I Became an In-game NPC Chapter 13: Mist mushroom

   just hesitated for a second, Winster made the correct judgment, started, accelerated, he rushed in a different direction from Fabe, and got stuck in place before Bud passed by.

   “Thank you!”

   Hearing what the other person said when he passed by, Winster showed a happy smile on his face, clang! A horizontal sword, the goblin rushing out of the mist was stopped by him, “Come on! Step on my body to move forward!”

   More and more goblins flooded him quickly like a tide, but the delay of a few seconds gave Bud time to get rid of the obstacle.

   “Come on! You fool!”

   “Boom!” The sound of the giant palm hitting the ground interrupted Fabe’s arrogant words. Not far in front of Bud’s eyes, the opponent jumped, but still failed to avoid the huge attack range of the giant beast. The giant palm pressed down firmly.

   Although he knew that death is not the end here, Bud still felt that the corners of his eyes were slightly moist~ it was not the cause of the fog.

   “Oh! You stupid guy, hit a little better next time…” Fabe’s voice came intermittently but truly, Bud cautiously but without losing speed jumped into the shadow of the giant beast’s feet, looking surprised It was an unforgettable scene.

Under the palm of    the giant beast, half of the player’s body has been combined with the soil and was pressed into the soil, but the upper body held a short sword and slammed into the giant beast’s little finger.

   “Roar!” The unicorn was in pain for an instant, and raised his arm high, at the same time Fabe finally turned away, leaving only a burst of cheerful laughter in the scattered fog.

  Bad was shocked, but his hands and feet moved involuntarily, turning lightly around the thick ~ strong legs of the behemoth, and the weird plant emitting white smoke was close to my eyes.

   With all his strength, he jumped up and stretched out his arms to the limit. At the same time, from the corner of his eyes, he saw a new monster on the edge of the fog.

   almost exactly the same unicorn, but with a huge mace in his hand and fresh blood on it.

   Seeing Bud’s misbehavior, the newly-appearing behemoth became extremely angry, and threw the giant stick in his hand at the place without any reason, and the one who was guarding the place seemed to feel something, it No longer caring about the pain of the injured finger, he opened his huge palms and outflanked Bud.

  Looking at this trend, Bud would never escape his life, but his face showed a smile like a winner.

  The strange plant has been steadily copied in his hand. As the body continues to move horizontally in the air, the straight flower stem is pulled to the limit and finally torn apart.

  ”Whether the mutated mushrooms are included in the system backpack?”

   The huge mace whizzing and the huge palms on both sides formed a double kill. Bud’s character was instantly squashed into flesh, turned away, and he heard only two. The unwilling and painful wailing of the giant beast echoed in the forest for a long time.

   “He’s back too!”

   “What! Really?”

   “It’s him, it’s Bud!”

   slowly opened his eyes in a white light, and when his eyes gradually adjusted to the surrounding environment, the crowd’s murmur of discussion also came into the ears.

  Budd found himself lying on the ground at the resurrection point. He bent his arms to get up, but found that most of the strength in his body seemed to be drawn out. Even such a simple action was very difficult.

   A slender, well-proportioned arm stretched out in front of him, Bud looked up, Fabe, the taciturn man was watching him calmly.

   “I said before, this kind of thing can’t be successful, the main brain is stupid but let our players suffer, what is the reason?” The crowd around the resurrection point saw Bud’s appearance clearly. There was criticism.

   “Ha! This is not surprising. Everyone is trapped. Suddenly a madman jumps out and says crazy things. There will always be some overpowered guys jumping in. Do you really think you are a hero?” There are also guys who think they are smart are talking coldly.

   Budd turned a deaf ear to those, his face was calm, he just grabbed Fabe’s hand and stood up hard, “Thank you!”

   The other party simply pursed the corners of his mouth, pulling a faint smile.

  Beside him, there are white lights falling from the air one after another, each of them represents the resurrection of a player, “Damn! Just a little bit, I can pull another cushion!” This is a happy windmill, and he got rid of it. Most of the small shield was broken in his left hand, and the latter was obviously scrapped.

   “Haha, another fool!”

   “Asshole! What are you talking about?” The first retort voice didn’t come from within the resurrection point. Bud glanced at it. Green’s iconic spiked hair was squeezing in from the crowd.

   “You bastards, don’t talk nonsense without seeing the truth~ The monsters in the mist are stronger than before!”

   “Yeah! You didn’t see the goblins go crazy, it’s terrifying!” Nina followed Green and made her own weak voice of defense. Beside them, a group of players were squeezing into the crowd. It was the group of Bud who had stayed on the periphery to deal with the refreshing of the Goblins. It seemed that after the loss, the soldiers and the soldiers escaped from the gray forest, joined Green and the others and returned.

  ”Whether you choose to hand over the mutant mushrooms to the system?”

   Looking at the prompt, Bud opened the panel and looked at his last trophy carefully. The head-sized mushroom, but the upper end split like a flower~bud, and it was obviously shrunk after being broken. See the notes. It’s also very simple, no more information can be obtained.

