I Was Born In The Underworld Chapter 624: New World

New World!!

The soil under Gu Fan’s feet was soft and exuded a rotten smell, and half of the soles of his shoes had already sunk into it.

The gray sky is shrouded in an ominous layer, and only occasionally a few rays of sunlight shine on the ground through the haze, making it even more dilapidated.

Everything is so real, completely indistinguishable from the real world, or in other words, this is a real world, a real world independent of the “real”.

Whoo! !

An arrow shot past Gu Fan’s cheek.

Then followed by the second branch, the third branch, the fourth branch…

The rain of arrows pierced through the air, at first there were only a few arrows, but gradually it turned into a howling storm.

Boom! ! !

Thirty meters above Gu Fan’s head, a huge rock burning with flames roared, drawing a cruel parabola, and slammed into the direction of the arrow rain.

Puff, puff, puff.

Flesh and flesh exploded, gunpowder smoke billowed, and hundreds of lives were smashed into meat paste amidst the frantic shouts of killing.

The sound of killing like a mountain roar and a tsunami came, and when I turned around, I found tens of thousands of monsters charging thousands of kilometers away.

The monsters have different shapes, there are ten-meter-high giants holding giant maces, giants with huge one-eyed eyes, and ferocious giant wolves with a length of more than 5 meters and silver hairs, and some of them are more than two meters tall and strong. The muscular green-skinned orc grinned ferociously, and the protruding fangs of the lower jaw were more than ten centimeters long exposed to the air.

Cyclops, giant wolf, orc? ?

The standard configuration of the medieval warhammer in another world, it is not afraid of death to launch a crazy charge, even letting the boulder smash the body into a pulp, and the pain caused by the sharp arrow hitting the eye socket makes them howl heart-piercingly , but in the next second, he broke the arrow and roared and continued to charge.

Look the other way.

It was a huge castle full of medieval European style. The city wall was more than 30 meters long, and the bricks and tiles had turned black after years of erosion.

The special structure of the city wall is equipped with giant crossbow bolts made by dwarves. The arrowheads made of fine steel have very sharp tips, and the smooth curve extends out to ten centimeters of barbs. Finally, they are installed on crossbow bolts more than one meter long. Two strong men pulled the strong bowstrings, and the power of the shots could directly penetrate a giant wolf.

Not just a crossbow.

There are also many castle guard nodes installed with catapults. A rock twice the size of a watermelon is splashed with a layer of boiling oil. After being ignited, the rope is cut off and projected. If it hits those creatures, it will directly kill Its crushed, cracked stones and flames will also ignite the surrounding companions one after another.

Through the uneven gaps on the city wall, you can still see flashing figures. Some of them are extremely handsome, and their pointed ears are the characteristics that distinguish them from humans. They are the ones living in the forest. Noble race – elves.

Elf? ?

In the medieval warhammer world, the elves, who are best at fighting with bows and arrows, have a long lifespan and abundant magic power, are helping humans defend cities…

Western Fantasy World.

Gu Fan did not expect that when he drilled into the giant black hole, he would come to a different world full of western fantasy.

And he is in the midst of a great battle, the two sides of different camps are engaged in a life-and-death battle, and the hot blood is sprinkled all over the land.

Whoo! !

The sound of bow and arrow piercing the air sounded in Gu Fan’s ears again.

Arrows flowed all over the sky, and several of them were shot at Gu Fan’s body, apparently also regarded him as one of the “enemies”.

Gu Fan dodged the arrows with a flash, and at the same time he grabbed the palm forward, and the giant crossbow on the city wall shot a huge arrow thicker than his arm, which was intercepted by him from the front, and the sound of piercing the sky suddenly broke out. And then, the inertial penetration caused the suddenly stopped wooden pole to break from the middle, and finally the huge and sharp stainless steel arrow stopped less than 1 cm in front of Gu Fan, which looked very thrilling.


“My speed and strength have not changed, and the physical strength is still there.”

“In the weird world of medieval warhammers, the power of the [God Gold] level has not been erased through special rules. Perhaps it is due to insufficient power, or it may be the reason why the killing intent enveloped itself.”

Gu Fan was thinking in his heart, judging the reason why his physical strength was still there.

More than that, from this we can see that entering this world is not just as simple as “consciousness”, it is not the trick of the “corridor of bitter illusion” that pulls consciousness into the illusion mirror, everything is real! !

The implications are enormous.

Illusion has become reality, what a terrifying concept? ?

Thinking for a moment, the battle has entered a fierce stage.

Many orc monsters have already approached the city wall at the cost of death and serious injury, only a few tens of meters away from Gu Fan’s position.

A Cyclops roared wildly, the one-eyed eye that occupied two-thirds of its head was shining brightly, and the energy was converging towards the central pupil.

Boom boom boom boom! !

The energy converged to the midpoint and turned into a beam of laser blasting towards the towering city wall more than 30 meters high.

The filthy light shattered part of it amidst the roar, and the falling stones rolled down amidst the roar, and the giant crossbow at the top was also smashed down with the collapse of the city wall, and many humans who were shooting with bows and arrows were dying in agony. It was smashed into a meat paste amidst the cry.

A large number of monsters dressed in beast fur roared excitedly, and a humanoid creature with blue-green skin jumped out.

Their limbs are extremely strong~IndoMTL.com~There is a row of rough and messy javelins behind them, and one is held in the palm of the hand, the soles of the feet are slammed on the ground, and the whole body is tilted at an angle, like an Olympic javelin thrower Actions.

Swish Swish Swish Swish! !

Hundreds of javelins were thrown out, drawing a perfect parabola, and shot fiercely at the archers on the city wall. It fell from the top of the city wall like dumplings and fell to the ground.

What a strong arm! !

Standing on the city wall and shooting arrows down, it will be easier because of the gravity of the earth, and the shooting range will become longer, while the force required to project a javelin from the bottom up will be several times stronger. See how powerful those humanoid monsters are.


A term popped up in Gu Fan’s mind. Those blue-green skinned humanoid monsters are not the troll creatures that often appear in medieval warhammers. They are good at fighting in the jungle and use rough javelins as weapons.

The battle continues to escalate.

Gu Fan saw a row of old men wearing gray robes and holding long sticks on the top of the human city wall. A burst of singing made the gems on the top of the long sticks in their hands gradually brighten.

The misty and ominous sky is outlined with a giant magic circle.

Blizzard ice cones fell crazily from the giant magic circle, and many washbasin-sized hailstones smashed the heads of the orcs. It was the power of “magic” mastered by human knowledge.



Standing in the middle of the two lineups, Gu Fan couldn’t help but click his tongue.

The memory before the end of the world is still very clear. Isn’t everything in front of you the same picture that often appears in the game? ?


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