I Really Am Not The Lord of Demon Chapter 466: Parasites

The taxi stopped in front of Luming Mountain Villa.

Ling got off the car safely, and the driver master followed and said respectfully: “My son, you go slowly…”

“Master, you should come back soon!” Lingping turned back and waved.

The other party’s attitude is respectful: “Hao Le!”

However, watching the peace of spirit all the time, he walked into the gate of Luming Mountain Villa until he disappeared into the night.

He sighed with emotion: “God! There are real gods!”

Go back to the car and open the communication channel of the car.

In the channel, familiar voices are being discussed in full swing.

“Do you know?”

“Tonight, over the imperial capital, there is a sword immortal chasing fierce stubbornness! I saw it with my own eyes, that sword immortal and imperial sword, flying between high-rise buildings…”

“The sword light…tsk tut…”

“I saw it too!”

“At midnight, on the side of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs building, there is a long rainbow…”

Listen to the heated discussion among colleagues in the channel.

The driver’s master smiled: “Sword Fairy?”

“I saw a real god! The **** returned my car, so I can do it!”

Unfortunately, the gods don’t tell him to tell him.

I can only listen to these colleagues blowing water and bragging on the channel.


The helicopter is spinning over the cross slope.

A huge searchlight hit among the ruins of the factory building.

Zhang Hui jumped down from the helicopter and landed firmly on the ground.

At this time, the entire cross **** was filled with soldiers with live ammunition.

There are hundreds of masters in black guards who are mixed in the army and are monitored at any time.

“How is the Biluo Huangquan Array?” As soon as he landed, Zhang Hui asked Ning Qinghong who had come to meet him.

“Gong Zhang…” Ning Qinghong replied: “Everything is well…”


“Huh?” Zhang Hui asked: “What’s wrong?”

Ning Qinghong replied: “Before the young man left, he pulled a hero into a’City God’…”

“If Mr. Lu wakes up…what should I do?”

Zhang Hui frowned: “City God?”

“Master Ling promoted a hero into a city god?”

“This is the right to enshrine gods!”

Faith is the power of heaven and earth.

Since the revival of aura, the Federal Empire has been conducting research and exploration in this area.

Unfortunately, I haven’t touched the threshold.

It’s just that the guardian **** Guan Shengdijun was cultivated in the blunder.


Guan Shengdijun is an isolated case, with too many places that cannot be copied.

Now, who elected a hero into a city god?

Although Chenghuang is small, it is also a god.

The creation of gods is something that the Federation Empire and the Black Guard have been working hard since the revival of aura!

Only by creating a new **** can the old **** be buried!

Those bloodthirsty, crazy old gods who regard everything in the world as pigs and dogs should be buried!

The Federation Empire will never be a slave!

Zhang Hui asked: “Where is the hero?”

“Your Excellency, please follow me…” Ning Qinghong said.

He took Zhang Hui and came to the ruins, in front of a house surrounded and hidden by countless ghosts.

This shady house is not like the antique houses in movies or TV.

On the contrary, it has a modern atmosphere.

It has a ten-story structure, and the outer wall looks similar to the outer wall of the municipal building in the Imperial Capital, and it is made of glass.

It’s just that this kind of glass looks like aluminum foil.

Something unreal.

Zhang Hui looked at the building hidden among the ruins, surrounded by the atmosphere of the ghost, but also a little dazed.

“What’s the matter?” he asked.

How did the legendary Yin House become a mansion?

In front of the building, he also saw several soldiers in military uniforms who appeared to be standing guard.

The soldiers still had rifles in their hands.

Zhang Hui walked over, and the soldiers saluted.

Standard Federal Empire military salute!

“Welcome General!” they shouted in unison.

A man in a major’s uniform walked out of the yin house mansion and said to Zhang Hui: “President Zhang, our mayor is waiting for you…”

“Mayor?” Zhang Hui didn’t quite understand.

“An ancient city **** was equivalent to a county magistrate or county guard…”

“That’s the current mayor, senior official…”

“Although the imperial capital is a special city, it is also a city…So, Xiaozhuang is equivalent to being appointed mayor…”

“Can this happen?” Zhang Hui was dumbfounded.

