I Was Born In The Underworld Chapter 353: The Great Master


The dusty and erased memory of human beings gradually conflicts strongly with the modified factors in the genes.

The race of humans who have completely become “elf” has scorching emerald green blood flowing from their pupils, and the consciousness in their brains has become chaotic. They hit the ground hysterically with their heads, and finally there is a strong smelly smell. Brain also flows out of the nostrils and ear holes…

“Is this conflict of consciousness already serious to this extent?”

Gu Fan was also a little surprised, but it was also expected. After all, the gene transformed by Shenvine is to erase the existence of human beings. The conflicts between the elves after restoring human memory are completely irresolvable.

“It’s close.”

“The surrounding creatures have undergone transformations related to the characteristics of the **** vine, and the core key is the factor that eliminates human beings…”

The closer you get to [Abyss Master], the more terrifying that creature is.

It’s not how powerful or fast they are, but some kind of trait beyond ordinary people’s imagination. Modify your genes and thoughts, erase your memory, and what will be left in the end? ?

If a person, even the meaning of human existence is erased in the end, what is left? ?

Thinking about it is extremely scary.

What Shen Teng has done makes people feel scary when you think about it carefully.

After a rest, the convoy quickly embarked on the road of **** again.

“Hey, what’s that?”

The Lucky Star who was in charge of the car looked out of the car. In the far distance near a fallen city surrounded by countless vine roots, there are countless strange creatures, some of which can even find some prototypes in history textbooks.

For example, a giant mammoth.

It looks like a giant mammoth that would only appear in the Ice Age, and it is an enhanced and enlarged version. When the earth trembled, a pair of tusks alone was more than ten meters long.

It is a small mountain, guarding the vicinity of the city, and at the same time, there are countless parasites wriggling around its surface, and even use this giant mammoth as a lair.

“That’s…a dinosaur??”

Another shocking picture shocked the eyeballs. On the edge of the sinking and ruined city, there were dozens of dinosaurs chasing each other. They all had black hard armor skin, and their huge and heavy bodies crushed the ground. In a deep pit, the predatory dinosaur with a length of more than ten meters opened its mouth and swallowed a weak creature into its mouth. With a bang, the flesh and blood exploded into large pieces of pulp.

Looking away.

There are more and more giant creatures that seem to have traveled from ancient times, giving people a sense of ancient shocking epic.

Hiding on the huge vines, the color of the body is completely integrated with the surroundings. Huge mantis hunter.

The ground suddenly collapsed and a circular hole appeared, and a huge flesh-colored worm came out, dragging another ancient creature into the crypt.

This seems to be an unknown place that has been sealed for millions of years, and all kinds of magnificent creatures that you can’t imagine are emerging here.

“They didn’t want to attack us…”

The convoy is getting closer and closer to those terrifying ancient times, but those horrible creatures don’t seem to have any plans to attack the convoy.

This made Gu Fan more cautious.

They encountered all kinds of crazy attacks before, it was because of the lack of dominion and restraint, and those creatures were full of hatred for humans, so they launched overwhelming attacks, and those elves shuttled through the woods, even at the expense of At the cost of fragile lives, you must fight to the death with the sudden invaders.

It’s different now.

The consciousness of the ruler **** vine has been completely integrated into the surrounding veins.

Every tree, every creature, every mutated terrifying existence is deeply restricted by the abyss master, manipulating their consciousness and thoughts.

“From here, we have entered the realm of domination.”

The speed of the convoy gradually slowed down, and the fallen and dilapidated city seemed to open its doors for everyone. The giant terrifying creatures guarding the edge of the city gave way one after another, and their huge eyes full of hatred stared at every soldier who passed by. , Tons of saliva and mucus slipped from the corner of his mouth and fell to the ground to form a large puddle of stinky puddles.

Everyone can feel it.

These monsters really want to crush the convoy, trample everyone into a pulp, and then swallow it together with the dirty soil.

Boom! !

The thighs like the giant pillars moved out, and the convoy bumped up and down and continued to advance through the ravine created by the trampling. Looking out from the car window, more shocking scenes came into view.

Babel Tower.

In the sunken and broken city, there is a towering Babel Tower.

It is a huge spiral tower formed by the intertwining of countless vines and the entanglement of huge roots. Kingdom of God in the sky.


Everyone was shocked by the picture in front of them.

In fact, the whole city has been deeply sunken~IndoMTL.com~ It seems that a huge meteorite smashed out a deep pit and huge hole, forming a basin similar to a huge funnel.

The boundless body of Shenvine fills the entire huge funnel basin.

Its roots have taken root thousands of meters deep underground, absorbing the sweet water flow of underground canals, and even passing through the earth’s crust to continuously absorb the scorching energy of lava fluid…

The divine vine has suddenly become a giant tower reaching the sky that only exists in the magical world.


This is the attitude that a true abyss master should show.

The Abyss Devourer that Gu Fan eliminated was just a super monster that hadn’t grown up yet in the state of [infancy], but this divine vine showed the true characteristics of the Abyss Lord.

“Master, what is it??”

Lucky Star held the steering wheel with trembling hands, looking at the giant tower reaching the sky, he couldn’t believe it was a living thing! !

“Dominate the true form.”

“The reason why masters are called masters is because they were the masters of the earth.”

Master of the earth! !


They are the real masters.

Although the earth is only a young planet, it has still survived for three billion years, while human beings have only ten thousand years of civilization, and only started to flourish in the last hundred years.

Once upon a time.

It may have been hundreds of thousands of years ago, or it may have been millions, tens of millions, hundreds of millions of years ago… a terrifying existence that was worshiped by countless creatures and stood at the top of the biological chain.

They are called 【Masters】


I’m so sorry guys.

Recently, the Internet has been in turmoil, and the author is crazily lingering…

Today, the previous chapters have been blocked for another ten chapters. Some places are blocked for no reason.

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