I Really Am Not The Lord of Demon Chapter 287: Wrestle

When Ling peacefully woke up, it was raining outside.

The patter of autumn rain fell down.

The whole world is shrouded in rain and fog.

Ling Ping An felt a little bit of chill, so he changed into the autumn clothes he bought two days ago.

Then looked in the mirror, it fits well!

He is very satisfied!


Best the kitten coquettishly at his feet.

Ling Ping picked up, rubbed its head, and said: “Go upstairs and have a look…”

“Move the little peach tree back to the house…”

It’s late autumn, and the temperature will get lower and lower.

Although Jiangcheng is in the south, it is cold in winter.

So, there will be more days to take care of the little peach tree.

When the sun is out, you have to take it to the terrace.

When it rains, you have to move it back.

It’s snowing…

Well, growing up so big, Lingping has only seen heavy snow in the north in the news…

So, holding the kitten, he walked up to the third floor.

At a glance, I saw the little peach tree in the plastic basin at the foot of the wall.

The little peach tree seems to have grown a bit taller.

Several green leaves have grown out.

There are traces of patterns on the immature tree trunk.

“It’s beautiful!” Lingping looked at these patterns and liked them very much.

Because these patterns seem to be black and white lines.

Like Kugun and the killer whale, it looks so cute!

So he held the plastic basin and carefully placed it next to the slow oven.


The kitten in her arms screamed at the little peach tree in the plastic basin.

The call is a little bit unhappy.

It seems to be scolding.

Ling’an listened, and shook his head a little funny.

This cat of my own seems to have been at odds with this little peach tree.

So, he touched the little guy’s head and whispered: “You have to be obedient…”

The little guy immediately stuck out his tongue affectionately and licked the back of his master’s hand.

Then screamed triumphantly at the young sapling in the plastic basin.


The little sapling slowly stretched its leaves in the autumn wind.

Lingping looked at it, smiled, and walked downstairs holding the kitten.

The moment he turned around, in the amber cat’s eyes of the kitten Best, he saw the leaves of the young sapling in the plastic basin, and a trace of golden veins was looming.


The Sunwell Heights.

The hall that was once sacred is now more solemn.

The sunlight fell on the golden well water, reflecting layers of ripples.

The little sapling slowly stretched its leaves by the well.

On the emerald green leaves, the golden veins flow slowly.

Countless high elves gathered.

Now, the Ranger General is not there.

The mother tree becomes the backbone of everyone.

These refugees, who finally escaped from the nightmare of the natural disasters, have never been so firm in their faith in the sacred Sunwell.

As for the mother tree, they are even more pious and worshipful.

Because the mother tree purifies the polluted Sunwell.

He also decomposes and purifies the energy of arcane magic.

Allow people to enjoy purer and healthier arcane energy.

There is no need for Arcane Crystals anymore.

Every time the mother tree stretches its leaves, it can volatilize a large amount of arcane energy into the air.

The entire island of Quel’Danas is filled with pure and abundant arcane energy.

In the arcane, the refugees healed the wounds of the past.

So, the faith in the mother tree naturally began.

This is the characteristic of elves.

From the time of the Well of Eternity, any elves have an irresistible fascination and worship for the World Tree.

The magical miracles of this young mother tree made these surviving refugees fall into fanatical worship.

So, every time it reappears on the Sunwell Heights, it will attract thousands of cheers and worship.

People trust it and believe in it.

I can’t even leave it anymore.


In the crowd, there are dissidents.

These people gathered together quietly, they were whispering.

“Sylvanas of the Windrunner family, where is she going to take us?”

“Why didn’t she contact the Alliance general in Lordaeron?”

“Why not contact the Sunstrider family?”

“Does she want to usurp power?”

In the discussion of these people, the refugees on Quel’Danas Island have inevitably been shaken in the past few days.

But the high elves immediately forgot all this in the arcane energy.

It’s just that the seeds of doubt have been planted.

So some people think that the time is ripe.

It’s time to restore the country!

They took advantage of the opportunity that other people were rushing to the Sunwell Heights to make a pilgrimage, and quickly controlled all the points on the island.



The most important thing is the Arcane Giants that have just been repaired.

In an instant, most of the key points of the entire island fell into the hands of the royalists.

They know that the time is right.

So someone lit the arrow.

The magical arrow flies up to the sky.

In the distance, a fleet that has been on standby on the coastline saw Lingjian.

They set sail.

Kael’thas, standing at the bow of the ship, looking at the island of the high elves.

“Will it be inappropriate for us to do this?” He asked those around him: “Why not wait for the Windrunner to return from Stratholme?”

“Then I will ask her personally?”

“His Royal Highness…” The human general in heavy armor said behind him: “We think this is the best opportunity…”

“The ranger general of the Windrunner family is no longer reliable!”