The other party laughed and said, “It can be like this naturally!”

“Yin Si, we must keep pace with the times!”

“Especially, the mansion has not returned yet!”

“However, if He returns, he will no longer be the old Taishan Mansion or Earth Count…”

“It’s like he changed from Earth Count to Taishan Mansion…”

“It’s all about changing with people’s perceptions and changes in the world!”

When Zhang Hui listened, she immediately grasped the key: “Senior Wang, what do you mean…”

This major is a major in Black Guard.

It was just a major from more than a hundred years ago.

He came here back then, following the governor of the time, to calm the chaos of Shizi Po.

During the crisis, he and more than a hundred of his fellow robes, hand in hand, sink into the nether core.

With my own sacrifice, I won the opportunity of reversal!

After death, his soul did not dissipate naturally with a very small probability, but condensed into a ghost, still retaining the memory of his life.

So, he also became the ghost guard of Shizi Po.

For hundreds of years, he has been leading the heroes who died that year to guard and protect this place.

Zhang Hui and him often meet.

After all, he is the minister of the palace, responsible for the safety of the imperial capital.

Naturally, the two have already become friends.

Major Wang straightened out his collar lightly. The military uniform made of yin, which was originally just covered by the soul, is now lifelike, as if it were real.

He explained with a smile: “Just what the general thought…”

“After Xiao Zhuang was appointed as a city god, she understood many things…”

“With its authority, to mobilize the power of the Nether, this temporary office building was built in the gap between this world and the underworld, as a place to contain, control and judge the souls of the dead in the imperial capital…”

“It is also commonly known as the Chenghuang Temple!”

“The ancient city **** temple, now naturally can be the mayor of the Imperial Capital Yinsi!”

As Zhang Hui listened, her heart thumped.

But he still didn’t understand, so he asked: “How did that… um… Xiaozhuang appointed the city god?”

“Specifically, I don’t know much about it… At that time, I was bound by the blue sky and yellow springs of the Disgusting School…”

“That’s right!” Major Wang suddenly said: “General, there is something, I hope you know…”

“There is a ghost in the black guard!”

“He put a strange poison in the incense provided to us by Heiyiwei. This strange poison caused us to fail to discover the abnormal movement of Biluohuangquan in the first place!”

These heroic spirits died in the underworld.

The spirits are already tied to this land, and they are inseparable from each other.

Especially that gentleman.

In a sense, he is Cross Slope, and also a great array of blue and yellow springs.

Any schemes and spells aimed at this place cannot escape their control.

It is precisely because of this that they have been able to hold this place firmly for so many years and build this place into a prison for the federal empire to imprison and execute those evil spirits.

At the same time, it has also become a place to contain those who have become ghosts due to various accidents.


Even ghosts need supplies.

Incense, yang, yin…

These are the resources on which ghosts live.

Except for Yin Qi, the other two rely on supplies from the black guard.

Someone has moved on these supplies.

As a result, all the high-ranking heroic spirits in the cross **** tonight have been conspired, and the powerful gentleman has not yet woken up.

Zhang Hui nodded, he sneered: “Don’t worry, we will catch that inner ghost!”

Heiyiwei has not been a piece of iron since ancient times.

There have never been many twenty-five boys!

So, the Black Guard has never been soft on these traitors.

While the two talked, they had already walked into the interior of this shady mansion.

As soon as I entered the door, a thick yin air rolled over, even Zhang Hui felt a deep chill.

The moment I walked into this door.

Zhang Hui saw the inside of this building, in the middle of the hall, which is no different from the world.

An invisible tentacle-like thing is wrapped around a wailing soul body.

The top of the tentacle opens like a flower bud.

Drops of liquid dripped down.

The entangled soul kept begging for mercy: “Give me a joy…ah…give me a joy!”

“Please! Please!”

But the bud-like thing, like a machine, only focuses on torturing it.

Moreover, Zhang Hui noticed that the dripping liquid was a painful liquid of punishment and torture.

The other drop is something that has the miraculous effect of instantly healing the soul.

So much so that the wailing soul was disintegrated in the last second, and it was about to disperse, and the next second, it solidified in an instant, and then again wailed and begged for mercy.

