I’m a Courteous and Honorable Man, Not a Devil: Second, I, traverser, peerless genius

   birthday feast is still going on, the guests are strategizing and having a feast.

   But Ni Kun himself had already left the banquet hall and came to a secret room in Tianxiang Building.

  Tianxianglou is Ni Kun’s industry.

   opened less than a year ago, with warm and thoughtful service and endless fresh dishes, it has become the leading famous restaurant in Changle County.

   Many foreign merchants, when passing through Changle County, will come to Tianxianglou in order to taste fresh dishes such as Soul Rice, Spicy Crayfish, Secret Mandarin Duck Pot… and so on.

  Changle County’s local gentry is not to mention.

  Single is to please Ni Kun, but whenever there is a banquet to be arranged, even if the price of Tianxianglou is expensive, gentry and powerful people will also choose to hold a banquet in Tianxianglou.

   In fact, the powerful people know that Ni Kun may not remember who has eaten at his restaurant.

  In case…he remembers the tyranny who has not been to his restaurant for consumption?

   In Changle County, the three-acre land, the county magistrate’s face may not be given, but Ni Kun Ni Dashao’s face must be given.

   is its own industry. Of course, there will be a secret room belonging to Ni Kun in Tianxiang Building.

   At this moment, Ni Kun was in the secret room, looking at the various secrets of martial arts specially presented by the guests who came to congratulate him.

   “Deceptive Eagle Claw Skills, Shura Hundred Swords, Hundred Steps Fist, Swords of Wind, Sword of Clouds…”

   hastily looked around, Ni Kun took a thick stack of secrets, and threw them on the Baiyu case, disappointed to himself:

   “The name is domineering, but unfortunately it is some second-rate martial arts… not even the first-class martial arts at the level of “Thunderbolt”, let alone the cultivation of immortal secrets…”

   What Ni Kun really expects is the legendary secret of repairing immortals.

   “It is also my own extravagance. Although Changle is a big county, but how can the local tyrants and inferior gentry in the districts and counties have the ability to get the secret method of repairing immortals? It is their intention to find some second-rate martial arts. I am, I originally did not There should be too many expectations for this.”

   smiled self-deprecatingly, Ni Kun once again picked up a second-rate martial arts secret: “Although it is only second-rate martial arts, but there are also many flashing points. It is barely worth trying to figure out one or two, take the best of it, and integrate it into my martial arts. Among…”

   He opened this “Deceptive Eagle Claw Skill”, his eyes narrowed, his eyes gathered, his pupils suddenly shimmered.

When the shimmering light in the pupil flashed, the secret picture and text in the palm suddenly moved into a translucent villain, practicing martial arts and meditating luck in front of him.

   not only has a glorious view of the tricks, but also the path through which Qi runs.

  Obviously, Ni Kun is a traverser. And these eyes, this is his passing welfare.

   One day in his previous life, he picked up a fist-sized spherical crystal on his balcony. I was surprised at how the crystal appeared on his balcony, and the spherical crystal suddenly exploded, directly exploding him to pieces.

  I don’t know how long after “death”, when he regained his consciousness again, he found himself already reborn as a human being and became a world of this side. Master Ni Jia of Changle County under the rule of Song Guo.

After the resurrection, Ni Kun found that his eyes were wise, and any articles could be borrowed, understood at a glance, and never forgotten.

   It is even more magical to see the secret of martial arts. Once the eyes are condensed, any pictures or words borrowed from the secret will be transformed into semi-clear transparent villains in front of his eyes, and the tricks and mental methods will be practiced over and over again.

   So no matter how hard or obscure the secret of martial arts is, there is no secret in his eyes. He knows all the secrets of martial arts at a glance, he can learn them at a glance, and he can master them at a time.

   Even when he is fighting with people, as long as he gathers his eyes, the other party’s movements will slow down instantly, just like the slow motion in the movie. Not only is he caught in the tricks, but even when the other party makes a move, his internal skills are true. The running path of qi will be seen by him, from the move to the mind, learn at a glance!

