I Was Born In The Underworld Chapter 619: Hong Yi made another appearance!

Zizi Zizi.

The lightning arcs shone with dazzling light, forming a grid to cover the passage, densely packed one after another, pulling and attracting each other to become electric knives.

The mortal flesh will break when it comes into contact with the light arc, and the strong current will burn the flesh into coke, which will peel off layer by layer along countless grids, and finally turn into dust and ashes.

Boom! !

Fog No. 07 exploded into dust, passing through the gaps between the electro-optic particles.

Gu Fan is more simple and violent. A layer of blood-red robe wraps him into a slender human cocoon. Needless to say, the defensive power of the blood prison spider silk, even a cutting water knife that can cut diamonds. It cannot be cut.


This layer of defense is only useful to ordinary hunters. If they reach the “sage” level, most of them will use their power to survive safely like the Eight Immortals crossing the sea.

All in all.

The sanctuary’s defenses are ridiculously lax.

Buzz buzz buzz buzz.

The last defense of the tunnel soon appeared in front of him. It was a flesh and blood blender, with sharp blades almost as hard as titanium alloy intertwined, chewing like the sharp teeth of a giant beast.

Any creature that touches it will be turned into a pulp, and there are even shreds of meat mixed with each sharp blade, making the sound terrifying and terrifying.

“That’s all.”

Gu Fan emerged from the cocoon formed from the blood prison spider silk, and punched the flesh and blood blender with his fist.

Boom boom boom boom! !

Just the wind of the fist smashed the entire huge machine, the wheels twisted and sunk irregularly, and finally broke away from the passage with a loud bang, hitting the ground made of steel.

Boom! !

A loud bang sounded, and Gu Fan’s figure fell steadily, trampling the broken machine into rotten iron, like a **** descending.

Fog is even more convenient. She has no substantial body to reshape her figure, and stands behind Gu Fan lightly on her tiptoes, but only half of the blurred figure is condensed. When the wind blows, it turns into dust and disappears, surrounding the surroundings The environment spreads away.

Look around.

The surrounding scenery is completely different from the “weird” maze in the sanctuary just now.

This place is filled with the vision of the future of electronic technology, as if it is another underground base of the Iron and Steel Machinery City. The silver-white passageway unfolds in an elliptical ring without any edge or corner, and there is no trace of welding.

The two sides of the elliptical channel are not metal, but a special kind of strengthened glass, which is filled with a miserable green viscous liquid, and countless electromagnetic tubes are connected deeply, stabbing some kind of organ…

Is that, the brain? ?

In the miserable green viscous liquid, large pieces of brains are piled up.

They are like creatures floating in the deep sea, their brains are floating in thick liquid, and those pipes release some hormones from time to time, stimulating the deep consciousness of the brain.

“A brain in a vat.”

Gu Fan thought of the name again.

The group of refugees just now… have their brains trapped in dead corpses. They are like a kind of inferior “brain in a corpse”, and they can only worship and believe blindly.

But these brains floating in thick matter are different.

They are more active, fresher, and their consciousness is naturally stronger. After being strengthened by hormones, even more terrifying changes have taken place.

Zizi Zizi.

At this time, a lightning arc flashed.

One of the brains lost a little vitality, and the electronic pipeline pierced into the brain input an appropriate amount of current to reactivate the brain, and the hormones were strengthened again to carry out the last wave of sprint.


The brain seemed to be able to breathe. There were a lot of bubbles in the liquid, and the blood vessels in the brain swelled. The unknown liquid flowed wildly, like an overloaded heart, which might burst at any time.

What is this for? ?

Extremely inhuman horror scenes filled the field of vision.

The green viscous liquid world in the glass outside the corridor is like an ocean amusement park, except that what floats are no longer dolphins and sharks, or those precious fishes that cannot be named, but one after another. Various stimuli of the human brain.

Gu Fan was observing, when a man’s voice suddenly sounded in the passage.

“Hello, Lord Reaper.”

“It’s a great honor to see you again…I didn’t expect you to become stronger, it’s amazing.”

The monitors are all over every corner, observing in all directions without dead ends, and the man’s voice probably came from a certain monitoring room, right?

However, this voice is very familiar.

Gu Fan’s impression is very clear, after all, there are not many people who can escape twice in his hands.

“Hongyi, is it you?” Gu Fan’s eyes flashed with murderous intent, and he said with a light smile, “You didn’t run away this time.”

Hongyi! !

That perverted murderer.

He is an absolute genius. In order to satisfy his desire to kill, he became a doctor who enjoys the pain of his patients. After the end of the world, he even became a skinner, and frantically merged “human” and “alien” together .

Xu Manman’s mother died under Hongyi’s perverted experiment.

Although the Chimera Project was completed after improvements by Dr. Wei Xianjian, it is enough to see how frenzied Hongyi is, and it can also be seen that he has mastered the key technology of DNA chain transplantation.

During the two major purges, Hong Yi, a genius, sensed the smell and fled early.

Never expected that he came to Chilong base this time, resumed his old business, and might even control the sanctuary? ?

“I have nowhere to run.” Hong Yi continued with a bit of pride: “And I don’t need to run, what I have to do has been done.”


Has Hongyi completed some kind of ritual, or used technology to carry out some kind of transformation?

“Cruel and cruel God of Death~IndoMTL.com~We are one kind of people.”

“In order to gain power by any means, look at the brains around you. They are all my spiritual food. It took me a lot of effort to research a complete set of belief manufacturing systems.”

Hongyi was very honest and did not hide anything.

He directly admitted that all the brains floating in the liquid around him were tools he used, and he also completed a system of belief manufacturing.

Gu Fan narrowed his eyes slightly, and he could feel that the mind power produced by each brain was very strong, far more effective and powerful than those “brains in corpses” that worshiped the dragon totem.

“Master Reaper, I am really excited to meet you, and finally there is someone with matching power who can let me use my power.”

“Before you come to my side, I would like to grandly introduce you to the belief system… After all, the world cannot understand it, but at your level, you must be able to understand everything I do.”

Hongyi’s words revealed excitement and loneliness.

Geniuses and lunatics are both alone.

No one understands their thoughts, no one knows how many crazy ideas are hidden in their brains.

After Hongyi completed a certain transformation, it was even more difficult for ordinary people to understand his heart, but Gu Fan, who was respected as the “God of Death”, was different. He possessed supreme power and was cold-blooded and cruel. To what extent do we understand each other? ?

“Who cares about you madman?”

Gu Fan dismissed it and continued to move forward, but at this moment, a sudden change occurred, and the surrounding environment changed drastically. .



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