I Really Am Not The Lord of Demon Chapter 472: The respective misjudgments (1)

Happy times are always short.

Soon, Li Anan could only withdraw from the discussion, and regretfully said goodbye to all the ladies.

Because, it’s time for the appointment.

She took out her makeup mirror and looked at it.

Then, I sorted out my appearance.

Just take the information and walk out of the lounge.

At this time, the entire convention and exhibition center is full of well-dressed men, or well-dressed young ladies.

Li Anan watched, keeping his eyes on.

She likes seeing beautiful young ladies the most.

Sometimes, she even suspected that she might also like a pretty lady.

But unfortunately not!

She just simply likes beautiful young ladies.

Take the elevator to the seventh floor.

A staff member has already greeted.

“Excuse me, are you the son of spirit from Jiangcheng, are you safe?” The polite Ceylonian bowed and asked.

“Hmm!” Li Anan made his voice look like his little nephew.

“Please follow me… Your Royal Highness is already waiting for you!”

“Thank you!” Li Anan said with a smile.

Before entering the reception room, Ang Lee took the time to send a message to his nephew: Xiao Ping An, guess what I am doing?


Ling Ping An looked bored at the hot search on WeChat.

“Sword Immortal appeared in the Imperial Capital!”

This is the hot spot today.

Unfortunately, he clicked in. Jian Xian didn’t see it, only a few blurry photos, with faint light spots in the photos.

“This is it?”

“Sword Fairy?”

“Why not say it is a drone?”

He curled his lips: “I can only say that the people nowadays, I just want to make a big news to get eyeballs!”

“Just like a few days ago, why don’t you stir up the Kunlun Mountain meteor falling to the ground?”

“What about now?”

The memories of netizens are basically the same as fish.

Nowadays, no one discusses Kunlun Mountain anymore on the Internet.

Everyone is talking about the so-called sword fairy incident last night.

Various ‘uncle parties’ have rhythm in the message area.

Everything is like, “My uncle/cousin/relative is in a certain unit, and the sword fairy last night is the master of the dragon group.”

I feel safe and sound, these people should write.

Imagination is really good!


He is also used to it.

The people of the Federation are also used to it.

Every three to five, someone is about to clamor to see the gods and meet the demons.

“Why… I didn’t get on the news when I saw something righteous and courageous last night?” He pouted, unhappy.

Of course, if he really wants to be on the news, he will be unhappy again.

After all, he just wants to eat and wait to die, but he doesn’t want to be famous, and he doesn’t want to be taken out of his ancestor’s family and made everyone know.

After all, his affairs cannot be investigated.

An investigation will attract countless reporters and self-media chases.

Then someone might ask him a soul question.

“Master Ling, your family has been senior intellectuals for generations…”

“My parents are even more famous experts in the empire…”

“Why are you?”

How to answer?

Tell them—I can’t even solve the equations in middle school?

Is this shameful?

I am going through the stories made up by the Uncle Party.

Ling Ping An saw the message from his aunt.

“Little Ping An, guess what I am doing?”

A glance at Ling’s peace, my hair was suddenly terrified, and my scalp was numb.

Intuitively told him that my aunt must have done nothing good!

So he quickly asked: “Auntie, what are you doing?”

Unfortunately, no answer was received.


Li Anan put the phone back in his pocket, and then under the guidance of a maid, walked into a very elegant room that was dressed up.

As soon as he entered the door, Ang Lee smelled a very good fragrance.

Elegant and fragrant, it is very comfortable to smell.

I raised my head and looked forward.

The princess carrying the dress is as beautiful as the picture.

A pair of bright azure eyes, carefully watching the peace of Li An’an.

“Master Ling!” The princess’s Mandarin is very fluent: “Welcome to you!”

She bowed slightly, a very orthodox imperial court manner.

Li Anan also hurriedly returned the gift: “Good afternoon in the Princess Palace!”

“You’re welcome!” The princess looked at her and smiled. She gently put away an opal in her hand.

Ang Lee noticed this detail.

“Can psionics detect gems?” she thought.

Ceylon is the kingdom of Buddha.

Its extraordinary specialty is all kinds of gems.