  His “Frightening Thunder Finger” is what he learned from Xu Chong in this way.

   And Ni Kun was blown to death by the mysterious spherical crystal.

   There is also a “Nameless Kung Fu”, which comes to his mind automatically when his eyes first appear divine.

   This unnamed exercise is quite different from the martial arts in this world.

   The concept of martial arts in this world is to practice internal skills first and then learn the moves. The internal skill has achieved little success. After laying the foundation, practice the moves. It is said that the foundation is firm and the result is more effective.

  Nikun’s unnamed exercises, according to the general outline, are divided into nine levels. Only after each level of realm has been cultivated, can the next level of realm be unlocked.

   So what Ni Kun just started to get, there is only the first weight method: Yijin forging bones.

  When he saw the name “Easy to forge bones”, Ni Kun once suspected that this nameless exercise is the Jiuyin Zhenjing?

   However, it is not.

  The first weight-forging exercise is not only lacking any internal strength, but also simple to practice, only one stroke.

   This boxing technique has nine types of routines. When practicing, the nine-style routine is repeated, supplemented by tiger bones, ginseng and other precious medicinal materials, and the medicinal drinks and medicated baths took a year to complete.

After training, Ni Kun’s appearance has not changed, and he is still a gentle and gentle little boy.

   But he is completely different inside.

  Although there is no trace of vitality in his meridians, but his body and bones are tough and steely, he can open the stone with a single blow. When holding five fingers, you can hold iron like mud and wear gold jade! Even a mouthful of teeth can chew steel, such as sugar cane.

   only cultivated the first heavy exercise method, and it was so sharp that Ni Kun’s interest in this unknown exercise method increased greatly, and he can’t wait to start practicing the first heavy exercise method. After the practice is completed, it automatically unlocks the second heavy exercise method: Zang Fu Lei Yin Pian.

   viscera thunder sound is pure sitting breathing.

   But this sitting breathing method is completely different from the meditation practice of martial arts in this world.

   This world is martial arts, meditating and practicing Qi, practicing the true spirit of the family.

   And Ni Kun’s second-practice “Zangfu Thunder Sound” sitting breathing method is to induce visceral resonance through a strange breathing rhythm. Through this magical resonance, the five internal organs are strengthened.

   also needs more precious medicinal herbs.

  It is necessary to crush various valuable and even valuable gold medicinal materials into medicinal powder to make “medicinal incense”. Light up the incense when practicing, inhale the medicinal gas, and use the medicinal gas to help you practice.

  The first heavy exercise method is used a lot every day. The medicine drinks and soups made of tiger bones and old ginseng are already burned. The second heavy exercise method burns money, which is better than the first. The one-practice method is ten times more. Not ordinary civilians at all, even the wealthy family can afford it.

   Fortunately, Ni Kun’s life is still rich.

   Plus the extra money he got by “preserving justice”, as well as the account after the opening of Tianxiang Tower, the annual worship of local tyrants and gentry, the requirements for medicinal materials can still be barely met.

  However, the second level of this “nameless exercise” is more difficult to practice than the first level of exercise, it is ten times more difficult?

   The first practice method took only a year from the first cultivation to complete cultivation.

In the past three years, he has been practicing the second practice method, but so far it has only achieved a small amount.

   The one-shot technique that comes with the second heavy exercise method is just an entry.

  But even so, his five internal organs and six internal organs have become more powerful than he has imagined in the past three years, without any slack and persevering “organic organ thunder”.

   Heart beats only fifteen times per minute to satisfy his daily life.

  Take a deep breath and spit out suddenly, within three feet, you can penetrate the armor.

   The stomach and intestines can be easily digested even with the hard beef and tiger bones. You can even drink arsenic as sugar water!

