I Rely on Caution to Cultivate to Immortality Chapter 596: It’s weird

Standing in place to digest what they saw and heard just now, Qing Yuan and Qing Fangru looked at each other in dismay, and after realizing that the other was also stunned to the point of aphasia, they had nothing to say to each other, and quickly left.

If you don’t go, don’t you stand here as a stake? Didn’t you see that Patriarch Lian has already left?

After learning about this incident, although they were shocked, they were more happy for the patriarch.

They also all know that the patriarch has worked hard for more than 20 years to find the child who did not know whether he was born safely, and there is not a day that he does not miss. This was found suddenly. Although the patriarch didn’t say anything, he must be very happy in his heart.

That is, since Li Jiu gave birth to this child safely, why didn’t she let her come to recognize his relative? The only daughter of the head of the eighteen families of the Qing family! It can be said that it is above tens of millions of people. Couldn’t even this title impress Li Jiu?

However, because Qing Yuan is extremely loyal to Qing Ziyan, he knows more and thinks more.

When he went to search the dealer before, he even searched the memory of the old patriarch of the village, but he still didn’t find any useful information. Does that mean that Li Jiu didn’t want Minran to recognize his ancestors, so he used tricks? Or did Li Jiu have an accident shortly after giving birth to Minran, so that he didn’t have time to tell Minran about it?

Alas, there are many Taos in this. He has only heard a little about the events of the past, and his seniority is not high, so it is not easy for him to inquire about the affairs of the elders.

Even now, the patriarch knows about it, and the two of them know about it, which means that the entire Qing family will almost know about it. But the question now is, does Min Ran know it?

Thinking of Minran’s performance over the years, Qing Yuan really didn’t think she would know.

After all, Minran has been in the inner courtyard of Qing’s family for such a long time, and has seen the patriarch a lot. If he knew about this and wanted to recognize his relatives, wouldn’t he have recognized his relatives sooner?

Alas, poor child. Now, she is probably the only one who doesn’t know her own life experience.

At this time, Minran, who was in a coma, was brought back to Jiumuyuan by his master, and was warmly welcomed by all the brothers and sisters. But because she hadn’t woken up yet, the voices of those cheering brothers and sisters were suppressed by Elder Mo’s eyes.

“Okay. You go back first. I will notify you when you wake up.”

Seeing these disciples still looking at Mingran reluctantly, the head of Jiumuyuan also found it funny.

“Why haven’t you guys been so enthusiastic about me before? Go away! Let Minran take a break.”

Zhu Mi and the others walked away without turning their heads. Although Jiumuyuan has gradually had younger brothers and sisters over the years, Minran is still the most special one to them.

When Minran came to Jiumuyuan, it happened that Jiumuyuan hadn’t accepted foreign disciples for a long time. At that time, when they saw Minran, a well-behaved little junior sister, everyone was so excited that they couldn’t find the north!

No matter how many juniors and juniors there are now, the state of mind is completely different from that time.

Looking at the group of **** reluctantly leaving, the chief of Jiumuyuan laughed and cursed softly, then turned his head to look at the slightly pale face, and then looked at the faintly worried ink marks, and sighed in his heart in one breath.

“The world of Lianyuan is not peaceful these days, so it’s better to let Minran come back to cultivate for a while. But, what is the plan of the Qing family?”

He got some rumors before that the patriarch of the Qing family wanted to accept Mingran as a core disciple. If that’s the case, Huanran can’t be regarded as a disciple of Jiumuyuan.

That’s all for the rest, he was just worried that Mohen couldn’t stand it. After all, all these years, he has really seen how Mohen has devoted his heart and soul to Mingran.

“At least until the ancestor of the Qing family succeeds in crossing the robbery, this matter will not be mentioned again.”

Mohen was tucked under the blanket, his eyes were full of uncontrollable love, and Jiumu Yuanyuan’s teeth ached for a while.

“I said you should also restrain yourself a little bit. If you treat Mingran like this, the Qing family will inevitably see the clues.”

Mohen suddenly turned back to look at Yuan Chang, with a slightly flustered expression.

The head of Jiumuyuan is very calm.

“I’ve been taking care of you for so many years, if you can’t even see this strangeness in you, wouldn’t you be blind?”

“You have always been a cold-hearted person. It would be understandable if you said that you would treat your disciples a little better. But like you treat Minran, you are not much worse than your own daughter. I Those who are neither deaf nor blind, who have eyes and ears, can figure it out after a little guessing.”


Mohen was a little dazed, and there was some innocence in the daze.

He has always known that Chief Yuan treats him very well, and he is not born with a cold heart. Even if his body is a piece of ink, Chief Yuan has been kind to him with all his heart and soul all these years, and he has been covered up.

Mohen just thought, was it right or wrong to hide the matter from the head of the garden?

Patting Mohen’s shoulder, the head of Jiumuyuan wanted to figure out one thing.

“I just heard in a daze that it was the patriarch of the Qing family who sent a message to let you go pick him up. At this time of year, the patriarch of the Qing family is too busy to take care of himself, so he takes extra care of Minran. Do you already know Minran’s life experience?”

Mohen didn’t know what to think, and finally nodded under the tolerant and gentle gaze of the head of Jiumu Garden.

“He should know. Not only him, but Qing Ziyan also knew about Minran’s life experience. When he just came back, he also said something to me…”


The head of Jiumuyuan gasped, a little in disbelief.

“So, Minran is really Li Jiu’s child?”


Mohen caught something wrong, raised his head dangerously, and then saw the unbelievable face of Jiumu Yuanyuan, who was calm and reliable just now~IndoMTL.com~ and extremely longing when he heard some important news The excitement of finding someone to share with but having to hold back.

“I just made a bold guess or two just now, but I didn’t expect to guess right? You just said that Qing Ziyan stopped you, so you said that Qing Ziyan has been looking for a child for more than 20 years, but it’s nothing?! “

At the end of the sentence, the voice of Chief Jiumuyuan rose several tunes excitedly.

The chief Yuan, immersed in the excitement of learning a big secret, didn’t notice Mohen’s increasingly ugly face, and continued his deduction.

“But this age is not right. If Qing Ziyan’s child is successfully born, he should be about twenty-five years old now? But Mingran, he is only eighteen years old now? The one who passed the entrance examination before At that time, I didn’t hear that there was any problem with Mingran’s bone age.”

“There is also this appearance and cultivation. Qing Ziyan and Li Jiu are the most gifted and top-notch people in the Lianyuan Great World for thousands of years. They are just fire and wood dual spiritual roots! Qingzi I’ve heard that Yan is a wood spirit root, but I don’t know what kind of spirit root Li Jiu is. And this appearance. Minran can be regarded as a little beauty, but this appearance, not only can’t catch up with the so-called The stunning Qing Ziyan, even Li Jiu, is hard to catch up with! Strange, really strange…”

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