Among them, it is especially famous for detecting psionic gems and protective gems for protection.

According to legend, the royal family of Ceylon once presented to Emperor Dezong a giant opal weighing three kilograms.

This opal is said to be able to detect any subtle psionic reaction.

So he was put in the palace of the emperor and became a barrier to protect the emperor.

A dedicated person is staring for 24 hours, and if any strange psionic reaction invades, it will sound the alarm.

The princess laughed and sat down on a chair under the service of two attendants.

Then, she said to Li An’an: “Master Ling, please sit down!”

Ang Lee sat down generously.

Then looked at the beauty in front of him.

She feels relaxed and happy.

“Seeing beauties at public expense…” Li Anan thought happily: “Just comfortable!”


The lotus princess felt the psychic power in her sleeve to detect the temperature from the gem.

It’s hot!

The person in front of you, is that mysterious son X?

Thinking of this, she smiled and asked: “Master Ling…”

“Are you from Jiangcheng?”

Li An’an smiled slightly. She leaned on the chair, extremely confident, and even replied coldly and arrogantly: “Yes!”

For today, she stayed up all night and used the Q&A software all night, and learned a word from it: intellectual love.

So, before she came, she did a drill.

After entering the door, he entered the state even more.

Play yourself as a high-level intellectual with profound knowledge, extensive experience, and countless hobbies.

This is the person she set up for her nephew.

It is also an advantage she thinks.

As long as I pretend to be strong enough, I can always catch fish.

After all…

Not all women value beauty.

As for your nephew, will she show her stuff?

Li Anan has no worries!

She knows that her nephew, in fact, as long as she doesn’t talk about mathematics, physics and chemistry with him.

If you just talk about other things, he probably knows everything.

Moreover, I can often tell a set of logical self-consistent fallacies.

So Li Anan gently supported his eye sockets, then leaned comfortably on the chair, and looked directly at the princess in front of him with extremely confident eyes.

At the same time, in her heart, she told herself.

“I am in peace now!”

“A cold, profound and mysterious intellectual!”

This kind of personification is in line with Gentiles’ perception of the intellectuals of the Federal Empire.


The emperor can’t go to court.

Even the emperor is not in the eye, let alone the mere foreign princess?

In the eyes of this kind of person, it is already flattering that he would come to see a Fanbang princess.

Even a special grace!

It is high above, but also condescending.

Li Anan quickly simulated this feeling.

After all, she is extraordinary.

It’s very simple to simulate a person’s aura.

She is not afraid of being discovered.

Because she is extraordinary!


Princess Lotus looked at the man in front of her.

He touched his eyes lightly.

The aura on his body is extremely arrogant.

There is no embarrassment and flattery from the previous few people.

This kind of condescending attitude.

This ‘I’m willing to see you is worthy of you’ attitude.

The heart of Princess Lotus jumped bang.

“Is this the fate?” she thought.

So, her expression slowly changed.

Become gentle.

Even the voice, with a little vibrato.

“My son…” she asked carefully: “I don’t know, what kind of occupation are you in now?”

Li Anan listened, of course she knew that she couldn’t hide the fact that her nephew opened a bookstore.

She doesn’t need to hide it.

As long as the human set stands up, you can turn your disadvantages into advantages.

So, the corners of her mouth curled up slightly, in an equal tone that seemed neither humble nor arrogant, but in an extremely arrogant tone, she said: “I am not talented, I run the bookstore left by my ancestors…”

She flicked her fingers confidently: “Maybe you won’t be able to enter the eyes of your Highness!”

Listen to the lotus princess~IndoMTL.com~ my heart is pounding and pounding.

The relationship between the Kingdom of Ceylon and the Federal Empire seems to be equal exchanges.

But it’s really special!

The first generation of kings after the restoration of the country was the adopted son of Emperor Taizu of the Great Xia Empire.

The Taizu raised him under his knees, taught him to become a useful man, and regarded him as his own.

Sent back to Ceylon immediately after restoration.

Therefore, Ceylon and the Great Xia Empire are in love with father and son.

Naturally, she can also get some hints from the royal family.

“Sure enough, it is him!” Princess Lotus was extremely excited, and her azure blue eyes became extremely excited because of joy.

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