I Became the Ultimate Boss Chapter 401: Come out of loneliness

, the fastest update I became the latest chapter of the second week boss!

The situation of the Orange Star is unknown, and now there is another belief appearing, which means that the three parties are colliding.

One side is the Kemeng believers, one side is the local forces of Orange Star, and the other side is a new unknown organization.

Behind every large-scale evil organization, there may be hidden existence backing it up.

They can’t survive without the support of big bosses.

The believers in Kemeng Synaesthetic Peace Prison saw a group of female believers.

The man who hadn’t finished before, is now a female believer.

All members are women.

“Are the members of this newly emerging organization all women.” Kemon couldn’t help but guess.

The believers in the Peace Prison are very special now. They have both a restrained belief and an odd belief.

The two beliefs collided in my mind, and no one was convinced.

The people who are ultimately injured are themselves.

The women screamed from time to time, and their mental state was extremely unstable.

The medical robot has given up treatment, lying on the ground in a daze.

The female patients hit the medical robot with their fists. The steel skin of the machine did not break, but the women’s fists scratched the skin.

Not everyone’s skin is as hard as steel.

Humans have their limits, and Kemeng fully understands this truth.

This reminded Kemeng again of that Zhai Yuquan.

The crazy guy is crazy now, completely crazy.

However, it seems that there is no chance of salvation.

If the other party sleeps into a dream, Kemon can use the relationship between the two to invade the other party’s dreams through synesthesia, and then absorb the chaotic information.

This is a good way, Kemon wants to try it.

First, let’s talk about Zhai Yuquan.

Then found that the other party was locked in a place where there was no concept of time, and his thinking was stagnant.

Because the thinking is stagnant, the other party can’t dream, and there is no dream, all the plans behind Kemeng are ruined.

“It’s a dead end, so I can’t touch him for the time being.” Kemeng said in his heart.

This guy was sealed in a mobile wine jar. In essence, it was a small sealed object that stagnated in time. Once he was caught, it would definitely be a source of spiritual pollution that contaminated a large area.

Even if Kemun was transferred to the sea and released, the fish in the sea would suffer.

To release Zhai Yuquan in the desert will have less impact, but Kemeng’s own resistance force can resist the super pollution source, even he himself is not clear.


The Orange Stars began to rush the wild BOSS, just to explode the rare equipment that can clear the faith.

With a burst rate of 1 in 10,000, they plan to brush the BOSS every day, until the 99 pieces of equipment are burst.

Adding the designer’s piece of equipment, there are a hundred pieces in total.

This wild BOSS has specific spawning rules. After the boss is beheaded, it will not spawn for at least six hours.

The senior management of Orange Star decided to send a team of people to make Wood Spirit vestments, go to the Thunder Strike Wood Mountain, and take the Ring of the Thunder King.

On the way to the 450th level, a group of assassins who are good at sneaking followed.

“The Ring of the Thunder Lord’s ring, this equipment is only one piece, and it is a rare class trigger item. After binding the equipment, it can be transferred from the mage class to the Thunder Lord. The lightning skill increases the damage by 100%, which is very powerful.” The communication channel said.

Everyone nodded upon hearing this.

Mage equipment.

The entourage was an assassin group, and the mage’s equipment was useless, so I just imagined it in my heart, and didn’t intend to grab the equipment.

Furthermore, this is a strategy activity initiated by the senior officials of the Orange Star. They have no right to own the equipment of the Thunder King Ring.

The Assassin and his party used the Flying City Token to fly from a main city to the main city closest to the 450-level area.

The 450-level area is not the area that current players can touch. Currently, the highest-level players are only at level 200. Most high-level players are between level 180 and 190, and medium players are at level 120. about.

There is such a group of people, they are level, but there are rare running speed props, plus parkour flow equipment, wandering between cliffs and walls, all kinds of jumps, hooks and ropes flying to the sky, surmounting difficulties and obstacles, and heading to high-level areas , Visit the high-level main city and unblock the player map.

Light up the map, and players can use teleportation orders to teleport from a major city to a teleportation array in a known major city.

In short, these assassins have reached the Thunderstruck Wood Mountain as quickly as possible.

Thunder struck the top of the wood, lightning and thunder, forming a boiling blue ocean.

Wearing wooden spirit vestments, thunder and lightning hit them, and the damage value all turned into a huge “0” character value.

This is the natural thunder, the thunder and lightning in the nature, the wooden spirit’s vestment can be immune to the blow of thunder and lightning.

But in the face of monsters, mages, this piece of equipment is not enough to prevent their attacks.

Because the vestments also have gaps.

As long as the player and the monster beasts consciously control the lightning and drive the lightning into the gap of wearing the wooden spirit vestments, it can cause damage.

However, this is a high-end gameplay. Ordinary players have not mastered this operation for the time being. At present, only high-play and high-IQ monsters understand this technique.

“This thunder is really amazing, I’m going to be stunned.”

“By the way, those wooden spirits, I heard that there are many wooden spirits here, why not see any of them.”

“I don’t know.”

The assassins are in the chat channel, you say, I say, slowly chatting.

Walking to the top of the mountain, I saw thunder and lightning hovering more than ten meters above the top of the mountain, and a large amount of lightning poured out from the ocean and injected into the lightning strike.

“How about, have you seen Mu Ling? You have to be careful not to be hit by them.” The game designer asked using the team chat channel.

“No, there is not a single monster here, it’s very strange.”

“What!” The game designer was a little dazed when he heard the news.

“You won’t be harvested by Cthulhu, will you?” Some assassin asked suspiciously.

Because there was a strange aura in the thunder pond at the top of the mountain, which was very depressing, but he clearly felt that this was a trace left by the previous time, and that horrible existence was not striking the wood mountain by lightning.

“The monsters are really gone?”

“All gone!”

“Then they may have transferred, or they may become believers. Forget it, the ring is important.” The game designer waved his hand and said.

The assassins heard the words~IndoMTL.com~ and immediately looked at the thunder pond over there.

In the thunder pond, the thunder and lightning boiled, and the thick thunder light almost blinded their eyes.

If they hadn’t been able to adjust the body sense and the picture, they would have been pierced by the thunder in their ears and blinded by the lightning.

“Send someone to the thunder pond. I set this thunder pond so that it will not harm the wood spirits.”

“I am coming!”

An arrogant assassin man wore a wooden spirit vest and used a sprint skill, turned into a phantom and plunged into the thunder pond, and dived into the water.

The designer remembers the coordinates of the ring. As long as the assassin sprints to that coordinates, he can get the ring with one hand.

However, a 100% sure event did not succeed.

The assassin made a loneliness and did nothing.

“Weird, isn’t it this coordinate? Don’t be stunned and go down to fish.” The designer urged, typing.

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