I Was Born In The Underworld Chapter 120: Counterattack

Not good!

The movement downstairs woke everyone up.

Wu Ze was the first to react, and the animal pupil and different eyes looked downstairs through the wall.

A total of 7 or 8 fully armed evolutionists went up all the way. It turned out that they had slaughtered all the survivors in this building! !

“Enemy Attack!”

“Someone has invaded here, and there are at least 7 evolutionaries.” Wu Ze’s words surprised everyone present.

At this juncture, there is an enemy sneak attack! !

Both Lin Yuxin and Le Zhiqi were poisoned.

The serum in their bodies has just suppressed the spread of the toxin. If they continue to fight at this time, the blood circulation in the whole body will increase, which is undoubtedly suicide and accelerated death.

Wei Xianjian looked back at the laboratory, his expression a bit ugly.

Gu Fan, who is the strongest, is at a critical juncture of evolution and must not be disturbed by others.

“The boss is not here.”

“We can only rely on us now, we can’t embarrass the boss, kill all these intruders!!”

Wu Ze stood up decisively and said, he used to be a frontier special force, and he exuded a kind of toughness that would fight to the death.

“Kill without mercy!”

Le Zhiqi’s eyes were also ruthless.

Following Gu Fan’s ears and eyes in these days, he gradually developed a character of killing and decisiveness.

Everyone in Gu Fan has always chased and killed others, and this is the first time that such a large-scale attack has occurred today.

Lin Yuxin said nothing, her face was cold.

She cared more about what happened to the people downstairs, and those survivors got along with her more and more, and they always had some affection.

Lin Yuxin didn’t care about his injuries, took off the silver hunting bow on his back, and aimed the arrow towards the entrance, waiting for the enemy to arrive.


A figure rushed out of the safe passage.

The sharp arrow flashed past, and shot at the figure of the man without hesitation.



A wind current rolled around Lin Yuxin’s right fingertips, and the moment he let go of the bowstring, it turned into a strong wind pressure, causing the arrow to spin in a spiral and shoot towards the enemy, piercing through and killing him.

The sound of flesh and blood tearing is so clear.

The bowl-sized wound burst out a large amount of plasma, and the entire figure was nailed to the wall.

However… When Lin Yuxin saw the face of the enemy, his face became extremely angry.

Liu Muxiang! !

That is her most loyal younger brother, Liu Muxiang.

Han Ye was too insidious and cunning, he knew that the people above had heard the noise, so he threw Liu Muxiang’s body out of the entrance viciously to test the water…


With an order, the seven evolutionaries, plus Han Ye, all rushed out of the safe passage.


One of them raises his hand and is shot.

The table next to Wu Ze saw sawdust flying in all directions, and it was astonishing that a hole had been punched out.

“They have guns, run away!!”

Le Zhiqi and the others were shocked, and quickly moved to find cover, hiding their bodies behind the wall pillars.

I never expected that this group of people were armed with guns.

Lin Jie escaped from the prison, and after becoming a hunter, he raided the police station very purposefully, and in the end he found many guns and firearms.

Serial killers attach great importance to Gu Fan. After all, they killed Brother Tyrannosaurus and his party, so their strength must not be weak.

So Lin Jie equipped this team with guns and firearms. Coupled with Han Ye, a powerful hunter, it can be said that they are almost foolproof.

Boom, boom, boom.

The 7 evolutionaries kept shooting, and the sound of the gunfire was deafening.

The yellow bullet casings fell to the ground one by one, making a crisp sound, and the smell of gunpowder immediately filled the entire space.

Wu Ze and the others were suppressed by the firepower behind the wall pillar, and his body could clearly feel the wall pillar trembling constantly under the impact of the bullets. Now if he ran out, he would be beaten into a hornet’s nest.

Whoo! !

Suddenly, there was a sharp piercing sound from a distance.

Wu Ze, who was hiding behind the beam, felt a strong sense of danger.

Wu Ze has spent a long time in the border special forces, and he is very familiar with the strong sense of danger between life and death.

He reacted immediately, ignoring the hail of bullets from the outside world, and threw himself on the ground in the opposite direction and rolled.

Boom! !

A cold light flashed across the position where Wu Ze was just now.

It was a spinning dagger, if Wu Ze hadn’t dodged in time, his throat would have been cut by it.


This dagger belongs to Han Ye.

His mind can control this dagger, although the bullet cannot bend, but his sharp dagger can.


“You actually escaped, it’s your fate.”

“But it’s a pity, the brothers around me are very accurate with marksmanship.”

With a wave of Han Ye’s palm, a suction brought the dagger back into his hand, and he licked the blade viciously.


Puff, poof, poof.

Wu Ze avoided cutting his throat with a sharp dagger, but those 7 evolutionaries were not vegetarians either.

Bullets hit Wu Ze one after another, piercing through his shoulder and calf, and he was also shot in the abdomen, causing blood to splash all over the ground.

“Wu Ze!!”

Le Zhiqi yelled in the distance, but Wu Ze, who had rolled to one side of the cabinet, waved his hand: “It’s not a problem, it’s just a minor injury.”

Wu Ze once suffered dozens of bullets all over his body~IndoMTL.com~ on the battlefield, and even had several fatal wounds, but he still miraculously survived.

This injury is nothing.

On the contrary… Wu Ze smiled instead.

Familiar feeling!

This rain of bullets made Wu Ze feel familiar.

When he was a soldier, the feeling of bullets whizzing past his ears on the battlefield was so similar to now.

Looking back at each other.

Wu Ze, Le Zhiqi, Lin Yuxin.

The three of them seemed to have formed a tacit understanding and made up their minds.

As Gu Fan’s subordinates, they are definitely not the type to hide and survive. No matter what kind of desperate situation, they must fight!

Move! !

The moment the three of them withdrew their eyes, they moved at the same time.

Wu Ze and Le Zhiqi rushed out of the bunker at the same time, bullets slashed across their cheeks, even though they pierced through their bodies, they didn’t care, and let the severe pain make their muscles spasm and tremble.


With the word kill, the three roared out at the same time.

Wu Ze’s body rolled, and several blood holes were punched out on the arm protecting his head, but he ruthlessly killed a certain evolutionary like a vicious dog.

At this moment, Le Zhiqi rushed out with all her strength.

Her pair of tall, straight, white legs suddenly swelled, as if they had turned into the swollen thighs of a frog with great bounce, and Le Zhiqi’s figure almost had an afterimage at such a high speed.

Le Zhiqi took a bullet forcibly, and a large amount of blood sprayed out of her shoulder, but the subsequent bullets could not hit her, and the range of aiming could no longer keep up with the speed of running wildly.

Lin Yuxin is also not to be outdone.

She leaped high, and pointed her right arm covered with sharp metal feathers at everyone.

The flying feathers all over the sky are like celestial maidens scattering flowers. Hundreds of sharp feathers fall from the sky. Under the pressure of the strong wind, they seem to turn into hundreds of arrows, which are about to pierce everyone.

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