I Became the Ultimate Boss Chapter 444: Neighbors’ crisis

, the fastest update I became the latest chapter of the second week boss!

The first time Kemon felt the presence of the movie behind the scenes, it was through this old-fashioned radio.

I haven’t used it again for a long time after that, but there is nothing wrong with using it again. Kemon’s resistance is different from the past, and it can easily resist the fascination in the radio.

Kemeng took the old radio, placed it on the floor, and pressed the play button in front of it.

Shadow seemed very upset, afraid of betraying the organization.

Kemeng hasn’t used the thunderbolt brainwashing method on it, mainly because the radio will cause secondary pollution to it. It is better to let it listen to the radio first, and maybe think of the starting point.


There was a rustle on the radio, and the shadow moved restlessly, but it was useless. Kemon himself guarded the room and didn’t go anywhere.

“Aren’t you afraid, you will be crazy too!” Shadow is actually not afraid of listening to the radio, but he is afraid that he wants to start something, and then accidentally pried open his mouth by Kemon.

Shadow does not want to be a traitor, it is afraid that it will betray the organization.

“You are not afraid of madness, what am I afraid of?” Kemon asked rhetorically.

Shadow Stream’s deacon said, “Why do you dare to guarantee that you are not crazy? I don’t believe it.”

Kemon didn’t speak, just waiting for the old radio to show off.

After a while, the sound on the radio finally began to be distorted to the point of abnormality, hoarse and unpleasant, trying to make people tear themselves apart.

Kemon was unmoved, such a voice could no longer affect him, and quickly cleared away the mental interference.

Shadow creatures can’t stand it a bit. Not everyone is like Kemun, who has no sense of secret voices from the outside world.

Kemeng waited for one minute after another. Five minutes later, the shadow creature’s mental state was very bad. He had begun to mutter some non-nutritive and meaningless words in his mouth, and paused every second.

Kemeng knows every one of these words, but it doesn’t make up a sentence at all.

Kemeng turned off the radio, and after a while, the shadow creature improved again.

It was originally a member of the Shadowstream organization, and it has come into contact with a lot of secret information. It is very likely that it has been exposed to this type of information. When the radio stops, its soul can slowly calm down and return to rationality.

No, it took half an hour for the other party to regain his senses.

“You…” The other party was stuck as soon as he spoke, and he didn’t know what to scold.

Kemeng gave a regular review, “What do you think of?”

The Deacon Shadow Stream didn’t want to speak, Kemon came straight to him, replaced it with a beast body, put on the Ring of Thunder and Lightning, and thunder and lightning treatment to clear the opponent’s beliefs.

The deacon has been kicked out of the Internet cafe. Kemun will not ask him for information about the House of Shadow Stream, lest he blew himself up like the previous deacon.

Kemon cleaned the opponent’s faith, and then continued to interrogate.

The place of Kemun interrogation has been moved to a special area, where you can explode as much as you want, and if there is any crisis, he personally covers it.

“I remembered something. I was responsible for the supervision of 30 nodes. I supervised those regional liaisons and sent subordinates to arrange nodes. Of course, those subordinates didn’t know the content of the real tasks…” The deacon of the Internet cafe had already She had rebelled, she had no shadow of faith in her heart, and she told her what had suddenly come to mind.

Kemeng listened carefully, and each node has a professional and sophisticated location, flow of people, people’s happiness, the background story behind the area, and the character of the sacrifice.

This is a systematic and sophisticated technique, first consider the place, and then find a suitable sacrifice.

The sacrifices are all people, but people are just the key to a node, and the whole area is the sacrifice.

In the era when there is no spiritual fruit to inspire spirituality, it is so difficult to find high-growth people. The people of Shadow Stream regard them as the key to open the node, and they have to avoid being discovered by the authorities. It is very difficult and it takes a lot of effort for the boss.

“In short, the host wants to summon the Lord of Shadow Stream.” After the deacon finished speaking, he let out a long sigh of relief.

It just wants to change the body to play the game, and its loyalty to Shadow Stream is based on this ability to change the body.

Originally, he was not so loyal, but he knew more and more secret information, and he couldn’t go back to the past, and he was stuck with the shadow stream, so that he had symptoms of mental worship.

Now that the faith is removed, he feels a little regretful, because the ability to change his body is a voluntary ability he wants, which has nothing to do with faith.

Now it is still a shadow creature, but there is an investigation bureau, so don’t even think about going out in this life, it’s planted here for the rest of your life.

Kemon looked at each other, and didn’t think that the Lord of Shadow Stream could successfully descend on Blue Star.

If the leader of the Shadow Stream doesn’t know, then this call is very likely to fail. I don’t know if it has a plan for the record after the call fails.

Kemon exited the interrogation room, uploaded a series of information to himself, and then participated in a web conference to discuss the big move of Shadow Stream.

At this time, the network monster has retrieved the information of 1,378 people from the portrait painted by Kemeng, and the connections on the map have become denser.

Jinli Island has the strictest control over the Shadow Stream organization, which should have been the continent with the least nodes among the five continents.

However, the situation is different. The least node is a continent located in the extreme south. Almost half of it is covered with glaciers. The glaciers are all uninhabited areas with the fewest nodes. The main nodes are concentrated in the upper half of the continent. area.

The continent is a wonder. The second half is glaciers, and the first half is physical land. After Kemeng entered the investigation bureau, he learned that the continent was affected by special forces, which violated common sense.

“The people in Shadow Stream are not randomly selecting nodes. When arranging the nodes, they will examine the population density and the happiness of the people…” Kemeng circled the red dots of other continents with a pen, and the table made a sound:

“Our local node was destroyed, but the foreign node has not been destroyed yet. The people of Shadow Stream will soon respond. In order to reduce the loss, it is possible to start the ceremony directly.”

Kemeng’s words are already very obvious. This is not a matter for one of our continents. It is a crisis for all continents. They also have to do their best to clear those nodes.

At least how to convince other continents that those nodes are plots of Shadow Stream, it depends on the Special Affairs Investigation Bureau.

“Well, we have secretly sent a secret letter~ IndoMTL.com~ reminded the investigation bureaus of neighboring countries.”

Kemon opened the web conference and nodded.

What he can think of, there are so many think tanks in the Bureau of Investigation, and naturally he will not forget it. When problems arise, they will start to remind neighboring countries.


The neighboring country.

After receiving an urgent map information from Jinlizhou, the senior officials of the Bureau of Investigation were all confused.

But whether it is true or not, this is after all official private information from Jinlizhou, and someone has to be sent to investigate and collect evidence to see if it is true.

There are related files in the Bureau of Investigation, and soon someone called up a series of murder files, proving that certain nodes did have a history of murder.

However, most of the nodes had no homicides, and they sent people to the local area to check, and they didn’t feel any abnormalities.

They didn’t take it lightly, the Shadow Stream organization was extremely concealed, and the murder and corpse cleaning scenes were not never done before. You have to be careful and more cautious.

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