I Made the World Mutate Chapter 603: Remnant

A few days later, Xiao Mu received Wu Yan’s call and asked him to visit his office.

Xiao Mu went directly to Wu Yan’s office.

The personnel in the task group are still relatively busy. It was noon at this time, and Wu Yan was the only one in Wu Yan’s office.

Wu Yan was sitting on the sofa, drinking tea leisurely, waiting for Xiao Mu to arrive.

“Hello team leader!” Xiao Mu greeted Wu Yan.

“Come?” Wu Yan stood up with a smile on his face.

Wu Yan admires Xiao Mu, a newcomer who only joined the mission group not long ago. Not only because Xiao Mu had just joined the mission group, and completed several important tasks, but also because Xiao Mu has always been humble and polite.

Of course, what Wu Yan saw was obviously only Xiao Mu’s surface. Although he usually looks humble and polite, and incompetent with others, once he is ruthless, he is absolutely scary.

“Did the team leader tell me something?”

Xiao Mu couldn’t help but feel surprised when Wu Yan didn’t even take a seat after standing up, and didn’t even ask himself to sit down.

Wu Yan smiled and said, “Xiao Mu, have you been in the mission group for a while?”

Xiao Mu thought for a while, “It’s not too long, just two or three months.”

“It’s been two or three months.” Wu Yan sighed, and said kindly. “In these two or three months, you have worked in succession, not only found a land mansion, but also brought back a dedicated worship to the land god. Incense burner, I have always looked at your ability, it is not comparable to ordinary people.”

“The team leader praised me too much, I just did what I should do.”

Xiao Mu is humble.

“Excessive modesty is hypocrisy, Xiao Mu, you don’t need to be so polite to me, Wu Yan, I am not a casual compliment. I praise you because you are really doing well.” Wu Yan smiled Continued.

I don’t know how to respond to what you said.

Xiao Mu simply stopped arguing about this issue.

Wu Yan continued, “I am calling you this time because there are some things in the group, and I should let you know.”

“What did the team leader say?” Xiao Mu looked confused and couldn’t figure out what Wu Yan was talking about.

Wu Yan’s expression suddenly became solemn, and he greeted Xiao Mu, “You come with me!”

Xiao Mu was confused and couldn’t figure out what Wu Yan was going to tell herself, so she had to follow Wu Yan.

Wu Yan took Xiao Mu out of the office, and immediately used his escape technique to walk back.

“Your evasion technique is stronger than the general evasion technique. It seems to have been mutated?”

Wu Yan used the earthen escape technique and walked side by side with Xiao Mu, looking at Xiao Mu.

Xiao Mu’s earth escape technique had changed, he had discovered it a long time ago, and this was the first time he asked.

“It was mutated!” Xiao Mu responded calmly.

There is nothing to hide from the variation of the earth escape technique, let alone conceal it. Others can tell at a glance as long as they see him perform the escape technique.

“The hero is a young man. Du Wen who joined a group with you has really mutated too. You are both geniuses.”

Wu Yan Tsk praised.

Variation of escape technique is not a simple matter. Most people’s escape technique is just ordinary escape technique.

Even Wu Yan, regardless of whether he has reached the peak of the Yin God Realm, or even reached Consummation, the escape technique he cultivates is just an ordinary escape technique, and there is no variation.

Of course, because Wu Yan’s realm is relatively high, his earth escape technique is faster than ordinary people’s.

But even so, compared with Xiao Mu’s earth escape technique, it is not much different.

Du Wen really mutated his escape technique only because he ate Zhuopa’s ashes.

Wu Yan really praised Du Wen, leaving Xiao Mu speechless. If Wu Yan knew how Du Wen’s real escape technique mutated, I wonder if he could still praise him.

But having said that, the mutator’s pursuit of strength is almost crazy, and he doesn’t necessarily care whether he wants to eat Zhuopa’s ashes.

Even, if you know that the power of the Five Elements can mutate after eating, I am afraid that many mutants will eat. Du Wenzhen is a clear example.

“Here, it is here.”

Wu Yan suddenly stopped the escape technique and stood still.

Xiao Mu was caught off guard, went out for a certain distance, and then turned back helplessly.

Said this is the destination earlier.

When Xiao Mu saw that this was the support team, he couldn’t help but complain secretly.

“Leader Wu is here!”

“Hello Leader Wu!”

The two gate guards at the gate of the support group greeted Wu Yan respectfully.


Wu Yan nodded.

“Leader Wu, is this also a member of the mission team? I have seen it once.”

