I Became the Ultimate Boss Chapter 734: Stop thinking from 1

Kemeng wandered around Maolianrenshan Village to get historical pictures of the past.

   Some things are too long, and the records have become very vague, and the synesthesia is not real enough.

   Kemeng wandered here for a long time, like a black ghost, full of black smoke, invisible form, absorbing the memories of the past.

   Until Kemeng saw the construction of Maolianrenshan Village from scratch.

   At this time, Kemeng began to turn his memory upside down and saw the village head, the mother of the village.

   human form, cat face, long cat tail behind him, cat pupils are yellow, reflecting a strange light.

   As the first cat-faced man with a sublimated mind, the village head is full of energy and more energetic than all the villagers.

   Kemeng noticed that the spirituality of the village chief has soared day by day, and the increase is quite terrible.

The synaesthetic screen fast forward to one month later.

  The village has been built.

  The head of the village did not know where he brought back a cat that stopped thinking.

  The village chief taught the villagers how to feed the cats, and after a certain day, he left the village, claiming to go to the wilderness to experience.

   Since then, the seat of the village chief has been vacant. A few years later, everyone decided that the village chief was dead, and elected the original deputy chief as the official village chief.

   After many years, the village has changed from generation to generation, and the village chief lives in the stories of the older generation.

  The descendants have never seen the village chief, and can only hear the story of the village chief from the stories of the predecessors.

After    synaesthesia is finished.

   Kemeng set off to go to the great wilderness where the village chief is going.

   The Nyah factor now shrouded on land has disappeared, and there will be no more false history.

   Kemeng soon found a story about the Great Wilderness in an abandoned city.

  The Great Wilderness was a forbidden place long ago, and now that area has become a safe place for free entry and exit.

   That area is called the Unknown Forest.

  According to the player’s map, it is a two-hundred-level area, at least a month away from the novice area.

   Kemeng’s speed is extraordinary, he quickly transitioned from the void, shuttled for a few minutes, and arrived at the scene.

   by the way.

   Since Kemon’s awareness of the game world has increased, the speed of traveling through the void has also increased.

   The turbulent turbulence of the void seems to hinder oneself.

   In fact, as long as you have the heart, you can pull up the turbulence and let the spatial ripples they produce help you accelerate and achieve speeding travel.

   Soon, Kemun came to the Unknown Forest.

   The Unnamed Forest is very dense, with tall trees and generous shadows, as if there are many figures shaking inside.

  Kemeng recalled the game information. Among the information for the week, the Unknown Forest is a beautiful forest bathed in sunlight all day long, suitable for players to date in it.

   But in the second week of the eye, the sun is gone, and the sky is shrouded in nameless fog, making this place very dark.

   Kemeng will naturally not be used to these evil spirits, softly flicking his fingers, magic power forms a round of artificial sun, hanging above the forest and burning.

  The sun shining through all directions, let the nameless fog retreat a little.

  The shadows in the forest were irradiated by the sun, and puffs of blue smoke appeared.

   Not long after, the yelling of evil spirits rang in the forest, and the sound entered my ears, and it was extremely painful.

   Kemeng walked on this land, feeling the memories of the past.

   There are players, and there are some memories of animals.

   However, what Kemon wanted was not these memories, but the great famine period when this land was not called the Unknown Forest.

   At that time, this place was deserted, without any vegetation, and hot weather could cook people.

  It is hard to imagine that the village head of the cat-faced man with sublimated thinking will experience in such a place.

   Unless, he found something.

   Kemeng wandered in the forest for a long time. The evil spirits avoided Kemeng and hid in the shadows under the trees.

   Ke Kemeng made a terrible shot. He killed one when he saw one, drew the resistance power from them, and used it for himself.

   has lived in the game world for a long time, and has become more and more indifferent to life.

   Kemeng also knows that his condition is not very good, his human nature gradually hides, and he is more and more accustomed to plundering on his way to chasing strong.

   but not plundering resistance, Kemon feels uneasy again.

   If there is no such thing as a strong resistance to the evil god, his future will not belong to him.

   He wants to control his future and cannot be restrained by Cthulhu.

   a few days later.

   Kemeng finally returned to the land called the Great Wilderness Period.

   On that land, a very spiritual cat-faced man walked through this land, leaving a scary legend.

  Countless creatures in the Great Wilderness have been obliterated. They belonged to the subterranean tribe. They smelled the meat, subconsciously came out, and were killed directly by the village chief.

  The spirituality of the village chief is getting higher and higher, and he has risen to the level of gods.

   This made Kemeng secretly startled. This village chief was simply an inexperienced genius who transformed into a **** in just a few months.

  The sublimation of thinking is so powerful?

   Kemeng thought of the Necronomicon Book.

  No, the sublimation of thinking is so powerful!

   After Kemeng enlightened the Book of Necromancy, his own thinking also opened up new ideas. He saw death more thoroughly than most people. After that, studying Necromantic Magic did not hinder the bottleneck, and he studied all the way to becoming a god.

  The sublimation of the village chief’s thinking is also a similar process, breaking through the bottleneck of becoming a god, and the next step is to use time to transition.

   However, this is not the result Kemeng wanted. Kemeng wanted to see the past of the big-faced cat.

  The village chief who became a **** queen went to another place.

   Kemeng pushed back in the opposite direction. He was going to find the place where the big-faced cat was born. That was Kemeng’s concern.

   As for the village head, I will solve the mystery of the cat later, and then go back to see where the village head has gone after he became a god.

   This journey of finding secrets is far longer than Kemeng imagined.

   It took nearly two months for Kemun to find the first place where the village chief found the big-faced cat from the vague history~IndoMTL.com~ That place is a plain haystack, where the cat is Squatting in the haystack, looking up at the sky forty-five degrees, in a daze.

   as if it had lost the ability to think since it was born.

   Faced with this cat, the village head, who is not wise, picked up the big-faced cat and called the cat’s name.

   Kemeng pricked his ears to listen.

   heard nothing.

  At this time, the spirituality of the village head began to change.

  The thinking is sublimated!

   There seems to be colorful light radiating from the big-faced cat.

   The village chief not only acquired strange knowledge, but also sublimated his thinking.

   At this time, the village chief was not the village chief. After sublimation, he hid the cat, and then took the first batch of cat-faced people and built the village.

   Until the village is built, he will go to the wild and bring the hidden cat back to the village.

What happened after    was what Kemon saw.

   In order to find this piece of past history, it took Kemon a lot of effort.

   “I stopped thinking from the beginning.”

   Kemeng sat sadly on a deserted clearing, where the big-faced cat first appeared in the haystack.

   There is no grass now, Kemun can no longer feel the older past, and the investigation is in trouble.

   Source of this article:

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