I Made the World Mutate Chapter 485: Blocking

1. King Xuan: Ghost Race

2. Hades: Ghost Race

3. The King of Five Elements: Zombie Race

4. God Wing King: Zombie Race

5. Skyhammer King, Qinglin Alien

6. Two-headed Corpse King: Zombie Race

7. Blood King: Zombie Race

8. Bao Fan King: Ghost Race

9. Thunder King: Qinglin Alien Race

10. Different Mountain King: Qinglin Alien Race

11. Youking: Ghost Race

12. Aoki King: Ghost Race

13. Dark King: Zombie Race

On the way to kill the King of Wings and the King of Skyhammer, Xiao Mu kept thinking about such a list.

Among them, the King of the Mountain, the King of You, the King of Blue Wood, and the King of Darkness have been killed by him and the Princess of the Underworld, so there is no need to think about it.

But even so, there are still nine fifth-level king-levels on the side of the Profound King.

The information collected by the Provisional Alliance may not be fully considered, and it is necessary to consider whether there are other strong people on the Xuanwang side.

If you take into account those who don’t know the details, there will be at least one, two, or even three more people.

But not too much.

If too many strong people join, it is impossible to hide the information investigation of the Provisional Alliance.

For the time being, there will be a total of twelve remaining fifth-level powerhouses on the side of the Profound King.

As for the targets of this sniper attack, there are only three people, the King Wing, the King of Skyhammer, and the King of Blood.

Xiao Mu cannot but consider whether there will be an ambush.

Perhaps, the message that the King Wing, the King of Skyhammer, and the King of Blood had left the team was deliberately sent from the side of the Profound King and led them to the bait.

This is very likely.

If the ambush is true, how many strong people will ambush in secret?

Among the twelve assumed powerhouses, King Xuan and King Pluto must be in the base camp.

Combined with this attack from our own side, among the strong men in the town, each clan left at least one king. This is to check and balance, in order to prevent the foreign king from wantonly killing the genius of his clan when his clan is not guarded by the strong. .

Xiao Mu’s temporary alliance is not strong, so is the temporary alliance of Profound King and theirs strong?

After all, there is a hostile relationship between the various races.

Since Xuanwang and Pluto are both ghosts, Xiao Mu believes that in addition to Xuanwang and Pluto, there must be a zombie king and a Qinglin alien king in the base camp of the Xuanwang.

As for whether the Xuanwang side is a strong human, Xiao Mu is not yet sure.

In any case, no more than eight people can be vacated on the side of the Profound King, except for the four kings of the Profound King and the Pluto.

This means that even if the King Wing, the King of Skyhammer, and the King of Blood appear as an ambush, there will be no more than five kings ambushing in the dark.

Furthermore, consider the place where the Fourth Realm Miserables the Wu Ling and his party went.

That’s where dozens of fourth-level mutations gathered.

These fourth-level metamorphoses are the alternative materials for the Xuanyin and Pluto kings to be left to the end to sacrifice the Xuanyin flags, and their role is important.

How can the Profound King and the Pluto not be protected by dozens of such important fourth-level mutants?

In this way, at least one or even two fifth-level kings must be separated to protect these fourth-level mutants.

The number of protectors, Xiao Mu tends to be two or even three.

According to this calculation, there will be no more than people ambush near the King Wing, Skyhammer, and Blood King, and there are probably only two people.

Thinking of this, Xiao Mu’s mood suddenly became a lot easier, and a smile slowly appeared at the corner of his mouth.

On your side, there are a total of five king-level existences, and if you count the ghost servants, it is six.

Six kings exist, and the three kings of Surprise Assault, King Wing, Skyhammer, and Blood King exist. Even if two to three kings ambush in the dark are taken into consideration, it’s because Xiao Mu, King Ji Yin, and Nether The princesses are all strong, and this surprise attack on Xiao Mu is 100% sure to succeed.

“Stop! I’m going to have an encounter with God Wing King and the others, now make an action plan!”

Xiao Mu asked everyone to stop and said sternly.

“Xiao Mu, what action plan do you want, can you just kill them directly? With these people, and you and the two powerhouses of the Extreme Yin King, are you afraid that you will not kill the three of them?”

Chen E disagrees.

Xiao Mu calmly said: “As the leader of the team, I have to consider whether the appearance of King Wings is a conspiracy.”

Chen smirked, “You are so worried!”


Xiao Muyi stretched out his hand to interrupt Chen E’s words, and said coldly: “If you have an opinion, let’s talk about it later, now listen to the arrangement first!”

After finishing speaking, he turned to Ji Yin Wang, “Ji Yin Wang, you are optimistic about him, if there is an accident on Chen E’s side, I will kill you first!”

What is my business?

The King of Extreme Yin lay down with the gun inexplicably, and was very irritable. She was overbearing and only afraid of Xiao Mu. She immediately turned to Chen E, “Shut up your mouth! One more word, the old lady buried you in the pit for a hundred Year.”

Chen E was so scared that he shrank his neck and shut up angrily.

