I Was Born In The Underworld Chapter 384: Punishment

“Jishihui, what is that??”

The fuzzy tentacles slaughtered ordinary people recklessly, engulfing them into their own bodies, turning them into disgusting flesh and blood. The scene was as terrifying as it could be.

Many people panicked, and most of the audience knew little about the Jishihui, but those powerful people had heard rumors about the Jishihui to some extent, and even almost became followers of the Jishihui.

“The Jishihui, isn’t that a missionary organization!!”

“Monster, that is the church of monsters. Fortunately, I was not misled by them, otherwise I would become such a monster now.”

Some of the characters who escaped from the VIP room were grateful that they did not rashly join that evil sect. High-level executives, or other occupations, can be taken care of in the Jishihui, and everyone will help each other.

But now it seems that the evil sect of the Jishihui does not create a so-called new world as they describe, but turns all members into monsters.


“President, don’t, don’t!!”

The members of the Jishihui in the Colosseum, being pulled by Shen Yan, had a certain substance in their bodies split open to reveal their essence, and turned into large fluffy and wriggling flesh and blood, gathering in the direction of President Shen Yan from all directions.

Ten meters.

Twenty meters.

Fifty meters.

The monster in the center of the Colosseum is getting bigger and bigger. The countless tentacles are like a king thief in the deep sea, but the thicker and thicker the fluff makes it disgusting. It was bloody, and even dyed the fluff a bright blood red, making the whole monster look extremely weird.

“It’s still getting bigger.”

“Master Gu Fan, if you don’t stop it immediately, I’m afraid it will swallow one-third of the audience in the Colosseum…”

Wu Ze’s expression was serious, but Gu Fan looked calm and calm, showing no mercy to the audience, he looked at the growing ugly monster expressionlessly and said: “Humans are creatures that have not been ruthless.” If you are severely whipped, you will not know how to repent.”

“Some sacrifices are necessary. Let them fear the Jishihui, fear the Jishihui, and treat the Jishihui as a monster, a taboo that cannot be touched, so that they will not easily touch this bottom line.”

Gu Fan’s words made everyone feel cold.

Looking back, those screaming spectators were all living beings, but in Gu Fan’s eyes, they were just tools to scare chickens and monkeys.

Just as the so-called killing chickens for the monkeys to watch, those audiences who were slaughtered are poor “monkeys”. possible.

“Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho!!”

“We haven’t lost yet, our Jishihui hasn’t lost yet!!”

In the wriggling fluffy tentacles, those suckers actually grew huge **** mouths, and roared wantonly: “Stupid mortals, you will eventually be engulfed by the wrath of the master, and human cities will be trampled into pieces.”

It spoke.

That was the voice of President Shen Yan.

Although the voice became rough and irritable, people could hear it clearly. It was indeed President Shen Yan’s voice, but the tone became unstoppable and full of hatred for human beings.

“President Shen Yan!!”

A wealthy businessman was startled when he heard this voice, and cold sweat seeped down his back: “I heard correctly, Chairman Shen Yan wanted to cooperate with me a few days ago, but now he…he has become a monster!! “

More and more people understand what is going on with Jishihui.

That is an evil church, a horrible organization that turns people into monsters, but anyone with a little brain is glad that they didn’t join rashly, otherwise they will now become a part of the monster’s body like those tentacles wriggling like maggots .

It’s not just the audience.

Many hunters have also become the targets of creeping monsters, but those who become “hunters” are naturally considered strong in the base, and it is normal to have a little money to watch the **** show in the Colosseum.

But at this moment, the wriggling tentacles of flesh and blood were very sensitive to these hunters, rolled out a thick giant arm, and slammed towards the hunters fiercely.


“I can’t escape.”

A hunter had just reached the exit of the Colosseum, but a wall fell down on the winning side. Looking carefully, it was the giant tentacle arm of the 100-meter flesh and blood monster, and many humans were immediately smashed into a pulp.

“Damn, fight!!”

The hunter roared, drew out a long knife, and chopped it deeply into the thick giant arm tentacles, but it was difficult to follow up just a little bit into the flesh, and the strong muscle fibers were tightly stuck the blade.

I haven’t reacted yet.

Countless fluff drifted past, piercing into every inch of the skin unconsciously, and then the end of the tentacle rolled towards the hunter, threw it high into the **** mouth of the main body, and swallowed it Those extremely nutritious flesh and blood substances.

“Master Gu Fan, the number of people is getting smaller and smaller…”

There was a drop of cold sweat on Wu Ze’s temples. At this moment, the wriggling monsters in the Colosseum had grown to a height of 100 meters.

This is only the size of its main body. If the tentacles are fully extended, it may be hundreds of meters away~IndoMTL.com~It spans almost half of the site, and by the way, all exits are completely blocked.

If this continues, those unlucky ghosts in the Colosseum will die.

Gu Fan looked at the audience in the Colosseum, everyone’s face was full of deep despair and fear, finally nodded, and gave an order: “It’s almost done, those people have suffered enough Bitter, let’s get rid of this troublesome thing.”

Wu Ze picked up the walkie-talkie and said a secret word.

Immediately afterwards, thunderous counterattacks were launched simultaneously from all directions in the Colosseum.

Boom! !

A white flame blasted from the booth. The flame temperature was so high that steel could easily melt into juice, and the air was seriously distorted, blurring the vision.

The strong explosion caused scorching flames to erupt hundreds of meters high, covering one side of the wriggling monster’s body, and large fluffy tentacles were burned into charcoal, producing a powerful force in one blow.

That is the legendary fourteenth person, White Night on the 10th.

His ability is the ultimate flame. Once the ability is fully erupted, the power produced is comparable to the unique skill of a legendary Mithril-level figure.

Crack, click, fast food.

On the other side of the wriggling monster, a large silver-blue ice fog froze the monster, forming a piece of extremely cold ice.

This person’s abilities are somewhat similar to Gu Fan’s. He is the No. 06 among the legendary fourteen—nicknamed Binghe.

Look up.

Thunder and lightning flickered in the cloudy sky, and there were figures flickering in the strong wind.

Le Zhiqi, the arrow of the storm, was ready to go, but floating in the dark clouds beside him was the legendary fourteenth member, No. 03——Thunder.


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