I Made the World Mutate Chapter 362: The curse of destruction

“It was not arranged yet!”


   Chen Rui shouted fiercely.


   “Someone arranged?”


   Xiao Mu looked at Lei Shun, waiting for him to explain.


  ”It’s Li Jingyang, the sheriff of this city.”


   Leishun also showed resentment on his face.




   Xiao Mu puzzled, “Is he not a human?”


  ”It’s just a traitor who betrays human beings.”


   Chen Rui took the words bitterly.


  ”How to say?”


   Xiao Mu asked.


   Chen Rui hated him, “This man has already taken refuge in evil spirits and was bought by evil spirits in the Earth Temple.”




   Xiao Mu’s eyes flashed brightly, and he never reported any favors to those who were bought by evil spirits.


   looked at the crowds lining up for incense, Xiao Mu made a decision, “stop these people from continuing to incense.”


  The people who put incense are still moving forward, continue to burn incense, and worship the curse ghost, there will definitely be someone who died like the old man just now.




   Chen Rui was overjoyed, and promised, unfolding light work, and quickly rushed towards the Didi Temple.


  In an instant, he went to the temple of the earth and stopped the people who continued to offer incense, “Well, everyone, don’t continue offering incense, let’s go home individually.”


   “No need for incense? Really?”


  The crowd queuing up for the incense reveals disbelief.


  ”It’s true. You don’t need to use incense anymore. You don’t need incense anymore. Here comes the big man, this order just now, let me tell you that you don’t need incense, so everyone should go home quickly. “


   Chen Rui said loudly.






   Someone in the crowd started crying on the spot.


   It seems that going to the Earth Temple to incense the evil spirits has brought tremendous pressure to them. Hearing Chen Rui said that he didn’t need to put on incense, his breath suddenly vented, and he felt relieved.


   “Mom, go home.”


   A young man held a crying old woman and pulled it out.


   “Thank you, thank you!”


  The old woman thanked Chen Rui.


   More and more people came back to their senses and threw the abnormal incense in their hands on the ground, ready to go home.


   Suddenly, several cars drove over and stopped in front of them, blocking the way of those who were about to leave.


   “Whoever says I don’t need incense, stop it!”


   In the car, a dozen warriors came down in an instant, at least all of them were in the early stage of the third realm, and the strongest of them had reached the late stage of the third realm.


   This realm is the same as Lei Shun.


  ”This is the order of Mr. Xiao from the Alliance. What? Li Jingyang, do you dare to violate Mr. Xiao’s order?”


   Chen Rui walked up, coldly despising the strongest middle-aged warrior.


  Middle-aged martial artist Li Jingyang ignored him, instead turning his head, “Which is Mr. Xiao from the Alliance?”


   said, his eyes focused on Xiao Mu.


   “Mr. Xiao is here, Li Jingyang, are you just coming to see you?”


   Leishun sneered.


  Li Jingyang also ignored Lei Shun, but walked towards Xiao Mu, and said politely, “This is Mr. Xiao, right? Mr. Xiao is good.”




   Xiao Mu glanced at the other person. Because of Chen Rui’s words just now, he didn’t have much favor with Li Jingyang.


   “Mr. Xiao, the people who go to the fragrance can’t go.”


   Li Jingyang said as soon as he opened his mouth.




   Xiao Mu glanced at each other displeasedly.


   Li Jingyang said: “Mr. Xiao does not know that once the incense is stopped, there will be catastrophes. Don’t say that Wujia Village will be destroyed, our whole March city will be catastrophic.”


  ”Before, there were two masters who had visited before, and because of this, this earth temple was not destroyed.”


   Xiao Mu frowned, “What are you talking about?”


   Li Jingyang said: “Mr. Xiao does not know that the evil spirits in this earth temple have a strange ability. Once it spreads out, it can turn into mist. This mist has a strong curse power. Once released, all contamination People will soon turn into dust.”


  ”The power of a curse that can turn people into dust?”


   Xiao Mu was surprised when he heard that, he had never heard of evil spirits possessing such abilities. After thinking about it, he finally shook his head, “Do evil ghosts have such ability? Why haven’t I heard of it?”


   Li Jingyang said: “Mr. Xiao doesn’t believe me, just try it. It was because of this that the two predecessors from the previous alliance had encountered this, and ended up helpless and came home.”


  ”Li Jingyang, you never told us this.”


   Leishun shouted suddenly.


   “Tell you, is it useful?”


   Li Jingyang curled his lips in disdain, showing contempt.


   “Mr. Xiao!”


   Leishun greeted Xiao Mu, obviously waiting for him to make a decision.


   Li Jingyang’s words, he didn’t believe it.


   Xiao Mu did not answer, staring at the Temple of Earth.


   This earth temple, despite its evil aura, did not find the curse power like Li Jingyang said.


   shook his head, “I didn’t find any curse power. Besides, even if there is curse power, I still have a way to control it. Okay, Chen Rui, you take someone to demolish this earth temple.”


   The reason for demolishing the Earth Temple is because the evil spirit is not on the face of the Earth Temple at this time. If the Earth Temple is demolished, the curse ghost will come out.


   It’s like hitting someone at the door. If you smash the other person’s home, the other person will definitely show up.


   Chen Rui was overjoyed when he heard it, “Received! Haha! Brothers, I heard that, Mr. Xiao ordered us to demolish the Earth Temple.”


  ”Demolition of the Earth Temple, haha, I can finally demolish him by myself.”


   Many people are overjoyed, and they feel that they have finally vented their grievances.


   So a dozen people came forward at the same time and went to demolish the earth temple together.


   “Mr. Xiao, wait a minute!”


   Chen Rui stood up again and stopped in front of Xiao Mu, with a solemn expression: “Mr. Xiao, you have to think about it clearly. This earth temple is very evil. If it could be demolished, we would have demolished it long ago. Will wait until today.”


   “Mr. Xiao asked people to dismantle it. If there is an accident, who will be responsible?”


  You can’t dismantle it. At that time, because of your insufficient ability, it doesn’t mean I can’t dismantle it either.


   Chen Rui’s approach ~ IndoMTL.com~ made Xiao Mu feel unhappy, and immediately said: “This will not bother you. If something goes wrong, I will be responsible.”


   “Since Mr. Xiao insists on going his own way, I won’t say more. In case of an accident, please remember what he said.”


   Chen Rui stepped back, with a clear threat in his tone.


   Because of the disparity in strength, Xiao Mu wanted to demolish the Earth Temple, he still couldn’t stop him, not to mention that there were still people in the city who supported Xiao Mu.


   Xiao Mu waved his hand, motioning Chen Rui and others to start.


   “Brothers, tear it down!”


   Chen Rui yelled and greeted the others at the same time, he was the first one to attack the Earth Temple.


  He is a warrior, and he hits the wall of the earth temple fiercely with a fierce palm.


   The walls of this earth temple are obviously much stronger than ordinary walls. Even so, Chen Rui punched a big hole in the wall with his palm.

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