I Became the Ultimate Boss Chapter 433: See toad again

, the fastest update I became the latest chapter of the second week boss!

Under the control of the network monster, the amount of broadcast is slowly increasing.

In fact, the number of real viewers is zero.

Netizens click on Kemeng’s dynamic bar, which contains multiple essay questions. After answering one question, it will automatically skip to the next question.

This question will randomly change the next question based on the answer of the respondent, with the style of an online questionnaire.

However, the questionnaire survey is a set answer route, and Kemun’s questions are not set by him, but are secretly manipulated by the network monster.

It uses a huge big data network to extract questions from the network, which are numerous and complex, to minimize repetition, so that the answerer is not aware of it.

“Congratulations, you got a password for life, go and try it!” A gloomy middle-aged man stared at the text on the screen, quickly copied the password, and typed in the password verification of Kemeng’s new video. frame.

“Wrong password!”

The gloomy middle-aged man frowned and left the keyboard with his hands.

After a while, he boarded a number Q that hadn’t been used for a long time and clicked on the “Ocean Cabin” of the Q group.

This group is Kemeng’s fan group, and there is a group owner in it, and the group owner occasionally bubbling water in the group.

No, after clicking on the Q group, there is a group of fans chatting with a new video.

“Which gangster found the password, and what’s in it!”

“@群主! The host comes out!”

“I solved it, but I can’t say it.”

“You know what a fart!”

The demons danced wildly inside, and no one knew the truth.

The gloomy middle-aged man thought for a while, chatted with the group owner privately as a fan, sent a screenshot of the wrong password of his life, and then asked how to answer the real password.

After waiting for ten minutes, the owner did not reply.


Kemeng’s Q number had already exploded, and countless people wanted to chat with him every day. How could he stand up to the pop-up window every day.

In order to be quiet, Kemeng has arranged a trumpet to enter the fan group and chat with the fans.

When the fans were discussing how to obtain the correct password, Kemeng also became an unknown passerby and discussed with the fans for a few minutes, making a few guesses.

“No way, no way, hasn’t someone already obtained the real password, why the big guys haven’t answered the real answer yet.” Kemon typed.

“I suspect that the answer is a filter, otherwise there are so many fans around the world, how can only more than 300 people get the correct answer in an hour.” Some fans complained.

There is also a grumpy old man who said: “The owner of the dog group won’t come out, I want to send the blade!”

“Come here, bring me the five-speed electric fan!”

“#电迷#电范#Electric fan!” Someone handed over the electric fan emoticon pack three.

Kemon wiped his sweat, it was really dangerous to communicate with this group of people.

By the way, the ID of the glutinous rice **** is also mixed in it, Kemun immediately played the chat window of the glutinous rice balls: “Yes? Do some business!”

“Wang!” Tangyuan’s reply was simple and clear.

It’s worthy of glutinous rice balls… Kemeng didn’t understand, after all, it typed text, not voice.

“Has that internet cafe deacon been fooled?” Kemun asked, turning his head.

“No, I’m still playing games. I doubt if it is a member of Shadow Stream. I don’t do business every day.”

“Just send him an international courier, and the U disk is loaded with video files of Di Ping’s free dance wry mouth smile.” Luo Yuan flashed in a flash.

“It makes sense.”

“Our goal is clear, we can directly send files to him, and then other members of the stream will pull hatred through online videos.”

“How is it?”

Luo Yuan looked at Kemeng, Kemeng thought for a while, intuitively felt feasible, and nodded in agreement.

“Then I will ask someone to change the range of the corresponding group of the password.”

“How do you summarize the characteristics of the senior figures in the shadow stream?” Kemon asked.

The character of the password item can be modified, but there are too many members in Shadowstream, and no one likes to attract new members to chase and kill them across the sea.

Either attract the hatred of the deacon, or attract the elders of the shadow stream, or the owner himself.

“Accurate positioning is indeed a bit difficult. It’s better to describe it like this. The shadow creature who serves as the administrator in the house of the shadow stream has the right to obtain the real password from the question and answer.”

“Is this reliable?”

“Just give it a try, let’s try it first.”

In a short while, the two plans of sending the letter and changing the password were implemented together.

Change the password is very simple, it will be completed in a short while.

It was the turn of the letter delivery operation to not be completed. The technician pulled the video file into the innocent USB flash drive and wrote another letter, hoping to be accepted by the other party.

However, after discussion, the people in the bureau improved the way of letters.

A thick small screen object appeared in front of him, and Kemon felt the feeling of a special object from the electronic product.

“It can automatically play the video file inside, as long as someone sees it.” Director Lei said.

Kemeng looked at the small screen, like an MP4.

“This is the old MP4, which was eliminated by the times. Now people use mobile phones.” Director Lei explained.

This compact MP4 suddenly became refined in a certain period of time, and it has the function of playing the video files in it.

At the beginning, a male host was at home when he suddenly heard a strange noise, opened the cabinet, and his expression changed drastically.

An old MP4 was putting some unhealthy *****, which scared him, thinking it was haunted, and hurriedly dealt with it, but it was seen by passers-by in the garbage dump.

In short, the experience of this MP4 is very magical, and it was transferred to the Bureau of Investigation after many hands and turnovers.

This is a sixth-level thing that is not powerful enough. No one usually thinks of it, but it comes in handy now.

Di Ping took the MP4 and checked that the video file inside was empty in an unmanned secret room, then transferred the Dragon King video file into the MP4, and then put it in an international envelope.

In this way, as long as no one opens the package to watch it, the MP4 will not play the video.

“It’s installed, the things are inside.” Di Ping handed the things to Director Lei.

Kemeng looked at Director Lei curiously: “According to the normal process, international express delivery will take a few days at the earliest.”

“The normal process is like this, but we have internal channels, which is different~IndoMTL.com~ Director Lei smiled, took out his phone and took a look at the time.

Kemeng looked at the phone. Is there any secret in it?

“I just had an appointment with Toad Express and will come to our bureau in about five minutes.” Director Lei smiled.

Kemeng suddenly felt the air become shady, as if something slippery was about to come out of the floor.

Three seconds later, everyone’s spiritual awareness was also warned, and they stepped back to make room for free.

“Here.” Director Lei’s voice fell, and the floor suddenly melted into swamp liquid.

A big green-black toad came out of the floor.

One meter tall, fat belly, big toad head, toad palms are very wide, and there are layers of ripples under his feet.

Seeing the big toad again reminded Kemon of the scene when he saw the toad land last time. The deep sputum made him impressed.

“Qua!” The big toad looked around, seeing a lot of acquaintances.

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