The tall guard among the Yin God Realm guards smiled and asked Wu Yan Xiaomu’s identity.

“This is Xiao Mu from our mission team.”

Wu Yan introduced the identity of Xiao Mu to the two guards, and then casually introduced the two guards to Xiao Mu, “Xiao Mu, one of these two is Zhao Yu and the other is Guo Cen.”

“Xiao Mu, hello!”

“Coming here often!”

The two guards greeted Xiao Mu enthusiastically, very politely.

“Brother Zhao, Brother Guo, please take care of me in the future.” Xiao Mu couldn’t distinguish between Zhao Yu and Guo Cen, so he casually said.

“You are welcome!” the tall guard smiled.

“Brother Xiao, you are so polite!” The other guard laughed.

Wu Yan took Xiao Mu, strode into the compound where the support team was located, and said as he walked, “I won’t see Li Jing this time, so I don’t want to see him badly. Go directly to the area of ​​our team.”

“Oh!” Xiao Mu replied, but he was confused about Wu Yan’s words, but vaguely, from the meaning of the other’s words, the support group seemed to deal with more than one group, including the second group.

The first group and the second group each have an area in this compound, separated from each other.

This time, Wu Yan didn’t use the escape technique, but used her body skills to move slowly, and it didn’t take long to enter a courtyard again.

There was no one at the door of the yard, and it looked empty. Wu Yan took Xiao Mu directly in.

When I entered, I found that the yard looked like a large park.

There are ponds in the garden, pavilions, water pavilions, and a large artificial lake.

In the flower gardens, what is planted is not ordinary flowers and plants, but a variety of exotic plants, including energy fruits, mutant fruits, and various mutant rare medicinal materials.

In the park, among the various flower beds, in the artificial lakes, and in the pavilions, there are people walking around. I am afraid there will be no less than 30 or 40 people, including young and old, men and women.

These men, women and children, each one is a changer.

However, at the moment, they are all injured, some are missing legs and feet, some are black, and some have abnormal bodies. Their bodies are normal, but they have an animal head.

“Hello team leader!” An old man with missing legs looked up and saw Wu Yan, with a smile on his face.

“Leader Wu is here!” This is an old woman who walked by carrying a bamboo basket and picking a bamboo basket of mutant fruits.

“Haha! Leader Wu, do you play chess? My old Li recently developed a new chess game. Dare to come to the next game?” A man with a horse head sitting at the Go table smiled at Wu Yan , His smile looks very penetrating, but it is not scary at all.

These mutants, despite all injuries, even being cursed, becoming half-humans and half-beasts, they still maintain a good attitude and are passionate about life.

“Lao Li, with your stinky chess basket, I will let your nine sons beat you.” Wu Yan scolded Lao Li, the half-man, half-horse man sitting at the Go table.

“Let me nine sons, this is what you said, come, come, come, play with my old Li, who dares to be my grandson.” The half-man, half-horse man Lao Li cursed at the witch Yan shouted.

“The team leader is going to play chess with Lao Li, haha!”

An old man who was missing a leg burst out from the flowerbed in the distance with a laugh, with a mentality that depends on the excitement.

“Haha! Leader Wu, I will give you the seat, I hope you will beat Lao Li, so that the old boy will not always be arrogant in front of me.”

Across from Lao Li, a half-man, half-horse man, a black scholar-like man stood up with a folding fan.

“Leader Wu, win him! Win Lao Li!”

Someone makes a boo, it depends on Lao Li and Wu Yan playing chess.

The nearby mutants all gathered around, coaxing to watch chess.

A man who looks like a baby and speaks with an old-fashioned voice and an old voice like an old man walked over with shaky steps and laughed as he walked, “Leader Wu, you and Lao Li have to play chess. Look at this, whoever loses will learn three donkey calls.”

“This…it’s not good! It’s better to buy a thousand energy fruits for the colorful fruits if you lose.” Wu Yan glanced at the half-man and half-horse Lao Li, and said euphemistically.

“Haha! Team leader Wu is afraid of my sensitivity, so I don’t agree to lose the donkey call. Although my old Li has become a half-man and half-horse monster, he never cared about it. Team leader, don’t say you dare not! The heart is a horse, a man is a horse, and a man is a man. Even if he becomes a horse, he is also a man. I don’t care about Lao Li. What do you care about?” Old Li laughed.

“Well, learn how to call a donkey!” Wu Yan laughed and took it over.

The two began to play chess, Lao Li used the black piece to place a piece on each of the nine stars, and Wu Yan grabbed the corner with the white letter…

“Young man, have a date!”

