I Snatched Thanos’ Infinity Gauntlet Chapter 102: The dark castle

Passing through the gate of the dungeon, what appeared in front of everyone was a passage in a valley. There was a simple road and a sentry box like a checkpoint. The entrance of the road was blocked by a barricade, and beside it was A small watchtower, with a watchtower attached to it. There stood some soldiers in military uniforms, and they were all neutral units with yellow names.

It doesn’t look like the entrance to a raid dungeon at all, it looks like the entrance to a remote military camp.

Everyone was a little surprised when they saw it. June asked, “Hey, isn’t this the Hydra base? Why are there soldiers from Argentina?”

Qin Yu was also a little surprised. What was unexpected was that June could see that these soldiers were wearing Argentine military uniforms. It seems that June should be a military fan.

He explained with a faint smile, “Usually people who enter this instance for the first time do have this inexplicable feeling. This is because you are all looking at it from the perspective of the game, but if you look at it from a realistic perspective, It’s easy to explain all of this.

Since Hydra has secretly built a base here, I would definitely not want to be discovered easily. After all, Hydra is essentially an evil force wanted by the United Nations, so in order to conceal people’s eyes, they hired these soldiers to come. Cover for them and stand guard for them by the way. “

Everyone then understood, “Then what do we do? Or is it going to be straightforward?”

Qin Yu nodded, “It is indeed necessary to break through, and it is not just a forced break. When we walk over now, they will say that this is a military restricted zone and ask us to leave immediately.

If we want to rush in, they will let it go, but once we get in, they will notify the Hydra in the Blackspear Base, and there will be four air force support teams from the Blackspear Base. Attacking us is very difficult to fight, it is easy to destroy the group, and there is basically no oil and water, so we must avoid this situation.

“What should I do?” June asked.

“There are two ways, one is to show the identity certificate of Hydra, they will let it go if they have the certificate. Some wild bosses of that thing will drop, and a certain boss in S.H.I.E.L.D. prison will also drop. Fall, but I guess you don’t have it on you?”

Everyone nodded as expected.

“As for the second method-just kill them directly.”

There were only ten soldiers in this sentry post, and they were all ordinary people. I have to say that it was still very simple. Almost everyone didn’t exert much effort, and they all killed them with any effort.

It should be said, thanks to the fact that they are fighting a copy, otherwise the sentry will be attacked, and the inside of the base will definitely be notified. When the time comes, hundreds of thousands of Hydra soldiers will be killed together, and it will be impossible to win the fight. , And now, these guards were easily killed.

Passing through this sentry post, after walking down the road not far, I entered the valley interior.

Soon, a group of people passed through this gorge, and what appeared in front of everyone was an undulating wasteland, as well as a huge black spire in the center of the wasteland. The origin of the black spear base was precisely because The shape of the spire, looking around, is a desolate scene everywhere.

“Hey, why are there no monsters?” Reloaded the Magic God asked strangely.

Indeed, looking around, there was no sign of the Hydra soldiers at all.

Qin Yu coughed, “Cough and cough, everyone will pay attention to me next, let me explain to you the main points of this dungeon, here is the periphery of the black spear base, there are no enemies, but there are Various defense facilities, such as machine gun bunkers, infrared sensor mines, reconnaissance drones, etc.

Infrared induction mines will explode once they sense creatures around them, but fortunately, they are not too powerful. They are all used to counter infantry. Do you have the ability to detect mines? “

He said that he looked at Qi Jianfei and Asuka. Generally speaking, technology players should be relatively strong in this aspect, but they both shook their heads.

Qin Yu is helpless, okay. At this time, the technological players mainly pursue armor, firepower and defense, and at most add a flying ability. For auxiliary equipment such as detectors, there is basically nothing. People will do it deliberately.

He glanced at the others.

Li Yuelan raised her hand, “I have! If the mine you said is made of metal, I should be able to sense it within 30 meters.”

Qin Yu nodded, “Very well, then you are responsible for detecting the surrounding landmines. The sensing range of infrared induction landmines is five meters, so it should be no problem.”

“Then there are reconnaissance drones. This thing is also very troublesome. When they find us, they will send a message to the Blackspear base. Once the message is sent, they will spawn a Hydra air support team to attack us, so It must be shot down before the drone finds us. The detection range of the reconnaissance drone is 50 meters. ALFY, should your armor have infantry radar?

Qi Jianfei nodded, “This is there.”

“Which one of you has good marksmanship?”

“Me!” This time June raised his hand.

“Very well, then you will be responsible for the drone~IndoMTL.com~ ALFY, if you find the drone, tell June that it will be shot at a long distance in June.”

June nodded, then asked again, “What about the bunkhouse?”

“I will solve this.”

“How do you solve it?”

Qin Yu smiled, “You’ll know in a while, now all armored ones are put on the armors, and those who want to transform will be better for me, we are going to set off now.”

Beast and Colin Connors roared and began to transform together, and Qi Jianfei and Asuka also equipped their respective Titan Mechas and Power Armors.

After preparing, Qin Yu led the team and set off, “Follow me and don’t fall behind.”

The team began to move forward. Because of Qin Yu’s reminder, everyone did not dare to run around, but lined up in an army shape. Qin Yu led Li Yuelan and Qi Jianfei to the front, and the others filed along.

After walking not far, Qin Yu suddenly raised his hand, and the team stopped immediately.

“What’s wrong?”

“Did you see the mound in front of you? ALFY, bombed the mound.”

The mound is less than a hundred meters away in front of everyone. It doesn’t seem to be anything special, it’s no different from the red aeolian rocks all around.

Although it was somewhat inexplicable, Qi Jianfei still blasted the past with hellfire.

There was a bang. In the sound of the explosion, sand and rocks flew across, but there were traces of concrete, two corpses, and scattered machine gun parts.

It turned out to be a hidden fort. It is not difficult to imagine that if the team enters the shooting range of the fort without protection, they will definitely be caught off guard. The armored transformations will naturally be fine, but An unprotected crispy skin may not kill or wound one or two, but it clearly no longer poses a threat.

Please remember the domain name of the first publication of this book: Fengyun Novel Reading Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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