I Rely on Caution to Cultivate to Immortality Chapter 44: Eat, eat——

“So what? People who are not like us are not considered clan members.”

The old man waved his hand impatiently, and the villagers standing around turned into the monsters on the ground one by one. But the difference is that the monsters that Aunt Wang and the others have turned into obviously have their own sanity, and now the old man gives an order, and will attack Mingran in an orderly manner according to a certain formation.

“Because I’m afraid of becoming a mindless monster, can I wantonly abuse my fellow clansmen and join forces with him?”

There were humanoid monsters attacking from all directions, and they stood there without moving, just looking coldly at the old man opposite, wanting to get an answer.

“What do you know?! You are just a monk! What do you know about us mortals?”

As if being poked at a pain point, the old man suddenly yelled loudly, his chest heaving non-stop, and he could hardly control his emotions.

At the same time, the attacks of those villagers fell on Minran, but they encountered a thin layer of light shield, and the sharp claws that could tear apart gold and stone had no power at all here.

It’s just that the mask is also dimmed a little.

“What about mortals? Isn’t it just that they can’t practice?”


The old man pounded his cane, seeing the stalemate in front of him, especially when his eyes stayed on the gradually dimming mask for a while, he simply stood where he was and distracted himself.

“Twenty years ago, the severe drought in the Great Wei Dynasty naturally had no effect on you monks. You still ate delicacies from mountains and seas, and raised delicious wines and delicacies, but what about us?! What about us ordinary people? , hungry everywhere!”

“The food in the field has long been gone, there is not even a little grass root left, and the trunk without bark is full of bite marks and scratches…”

“At that time, let alone Guanyin soil, people are so hungry that they even stuff mud into their mouths!”

“My eldest son was suffocated to death by Guanyin soil! When he died, his stomach was bigger than a basket! But there was not a single grain in his stomach, it was all Guanyin soil!”

“Do you know what it’s like to be hungry?”

The old man held his stomach, as if he could still recall the tragic drought that year.

“At first, my stomach kept growling and I really wanted to eat, but there was nothing to eat, so I could only drink water non-stop, but the water didn’t make me hungry, and I was gone after urinating. Later, My stomach stopped growling, it was a burning pain! I know, I know, I was eating myself! Hee hee…”

The old man’s expression at this moment has been completely distorted, bright and shadow intertwined, under the occasional lighting of lightning, like a hungry ghost.

“I’m so hungry, really. Looking at the clansmen who can’t even hum, I wonder, are we still human? If we were human, how could we be so hungry?”

At that time, he was still the village head, but this title did not allow him to share an extra grain of food in a drought year. The glory of studying for a few days is not even a fart in the face of disasters!

The food sent by the imperial court was not available for a long time, and they didn’t even have the energy to escape from the famine, so they could only wait for death on the way. More than a dozen members of his family died of starvation.

The little daughter-in-law died shortly after giving birth to her grandson. How pitiful the newborn child was, lying on the mother’s shriveled breasts, but unable to **** even a drop of milk. Before she died, the little daughter-in-law bit her own breast Finger, he shoved her finger into the little grandson’s mouth tremblingly. After sucking a few mouthfuls of blood, the little grandson slowly stopped crying.

Holding the little grandson in his arms, the village head at that time wanted to cry but had no tears. Only he and the little grandson were left in the family, so he had to protect him well. This is the only blood in their family!

He managed to keep the little grandson for a month. By eating his mother and his blood, the little grandson quickly lost its wrinkled appearance and became cute and beautiful. Every time he looked at his little grandson, a little hope would be born in his desperate heart.

But as the little grandson grows up, even if his old fingers turn white from being sucked, they can’t satisfy his appetite.

While looking for food with my little grandson in my arms, I found that the clansmen who were parked on the escape road together were eating the corpses of their dead relatives!

At that moment, what was he thinking in his heart?

Looking at the green eyes of the tribesmen, the village chief felt that they were no longer human beings! It’s a ghost!

Since then, he has guarded his little grandson even more closely.

But, he is also hungry.

For more than ten days, he didn’t even eat any food, his stomach was as dry as a piece of paper, his chest was full of protruding ribs, and the fleshy skin hung loosely on his body, like a skeleton with human skin on it. !

Suddenly, for a moment, he was in a daze, and when he came back to his senses after being startled by the crying, he found that he was biting the round face of his little grandson, and there was already a deep tooth mark on the face!

At that moment, he panicked!

Putting his little grandson on the ground and running away in a hurry, he was really afraid that he would not be able to resist eating the last of his blood! He can’t, he can’t become that kind of person!

But after running for a certain distance, he turned his head back and ran so hard that he couldn’t breathe. He forgot that there was a group of people who were as hungry as him!

When he saw a clansman pinching his little grandson’s neck with his skinny fingers and trying to strangle him to death, the village chief rushed over to them and fled with his little grandson in his arms!

In the end ~IndoMTL.com~ the old village head stopped on top of a cliff, hugged his little grandson and cried loudly, but couldn’t even shed a tear.

“Wow wow wow -“

The baby’s immature cry was so touching that he managed to regain his consciousness. He staggered to the edge of the cliff with the baby in his arms, his eyes dazed, “Child, let’s, let’s die together. After death, After that, I won’t have to suffer so much…”

The moment his feet hung in the air, the village head suddenly grabbed the child and stepped back, biting off the tender neck of the baby!

Hungry! Hungry! so hungry!

Eat, eat, eat——

Blood splashed everywhere, the village chief licked the blood left on the empty furoshi, his eyes were faintly red!

When the empty stomach was soothed, the old village chief came back to his senses, looked at the empty swaddle, and was stunned!


A figure stood up and jumped off the cliff.

However, maybe the old village chief who ate the blood was never spared. He found an inheritance of evil cultivators at the bottom of the cliff. This feng shui treasure land, resettlement.

At the beginning, life was really good, everyone survived the catastrophe, and everyone’s face was filled with laughter and happiness.

But after deceiving himself day after day, the old village head chewed on animal meat and bones but still couldn’t get enough, he missed it so much!

I miss what I once ate, the world’s most delicious food!

In the dark night, the old village head looked at the direction where the clansmen were sleeping, and slowly showed a ferocious smile, and his eyes became blood red!

Since then, Fuxiang Village has been surrounded by dozens of miles, and birds and beasts dare not come down, and monsters dare not approach.

Because there are ghosts in this paradise-like village.

Man-eating ghost!

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