He was dealt with miserably by the King of Extreme Yin. He was in awe of him from the heart, received warnings, and never dared to talk again.

Xiao Mu continued: “If the King Wings and the others appear in an ambush, there must be a king-level presence behind them. In addition, they are likely to be able to contact the Profound King and the Pluto at any time to request support.”

“This battle, we must fight quickly!”

“Gold Yin King, Princess Netherworld, apart from me, the two of you are the strongest.”

“You two join forces to kill the weakest blood king first, and then kill the sky hammer king after the blood king.”

“Chen E, Cen Nie, you entangled the King Wing King and King Sky Hammer respectively, do not seek to win, only to delay until the King of Yin and Princess Nether kill the Blood King to help.”

“As for the possible ambush in the dark, I will deal with it.”

“Just kill the enemy with peace of mind, and strive to kill the God Wing King, Sky Hammer King, and Blood King in the shortest time. If you can kill the three of them, it is victory.”

“After the kill, immediately evacuate, in case Xuanwang and Pluto use Xuanyin flags to help.”

“Have you heard clearly?”

In a short while, Xiao Mu made arrangements, the plan was clear, and everyone’s tasks were very clear.

To prevent Xuanwang and Hades, use Xuanyin flags to support him in the air. He seeks to make a quick battle and make the extremely Yinwang and Nether princess join forces to kill the blood king first.

With the strength of the Extreme Yin King and the Nether Princess, it is easy to join forces to kill the Blood King. Maybe you can do it in the blink of an eye.

After the two kill the Blood King, they can join forces to kill the Skyhammer King.

With the strength of Cen’s hatred and Chen’s evil, it is absolutely no problem to temporarily hold the King of Skyhammer and King of Wings.

In the case that the strong man in ambush is blocked by Xiao Mu, this plan can be said to be foolproof.

The only thing that needs to be concerned is the support from the Black King and Pluto.

This is not a concern if we can achieve quick killing and quick separation.

“Good plan!”

Princess Nether agreed first and exclaimed.


The King of Extreme Yin did not dare to refute, and said flatly.

“I just follow the arrangement!”

Chen E, who had been warned by the King of Extreme Yin, did not dare to say more.

“Hey! Once the Xuanwang and Pluto’s Xuanyin banners come over, I don’t know who will die.”

Cen Wei laughed, but what he said made people linger, and his long nose stuck out, constantly shaking around.

This fellow won’t say a good thing!

Xiao Mu glanced at Cen Wei displeased, “When retreating, Cen Wei is behind the palace!”

“My queen? Why is my queen?”

Cen tired of yelling in dissatisfaction, but his long nose pointed at Xiao Mu at the same time.

Princess Nether smiled, wishing Xiao Mu to teach her annoyance, every word the boy said was ugly, she cursed people to death at every turn, and she had been fed up with it all the way.

The King of Extreme Yin remains indifferent.

Chen E originally wanted to ridicule Cen with a few words, but when he was stared at by the King of Yin, he suddenly shrank his neck in fright, and finally said nothing.

“There is no why, in my team, you must obey the arrangement. Are you dissatisfied? Yes, I will kill you and send someone to the queen!”

Xiao Mu looked at her with disgust, revealing an undisguised killing intent.

In addition to the annoying mouth poison, there is also a temperament in this person that makes him always uncomfortable. I don’t know why, Xiao Mu always can’t help but want to kill him.

“Also, put your nose away. In the future, when you are in front of me, at any time, you must not stick your nose out, let alone face me, otherwise I will kill you immediately!”

Seeing Cen Wei’s long nose that is always out, Xiao Mu scolded again.

The thing that makes him feel uncomfortable most about Cen Yi is this long nose. Every time he sees it, he feels unusually uncomfortable.

This should be some kind of strange technique, but what exactly it does, Xiao Mu is still unclear.

However, it is definitely not a good thing to expect that I am tired of deliberately poking my nose out again and again.

“My nose is also in your way.”

Cen Wei whispered softly, but in the end, he was afraid of Xiao Mu’s killing intent and put away his long nose unwillingly.

“If you are passive and deliberately failing to deal with the King Wing, I will kill you afterwards!”

Looking at Cen Wei coldly, Xiao Mu warned again.


Cen got tired of a moment and said unwillingly: “Xiao Mu, you don’t need to target me, I will do my best to entangle the King of Wings.”

Staring at Cen for a moment with disgust, Xiao Mu did not respond. Only when Cen was stared at his whole body uncomfortable, Xiao Mu suddenly waved, “Go!”

Everyone unfolded their body skills and moved on.

At this time, the location of the King Wing, Skyhammer, and Blood King was already very close.

Xiao Mu waved his hand, Jiyin King, Nether Princess, Cen Nai, and Chen E immediately rushed over and lay in ambush nearby, quietly waiting for the King Wing, the King of Skyhammer and the King of Blood to come.

Xiao Mu stayed outside to monitor the movement.


Shen Wing King, Sky Hammer King, and Blood King have just entered the ambush, Ji Yin King, Nether Princess, Cen Nai, and Chen Ei rushed out at the same time, surrounding the God Wing King, Sky Hammer King and Blood King Up.

