I Was Born In The Underworld Chapter 613: The farce is over

The Red Dragon King lost.

The process of the battle is unknown. At this time, the flaming glass-like scales of the Red Dragon King’s body were broken one after another, and it looked like it was covered with scars like “fish slaughter” peeling scales in a vegetable market.

In addition to the small wounds, there were also several cuts running through the body. The abdomen and chest were almost completely cut open, and the blood that flowed out fell on the ground and became part of the lava fluid, which was even hotter.

It’s over.

This farce ended in this way.

The ghost king fought three against one, and finally killed all three of “Qing Yu”, “Ascetic Monk” and “Red Dragon King”, and the whole process did not exceed 10 minutes.

“No…impossible…doesn’t make sense…”

At the very center of the explosion, the Red Dragon King was still muttering to himself, until now he still thinks that he is the strongest in the base and should not be defeated by those **** who invaded from outside.

He looked in the direction where Gu Fan was, with more unwillingness in his eyes, and the blood began to spurt out uncontrollably, quite a feeling of dying.

“I know.”

Gu Fan stepped on the scorching hot ground and approached the Red Dragon King.

Ordinary people may burn and melt immediately if they step on the solution, but Gu Fan walks on the ground as if walking on the ground, which is enough to see that this mysterious “ordinary person” is not ordinary at all, and is the one who hides the deepest.

“Are you afraid?”

Gu Fan came to the side of the Red Dragon King, bent down and squatted down, looking straight into his eyes: “I can see that until now you still think that you are the strongest in the base and control the entire base.”

“But in fact, you are no longer, at least the angel I met before is better than you.”

Gu Fan seems to be giving the last respect, explaining what is happening now: “The envoy, who defeated the ghost king, is the guy who is about to kill you.”

Hearing this sentence, the pupils of the Red Dragon King shrank suddenly.

What! !

God envoy defeated the ghost king before?

That level of terror exists, even if you give yourself another chance, you can’t change the ending, and the messenger who has always been regarded as a magic stick can defeat the ghost king…

“I’ve said it before.”

Gu Fan patted the Red Dragon King on the shoulder: “This base is no longer yours, but is secretly controlled by the Sanctuary. I will end all of this.”

The Red Dragon King’s expression slowly relaxed.

I don’t know why, Gu Fan’s words made him feel suddenly enlightened.

The base is changing unknowingly. On the surface, Commander Tai Lin and other politicians or generals are controlling everything. Behind the scenes, there are actually ten great saints supporting it, but there is always a big hand covering everything invisibly. .

Sanctuary! !

It appeared in the form of religion, but it didn’t do too transgressive things like the evil sect, but everything changed unconsciously, it was a subtle process.

The sanctuary brings peace of mind.

The sanctuary brings people to faith.

The sanctuary becomes a sacrosanct place.

Gradually, the core of Chilong Base also became a sanctuary.

The feeling of powerlessness in the Red Dragon King’s heart became stronger and stronger, and the sense of loss that gradually lost control of the base was not only from the challenge of the foreign invader Gu Fan, but more from the influence brought by the sanctuary.

“This base…is…no longer…depending on me…”

The Red Dragon King laughed at himself, but the blood gushing from his mouth choked his throat. He coughed a few times and said slowly, “Finally…your…strength…”

This is his last wish.

Before he died, the Red Dragon King wanted to know Gu Fan’s true ability.

After all, his subordinate, the Ghoul King, is already so powerful, but what state has Gu Fan, as the master, reached? ?


Gu Fan put a blue scale into the Dragon King’s hand.

The power of extreme cold shaped a snake scale.

In the early days of the end of the world, he obtained the first blood power by virtue of the extremely cold ice python, and now this power has grown to the level of divine gold.

Click, click, click.

Starting with the deep cold, even the flames of the Red Dragon King can’t cover up the coldness, the palm full of hot blood, mixed with molten liquid, was finally frozen by the coldness emitted by this snake scale.


This is part of the power that Gu Fan possesses.

Poof! !

At last, the Red Dragon King spat out a mouthful of hot blood, sprinkled it on the frozen palm, and made a “sizzling” sound, but it failed to melt the ice.



The Red Dragon King laughed out loud, and only at this moment did he understand what a frog at the bottom of a well is.

What are the ten great saints.

What is the safest base for human beings.

The most powerful saint in the Red Dragon Base, the Red Dragon King, couldn’t melt a small ice cube with flames.

The Red Dragon King’s life is passing by quickly, and his pupils are gradually expanding. After getting the answer, he is probably ashamed.

Gu Fan waved his hand.

The ghost king with burns all over his body climbed up, his nails cut his wrist, and a few drops of poisonous blood fell on the wound of the Red Dragon King. It didn’t take long for him to complete the transformation, turning him into a special ghoul.

“Take them and leave.”

The existence of ghouls cannot be made public. Before people reacted, the ghoul king obeyed the order, raised his head to the sky and let out a roar, and the three ghoul leaders who had completed the transformation followed him and jumped away~IndoMTL .com~ The banquet is over.

This farce is really over.

Gu Fan sighed.

This time he really became an intruder. In fact, the three Red Dragon Kings don’t have to die, but what is most needed at this time is to kill chickens and monkeys.

“Sage of Tianshui.”

“Iron Blood General.”

“You have been hiding in the dark for a long time, are you coming out to talk?”

Gu Fan looked beyond the ice wall again, where the crowd was a little inconspicuous.

A man in a suit appears.

He is very ordinary, with no features on his face. The only adjective is ordinary, the kind that people can’t find right away when he puts it in the crowd.

Iron Blood General.

At the same time, he is also one of the top ten saints, and is also the lord of the Iron and Steel Machinery City. He uses the “brain in a vat” hidden underground to control the human beings made of machines on land.

The other side.

The saints on the front line of Tianshui also appeared.

The relocation plan of Tianshui Shengren has already begun.

This proposal followed Gu Fan’s suggestion. According to what he said, the Tianshui line looks steep, and there are rivers and lakes as natural barriers, but the endless tide of corpses will fill up the entire river. The first-line bases are trampled on.

“Hello everyone, I am the Jagged General.”

The iron-blooded general’s words caused an uproar among the terrified dignitaries in Chilong Base.

Piles of mechanical soldiers also stood up, wearing more complex external mechanical skeleton armor, like a small Gundam in a movie, confirming the authenticity of his words.

“On behalf of Iron and Steel Machinery City, I fully support Lord Death’s spokesperson——Liu Xinxin.”


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