The woman carrying the bamboo basket suddenly touched a fiery red date out of the basket and handed it to Xiao Mu.

“Thank you!”

Xiao Mu glanced at the woman carrying the bamboo basket, and it turned out to be a date.

The whole jujube is like being wrapped in flames, holding it as if holding a ball of fire.

This is undoubtedly a mutant date.

Xiao Mu took a bite without hesitation. At his level, the mutant jujube has no effect on him.

When the fire date was eaten into the belly, it was like a gang burning in the belly, and a stream of pure energy poured into Xiao Mu’s body, trying to make Xiao Mu’s body change.

As soon as the energy in Xiao Mu’s body moves, this special energy is suppressed, and by the way it is transformed into ordinary energy for himself to absorb.

Wu Yan and Lao Li didn’t play chess for too long, and it took about half an hour to decide the outcome.

The last count, half son Wu Yan regrets.

“I lost, I learned how to call a donkey, gray!” Wu Yan sighed and learned how to call a donkey.

“Captain Wu deliberately let me. In fact, I lost this game. Old Li looked frustrated. I said that Captain Wu was just playing chess. It would be boring to let those who come and go. Zhengzi, you had a chance to kill me a big dragon, but suddenly stopped. This makes me clear.”

“Finally, lose or lose, my old Li is really not someone who can’t afford to lose, I should be the one who should learn to call a donkey, gray!”

The old donkey raised his horse’s head to learn a donkey call.

“Haha! Do you really think I will let you?” Wu Yan Xiaomu Lao Li.

“Otherwise, let’s have another game?” Lao Li stretched out his huge horse’s head and glared at Wu Yan.

“Forget it this time, I have something to do. When I have free time, I will accompany you for three days and three nights.” Wu Yan stood up, not wanting to continue playing chess.

“This is what you said, I’ll wait for you!” Old Li laughed.

“This is Xiao Mu. Xiao Mu, this is Lao Li, Lao Rong, Lao Qin…” Wu Yan casually introduced everyone and Xiao Mu.

“Xiao Mu, are you new here?”

Lao Li glanced at Xiao Mu and said with a smile, “When doing tasks, you must take care of yourself first, run away if you are in danger, make sure there is no danger before you go, don’t follow us.”

“Yes, Xiao Mu, listen to Lao Li. That’s right, protecting yourself is the first thing. Don’t learn from us.” The old woman was kind.

“If you are injured, you can’t continue to contribute to the group. People like us are just idiots!” The scholar-like man is black and pale, unlike a real person.

“Thanks for reminding! I will remember.” Xiao Mu responded with a smile on his face.

“Xiao Mu, come with me!” Wu Yanchong waved his hands and greeted Xiao Mu to follow him.

“Goodbye everyone!”

Xiao Mu clasped fists at everyone.

“Come often if you have something!”

“Xiao Mu, come and play often!”


Everyone greeted Xiao Mu in a rush.

“You must come often!”

Xiao Mu responded with a smile, said goodbye, and caught up with Wu Yan.

“These are the old team members of our team, the old team members who were injured in the mission.” Wu Yan whispered to Xiao Mu, with a sad tone in his tone.

In fact, even if Wu Yan didn’t say anything, Xiao Mu had discovered it early.

He saw several physically disabled people who were obviously injured by the Five Elements Guanghua, but the injuries were too serious~IndoMTL.com~The power of the Five Elements in the wound could not be eliminated, which made it impossible to heal their injuries.

The half-man and half-horse Lao Li was obviously injured by the curse of the cursed door and turned into a half-man and half-horse.

The scholar with a flimsy figure is also under some kind of spell.

Some people have completely died, and what is left is only part of the remnant will, which has been solidified by a special method and left in the world temporarily.

The will is different from the Yin Ling. Yin Ling can still cultivate, but the will cannot continue to cultivate. It is only a matter of time before it dissipates completely.

Xiao Mu nodded without saying anything.

The old ancestors of these groups, although everyone was injured, physically or defective, or abnormal, they still maintained an optimistic and positive attitude, and did not sink into it. Living in this huge park, they are still Use your own strength to contribute to a group.

Undoubtedly, these strange fruits in the park were planted for a group of team members who are struggling on the front line.

Like an old woman eating fire dates for Xiao Mu, this ordinary mutant fruit can also help the team members.

“Come here!”

Wu Yan led Xiao Mu to the depths of the park, and met many injured crew members again along the way, saying hello, and went to the front of a gray house.

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