I Rely on Caution to Cultivate to Immortality Chapter 138: Goodbye Zhuang Xinyan

“Where there is, the disciples of the noble sect are lively and innocent, and they are all pure-hearted!”

Don’t say how against your will, anyway, as long as the head of the Qing family can say it, the head of Jiumuyuan will think that he agrees. For a moment, the atmosphere between the two was extremely harmonious.

The appearance of Jiumuyuan here caused a great uproar. I thought it was exaggerated enough, but I didn’t expect that the sects of the aristocratic families that appeared next would become brighter and brighter. s eyes.

Sitting high in the cabin and watching the bustling scene on the ground, Zhu Mi pretended to be old-fashioned and patted Huan Ran on the shoulder.

“Junior Sister, you don’t know this, do you? Although introversion is an extremely rare virtue for monks, but in this case, if you keep silent, people will not think you are kind, they will only think that our sect It’s no longer possible.”

“… oh.”

Facing such wise words, Min Ran could only nod her head, but at this moment, she was stretching her neck to find Zhuang Xinyan.

It’s just that there are so many people coming back to the wasteland small world, even if there are nearly 500 people from Jiumuyuan, it’s not enough to see in front of other sects at the moment. To find Zhuang Xinyan, it is really a needle in a haystack!

Just when Minran was about to jump off the tree to find someone, there was a faint sound of dragon chant suddenly sounded from the sky. This sound should be extremely subtle, but it is unusually attractive. For a moment, almost everyone couldn’t help looking up at the sky.

Under the eyes of everyone, a line of tiny dots is gradually approaching, and the shape is gradually clear to everyone’s eyes. That is…

“Dragon scale horse!”

The high-pitched exclamation caused everyone to explode into a mess, and even the disciples of Jiumuyuan who were standing on the tree couldn’t help but look up at the distant sky.

Getting closer and closer, I could clearly see a strange beast at the head with an extremely mysterious appearance. At least three times larger than common spirit beasts, covered with scales, and with big and energetic eyes, it is rare to be quite gentle. And there are two long beards and hairs near the nose, which are constantly swimming in the air with the running of the limbs, which is quite beautiful. Below the throat of this spirit beast, there is a small reverse scale, about the size of a finger belly. Compared with the huge body of the dragon-scale horse, this piece of scale is really a bit small.

However, the Dragonscale Horse got its name from this.

Because the dragon’s blood in the body of the ordinary dragon scale horse is extremely weak, it is not likely to be stimulated, so the appearance basically has no similarity with the dragon. But this dragon-scale horse not only has a reverse scale that can stimulate the blood of the dragon, but also has two dragon whiskers. It has already begun to take the embryonic form of a dragon, which is really valuable. Si less Si

But more importantly!

There is not just one dragonscale horse like this, but a whole herd!

What kind of scene is it like a galloping horse? I can see it today. The momentum is like thunder, the torrent is like the sea, as if the thunder is coming, with infinite brilliance.

Well, to put it simply, it shocked and fooled a lot of people.

Looking carefully, Minran was surprised to find that there were actually people on those strange dragon-scaled horses!

You know, even a dragon-scaled horse with a gentle personality is a strange beast with dragon blood! How could it be so easy to be inferior?

But this group of young people did it!

“Which family or sect is that? How powerful is it?”

Someone couldn’t help muttering to themselves, but when they glanced blankly at the excited faces of the disciples of the Qing family, they immediately knew that this was the arrival of the Qing family! That is to say! Zhuang Xinyan is here too!

I don’t know if these young people did it on purpose. In short, the group of dragon-scaled horses in the sky circled several times before slowly falling down.

“What are you pretending to be…” Xiru xindingdianxsw.net Xiru

Although Zhu Mi spoke harshly, looking at that envious expression, if there was such a dragon-scaled horse, she would probably show it off like this.

“I think they are very powerful! I wish I had one too.”

Looking enviously at those Qing family members who came down one by one proudly under the gaze of everyone, their faces were full of longing.

Without waiting for Zhu Mi to say anything, Huanran suddenly caught a familiar figure in the crowd, and jumped down as soon as he raised his foot! Looking excited!

Zhu Mi had never seen this junior sister with such an expressive expression before, she was stunned for a moment, and then followed in the eyes of Elder Zhaoyang who instructed her.

The young people of the Qing family surrounded many spectators, and even with the help of their immature figure, it took a long time to squeeze in!

“Xin Yan! Xin Yan!”

He yelled twice in a row, how powerful the spiritual power of the monk is, even though there are a lot of people here, Zhuang Xinyan still heard the faint call. Turn back instantly!


Although she only went to Qing’s house for more than a month, Zhuang Xinyan’s changes were extremely huge. The originally cold temperament is now more and more condensed, like an iceberg that will not melt for thousands of years. There is also an appearance that becomes more and more outstanding as it grows gradually, like a flower of a high mountain, or the kind that grows on a snow-capped mountain. It is difficult to climb, but it attracts countless brave people.

In such a short time, Mingran found at least ten young heroes around him who thought they were secretly staring at Zhuang Xinyan ~IndoMTL.com~, not to mention other blatant people.

The moment she saw Huan Ran, Zhuang Xinyan subconsciously showed a smiling face, this smile was extremely small, as eye-catching as a flash in the pan. But this smile caused a great commotion, the surrounding male disciples and even some female disciples couldn’t help but stare. The colder the person, the more eye-catching the smile! Especially a beauty like Zhuang Xinyan.

Passing through those stunned people, Zhuang Xinyan completely ignored the people around her, and gently placed her beautiful eyes on Minran with a rare tenderness.

“When did you come?”

Miran also had a look of joy, and also brought a little bit of rare complaint.

“Why were you in such a hurry when you left before? You didn’t talk to me about the messenger talisman. I haven’t been able to contact you these days…” Mi He Mi

Looking at Zhuang Xinyan on the opposite side with a smile, she still has a lot to say to this little friend who has been separated for more than a month, but after all, she has not cultivated to Zhuang Xinyan who can treat things like nothing. Realm, facing the eyes of so many people, couldn’t help but flinch.

Seeing the uneasiness, Zhuang Xinyan coldly glanced at the curious crowd around her, and everyone immediately touched their noses and backed away.

At this point, Minran felt more comfortable, and simply took Zhuang Xinyan to the tree house to talk. Zhu Mi, who was following behind, was stunned. He had heard that Minran had a clan sister in the inner courtyard of the Qing family before, but no one said that Minran’s clan sister looked like this!

Besides, looking at the stars and the moon, it is obvious that even in the inner courtyard of the Qing family, they are extremely valued! Otherwise, how could it be possible for a person with a foreign surname to ride a dragon-scaled horse with all the children of the Qing family?

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