I Became the Ultimate Boss Chapter 564: Door

Before entering inside, Kemeng took a photo of glutinous rice **** to see if it could resist the curse of mineral disease.

The glutinous rice **** shook their body, nothing happened.

Then the bodyguard Shirley also proved that it can resist the curse of mineral disease.

Kemon walked into the opened mine alone with one pet, but the people behind him did not continue to enter, because Kemeng stopped them and they could not resist if there was an accident inside.

At present, human beings are still a bit weak and unable to deal with this mineral disease.

The person in charge and several investigators waited at the door, whispering about Kemun’s true status, but the person in charge shook his head and didn’t talk too much about it.

In the mine.

Shirley holds the illuminating crystal high. She herself does not emit light, but special items can emit light. For example, this white crystal in her hand can emit natural light and illuminate some areas of the mine. At the same time, it has a light effect, which can be used for dark things. Cause destructive injury.

Kemon walked fast, and the sixth sense told Kemon to call for help right in the front.

After turning dozens of corners in a row, the sixth sense became stronger and stronger, so strong that it made a clear call in my heart.

“Help me, help me!”

“Help me, I don’t want to die!”

The painful cry for help echoed in Kemeng’s ears. Kemeng vaguely heard the sound of human skin, blood, flesh and bones turning into black crystal mines, and the screams stimulate Kemeng’s body time and time again.

Kemeng’s physical resistance has swept away the new curse of mineral disease time and time again, which indicates that the source is near.

Kemeng stood in front of a rock wall, as the natural light of the crystal block shined, the surface of the black crystal mine reflected Kemeng’s face.

The reflectivity of the black crystal is amazing, showing Kemeng’s face with a reflectivity close to 100%.

The only difference is that the left and right sides of Kemeng’s cheeks are covered with black spots. Those spots are all micron-level crystal ore, densely packed, enough to make the dense phobia patient faint instantly.

Kemeng saw that his eyes were as beautiful as black spar, with a jewel-like luster, completely unlike humans.

At the moment when he stared at the black ore, Kemeng could feel that the number of times the resistance of his physical strength rolled increased, more than ten times per second.

“Be careful and try not to look at the ore.” Kemeng reminded.

Shirley and Tangyuan were both looking at the ore, and when Kemon reminded them, they immediately closed their eyes and stopped watching.

Kemon personally knocked the ore with his hand, and heard a dull echo.

A twinkling silhouette flashed before my eyes.

A person is stuffed in the ore!

No, it’s people who turned into ore!

The things seen in the dream became reality, Kemun’s mood was a little heavy, which indicated that every black crystal mine was transformed by a living human.

They may still have dreams of life? But in the face of mysterious power? They don’t have any resistance and can only be ruthlessly corroded by mineral diseases.

Kemeng looked at more than a dozen ores in a row? Frown deeply.

“This is not the source? Where is the source?”

“Master, are there people in the ore?” Shirley also felt the outline of people at this time? She thought people had become ore.

“Yes, they are all victims.” Kemon nodded.

The two are not afraid of ore disease? They searched the mine all around? They also saw a mining machine falling to the ground, cracked by broken stones, and temporarily unable to operate.

Kemeng was touching the ore while calling the local person in charge: “Can you check the list of missing miners? The sooner the better.”

“Ke team? I have a record of this. There are 32 missing persons, their names are…”

Kemeng listened to these names and felt that there should be clues to the source of the mineral disease in the home of a certain victim.

Then? Kemeng went out of the mine and got a more detailed report of missing persons? Arranged the investigation task: “Each person is in charge of how many people, and go to their home to check? Synaesthesia, maybe there is mineral disease. Clues to the source.”

“Is the source not in the mine?”

“No? The mine is not the site of the first crime? The source is in another place.” Kemeng shook his head? “When investigating, let the other’s family members move first to prevent them from infecting your mineral disease. You are the infected. If the source is around, you should be able to perceive it and report it immediately.”

“Yes! Team Gram!”

Several investigators immediately dispatched to carry out investigations from house to house.

Kemeng picked a few people from among the many names, and then according to the order of feeling, he first took glutinous rice **** and Shirley to the home of a victim’s family named Luo Tong.

The eyes of the victim’s family were red, and when they saw Kemeng, they wanted to ask how his old man was.

“Sir, how is my Luotong?”

Kemeng asked the official staff of the companion to come out to answer, and went into the house to feel it carefully.

There is nothing very special in Luo Tong’s house. Ordinary furniture, ordinary electrical appliances, and all kinds of ordinary objects hanging on the wall are all ordinary.

Kemeng stood in the middle of the living room, feeling nothing.

After turning around, I didn’t find it, so I walked out of the room and was about to leave here. The noise in my ears also returned, all the cries of family members.

As soon as he took a step out of the front door, Kemon stepped back again, and the cry of the family members seemed a little weaker.

“There is a problem, there is a problem here.” Kemon was keenly aware of the problem.

Kemeng entered and exited at the front door, and felt the changes in the cry of his family members every time.

Either low or high, not always in a stable state.

Some people will also say that people are not in a stable state when they cry.

But Kemeng wants to say that the sound of the internal and external environment drops too far, as if the sound of the player should have jumped from ten to eight, but it fell from ten to five in volume, which dropped by three more points. volume.

In contrast to other bedroom doors, there is no such strange feeling.

“There is a problem with the door.” Kemeng’s mind instantly got in touch with the door organization. This door must be related to the door organization.

Since it is related to the door organization, has the source of the mineral disease been taken away by them?

Kemon knew that there was a problem with the front entrance, so he wanted to tear down the door and didn’t want it to stay here.

“Sorry~IndoMTL.com~Can we take this door away? It may be related to the disappearance of your family member. Our Bureau of Investigation needs to further analyze and investigate it.” Kemeng apologized to the victim’s family.

The victim’s family is two daughters. The mother and daughter are both mature and beautiful, but their eyes are very red crying. They are all lost in the grief of losing their husband and dad, and they don’t want to talk to Kemun.

The victim’s wife just kept nodding, holding Kemun’s arm, and begged: “Take it if you want, but can you bring my husband back.”

The special commissioner who was with the Bureau of Investigation used a soft force to release the woman’s palm, and prevented the other party from touching Kemeng. He stood in front of Kemeng and explained softly: “This lady, our Bureau of Investigation will try our best to save Your target, thank you for your understanding and support.”

After a while, the door was brought back to the Bureau of Investigation.

However, things are not as smooth as Kemeng imagined. The door of each victim’s family has a strange sense of downturn.

So the Bureau of Investigation moved thirty-two doors back to the Bureau of Investigation in one go.

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