I Took Over The Demonic Ancestor Chapter 674: Ling Tian’s shot

“Boom! Boom! Boom!”

A violent explosion sounded from the moment the cyan long sword was swung out!

And the sound of explosions sounded, and the surrounding giant trees that radiated blue light instantly turned into countless blue smoke.

The surrounding trees collapsed instantly, and even the giant tree at Ling Tian’s feet collapsed with the disappearance of the cyan giant tree!

And Ling Tian, ​​after beheading the cyan giant tree, directly used the Void Crossing to run towards the collapsed position of the cyan giant tree.

Because of the collapse of the giant cyan tree, this place has become empty.

When Ling Tian was running, he carefully stared at the cyan smoke, for fear that a huge cyan monster would suddenly appear from the cyan smoke!

When Ling Tian was running, he suddenly felt that there seemed to be a faint soul fluctuation hidden on the huge collapsed tree trunks.

Ling Tian was startled, and then quickly and carefully probed the green herbs!

These herbs are all growing in the grass. Ling Tian observed carefully, but could not find where the herbs were hidden, so he began to search carefully. Ling Tian searched for the herbs step by step, and finally found a piece of herbal medicine. A light blue flame was found at the root! That light blue flame, just when Ling Tian discovered the light blue flame, those flames seemed to be stimulated by some kind of stimulation, and they suddenly burned wildly!

“Whoosh!” When those flames were burning, the surrounding cyan mist drifted towards the vicinity of the light blue flame, and the moment it approached the light blue flame, it instantly got into In the light blue flame, when the cyan mist penetrated into the light blue flame, the cyan mist is also increasing! And that cyan flame has gradually turned into a light blue!

“Boom boom boom!” The moment the cyan mist entered the light blue flame, it began to burn frantically, and with the burning of the cyan flame, the cyan mist seemed to sense danger and began to slowly burn. Retreat towards the surroundings of the cyan giant tree!

The cyan fog slowly retreated, and the cyan giant tree began to shrink rapidly.

At this moment, everyone knows who is in front of them.

This is from the Witch tribe.

If it is a witch, it is a member of the Dark Spirit Organization.

Just as the cyan fog retreated to a distance of tens of meters, the cyan giant tree instantly became smaller and smaller!

At the same time, while Ling Tian was waiting, those cyan giant insects also crawled out of those caves! At this time, Ling Tian’s face instantly turned gloomy! Because after the cyan fog receded, he suddenly sensed that there seemed to be some special aura around the cyan giant tree! And this kind of breath, Ling Tian had sensed it on the body of the giant azure tree!

Before Ling Tian entered the cave, he had sensed that powerful aura on a towering stone tablet! And now, the powerful aura is sensed here again, which proves that there must be some green ghosts hidden in this canyon. These green ghosts seem to be the patron saints in this canyon! And the patron saint of the green ghost clan is hidden in this canyon, and now that canyon has been completely destroyed, so the patron saint of those green ghosts is useless, and the patron saint, Once he encounters it, he has the ability to kill it!

Under such circumstances, Ling Tian was also overjoyed!

He didn’t care about the trouble of looking for those green ghosts, so he quickly flew towards the position of the cyan giant tree, and those green ghosts saw Ling Tian flying towards the cyan giant tree, Then immediately fled in all directions! Because they all know that if they continue to stay in place, then they will stay in this canyon forever!

When Ling Tian rushed to the azure giant tree, he directly waved the black long sword in his hand. A burst of dazzling red light shot out from the black long sword at the same time as the black long sword was swung. After those dodging green ghosts sensed the red light emitted by the black long sword, they instantly stopped dodging their figures! A thick black mist rolled over and over in Ling Tian’s red beam of light, and at this moment, the surrounding green ghosts suddenly flew towards Ling Tian!

“Boom!” One after another blue light flashed in the air, and Ling Tian wielded a black long sword, shooting down those green ghosts with one sword after another! And when those green ghosts were shot down, only the debris of the giant blue tree remained in the entire canyon, while the rest of the ground was chopped in half by the beam of blue light, revealing the soil below!

Those blue mists began to slowly disappear under Ling Tian’s attack. Soon, Ling Tian came to the giant blue tree. When Ling Tian saw the broken branches and leaves of the giant green tree At that time, a look of excitement appeared in his eyes! He knew that the broken branches and leaves of this giant tree were exactly what those green ghosts needed, but now, he personally destroyed this green giant tree, and those green ghosts naturally thanked him!

Although these green ghosts are not strong, they have an infinite number. The more they are, the stronger their strength, so the greater their threat!

“Hey!” At this moment, the wreckage of the cyan giant tree suddenly began to slowly rotate, and the cyan residues, at this time, quickly converged into a huge sphere, in Lingtian In the astonished eyes, the sphere slowly floated up~IndoMTL.com~ and as the sphere levitated, the cyan airflow around the sphere began to surging continuously, and then slowly moved towards the center of the cyan giant sphere. Slow condensation!

“Kacha~~” A fragile sound emanated from the center of the cyan giant sphere. With the formation of this clear crack, the crack on the cyan giant sphere instantly expanded, and then in Ling Tian’s horrified eyes , instantly turns into powder and disappears! After Ling Tian saw this situation, he was slightly taken aback! Because he did not expect that the wreckage of this giant cyan tree is just a door to open the seal, and the energy required is so huge, so amazing!

“The seal in this place seems to be much stronger than the outside world!” Ling Tian frowned slightly and muttered secretly! And just when Ling Tian was thinking about this, a white shadow suddenly jumped out from the wreckage of the giant green tree! And just when it jumped out, all the cyan airflow that had just disappeared around it all re-condensed! Then a roaring sound came from the top of the giant azure tree. After Ling Tian heard the roaring sound, the whole person was slightly stunned, but at this moment, Ling Tian suddenly saw that a The dense black mist is constantly pervading the air, and in the


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