I Took Over The Demonic Ancestor Chapter 617: The situation is not optimistic

This is the only situation.

No one knows what to do next.

Because everything that Qiu Zhenghe showed caused headaches to the high-level people in the headquarters of the Dark Spirit Organization.

Although they have already fully grasped some things about how Qiu Zhenghe will proceed.

But it does not mean that there are no other actions behind their backs.

And in order to confirm the headrest and did not have any communication with these guys from the Tranquility Organization.

The high-level officials at the headquarters of the Dark Spirit Organization have also expanded their investigations and the scope of their inquiries.

Even conducted a re-investigation of everyone around.

In the face of such a situation.

The unrelenting spies in this small town feel threatened.

But in such a situation, it is not easy to leave.

Because even if they leave, there will be crises behind it.

It is easier to expose your identity.

At that time, what is greeted is not escape, but death.

So their final decision is still to stay.

It’s just that all surveillance behaviors have become more covert than before.

Even activity becomes extremely peaceful.

Frequent frequencies completely disappeared from sight.

Even the connection between them has become extremely dull.

It’s as if they don’t know each other and have no connection at all.

This also brought great obstacles to the spies at the headquarters of the Dark Spirit Organization.

No one knows what will happen next.

Even if they are already looking for it very hard, what kind of things will happen behind this?

In-depth investigation again and again, still nothing.

On the other hand, some spies they sent out to investigate other clues have returned.

Of course, those who can come back must have intelligence on them.

It’s just whether the information is true or false, or whether it is important or not.

It depends on their own judgment.

The premise of their self-judgment is entirely based on the intelligence information that Qiu Zhenghe revealed to them before.

Another point is that Qiu Zhenghe is in a moment.

It’s just that at this moment, for them, they don’t want Qiu Zhenghe to get involved.

It is precisely because he did some actions after he came out and the meaning behind these actions cannot be found.

Perhaps these actions were just Qiu Zhenghe’s normal behavior, but after they played these actions repeatedly, the senior leaders of the Dark Spirit Organization headquarters felt incredible.

Do you think there is any message behind this to the outside world?

But the people who communicate with them. They are all spies from their dark spirit organization.

This is simply weird.

They didn’t even imagine it at all.

Why is this happening?

If it is said that Qiu Zhenghe transmits information to the outside world, he will definitely communicate with some other people he does not know, but every time he passes by these shops, everyone he comes into contact with is from their dark spirit organization of.

That is to say, if a normal person wants to pass on information, he must find the right person.

How could the spies of the Dark Spirit Organization help Qiu Zhenghe deliver the message?

This is absolutely impossible.

You must know that he almost went to the whole town, all the places that can be played, eaten, and popular.

Ninety percent of the people I met were spies from the Dark Spirit Organization.

The remaining ten percent. These spies of the dark spirit organization. It has also been thoroughly investigated.

There was nothing suspicious about them.

This is simply weird.

No one knows what happened behind this.

But that’s why it’s that kind of information that every single one of them felt, totally unbelievable.

Because of this, they did not find a suitable reason, and the senior leaders of the Dark Spirit Organization removed the doubts in their hearts.

That’s why he didn’t call Qiu Zhenghe over to study the information he had obtained now.

However, Qiu Zhenghe had expected all of this.

Not to mention, he really did it on purpose.

The reason why I didn’t look for the high-level members of the Dark Spirit Organization to communicate after I came back, but I did what I like to do on my own.

It’s all about removing yourself from the matter.

Because Qiu Zhenghe knows it all.

Once he gets involved in this matter, he will definitely be inspired to think about more useful intelligence information and leak it to these guys in the Dark Spirit Organization.

This is not what he wants to do.

Because once you fall into effective information, it will make Unfeeling Mountain more dangerous.

It will also trap yourself into a state where you cannot tell a lie or even become passive.

So after thinking over and over again, Qiu Zhenghe finally made such a decision.

Because he believes that these guys will definitely become suspicious, and compared to other people, they will definitely be more hated by Zhenghe.

So all of this can be regarded as Qiu Zhenghe’s single-handed arrangement.

As for the high-level members of the Dark Spirit Organization, there was indeed a headache for them.

Because it takes too much time for them to judge the source of the information, or even judge whether the information is correct or not.

However, did they feel that they were going too far, and just because Qiu Zhenghe didn’t show the state they wanted, did they consider him a person who could not be trusted?

This is actually a rather ridiculous decision.

It can even be said that this is an opportunity, an irresponsible decision.

That’s the case, and he can’t help it.

He also wanted to figure out what was going on behind this.

They just want better things. Just protect the dark spirit organization.

And at this moment, all the things they have done, all the situations they have experienced, and even the information they have obtained, are completely in the hands of the supreme leader of the headquarters of the Dark Spirit Organization.

He didn’t expect these guys to do such a thing.

Sometimes the top leader also thinks whether these high-level members of the Dark Spirit organization have brain problems, or whether it is because they are too overworked and old~IndoMTL.com~ so they can’t keep up with his rhythm, so they only do things So conservative.

But there are some things that cannot be conservative, and if they are conservative, they will eventually fall into a very bad situation.

Once such a bad situation occurs, it will take a lot of time and effort to deal with it.

However, as far as the current criminal law is concerned, the headquarters of the Dark Spirit Organization is really short of people, especially those who can do practical work.

If it weren’t for this, they wouldn’t have thought of using Qiu Zhenghe as a pawn,

The world is such a time.

This is the case.

He didn’t know how to deal with it.

It is the one who can kill Qiu Zhenghe and advance and retreat with the Dark Spirit Organization.

But even so, he still needs to do it.

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