are the beggars abducting the widow’s only son?”

  Butler Liu said: “Everything is nine or nine.” After a pause, he said: “The beggar who kidnapped may be a disciple of the beggar.”

   “Huh?” Ni Kun raised his eyebrows slightly: “Beggar Gang?”

  He debuted for three years. Although he never walked far, he only walked in Changle and Qinghe in the neighboring county, but he still heard the name of the gang.

   He probably knew that the beggar gang was one of the five martial arts in the Song dynasty. In terms of numbers, the beggar gang was the largest gang in the Song dynasty.


   “We Changle County, don’t we have no gangs to divide the rudder?”

  Liu Guanjia said: “Changle County used to be the site of the “Shen Quan Men”. Mr. Cao, the master of the Shen Quan Men, was a great master who had been famous for decades. In Changle County, one acre of three-point land, no outside forces are allowed to intervene, so that the water in Changle’s land can not be splashed. Therefore, in Changle County, there was really no gang to divide the rudder.

  ”But five years ago, when Mr. Cao went out to visit friends, Mo Ming disappeared, no one was born, and no dead body. The sons of Mr. Cao’s sons were no longer useful. So he took advantage of it and opened the branch rudder in Changle last month. Although the beggar branch was opened for only a month, not many cases were committed in this county, but the beggar acted…”

  The butler Liu shook his head and outlined the behavior of the beggars.

  What kind of forced begging, business protection fee, etc. can still be regarded as normal operation. The cruel acts of abducting and selling women and children, and even “harvesting and cutting” are inconceivable in Ni Kun’s ears.

  Ni Kun was very surprised at the moment: “The beggars are also well-known factions, anyway if they are not chivalrous, how can they be so pickled?”

  Liu Guanjia smiled bitterly: “Master, this is a big school, it is not the same as a good school. The big school is not necessarily a decent school, and the decent school is not necessarily a big school. Although the gang is big , But it is notorious for hiding dirt and dirt. Young Master, who do you want to be a beggar, good children?”

  Ni Kunlue pondered for a while, and felt that Liu Guanjia made sense. The famous “big” school and the famous “positive” school are indeed two very different concepts, and they should not be confused.

   asked at the moment: “Does the beggars act like this, is there no one to control?”

  Liu Guanjia said: “The beggars have done a lot of bad things. There is indeed a chivalrous popularity, but come forward to manage the affairs. If the chivalrous people are powerful and well-known, the beggars can’t deal with them clearly, so they declare those evil. The matter is just to help a small group of scum, and sometimes even claim that the other party is a beggar disciple disguised as a human trafficker, in order to shirk responsibility. If the heroes are not well-known, then rebuke the other person’s blood and smear people, and defame the reputation of the beggar, and then Killed on the spot…”

  Ni Kun coldly hummed: “How can you be so lawless as a beggar gang? Is there any reason? Is there a royal rule? Does the government care?”

  Liu Guanjia’s mouth twitched slightly: “Master, in the past three years, it’s not other than that. It’s just that you are under the general public, and there are ten or twenty people killed on the street. Has the government managed you? The law is just for the weak and incompetent. The strong and powerful-the family’s gatekeepers, high-ranking officials, the gentry and the powerful, the powerful warriors… How can Wang Fa be added?”

  Ni Kunsu Rong said: “I must emphasize one point: the people I killed were all the way to death, and even the dead, and never killed one person. The government should not control me, on the contrary, the government should also Send me a plaque for “Exclude the Anliang”.”

  Liu Guanjia laughed twice: “Master said yes.”

  Ni Kun said again: “Senior boxer Cao Cao is not here~IndoMTL.com~ Isn’t Changle County having my Ni Kun again? The beggars dare to come to Changle to open the rudder, haven’t I heard of my Ni Kun’s name?”

  The housekeeper Liu was embarrassed and said: “Master’s name, the beggar must have heard of it. It’s just…they probably, maybe, didn’t take you seriously. After all, you are too young to run The time to make a name is too short, and the gang is a big faction…”

  Ni Kun’s face sank: “Of course I know that the gang is a big faction. The gang master is the grand master, and there are two grand masters. There are more than ten master masters. There are more than a hundred masters innate, right? But This is not the reason why they are in Changle!”

  The butler Liu carefully asked, “Master, do you plan?”

  Ni Kun snorted, flicked his nails, and made a crisp gold iron clang.

   “Do you know where the beggar is divided?”

   Liu Guanjia hesitated a little, but nodded: “I know.”

  Ni Kun said: “Take me.”

  The butler Liu wanted to persuade, but look at Ni Kun’s murderous cold eyes, and he had to swallow the persuasion back into his stomach and turned back out of the carriage.

   Then he heard the driver pulling a whip and shouting: “Master Ni’s aisle, don’t you make way quickly?”

   Hearing the driver’s drink, he was crowded by the crowd in front, and he calmed down quietly, retreated to the sides of the avenue, bowed to the carriage, and said in unison: “Have seen Ni Gongzi!”

   “Major Ni family? Is it…”

   The widow of Qin who was crying sitting on the road, covered with a shock, swooped in front of the carriage, and said to the car with a trembling voice: “Major Ni, but… the jade face is a star, a hot judge, anxious and good Yi, Houde carrying things, copying the county magistrate, annihilating Ni Kun’s Ni Kun Ni Gongzi?”

  【Seeking a ticket~】

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