I Made the World Mutate Chapter 222: Change master

“Mr. Qing Songzi, do you want to give me the position of the lord of Nanke City? Why?”


   Xiao Mu was so surprised, he couldn’t believe what Qing Songzi said.




   Qing Songzi sighed deeply, “I know why Mr. Mu is surprised. The position of the lord of Nanke City, no matter who gets it, has great benefits.”


   “If you change to an ordinary person, and you have made this position, it is absolutely impossible to transfer this position.”


  ”It’s just that Mr. Mu doesn’t know anything. Since I was the lord of Nanke City, I have experienced countless changes. First, the air beads were stolen by zombies, and then I almost lost the iron-blooded flag. More than that, the evil spirits also There is a dark horse and a chariot under my nose, but I have not found anything.”


   “Therefore, I feel that my personal ability is limited, and it is really not enough to command the entire Nanke City.”


   “But, this doesn’t seem to be the reason why Qing Songzi gave up his position?”


   Xiao Mu is puzzled.


  Insufficient personal ability?


  There are too many people with insufficient ability. Who would give up their seats to others because of their insufficient ability?


  How many people are willing to do this?


   Qing Songzi obviously guessed what Xiao Mu was thinking, and explained again: “Mr. Mu doesn’t know anything, if it is normal, I would certainly not give way easily, but the situation at this time is extraordinary.”


   “You mean war with evil?”


   Xiao Mu guessed what Qingsongzi wanted to say and asked.


   Qing Songzi concentrated his head, “Mr. Mu is right. Because of this war, my ability is limited. If I continue to be the lord of Nanke City, I am afraid I will not be able to lead the victory of this war.”


   “It’s Mr. Mu, you have helped many times and you have shown extraordinary talents every time. Relatively speaking, you are the most suitable person to be the master of Nanke City.”




   Xiao Mu listened, but he was still full of doubts.


   Even if Qing Songzi came to be the master of Nanke City, it would lead to a defeat in the war, shouldn’t it be the reason for the opponent to abdicate?


  Although I have known Qing Songzi for a while, and have some understanding of each other, Xiao Mu still does not feel that this person is noble to that point. Just because he is the lord of Nanke City will lead to the defeat of the war Give the seat to someone else.


   This is the real master of Nanke City, and it is totally different from the so-called leaders before the world mutation.


  , you should know that to be the lord of Nanke City is to gain personal gain. The so-called success or failure of war affects business affairs.


  How many people will damage their personal interests because of official business? Give up your position because of the failure of the war?


   Of course, there must be such people, and they are not even a minority, but based on Xiao Mu’s understanding of Qingsongzi, he does not think Qingsongzi is such a person.


   Qing Songzi smiled bitterly: “I know what Mr. Mu is thinking, Mr. Mu doesn’t know anything. Once he becomes the lord of Nanke City and takes charge of the Earth Seal, the relationship between himself and Nanke City will become The relationship between all loss and all prosperity.”


  ”Nanke is prosperous, and you will be blessed, but if Nanke is defeated and completely occupied by evils, as the master of Nanke, you will inevitably suffer great harm, even serious ones. May die.”




   Xiao Mu nodded, and finally understood why Qing Songzi had to abdicate and let himself be the lord of Nanke City. This was the reason.


  The success or failure of the war is directly related to Qing Songzi, who is the lord of Nanke City, and Qing Songzi himself is not sure that he can lead Nanke City to victory in this war.


   Qing Songzi, who was not sure about winning in the war, was worried that he would die if the war failed, so he was willing to give up Nanke City.


   thought for a while, then asked: “Mr. Qing Songzi, don’t you worry that I am also afraid that if the war fails, I will die?”


   Qing Songzi smiled bitterly again when he heard the words, “Anyway, Mr. Mu will do it, and he will be more confident than me. Not to mention, with Mr. Mu’s ability, I feel that in this war, Can lead Nanke City to victory.”


   “You let me think about it.”


   Xiao Mu interrupted Qing Songzi.


  For Qing Songzi’s suggestion, in fact, he is very heart-warming.


   He cultivated the Heavenly Emperor Dao, and it was inevitable to develop his own power. Now, the real power is sent before him. If he says he doesn’t want to accept it, it is a lie.


   It’s just that, after accepting it, the relationship between myself and Nanke City has become a relationship of both loss and prosperity.


   Especially the war that is coming soon.


  The war won, everything is easy to say, if you lose, I guess it will be over.


   This is a double-edged sword. After accepting it, it will bring me great benefits, but at the same time, it also carries certain hidden dangers.


  The hidden danger is war.


  If you want to eliminate hidden dangers, you must win the war.


   Xiao Mu is measuring how much he has the ability to lead the victory of this war, and he is truly firmly seated as the lord of Nanke City.


   followed closely, and he couldn’t help thinking of other things.


  Nanke City has a land seal and a land sign, and other cities obviously have them too.


   Whose hands did those earthy charms and seals fall into?


  What will the general trend of the world become in the future?


   What the general trend of the world will become, Xiao Mu can’t guess for the time being, but anyway, as the master of one place, he definitely has a competitive advantage over other people who are not.


   If you don’t want to be the lord of Nanke City and become a casual person, can you win the competition with others?


   Thinking of this, Xiao Mu couldn’t help shaking his head.


   If he is against a general force, he is not afraid, and he is replaced by a landlord, a landlord with a seal and a talisman. With his own common wild force, he may not have any advantage in the competition. .


   Thinking of this, Xiao Mu couldn’t help gritting his teeth.


   Wealth and wealth are in danger, how can I know the result if I don’t play?


   such a huge benefit is brought before my eyes. I don’t know how many people want to break my head, and I’m still hesitating.


   There is nothing to hesitate, I accept it.


   then said: “Mr. Qing Songzi, I accept your kindness, and I am willing to become the master of Nanke City.”


   Qing Songzi was overjoyed, “I knew that Mr. Mu would definitely agree. Mr. Mu, please wait a moment, I will give you the seal of the earth and the sign of the earth first.”


   said, Qing Songzi stretched out his hand and spread out his palm.


   over his palm, suddenly released a faint brilliance.


   A quaint big seal appeared on his palm.


   Xiao Mu took a closer look~ IndoMTL.com~ The big seal is blue, with the words’Nanke’ engraved on the surface.


   This must be the earth seal symbolizing the authority of Nanke City.


   handed the seal of the earth to Xiao Mu, and Qing Songzi said: “Mr. Mu, this is the seal of the earth, please receive it.”


   “Thank you!”


   Xiao Mu thanked him, and took the seal of the earth from Qing Songzi.


The first time    Earthyin took his hand, Xiao Mu had a strange feeling.


   This seal of the earth can be absorbed into the body.


   Xiao Mu tried to take the Earth Seal into his body, and suddenly, he felt that there was a strange connection between himself and Nanke City.


   The entire Nanke City seems to be blessing myself, and my own strength has also been significantly improved, probably by half to 10%.

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