“The King of Extreme Yin, are you?”

The green-haired giant-winged God Wing King, they obviously recognized the Ji Yin King and others, and instead of being surprised, they showed a smile.

“You guys are really fooled, come here to die! Haha!”

The King of Sky Hammer laughed, and reached out his hand, a brilliance shot straight into the sky.

The King of Extreme Yin, Princess Netherworld, and their expressions remained unchanged, and they shot out at the same time.

Among them, King Jiyin and Princess Nether joined forces to kill the Blood King, and Cen Nai and Chen E rushed towards the King Wing and Skyhammer respectively.

“Good and evil yin and yang cut!”

The King of Extreme Yin shook his right shoulder, and the sword of Yin and Yang flew out, where the power of punishment and the power of blessing were intertwined, the power of Yin and Yang emerged, the beads of good and evil rolled, and the Tai Chi Yin and Yang picture appeared, black and white. The yin and yang sword is huge, separating good and evil from yin and yang, standing in the air, cutting the blood king horizontally.

At the same time, the power of good and evil spread, and a gray and two-colored wooden figure appeared on the top of the blood king’s head. With a peek at his feet, his hands were separated, and he went directly into the blood king’s body.

The blood king’s body suddenly split.


The power of punishment emerges from Princess Netherworld, and her image changes. She is wearing an ancient official gown, a black gauze cap and a black token in her hand.

The token threw fiercely at the Blood King.

“You have done a lot of evil, now there are eighteen layers of hell!”

The environment around the blood king’s body changed on the spot, and **** karmic fire appeared all around.

“Princess Nether, what is your method?”

The extremely evil power surged from the blood king, and just after repairing the body that was split into two by the extreme Yin king’s different art, he was suddenly shocked when he encountered the punishment order from the Princess Nether.

He obviously didn’t know the special technique used by Princess Netherworld.

On the other side, King Wing of God and King of Skyhammer were blocked by Cen Wei and Chen E by performing different techniques.

“The emperor cursed you, your body is weakened!”

“The emperor cursed you, your strength is reduced!”

“The emperor cursed you, you must not use other magic!”

Chen Eshen Zhou Jinguang shines brightly, that is the alienation of the power of the earth.

Among the five elements, loess is the respect.

Chen E’s practice is the curse of the earth in the art of the five elements, which is strange and unpredictable.

The King of Skyhammer immediately felt that his strength had been weakened, and it became difficult for him to perform all kinds of magic.

On the other side, Cen Wei also blocked the King of Wings.

His huge long nose stuck out, his nostrils suddenly widened, and an unparalleled suction suddenly appeared from his amazing long nose, forming a whirlpool, madly absorbing the extremely evil power of the King Wing.

The King of Divine Wings was startled, roared, his wings spread out, and he slammed into Cen Wei, flying sand and rocks, changing the color of the world and turning into black light, and rushing towards Cen Wei’s body.


Two miles away, a white light appeared first, followed by a golden light, and finally a black mist.

The white light, golden light, and black mist suddenly moved at extreme speed, and they rushed to the direction where the King of Wings and the King of Skyhammer were located.

“Three, please stay!”

Xiao Mu’s footsteps of life and death ~ IndoMTL.com~ suddenly appeared.

The two forces of life and death extend to the white light, golden light, and black mist, blocking the white light, golden light, and black mist, and Xiao Mu gently falls to the ground.

As expected by Xiao Mu, the appearance of the three Divine Wing Kings was indeed an ambush, and it was still three strong men of the fifth realm who were ambushing secretly.

The white light, golden light, and black mist were blocked, and immediately transformed into shape.

These are the three fifth strongest.

One of them, Xiao Mu, knew him, and he was the treasure fan king of the evil ghost family who met in the Canal of Resurrection.

It is the King of Fans with a unique appearance, a strange arm growing on his nose, and a magical treasure to the sun.

He once teamed up with the Four Eyed Ghost King to kill Xiao Mu outside the Canal of Resurrection.

The other two Fifth Realm Kings are a male and a female. The male is a strong blue scale alien. He is tall and sturdy, with colorful brilliance flowing on his body. This should be a natural body.

In addition, this person should cultivate the sacred power transformed by the power of the sun.

The power of the sacred is protected from any alien spells.

In this person’s hand, he is holding a huge black different metal like a door to build a heavy weapon. Just looking at the appearance, it feels extremely heavy.

The third woman is the king of the zombie family.

This zombie girl is extremely ugly, but she is wearing the most expensive and luxurious white off-the-shoulder gauze evening dress, with heavy makeup and top cosmetics. The light and pure jasmine fragrance radiates from her body, but she still cannot hide the zombie. The stench on the body.

When Xiao Mu stopped, the three of them were shocked.

Especially the King of Fans, he recognized Xiao Mu at a glance. After a start, his face was joyful and he laughed: “Xiao Mu, it’s you? Haha! I’m worried that I can’t find you. It’s great to take the initiative to die! Hahahaha!”


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