I Was Born In The Underworld Chapter 245: Maggot Meat Wave (3)

Dead man No. 665—the heart of energy.

He was originally a man with a special heart disease.

But this dead man, relying on his astonishingly firm consciousness, insisted on completing the tests time after time.

He became a hunter, but received no other special abilities.

The weakest heart has turned into the strongest energy heart, possessing unimaginable energy.

“I’m about to bloom!!”

“Hahahahaha, don’t stop, keep going!!”

He showed the expression of a bloodthirsty madman, and rushed towards the lair made of flesh and blood. He inserted his hands into his chest fiercely, and tore it hard to expose his heart.

The beating heart became hot.

The energy temperature continued to rise, and the flesh and blood in the chest were burned by this scorching heat, and traces of flames flowed outward.

665 pulled out his hands vigorously.

The fiery heart full of energy held up his own heart and became a special bomb.

Boom boom boom boom.

The heart of energy turns into a giant energy blasting field.

This is not a simple explosion, but also a special spiritual vortex. The core of the heart seems to become a starting point. When the explosion reaches the limit, it suddenly shrinks, and all the flesh and blood are sucked into the extreme point of the vortex.

Then…compressed into a piece of meat the size of a peanut! !


This is the norm.

What a dead man has to do is to die.

There is no sadness on the faces of every dead man, and he lets his companions die one by one.

“We are dead men.”

“Death is our duty.”

The number of different species has increased.

Their strength is becoming more and more exaggerated.

The dead soldiers are constantly approaching the abyss crack, and the advanced aliens are gradually waking up.

Many monsters have reached the strength of “Orichalcum Class”, and many special alien species have stepped into the ranks of “Steel Class”.

A huge scorpion with a body length of more than 5 meters crawled on the ground. Its whole body was covered with a hard shell, and the scorpion needles on its tail exuded a sharp and cold glow.


The scorpion tail shot out a cold light, and the sharp spikes immediately pierced the chest of a dead soldier.

“Hahahaha, I’m going to die too!!”

“Death, I will take you with me too.”

The dead man endured great pain and forcibly pulled out the scorpion tail from his body, leaving a **** hole the size of a bowl.

He exploded with all his remaining vitality, and at the same time ignited the explosives on his body, leaping towards the huge scorpion and bursting out with roars.

“The monster over there, leave it to me!!”

“116, I’ll be with you, let’s fight to your heart’s content!!”

The two dead soldiers shouted loudly, laughed wildly and rushed towards the alien species on the other side, radiating their last light of life.

No one backs down.

No one is afraid.

They have already accepted the reality of their own death.

Kill, fight, slaughter, die, bloom.

The flames were burning fiercely, the ice was as cold as hell, and bolts of lightning shuttled among the carrion monsters, and some people used their strong bodies as meat shields to resist the explosive attacks of those monsters.

The fire of life is burning.

The madness in the last days is so charming, but the burning and blooming rays of light are so dazzling.

“You take a step first, let’s continue!!”

The number of dead soldiers is constantly decreasing.

They are getting closer and closer to the Grand Canyon, and at the same time, an unspeakable terrifying pressure is coming from all directions.



There was a caressing sound from the squirming flesh and blood.

Large pieces of flesh-eating worms emerged from the blood mud.

They are all evil maggots born from the great crack in the abyss.

The fleshy worms trampled on the soles of the shoes and made a “squeaky” sound. In the end, people could clearly feel that the fleshy mud under their feet was full of such disgusting reptiles! !

There are too many of them.

Millions, tens of millions, even billions.

They even surge like water, constantly converging and merging.

The carpet made of muddy meat undulates up and down in a range visible to the naked eye, layer upon layer like waves, and finally the flesh and blood fibers are torn apart, revealing huge waves composed of countless maggots.

It was a disgusting, penetrating, scalp-numbing wave.

The waves formed by the fleshy worms are more than ten meters high. They are entangled and twisted together. While rushing towards everyone, they are even constantly devouring their companions and brothers and sisters.


The dead man breathed out a long flame, burning the flesh bugs in the wave to ashes.

Sulfuric acid.

The dead man cut open his own blood vessels, spewing out a large amount of sulfuric acid, corroding the fleshy bugs into gravy.


The moisture in the air condenses in the hands, turning into surging torrents and rushing back towards the meat worms.

All kinds of abilities continue to show off.

Wave after wave of maggot meat was blown to pieces, but there were too many of them.

Woo hoo hoo.

Woo hoo hoo.

Girl No. 118 can’t stand it anymore.

She tore off her bandage again, jumped straight into the waves of meat worms, and let the sharp teeth and mouthparts of the countless maggots tear the skin and penetrate into her body…

Ah ah ah ah ah ah! !

She howled, her mouth cracked to the base of her ears, and even continued to expand outward at a 180° angle, and her entire head was twisted irregularly.

The waves of flesh are trembling~IndoMTL.com~The waves made up of maggots are shaking violently.


Baji, baji, baji.

Fatty meat worms keep popping.

The waves of flesh and blood burst into blood mist in the air, and all the flesh and blood within 100 meters of the sound wave were all shaken into real meat sauce under the double chorus of “ultrasonic” and “infrasonic”.


The Gap Girl’s entire head exploded exaggeratedly.

Her sound waves are extremely powerful, but in the end, even her own brains and even internal organs were completely shattered, and even if she desperately tried her life, she would shatter the waves of flesh into powder.


A powerful soldier died.


“We’re getting close.”

The remaining number of dead soldiers is less than half, but they finally rushed to the vicinity of the abyss Grand Canyon.

The canyon that was completely covered by the corrosion of the magic mist was exceptionally quiet, and no alien species or carrion dared to approach the territory dominated by the abyss.

The deepest part of the canyon.

A large area of ​​thick fog full of corrupted particles was sprayed out, falling towards the sky and towards the city.

The monster’s roar and roar can be heard vaguely, and the sound echoes in the Grand Canyon that stretches for more than ten miles. A giant dragon is devouring and wriggling in the canyon.

The width of its body has reached more than 100 meters.

Its torso made up of rings of flesh and blood, let alone how many meters long, probably penetrated the entire crack in the abyss.

It’s finally here.

The master of the abyss is the ultimate goal of the Death Squad.

But… things are not that simple.

Gu Fan’s attention was focused on the three huge meat eggs on the edge of the abyss Grand Canyon.

Meat eggs.

The flower of flesh and blood.

It is the mother’s womb that gave birth to a special species.

It is a breeding ground for super monsters.

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