I Became the Ultimate Boss Chapter 140: 40m long knife

After the blade lengthened, the weight was different, and the Flawless Sword was a bit heavy.

Leave it on the scale for a few seconds, and the words 1 kilogram will pop up. At this time, the total length of the Flawless Sword is fifty centimeters.

Furthermore, the sword became seventy-five centimeters long, and its weight became 1.5 kilograms.

Moving up again, the weight of a one-meter sword rose to two kilograms.

Change again, one meter twenty-five, and a weight of two and a half kilograms.

Because of the large space in the test room, Kemon kept shouting at the flawless sword, and the sword kept getting longer.

It grows to more than ten meters, and its weight has risen to twenty kilograms.

The ten-meter long sword is very heavy, but the flawless sword has not grown to its end.

Kemeng suspected that it could grow to 40 meters, so he immediately changed to an underground test room, and continued to shout changes.

Twenty meters, thirty meters, forty meters!

The weight of the sword is also forty meters. Let it change at this time. The Flawless Sword has stopped growing and its weight remains at 80 kilograms.

At a weight of 80 kilograms, it is difficult for a normal person to lift this long sword, and its center of gravity is difficult to grasp.

Kemeng patted the scarf, put on a giant glove on his right hand, and gently lifted the sword. Only then did he pick up a forty-meter sword weighing 80 kilograms.

While holding a forty-meter long knife, it is obviously very strange. Everyone still thinks it is too perfect. The long blade and shiny silver sword body, even with Kemeng, are also dyed with perfect looks, like a **** of war. .

Yes, now he is not an immortal, but an invincible God of War, who resists a forty-meter knife on his shoulder and lets others run 39 meters first.

Domineering side leakage!

The tester’s young lady looked like a peach, staring at the forty-meter long knife, infinitely thinking.

The soldier in charge of the order at the scene was also fascinated by the forty-meter long knife, and his heart was extremely fiery.

A real man, he should stand on the top of the mountain with a long knife like this, and cut the river with a slash. Thoughts like this rushed through his heart.

Kemon holding the knife, he also had an impulse in his heart, wanting to stand on a high place and carry the knife on his shoulders.

However, Kemun held it back and shouted “Shrink Shrink”, retracting the Flawless Sword to a length of fifty centimeters.

The domineering spirit like a **** of war is gone, and Kemeng in the eyes of everyone has regained the feeling of celestial spirit fluttering.

The staff took a deep breath and brought a pile of paper to test the sharpness of the sword.

Pushing paper is a simple and convenient way to test.

Why not slashing? Because slashing comes with the strength and speed of the human body, plus the sharpness of the sword itself, the three factors are integrated, and the sharpness of the flawless sword cannot be visually revealed.

Pushing the paper eliminates the power and speed bonus. While listening to the science popularization of the young lady, Kemeng slowly controlled the sword to advance a stack of thick paper.

The fifty-centimeter flawless sword was gently pushed into the paper, and the paper touched the edge of the paper, and quickly separated. The blade was easily cut over, leaving a neat cut.

In the eyes of the tester, the sword in Kemon’s hand seemed to come alive, and he easily cut the thick paper layer, very handsome.

After testing the push paper, there are other test methods.

After a while, the staff brought thirty wet straw mats and arranged them in a row.

After these straw mats are soaked soft, the density and toughness are close to the structure of bone and flesh.

In this round, human strength and speed were used. Kemeng became a long and flawless sword, and slashed vigorously without wearing huge gloves, and the five straw mats appeared oblique tangents.

It fell to the floor with a clatter, and the cut was flat.

In the eyes of outsiders, the sword in Kemeng’s hand seemed to flash with a silver light, and for a moment, the straw mat was cut off by the sword light.

It’s so beautiful, this sword!

However, this round of testing shows that the sharpness of the flawless sword has not exceeded the limit of the sword.

According to the international record, professionals are able to cut off more than 20 straw mats in one fell swoop.

But considering that the flawless sword can grow longer and its weight will change with the length, Kemon tested it again with various lengths.

The longer the sword, the heavier the sword and the more straw mats.

When it grows to several meters, it is already difficult to swing a knife.

The sophisticated instrument also showed that the edge of the flawless sword was slightly worn and no longer as sharp as the initial test.

In general, the sword itself does not exceed the material limit, that is, there is no extraordinary power bonus.

Without the extraordinary power bonus, using the Juli Gloves to turn on the 40-meter long knife mode can indeed play a very powerful slash, but the sword may also be broken.

Just now when Kemeng carefully gripped the flawless sword with his giant gloves, there was a slight shattering feeling from the hilt.

If it weren’t for the hilt’s golden silk thread to tightly wrap the hilt, delaying the transmission of power, the hilt might be broken.

Later, the tester’s earphones rang, and she looked at Kemeng with a shy face: “Director Lei said, we have someone preparing to test the book of tricks. Would you like to check it out and test whether the flawless sword can be cut off by the way? Evil.”

The Book of Tricky Words!

Kemeng thought of the sacrifices given by the prairie werewolves, the book of sly characters, and the evil creatures will be born when writing. The more you write, the more blood you bleed.

This evil prop has never been tested. It has been backlogged in the storage of the Bureau of Investigation. Now there are testers willing to test it.

Testing a book of tricks means that the tester will actively bleed, which means risk. People who are willing to test must be informed and seriously considered.

“Okay.” Kemon agreed.

In a short while, Kemeng came to an empty room full of spells, and the four load-bearing pillars hung calligraphy writings to suppress evil.

This is a special room specially prepared by the Bureau of Investigation for testing evil items. The charms around the room are all spirit-eliminating charms, which can eliminate spirits and evils, but also prohibit evil spirits from escaping through walls.

The paper of the calligraphy works is not a remnant, but the text is written with a special brush, which has the effect of a town house.

In addition, each tester also carried some special items to restrict evil.

“Director Lei, why are there so many spells here?” Kemeng looked at the spells on the wall and found that their runes were all a mold.

“It’s a variation of a dozen spells. There are thousands of spells in a dozen, so it can cover the ceiling and walls.” Director Lei explained casually.

Kemon nodded, so it seems that the room is pretty safe.

In a short while~IndoMTL.com~Someone brought a sealed box, opened the code lock under the monitor’s nose, and the book of tricky words reappeared in the sky.

The cover of the book is sealed by human skin, and a few pieces of human skin are connected by twine, stained with black blood, full of evil charm.

The air seems to have dropped a few degrees when the book of tricky characters was just born.

The courageous tester placed the book in the center of the four load-bearing columns, and then used a knife to cut his finger and write on the writing.

Crimson-colored curious words were generated on the pages of the book, and Kemon vaguely saw the black mist fleeting away.

If this book of tricky characters is not fed with blood, it cannot generate evil.

There is blood being injected, there is no wind in the room, the environment has become darker, and the lights above the head can be on or off.

It was also at this time that the spell on the wall was lit, and the faint blue light broke through the newly formed dark atmosphere, allowing the light to shine on the world again.

The calligraphy and painting on the four load-bearing pillars also tremble with the wind, and the four characters to suppress evil are shining brightly.

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