  Not only is Ni Kun, who is unbelievably powerful, and has never practiced internal power mentality, but also self-energized, and he has cultivated a pure and strong inner qi from the outside.

   can be suffocated into a gang, and a one-foot protective gas wall is placed.

   can easily point a finger, point out the space finger strength, within three feet, wear gold crack stone.

   The second heavy exercise method is only a small success. The second stroke method is a good entry, but Ni Kun’s strength has been able to easily kill the so-called martial arts master.

  Xu Chong and Xu Feng brothers, who are invincible martial art masters, in front of him, are just ants that can be crushed to death.

   hasn’t even encountered it until now. Legend has it that the great grandmaster, even the mighty formation and the strong armored crossbow can come and go “the Grand Master”, Ni Kun feels like that, it may not be able to stop Live him three strokes and two methods.

   But he is still unsatisfied-this set of unknown exercises is very powerful, but it seems to have nothing to do with Xiuxian. This has reached the second level, there is no magic!

  In the past life, I read the novels of Xiuxian. Even the entry-level rooster, how much can rub a fireball, skim the wind and the like, how can he be like the one who has reached the second level of practice, but is still practicing Boxing?

   Although there is no shortage of long-range attacks, there is no one with special effects of light and shadow, all of which are invisible and true invisible to the naked eye.

   So even if the force value is even higher, he is a bit guilty in his heart: in case this nameless exercise is just a high-level martial arts, only fighting and killing, but not longevity, is it not a big pit? ?

   said that as a traversal who died once and unknowingly and unknowingly fell for a long time in a chaotic darkness, Ni Kun’s life was desperate for longevity.

   Therefore, he desperately craves the secret method of cultivation. At least, compare it with your unnamed exercises to see if your unnamed exercises have longevity.

   has always been in demand.

Under desperation, he had to learn from the strengths of the various families and continue to deepen his martial arts background, strengthen his already powerful and incredible force, and prepare for the future travel around the world to find the immortal and visit the road.

   At this moment, Ni Kun quickly glanced at the secrets of martial arts presented by the gentry and powerful men with his eyes and eyes, and after a little pondering, he abandoned his dross, took his elite, and merged into his own martial arts~IndoMTL.com ~ Putting down the secret loan, he began to look at other gifts from the powerful.


   Suddenly, a strange fragrance fragrantly penetrated into his nose.

   Smell the strange fragrance that made him feel comfortable, Ni Kun couldn’t help but find a jade box after the fragrance, picked it up, lifted the lid, a honey pearl, and suddenly jumped into the eyes .

   “This seems to be…” Ni Kun was a little surprised: “Centennial Pills? Good stuff!”

   Mirage is a kind of shellfish in this world. It is not rare in rivers and lakes.

   But in legend, the old mirage with a hundred years of teeth will gradually produce all kinds of monsters, with the ability to perform illusions and confuse people. And a hundred-year-old mirage, can also conceive a mirage beads, for the martial arts practitioners, has the effect of easily forging bones, washing bone marrow and exchanging blood, widening the meridians, purifying internal force.

   For centuries of mirage, Ni Kun has only seen it in the classics. It is only for understanding. It is not certain whether the legend is true.

   But only from his feeling after smelling the fragrance of mirage beads, at least these centenary mirage beads are of great benefit to his internal organs.

   “Which hero is so generous? Actually dedicate this thing to me. It is intentional. It just happens to be used to practice the second power method!”

  Ni Kun held the mirage that was not the size of a marble, nodded in satisfaction, and put the bead into a crane-shaped incense burner, igniting the lower charcoal fire, and began to heat the mirage.

  A moment later, a plume of honey-colored mist exuding the fragrance of honey flew out of the mouth of the incense burner.

  Ni Kun sat cross-legged in front of the furnace, took a deep breath, and inhaled the mist into his nose, then the throat moved, throbbed his lungs, and there was gradually the sound of thunder in the chest and abdomen, if the summer rolls The dull thunder across the sky is general, in the secret room, rolling back and forth…

  【Seeking recommendation ticket~】

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