I Became the Ultimate Boss Chapter 646: Find the existence behind the scenes

“This call is not simple, it is definitely related to the first week boss.” Kemon murmured.

The first week boss is not the younger brother of Cthulhu, but a clone of another evil god.

Kemon knows his name, but according to the game setting, this evil god’s clone will not be active in the world under the name of Nyarathotepu. He will definitely play the world with a face that ordinary people don’t know.

Naya, a crazy guy.

According to Kemun’s known settings, this guy likes to play the world with a human face. The image is not fixed, but the game is random.

Because it is random, the result can be imagined, even the official staff don’t know where this guy is!

Now the player world of Orange Star is rushing to the level, and will soon receive the main story related to the weekly boss in the 900-level main city.

Through the plot, slowly find clues to the weekly boss.

Otherwise, they might not find where this guy is in their entire lives, and they will live in the world like someone else.

Kemeng fell asleep and took a look at his video account, and then watched the video for a while to see what was popular at station B recently.

He remembered that for a while, everyone liked punching, and then he said aloud that young people don’t speak martial arts, so they can do it for themselves.

Turning around, there is nothing I want to see.

Suddenly, he flipped to a strange video.

This is a normal house dance video.

But the dancer’s skirt was so fluttered, it seemed to come alive, giving Kemon a strange feeling.

It’s as if the skirt has a life, I’m afraid it will be refined.

Barrage netizens:

“This dress is so beautiful, it has the filter smell of a flawless sword.”

“Little sister, don’t post yourself on the Internet, come, I will give you a debut question…”

“Where to buy small skirts, please UP master for a link!”

Kemeng felt a little strange, not only was the skirt a little strange, but the girl’s shadow was also a little strange, like a member of the shadow stream.

The shadow stream is gone, the upper level is gone, and the middle level is also cut off, leaving only some new members and shadow stream mentors who have not been completely collected.

But there are very few such shadows. As the disappearance case spreads, they will be caught sooner or later.

Kemeng used his privileges to call the beasts of the Internet to check the IP. After finding the physical address through the IP, Kemeng suddenly discovered that this person was from the whale market.

The network monster can still be used. Kemeng found out that the Jinlizhou Investigation Bureau has a magic weapon to restrict the network monster, otherwise it will not let it have such a huge power in the network.

Constrained material network monsters are still controllable.

Kemeng watched the video of house dance girls dancing several times, and felt all kinds of scenes.

As synesthesia deepened again and again, a dark picture suddenly flashed through Kemeng’s mind.

Speaking of, there is another behind the scenes behind Shadow Stream, which is in a black invisible light area.

It’s not a void, it’s just like a void.

Kemon feels it is necessary to investigate.

The Blue Star is safe now, but it does not mean that the Shadow Stream organization cannot make a comeback. As long as this behind-the-scenes existence is still there, the risks still exist.

Similarly, the true **** behind the door organization is also real, and the risks remain.

Kemeng has recently had time to deal with personal matters. After the meeting has dealt with the shadow members, he will find time to sort out the doctrine of the door organization and completely change the doctrine of the door organization to atheism.

If there are those who do not obey, they are directly washed into an atheist.

Kemeng does not need people who believe in other gods, no matter who you believe in, it is difficult to guarantee a good start and a good end.

Don’t believe in any gods, believe in yourself, Kemon thinks this is the best way to live.

If you don’t believe in gods, you can’t get extraordinary powers from gods.

For some people who desire extraordinary power, it will feel unfair, but this does not make Kemon change his mind.

Everything, only to blame these extraordinary influences on the normal human social order.

Kemeng put the phone away, he already felt the coordinates, plugged in angel wings, took off the halo, and flew into the sky.

In a few minutes, Kemeng fell from the sky and landed on the roof of the house.

On the way Kemeng was flying, the Bureau of Investigation had been notified. The investigators who had been patrolling downstairs came over with the containment objects and raised their heads and gave Kemeng a sign that he could enter the building.

Kemeng squatted down and touched the floor with his hand, amplifying his hearing, and heard the sound of breathing and heartbeat in the building.

There are one man and two women in the room, which should be the parents of the house dance girl and herself.

Kemeng didn’t come to get the skirt this time. His task was to rectify the members of the Shadow Stream. The skirt of the controller was kept by the authorities.

Jumped downstairs and knocked on the door with a team of investigators.

“Open the door and check the water meter!”

Boom boom boom, the knock on the door was extremely loud.

“Here is coming.”

Not long after, the door opened, and the person who opened the door was her mother.

Kemeng had planned to enter the house, but suddenly felt something, and quickly left the corridor and ran outside.

I saw a dark shadow swiftly wandering on the wire, leaving as if flying away.

“Is a cute new member.” Kemen felt the shadow quality of the other party, spread his wings, and chased in the city.

The distribution of electrical wires in the urban area extends in all directions. If the flying technology is not good enough, it may fly crookedly.

Kemeng predicted the opponent’s escape route in advance with his abnormal spiritual perception.

Without knowing it, Shadow met Kemon’s hand at the corner ten seconds later, and then couldn’t escape again and was caught in the palm of his hand.

“Sure enough, there is the breath of that monster.” Kemun grasped the shadow and felt the aura behind the shadow stream.

That guy, acted again!

Scenes of synesthesia flashed in front of Kemeng’s eyes. It turned out that this shadow was the original owner who heard sounds that normal people couldn’t hear during the process of listening to songs.

Following an accident, she succeeded in having a shadow form, able to walk away from the body and wander at night.

But because she has also become a shadow creature, she knows that the Bureau of Investigation is capable of the sky, and she will definitely not let go of the members of the Shadow Stream organization.

Unexpectedly, that skirt is finished!

Not only did she become refined, she also controlled her body to perform a dance.

It can only be said that fate is making fun of people. The shadow stream’s existence behind the scenes just found a new heir~IndoMTL.com~ and was cut off by Kemeng.

Coincidentally, it was from the whale market.

Kemeng passed it to the people of the Bureau of Investigation, and there is no need to locate the shadow members anymore. He caught the other’s sight just now through spiritual perception.

That was the sight from the void.

When Kemeng looked up at the sky, he was not looking at the sky, but through his appearance and spiritually peeping into the void, and he saw the shadow stream’s existence behind the scenes.

That is the companion small space attached to the Blue Star, just like the Habitat of the Blood Race, it exists alone in the void, and it forms a separate world, attached to the Blue Star.

“She is afraid of catching the shadow hand. This is a reward given by the system.”

As for the shadow catcher, Kemon actually has a question that has not been solved.

I asked Blue Star Will, it didn’t know where the Shadow Grasp came from. Perhaps it was an accident when the system’s ability intersected with another world, commonly known as a BUG.

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