“Our intelligence shows that she disappeared from the battlefield inexplicably when fighting against natural disasters that day…”

“After she reappeared, she already possessed many features that the high elves did not have, and claimed to be the sun elves…”

“Who knows, what happened to her?”

“Who knows, has she been corrupted by something evil?”

“The tragedy of Alsace cannot be staged anymore!”

Kael’thas listened, the expression on his face changed.

But he has no choice.


This human being is the only power he can rely on and rely on.

I want to revive the high elves, I want to rebuild the kingdom of Quel’thanas.

And to survive in this increasingly sinister world, it is obviously impossible to rely on the high elves that have been completely destroyed and broken up by natural disasters.

His father died in battle.

The entire upper level of the Silvermoon Council was killed in battle.

The war almost destroyed everything!

Silvermoon City, Quel’Danas, and even the Sunwell are contaminated.

The last elite of the high elves is Sylvanas, her two sisters, and his prince.

“Marshal Garithus…” Kael’thas could only say: “I hope your judgment is correct!”

The other party laughed.

The weakness of the prince of the high elf is easier to deal with than he thought.

“Elf…” He sneered in his heart.

The past of the second war, bit by bit in his mind.

The death of parents and brothers, the pain of the people in the territory.

He remembers clearly so far!

The culprits of all the disasters, except those dirty orcs.

The first to bear the brunt is the arrogant elves who are allies but cannot save themselves.

Now, the time for revenge is ripe.

He wants to torture and humiliate those proud elves bit by bit.

Let them know what the pain of ruining their home and the suffering of losing their compatriots is like!

Of course, on the surface, after the destruction of the Kingdom of Lordaeron, the Marshal who actually possessed the most troops, but said to Kael’thas in a pleasant manner: “His Royal Highness, don’t worry too much…”

“Even General Sylvanas is really innocent…”

“Then, when she comes back, we will find it out, it will not be too late for us to restore her reputation!”

“Everything is for fighting against natural disasters, for the world!”

“This sacrifice, I believe, the noble Windrunner family will understand!”

Kel’thas could only nod as he listened.

He has been studying magic in Dalaran, too immature.

He is too young.

Plus, now the entire Kingdom of Quel’Thalas has undergone drastic changes, and the country and people are in dire straits, so he doesn’t have so much thought.

The only thought is to restore the country, rebuild Silvermoon City, and comfort the people.

The fleet, slashing the waves, quickly crossed the strait, and approached Quel’Danas.

A ship, directly docking.

The deck was lowered, and heavily armed human heavy cavalry began to land.

The battle flag of the alliance fluttered high.

The people who responded to them immediately opened up various defensive facilities to clear the way.

So, surrounded by a whole knight group.

Prince Kael’thas, returned to the well of the sun he thought about day and night, and returned to his people.


All the high elves looked at their prince with a suspicious look.

“His Royal Highness…” an veteran who lost a leg in the war asked: “How are you with humans?”

“Where is General Sylvanas?”

Kel’thas listened to the questioning, he smiled, and said: “I just came from the Kingdom of Lordaeron…”

“I haven’t had time to talk to General Sylvanas…”

“I believe that General Sylvanas will understand me…”

“As for…” He looked at Garithus beside him: “Please allow me to introduce…”

“Baron Masmar from the Blackwood Lake of Lordaeron, Lord Garithus, Lord Marshal of Lordaeron!”

“Your Excellency Marshal, is here to help us restore our country!”

The high elves suddenly talked.

The descendants of the Sunstrider family are back, which is indeed a happy event.

But he brought humans back?

Furthermore, it is an entire armed knight order, and even a fleet.

This is different.

Some mature people even immediately thought that if these humans stay here and don’t leave.

So, is the kingdom of Quel’thanas still a country of high elves?

Seriously speaking, is the Sunwell still of the high elves?

Some high elves who lived longer even thought of many things during the Second War.

So, someone said in the crowd: “In that case, thank you, Your Excellency Marshal!”

“Now, since His Royal Highness has returned safely…”

“Then please your Lord Marshal take your people and withdraw from Quel’Danas!”

“This is our holy land!”

Garythers’ face changed immediately.

“The high elves are as arrogant as they used to be!” He sneered in his heart: “But what can be arrogant about a group of bereaved dogs?”

Quel’Thalas’ high-level combat power was almost wiped out in the war of natural disasters!

The Silvermoon Council is gone.

The old king also died in battle.

Even the Sunwell was polluted by natural disasters!

Do you dare to scream like a beggar?

So, he winked.

The loyal cavalry under his command immediately drew out their swords.

The paladins, even more began to infuse holy light.

“His Royal Highness Prince Kael’thas…” Garithus said to Kael’thas with a smile: “I suspect that there are natural disaster minions in your kingdom…”

“For your safety, I hope you can agree to my search of everything on the entire island to prevent natural disaster minions from mixing in the crowd and plotting wrongdoing…”

“This…” Kael’thas knew no matter how stupid he was, this human marshal was threatening, a naked threat!

