I Was Born In The Underworld Chapter 197: The man buried in the soil

It is foggy.

Indistinctly, a vague factory can be seen in the distance.

The energy of the surrounding spiritual consciousness became more and more intense, and hallucinations appeared in the ears of everyone, as if the whispers of demons, full of evil and temptation, causing people to fall into spiritual mysteries.

“Is that… a rotting corpse?”

With the ability of Wu Ze’s mind, he saw that the soil near the factory was full of sleeping lives.

But after everyone approached cautiously, they discovered that there was a human being buried in the soil.


It is indeed a human being, and a living human being at that.

They are like radishes with their heads leaking out, only the head and a few shoulders are exposed in the air, and the rest of the body is buried in the soil.

“Boss, they are all unconscious.”

Wu Ze squatted down and opened the eyelids of one of them, only to find that the pupils of his eyes had already lost their luster, they were cloudy and lifeless, like a paralyzed vegetable.

In the next second, something even weirder happened.

His shoulder exposed in the air suddenly began to crack a crack, and a soft strip protruded from the blood dripping, which was a fresh tongue.

Mouth! !

This human shoulder has a new mouth! !

“Help me…help me…”

The mouth on the human shoulder wailed, moaning in pain.


This human being is transforming into a screamer! !

Wu Ze’s eyes were fixed, and he subconsciously threw a punch, which immediately smashed the heads of the humans in the soil.


Even though the brain of this transformed human was smashed, it still failed to destroy the life of the mutant.

He has become a half-screamer, even though his head and brain have been destroyed, he can still live by expelling the shell.


“I’m in so much pain, so much pain!!”

“Kill me, kill me, kill me, kill me!!”

The soil began to churn, and the body of the buried mutated humans continued to crack, opening mouths of different sizes and merging into special monsters.

It hurts so much! !

The ear-piercing screeching sound came from every mouth stained with blood, making the scene even more terrifying.

“Its brain has already collapsed.”

Wu Ze saw the real secret of the screecher’s body with his eyes, and continued: “Its body has undergone a mutation, and its strong consciousness energy is trapped in the shell, and its painful consciousness drives it.”

The screamer’s body continued to crumble.

It drilled out of the soil, and its two arms fell off, and a bigger mouth grew under its armpit.

Puff! !

Le Zhiqi cut the mess with a sharp knife, and before it completely mutated, the Bone Arm Saber cut it in half from top to bottom.

An even more shrill scream came from the split body.

The screaming sound was harsher than before, but it didn’t come from any mouth in his body, but from the piercing scream from the level of consciousness, like a sharp blade piercing people’s spirits, the whole body Up and down is as uncomfortable as countless needles.


“This is not right!!”

Gu Fan suddenly raised his head, feeling a bad premonition.

Although the screamer’s body was cut in half, the stern consciousness full of hostility in his body did not dissipate, but condensed into a new entity in the hazy mist.

What! !

With the help of the mist in the air, that ghost-like spirit energy can exist even if it is separated from the physical body? ?

“Is that… a grieving ghost??”

Everyone raised their heads and looked at the energy cluster turning in the mist in shock.

Although the energy of the conscious mind cannot be seen with the naked eye, the surrounding mist has temporarily become its body at this time, turning into a ghost-like existence in hell, constantly twisting and transforming into various terrifying shapes in the air.

“A hybrid of consciousness!”

“It has left the body and temporarily lodged in the mist. This painful consciousness energy is the real body.”

Wu Ze also saw the essence of these screamers. The endless pain caused the consciousness imprisoned in the body to mutate, and it was constantly fermented and finally turned into an absolutely evil mixture of spiritual energy.

Or in other words, is this a mutated soul? ?


The breeze blows gently.

The twisted and twisted ghost in the air seemed to be summoned by something, and the body made of thick mist floated towards the inside of the factory, disappearing from everyone’s sight.

“Boss, what should I do?”

“Are we going to wipe out all the mutant screamers in the soil around the factory?”

Le Zhiqi swallowed her spit, she looked forward, and all the people buried in the soil were densely packed with hundreds of human beings.

In a while.

Aren’t these human beings all going to become screamers? ?

“Don’t kill any more.”

Gu Fan immediately stopped this stupid idea and said: “These hungry ghosts are probably cultivated by that special xenomorph!!”

Infinite pain.

Pure evil.

The consciousness and soul of the human beings buried in the soil have been distorted and mutated. If all of them are killed at this time, those evil thoughts will gather together, and it may lead to even greater disasters! !

“Let’s go in, don’t act rashly.”

Gu Fan walked around the heads on the ground and stepped into the factory carefully.

A more intense energy of resentment rushed towards the face, and the surrounding fog became thicker and hazy, and the range visible to the naked eye did not exceed 10 meters.

Illusion! !

All ~IndoMTL.com~ seem to be hallucinating in front of everyone.

In the hazy mist, human voices appear and disappear from time to time, turning into real entities from time to time, completely condensed by the mist.

Those human beings condensed by the white mist roared and chatted, laughed and played.

This place seems to be the ghost world of hell, and the thick fog is the condensed entity of ghosts and ghosts, making it impossible to distinguish reality from illusion.

“Not just an illusion!”

“Some of them are made up of spiritual bodies, all of which are the hungry ghosts just now.”

Wu Ze closed his eyes, the world in his mind was only black and white, but the human figure transformed from the mist was as bright as fresh blood.

They are painful.

They hate.

They are evil.

They opened their fangs of evil thoughts like scarlet blood.


The gust of wind surged, bringing up misty mist and countless hungry ghosts, forming a swirling hurricane to envelop everyone.

The illusory afterimages of human beings suddenly twisted and turned into countless evil spirits, rushing towards Gu Fan.

“Kill, kill, kill!!”

“Pain, pain, pain!!”

Pure evil thoughts are shadowing the red man, and those afterimages pass through your body. Although your body has not suffered any harm, your spiritual consciousness is like sitting on pins and needles, as if countless needles have pierced your brain.

Psychic attack.

This is a tearing attack on the spiritual level.


As you can see.

I changed the title again, and changed it to “I Was Born in Hell”

It’s confirmed this time, it’s confirmed! !

Okay, everyone can vote and give a wave of rewards, hahahaha! !


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