Looking at the wailing soul body, Zhang Hui knew that he was Ding Jianping, the chief deacon of the Disgusting School, nicknamed Ding Blind!

This person has committed countless felonies!

Includes but is not limited to anti-humanity, genocide and launching war.

Perennially ranked among the top three red wanted lists of the Federal Empire.

At the same time, it is also the permanent target of more than ten foreign countries!

“You also have today!” Zhang Hui was very happy.

He listened to the major next to him saying: “This dog shot that one… and then it became like this…”

“It is said that the body he entrusted and the robe entrusted by the body after the autopsy were smashed by that person!”

“Finally, the one who took his soul out and imposed this punishment…”

“It looks like he will be tortured here forever…”

“Repent in wailing and pain forever and ever!”

When Zhang Hui listened, she felt a bit cold in her back.

But, as long as he thinks that this person is a butcher with the blood of countless innocents and heroes, he is extremely happy.


“Such torture…Will he gradually get used to it?” Zhang Hui raised her own question.

“No!” A cold voice appeared from above.

A female officer wearing a black army uniform with the rank of ensign on her shoulders fell from the ceiling.

“The penalty performed by the mansion…”

“How could such a loophole be left?”

She looked at the wailing blind man Ding blankly.

“Your Excellency General…As far as I know, the torturer summoned by the man is a veteran who is good at torture!”

“Look at… every drop of his dripping liquid will be fine-tuned…”

“Make sure that every torture suffered by this sinner will be different from the last time!”

“Guaranteed that it will always be in extreme pain!”

“Until, its soul origin and consciousness are all consumed by pain and torment!”

“Considering, the executioner is still treating it at the same time…”

“I estimate that within ten thousand years, this penalty will not stop!”

“It will wear away clean after ten thousand years of torture!”

When Zhang Hui listened, she only felt terrified.

The myth of the legend has emerged in my heart.

Qin Lu’s myth says that the soul of a sinner will be burned by flames in hell.

The Buddhist school has also talked about the various punishments of hell.

What the **** of tongue pulling…

But, it’s not as good as the punishment right now.

Because this is a punishment without end and breathing.

Sinners will go to ultimate destruction in eternal pain and torment.

“Fujun?” Zhang Hui seems to have caught the key: “Is that man Taishan Fujun?”

“No!” The female officer turned around, with a faint dark blue light lingering on her cold face.

“The Lord Taishan Mansion is Him!”

“But he is not Taishan Mansion!”

“How to say?” Zhang Hui asked sternly.

“Mr. Taishan…that is the existence that appeared tonight, granting me the power of the city god…just an existence in his shadow…”

“So… I said, Lord Taishan Mansion is Him…but He is not Lord Taishan Mansion!”

“Because Prince Taishan, maybe just a parasite that lives on his body…relying on him, resisting or using his mighty power to resist the final fall and find a living parasite!”

The female officer picked up a thin book.

“This is a piece of information I learned from this authority after I was granted the authority of the city god…”

Zhang Hui listened and lowered her head.

He thought he had already seen his personality.

But now I know that what I saw was only the tip of an iceberg, like a blind man touching an elephant.

The female officer in front of me turned around and said: “General, please come with me…”

“Mr. is awake, please go over…”

“Mr. is awake?” Zhang Hui immediately followed.

Sir, my name is Lu Tai.

The third captain of the black guard.

The only captain who died in battle!

He died here, his limbs broken and his soul shattered.

But it was a combination of things, and merged with the whole land of the earth, becoming a similar existence like a spirit.

In a sense, he is still the leader of the black guard!

For hundreds of years~IndoMTL.com~He has been guarding this land silently.

I have been providing experience to the younger generation.

Most of the generals in black guards have received his help.

Therefore, for hundreds of years, generations of generals in black clothes have honored him as Mr.


What the teacher meant.

The teacher who preached and solved puzzles by karma!

Is also a guide who guides the way forward and breaks the heart barrier.

Zhang Hui has received great favor from her husband!

In his heart, his husband is also his father and friend, and he has always been extremely respected.

Hearing this, he didn’t dare to neglect, and quickly followed.

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