However, he has no good solutions.

After all, there is no one under him.

A polished commander!

To a certain extent, in fact, what Garithos does is also something he likes to see.

The Sunstrider family wants to restore rule, especially to regain control of Quel’Danas.

Rely on external forces.

Humans are a good choice.


He also understands the reason why it is easy to send God to God.

If Garithus can act unscrupulously according to his wishes, then, in the future, the high elves may become human vassals and pawns.

Even he, the prince of the Sunstrider family, is probably no exception.

Maybe, these humans will even rebuild their kingdom in Silvermoon City!

And who would appeal to the high elves?

Night elf?

Stop kidding!

For the night elves, the high elves are probably worse than the orcs!

If you are all dead, you will shed a few tears, right?

So, Kael’thas thought for a while, and said: “Marshal, don’t be so serious…I believe that my people are pure!”

It’s a pity…

Garythers just sneered at him.

He drew out the knight sword.

“His Royal Highness, it’s not that I don’t believe you…”

“It is true, the corrosion of natural disasters is everywhere…”

“For the safety of you and my soldiers, I have no choice but to make this move. I hope you can understand!”

So he pointed forward: “Anyone who dares not to obey will be regarded as a betrayal of the Sunstrider family and a blasphemy against the Holy Alliance!”

“Soldiers, follow my orders!”

A team of cavalry began to urge the front of the battle horse.

Heavy armored infantry, holding a large shield, forming a human wall.

Behind him, the magician began to accumulate magical energy.

The Griffin Rider even began to hover.

Although the Kingdom of Lordaeron was destroyed, the remaining military power is still beyond the current high elves’ ability to fight!

At least, in the eyes of Garithus, the refugees on this island in front of him are absolutely irresistible!

So, he is confident!

Kael’thas was completely panicked.

He dare not say anything against it now-once he provokes humans and slays on the island, he may not even be able to keep it.

He didn’t even dare to support it—it was no different from a traitor, and the glory of the Sunstrider family would be tarnished!

At this moment, a team of Dragonhawk Knights suddenly appeared from a distant cloud.

The adjutant of the Windrunner family, Lothama rides on a dragon eagle.

The surviving elites of Quel’Thalas fell to the ground one by one.

“Salute to you!” Lothama bowed to Kael’thas: “His Royal Highness…”

Then he looked at Garithus: “Your Excellency Marshal, I won’t bother you here…”

“The great Querdore, will handle his own internal affairs by himself!”

“Right?” He looked at Kael’thas, the only blood of the Sunstrider family: “His Royal Highness!?”

Kael’thas listened, and drops of sweat began to appear on his forehead.

He finally understood that this is a trap.

Humans and high elves are calculating each other.

The target of the calculation is him, also the Windrunner who controls the Isle of Quel’Danas.

Otherwise, why didn’t Lotham appear late, or early, but now?

He and his Dragonhawk Knights are probably already on standby in the distance.

Just waiting for this moment.

No doubt!

This is a coup!

This is power seizure!

Also usurped!

But what can he do?

There is no soldier under him, only the title of the Sunstrider family.


Because of what happened just now, even his people don’t believe him anymore.

“You…” Kael’thas, who understood, didn’t hesitate anymore. He finally looked like a real prince. He asked, “What do you want to do?”

Garythers laughed.

Now that happened, he no longer hides it.

“Stormwind has an order…”

“The Sunwell of Quel’Danas is polluted by natural disasters!”

“To prevent it from causing more damage and disaster!”

“I was ordered to destroy it!”

Galithos said righteously: “The Holy Light is on! For the overall situation of the alliance, please cooperate with us, His Royal Highness!”

Lor’themar laughed loudly as she listened: “Humans…hehehe…”

“I see, in addition to the order from Stormwind, you also have instructions from Darnassus!”

“In the Well of the Sun, a young world tree of unknown origin appeared…”

“Other World Trees feel it…”

“I want to destroy it before it grows…”

“The alliance’s abacus is really very loud!”

“But… Alliance, does it listen to Stormwind or Darnassus?” Lor’themar asked maliciously.

Kael’thas’ thoughts are completely confused~IndoMTL.com~Since Garithus has followed the instructions from Stormwind and even Darnassus.

What about Lor’themar?

The adjutant of the former ranger general, did he obey the orders from there?

What does he want to do?

Prince Sunstrider, how can I not even think about it, there is a second force in this world that I can rely on?

But Lor’themar didn’t say, he just silently looked at the human opposite him.

“Let’s go!” He said: “If you don’t go, you won’t be able to go…”

The sea is rolling.

One after another stout naga crawled out squirmingly.

Kael’thas looked at the naga, and he finally understood.

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