  The white light that represents the resurrection around    gradually dwindled. The players who really did not retreat gathered around Bud, their heads downcast, and on the road leading into the village in the distance, the waves and stars supported the staggering ghost bells. The retreating player finally looked here.

   “A bunch of idiots, isn’t it stupid to die if the monster becomes stronger?”

   “Yes! The main brain must give us a statement. Village chief, you are also responsible for this, at least you must provide us with free food!” The quarreling players rushed in, and the resurrection point and the village head nearby Surrounded in the center.

   “This, this…” The mayor of Mill hesitated, speechless, the adventurer was created by the God of Creation to fight against the monsters. How could this be?

   “Bad, what happened in the end, did we fail?” Watermark asked anxiously.

   “Yeah! You speak! If we fail, let’s fight again. This time we have experience…” Winster did not return much hope, and the words to comfort his companion were obviously lack of confidence.

   “What if you have experience, you haven’t seen the two bosses at the core, too strong!” Even more popular, he lowered his head

   Budd smiled at them, took out the mutated mist mushroom from the backpack, and said loudly to the system: “Confirm handed in! Let this be over!”

   “Ding! Genesis releases a system-wide announcement!”

   “Ding! Genesis releases a system-wide announcement!” The sudden loud voice resounded across the sky, attracting everyone’s attention.

  ” In the fourth year of the Bronze Age, the epic mission of the mist surprise attack was cracked. The adventurers Budd, Fabe, and Winster of Mill Village in the East Continent… experienced numerous obstacles and destroyed the source of the mist, breaking the mist to the beginning The blockade of the land has left a glorious figure in the history of Genesis! It symbolizes that adventurers have made their first footprints in the war against monsters, and future generations will forever praise their feats!”

   Announcements resounding across the continent, echoed endlessly in the ears of players, and the shock caused was unimaginable.

   Thousands of players in Mill Village were quiet. They were still disdainful just now. The arrogant guys were dumbfounded. They would never have thought that Bud, these lunatics, had succeeded in their actions! Not only success, but also such a big movement!

  Epic mission! The first copy of the entire Genesis system! The winner of this kind of honor is in their village, these guys next to him?

   The ragged players at the resurrection point instantly became the focus of everyone’s attention. Outside the resurrection point, the guys who were drooping down and looking like a defeated army also straightened their chests.

   At this moment, the fog that has been surrounding their heads for many days has lost its source and is gradually dissipating. The first ray of sunlight broke through the blockade of the white fog and shone directly on the top of the players, the long-lost warmth And the light instantly ignited everyone’s enthusiasm.

   The overwhelming cheers broke out, and the excited players jumped up and hugged each other, “We succeeded? We succeeded!” In the resurrection point, there were still unbelievable members who asked repeatedly until they were hugged by their companions. In his arms, “Yes, we did it! We did it!”

   “You did it!” Fabe quietly offered his congratulations to Bud.

   “Without your help, none of this would be possible.” Bud couldn’t forget the other party’s expression under the palm of the giant beast, his crushed half of his body still piercing the weapon in his hand, that decisive look was hidden in his eyes At this moment, under the silence like a vast ocean.

   “We succeeded!” The victorious players, regardless of their weakness after resurrection, worked together to fight Bard on their shoulders. They will not forget who is leading them. There is no Bard’s command. They were already destroyed in the forest, not to mention that he was the initiator of the whole plan.

   Cheer, sing!

   Glory to him~IndoMTL.com~ The pain and doubts before the victory disappeared at this moment, and no one could say any irony. The previous doubters silently retreated to the deepest part of the crowd to prevent themselves from jumping into the beams of the clown. be found.

   The mayor of Mill Village looked confused. What happened? Why is that wandering NPC held high above the throne? The world is changing so fast that he feels really lost.

  Different from the white light during the resurrection, the upgraded light is softer and more beautiful. At the moment when the system rewards are issued, all players participating in the mission light up at the same time, shining like stars.

   A large number of experience points allowed players to move up several levels in a single breath, and the top ten on the leaderboard were neatly aligned, all players from Mill Village, “Bad, level 9, Wandering Starry Sky, level 8, Happy Windmill, 8 Level…”

   Budd was thrown into the air by the joyous crowd, but his mind was placed elsewhere.

  ”Please choose a personal reward.”

The comrades beside    have already burst out a new round of cheers, “I have an extra piece of equipment in my backpack! Wow! Purple weapons!”

   “I have them too, but they are anti-installation! They are also purple, look at the notes!”

  ”I would like to commemorate the accomplishers of the epic mission Misty Raid. Your names will always be recorded in the history of the mainland!”

   “Cool!” Everyone excitedly took out the rewards they were given by the system. For a while, the purple light was dazzling, blinding the eyes of the other bystanders.

   I don’t know how many people secretly regret, “I knew I had joined, and laughed at how stupid they were, and rushed out with a madman to die. It turns out that the real stupid person is me~ IndoMTL.com~ Welcome to the book Friends come and read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all at ~IndoMTL.com~ mobile phone users, please go to read.

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