I Have a Mansion in the Post-apocalyptic World Chapter 900: Completion of the undersea tunnel

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“At 9 o’clock on November 5, the synagogue in Pilsen, southern Czech Republic, was hit by a burning SUV car. After rushing into the church, the car exploded. The Pilsen City Fire Department urgently dispatched personnel, but when the fire truck Upon arrival, the church was completely engulfed by the fire. “

“A total of 31 Jews were killed and 57 were burned to varying degrees. The attack vehicle was driven remotely, and the vehicle contained extremely sticky fuel. At present, Pearson City Police has initially determined that this incident is A terrible terrorist attack against the Jews. The Czech President delivered a speech in front of the media. The Czech Republic has entered a state of emergency. The city of Pilsen is under full martial law. When asked how long martial law will last, the Czech President did not give a clear answer, only Said that the duration of martial law requires further discussion with Parliament … “

The news of some time ago was shown on TV, and the tragedy in the Czech Republic cast a shadow over the western world, which was trapped in the quagmire of terrorism.

In contrast, the shootout on Venice Avenue in Los Angeles was forgotten by the media.

After all, the death of a group of Americans and newcomers is far less powerful than the news of the death of a group of Jews.

Especially, on that day, there were exactly 13 presidents of big European groups praying in this humble church …

Aisha walked to Jiang Chen with the dinner plate, and gently placed milk and golden egg fried rice on the dining table in front of him.

A follow-up report of the Pearson attack was shown on the TV opposite the dining table. Aisha ’s expression could not see any abnormality, as if all this had nothing to do with her.

“The British FTSE 100 index opened at 7121 points, a 4.3% dive, the French CAC40 index opened at 4441.7 points, down 2.0%, and the German DAX30 index opened at 10610.8 points, a 5.7% dive.” While drinking milk, Xia Shiyu While looking at the newspaper in hand, “Shanghai, Shenzhen and Nikkei index rose slightly, and the US Dow Jones index rebounded slightly after opening down …”

Sighing, she put down the glass.

“The economic crisis has already begun.”

Just after drinking half a glass of milk, there was a little white milk stain on the corner of her mouth. Perhaps she was aware of this, and she subconsciously stretched out her tongue. She licked her tongue.

I have to say that this movement is incredibly fragrant. Although I didn’t realize it, Jiang Chen sitting next to her subconsciously closed his legs.

Noting that Jiang Chen’s sitting posture seems to be somewhat abnormal, Xia Shiyu looked at this side in doubt.

“Is there any problem?”

“No, no! Cough, let’s say … the economic crisis, is it related to this?” Jiang Chen quickly pointed to the report on TV, and then her last sentence diverged the topic.

Hearing Jiang Chen ’s question, Xia Shiyu nodded approvingly

“There is no direct connection, this economic crisis has buried an incentive for a long time ago. From the recent soaring oil prices, we can already see a glimpse. But to some extent, this attack can be called It is the fuse. “

As he said, Xia Shiyu spread out the newspaper in his hand and turned to another panel. She did not know the connection between the attack and the Los Angeles incident, Freemasonry, Jiang Chen, and Ghost Agent, but only analyzed the problem from an objective perspective.

Looking down at Xia Shiyu’s slender jade fingers, Jiang Chen saw the headline in the newspaper, and it seemed to write about the European estate tax and the like.

“The key lies in the people who died in the attack. Among them are the chairman of the Krupp Group, the director and CEO of the Luxembourg Steel Industry Group, the executive director of Siemens … and even the Rothschild Bank Heirs of the second order. Except for the last one, these people are all real power figures in European capital. “

Speaking of this, Xia Shiyu pushed his glasses, and a sharp expression flashed in his beautiful eyes.

“These accidents have made the already stagnant European economy even worse, and even lowered the North American economy. In contrast, the Asian market has exploded with a long-suppressed market potential. From a perspective, when we withdrew from the European market at that time, it was a correct decision. “

“Aren’t you going to praise me?” Jiang Chen joked.

“It’s just a crooked fight.” Xia Shiyu glanced at the proud Jiang Chen, and he wasn’t angry.

Jiang Chen shrugged and shrugged, without denying this.

After the break with Freemasonry, many people in the group opposed completely abandoning the European market and investing too much chips in Asia, but only he insisted on making this decision.

Even now, this decision is absolutely arrogant. Without the board alone, this decision could not be passed at all.

But as far as the outcome is concerned, this decision has become a thankful thing …

Xia Shiyu finished drinking milk and looked at the clock on the wall. “It’s almost time, are you going to the company together?”

“I have a completion ceremony in the afternoon to attend, and I am very busy in the morning. I will go out together later, just take your car.” Jiang Chen three times five divided two to solve the few breakfasts left, glanced The clean and dishonest dinner plate in front of Xia Shiyu couldn’t help but spit out, “Is it okay to eat so much?”

It seems to have eaten only one egg except milk. It’s only 7:30 and there are more than four hours before lunch.

However, Xia Shiyu didn’t realize it, but instead looked at Jiang Chen doubtfully.

“Is there less? But I am already full.”


In mid-November, the submarine road connecting Panu Nine Island was finally completed. After that, from Koror Island to Angka Island, there is no need to change to a ship, or take a ferry that can load a car, and take the highway directly to any of the nine main islands.

The submarine pipeline made of graphene material is like a transparent crystal corridor. Standing in this crystal corridor, you can see the colorful corals, shells and tropical fishes when you look up. Even those with deep-sea phobias do not need to worry. Cold light lamps are installed inside and outside the pipeline, enough to dispel the fear of the deep seabed.

As for safety, it can withstand the pressure of millions of pascals under the depth of up to two hundred meters, which can prove the strength of graphene material. The inner side of the graphene pipe is coated with fireproof material, which also eliminates the danger caused by fire in a car accident. After all, fire is one of the few weaknesses of graphene material.

The Xinguo Subsea Highway will surpass the 123-kilometer record set by the Bohai Bay Subsea Tunnel and become the longest underwater subsea tunnel in the world!

As an investor in the highway, Jiang Chen participated in the completion ceremony held by the constructor.

With the support of media shots, the project has been tailored.

After cutting, it was the first opening ceremony.

Invited to participate is not only the person in charge of the relevant projects of the construction party and the Future People Group, but also the president of the new country, government officials, celebrities from all walks of life, and even guests from foreign countries. A total of more than 70 guests participated in the first pass ceremony, riding in a fleet of more than 30 luxury cars.

Following the media, Jiang Chen led this special convoy and ran through the hundreds of kilometers of submarine highway.

The battle is tremendous!

If you want to say who is the most proud of the first pass ceremony, I am afraid it will belong to new energy vehicle companies such as Ruerka. As the sponsor of the ceremony, all vehicles are provided by automobile companies such as Ruerka who have a cooperative relationship with Future People Heavy Industry.

This is not just a first-pass ceremony, but rather a large-scale promotional event tailored for pure electric vehicles. The automobile market in the new country has been sluggish, and has nothing to do with per capita income. The main reason is transportation. If a car can only run in one city, there is really no need for middle-class families to buy a car.

But after the submarine highway is completed, it will be different.

It is foreseeable that in a period of time in the future, the automobile market in the new country will surely usher in explosive growth. The focus of future Renren Group promotion is new energy vehicles that use electrical energy!

Thousands of wireless charging piles distributed throughout the new country cover a wide area and even exceed gas stations! (To be continued.)

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