I Was Born In The Underworld Chapter 71: Wu Ze

Zhang Ximing. {щww{suimеng][com}

A defense type evolutionary?

And it also has the ability of [Spiked Shell].

Gu Fan thought in his mind that although this person is unreliable, he is suitable for use now.

“Zhang Ximing, right?”

“Your abilities are a little special, and some alienation has occurred, but this is normal for an evolutionary.”

Gu Fan took two steps ahead and looked down at Zhang Ximing from a height. Apart from the coldness in his eyes, there was also a hint of warning.


“Don’t forget your previous promise, if you dare to have any betrayal…”

When Gu Fan said this, his wrist suddenly shook.

A black afterimage flung out from the cuff, drawing a sharp arc, easily cutting the carapace on Zhang Ximing’s arm.


The dark and sharp short knife pierced the cabinet behind Zhang Ximing, and the handle of the knife kept trembling and making noises, telling Gu Fan’s strength of the knife.

Traces of blood flowed down Zhang Ximing’s arm. It was obvious that the black and sharp long and narrow knife had scratched his arm just now. Even with a spiked shell, it was useless! !

This is Gu Fan’s warning.

Even if you have [Spiked Shell] armor, it’s easy for me to break through the shell.

Zhang Ximing quickly knelt down again.

Gu Fan’s blow just now made him feel the danger completely, the dagger whizzed past before he had time to react, and he was already injured when he came back to his senses.

If Gu Fan aimed at the throat and eyebrows, Zhang Ximing would have died just now.

Gu Fan gave Le Zhiqi a look, “This knife is for you, it can easily cut through the armor of monsters.”

Le Zhiqi’s eyes brightened.

Since Gu Fan threw out the dagger just now, she has been focusing on the dagger.

It is obviously not an ordinary dagger or short knife, but it was polished and made by Gu Fan himself last night. It is the arm knife that grew out of the hunter’s elbow! !

Arm knife.

The Hunter is a second-order life-form monster.

Its ability far exceeds that of ordinary night demons. Even Gu Fan narrowly won in the front line of life and death, and was almost cut off by the hunter’s arm knife.

The power of this arm knife can be imagined! !

It was as easy as pie to cut open the outer layer of Zhang Ximing’s body.

Le Zhiqi drew out this black and sharp short knife.

She played with it in her hand, and spun out a knife flower, and the sound of piercing the sky was continuously produced after the afterimage passed by.

The material of this dagger seems to be metal, but it is a substance that grows and secretes from the monster’s body. Ordinary metal is cut in half like tofu.

Le Zhiqi couldn’t put it down. With this dagger, her combat effectiveness would definitely be improved to another level.

As she passed by Zhang Ximing, she gave Zhang Ximing a fierce look and raised the new weapon in her hand, as if it was also a warning.

Actually, this is what Gu Fan did on purpose.

Gu Fan is naturally scary, and he can easily get rid of Zhang Ximing.

But now not only Gu Fan, but even Le Zhiqi can easily cut through Zhang Ximing’s armor shell with this dagger. In this case, he must be more honest.


Gu Fan has suppressed Zhang Ximing’s status to the lowest level.

“I dare not have any betrayal.”

“Boss Gu Fan, you are my reinvented parents!!”

Zhang Ximing buried his head deeply on the floor, not daring to have any other small thoughts.

Gu Fan nodded secretly.

At least for a short time, this guy should be very quiet.

2 younger brothers.

One of them also has the ability of [Spiked Shell].

In this way, even if Gu Fan is seriously injured, he can complete the hunt without using much strength.

Gu Fan was scheming in his mind.

However, at this moment, the sound of a wheelchair was heard not far away, and the last patient in the crowd barely pushed the wheelchair out of the crowd.

“I…I also want to join…”

The man pushing the wheelchair was weak, but Gu Fan’s eyes lit up when he saw this man.

Look carefully.

The man was lying in a wheelchair and could barely move. Half of his head was bandaged, and his left eye was completely blind.

He was trembling, and with all his strength, he bent down and picked up the scalpel on the ground.

This is Gu Fan’s test.

Just now Zhang Ximing used it to kill his companion, and this person is even more ruthless! !

Poof! !

He took a scalpel and stabbed it into his thigh fiercely, and the blood burst out.

Ruthless man!

Zhang Ximing is ruthless to others, but this man is even more ruthless to himself.

He didn’t make a sound when the knife went down, but his face was distorted a little because of the pain.

If it weren’t for the fact that the consciousness is comparable to steel, I am afraid that ordinary people would never be able to achieve this level. He is a ruthless character.

“So, are you qualified?”

The man pulled out the scalpel and asked, panting.


It’s really interesting.

Gu Fan looked at him with great interest and asked, “What’s your name, and how did you get hurt?”

“My name is Wu Ze.”

“I used to be a soldier and guarded the border area. These injuries were all left in a border conflict.”

“Two legs were knocked out.”

“One eye was also blinded.”

After listening to Wu Ze’s words, Gu Fan’s eyes lit up even more.

It turns out that he was once a glorious border guard.

The living conditions of the soldiers defending the country are difficult, and the tasks they perform every day face many dangers, and there may even be sudden attacks by many rioters.

There are many little-known battles and conflicts in the border areas of China, but people who live happily in the interior will never know how much blood has been shed on the frontier.

Wu Ze is one of them.

A year ago, he almost died in a special mission.

Two legs were pierced by bullets, one eye was torn apart by the grazed bullet, and he was shot several times.

Dozens of surgeries, big and small, Wu Ze was out of danger after a few months, and miraculously survived.

Half a year later, Wu Ze made a request to return to his hometown, which was approved by his superiors.

Two months ago, Wu Ze was admitted to this hospital with the best conditions. Due to his sacrifice and outstanding contribution to the country, his family also received a considerable comfort fee and compensation.


Wu Ze, who became a disabled person, appeared in front of Gu Fan.

He longed deeply, if this evolution is really so miraculous, maybe he can get rid of this **** wheelchair!


“The soldiers guarding the border are worthy of respect, and I am willing to give you such a chance.”


I didn’t expect this word to come out of Gu Fan’s mouth.

Some people in this world are worthy of respect, and Wu Ze in front of him is one of them.

No need to say much.

The scars on a soldier’s body are the best military medals! !

Gu Fan took out 5 seeds of the abyss and prepared to use them for the opponent.

But he thought for a while, and then put his hand back. Wu Ze’s eyes dimmed a bit when he saw this scene.

Wu Ze laughed at himself and said, “A waste like me~IndoMTL.com~ is always unworthy?”


He’s such a **** with a broken leg.

A **** with one eye still missing, and old wounds all over his body.

What if such a person evolves? ?

Gu Fan shook his head, “You misunderstood.”

“The willpower of soldiers is usually much stronger than that of normal people.”

“In addition, you have experienced life and death, and you have survived so much suffering, and your will is already as hard as iron.”

Gu Fan was thinking about it, and a mysterious smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

“Do you want to take a risk and try a more dangerous way of evolution?”


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