I am the Monarch Chapter 94:

Chapter 94: Poskein Exodus (5)


“Mmm . ”

Simon and the knights nodded with an exclamation .

‘It’s a more outstanding troop than what I thought, heard . ’

Even so, Simon and the several people had never seen a small scaled troop like Amaranth troop utilize strategies actively .
A look of scattering, gathering, splitting up and gathering again .
Amaranth troop resembled a huge stream of water .
Complete victory .
The battle ended with the victory for Amaranth troop .

Gulp .

Simon gulped dry saliva .

“Count Lancephil . Amaranth troop is really amazing . ”

His thoughts got out like that .
Io just smiled instead of replying .
Then .

Dudududu .

One warhorse ran towards Simon with the sound of horse steps .
A confident expression and spirit .
The troop flag that was in his side instead of the spear fluttered with strength .
Io, that was looking at that, said in a small voice .

“That’s the troop commander of Amaranth troop, Roan . ”
“It’s a really majestic look . ”

Simon nodded with a satisfied expression .
Meanwhile, ROan reached in front of them .


As he pulled the reins, the war horse stopped softly .
Roan got off the horse and quickly stuck the flag on the ground .


The flag of the troop got extended finely and emanated a confident spirit .
Roan kneeled up and saluted .
A mannered look and at the same time, roughless .

“Troop commander Roan of Amaranth troop greets prince Simon Rinse . ”

A voice with strength .
Roan bowed and caught his breath .
His expression was kind of stifled .

‘To be able to meet him this fast . ’

A strange light appeared in his eyes .

‘Simon Rinse . The first prince of the kingdom and… . . ’

His heart beat .

‘The person that some day becomes the mad monarch . ’


After Roan returned to the past, one of the things he had to do was stopping the mad monarch .

‘Originally, the one that should become the next king . ’

But in the end, his seat got taken by his brother .

‘And got crazy . ’

After that he killed his supporter and grandfather Bradley Webster and caused a commotion in the northwestern region of the kingdom .
As he lead a force and caused commotions himself, he was called as the mad monarch .
And as his original abilities were outstanding, the commotion couldn’t be easily suppressed .
With that reason, even after the geniuses Pierce and Ian appeared, Rinse kingdom get up on the ranks of the empire because of the internal disturbances .

‘If we only didn’t have the mad monarch, we could have combined the northeastern region of the continent . ’

Because of that, Roan was planning to stop Simon on going crazy .
But he was a prince of the kingdom .
He wasn’t someone a mere troop commander and a sinner at that could meet easily .
But of course, he knew that he would get dispatched to the northern region because of Poskein exodus .
But in his past life, he had gone to Pavor castle instead of this place .

‘Certainly, the future changed a bit because of me . ’

He hadn’t expected today’s encounter at all .

“The defenses are really outstanding . ”

Simon, that was checking at the villages fences, watchtower, etc . nodded with an amazed expression .

“That’s an excessive compliment . ”

Roan hurriedly ordered his thoughts and bowed .

“No . It’s really outstanding . ”

Simon looked at the fences and watchtower once again and put a satisfied expression .
The two people inspected the village that had the HQ of the troop located in it for quite a while .

‘It’s a mere countryside but the road, houses, etc . is being built really well . ’

The defenses weren’t the only thing that were good .
The road crossing over the village was smooth and hard, and the houses built with wood was clean and well built .
Most of all the expressions of the people was really bright, even when it was a dangerous situation where monsters were going wild .
Simon nodded with a satisfied expression .

“You are maintaining the region of Tale really well . The expressions of the people is good . ”
“I just did my best on my job . ”

Roan replied humbly and bowed .
Simon kept checking the houses and the camp after that .

“You said the village still doesn’t have a name?”

A lightly asking question .

“Yes . As it’s been created just recently, everyone is calling it the central village . ”

At Roan’s question, Simon pondered for a moment and then put a bright expression .

“How about Mediasis?”

It meant that it was the center and the base .
Roan didn’t have a choice anyways .

“It’s an excellent name . ”

He smiled faintly and bowed .
Simon looked at that Roan and then asked .

“Roan . This subjugation is a really important thing for the nobles and for me . It’s something we must raise a big merit . ”

A really serious expression .
It was obvious . Because this could be a war that could decide the next king of the kingdom .
For Simon, it was something he had to pour everything in .

“The northern region of Tale is no different than the front line . If we completely block this part, the organization of the rear doesn’t become that difficult . Followed by that, our army is planning to subjugate the monsters with this point as the base . But we don’t know much about this region . ”

Some kind of expectation was behind his voice .

“Compared to that, you raised up really incredible achievements as the responsible for this region . So I…… . ”

A moment’s silence .
Simon caught his breath and continued saying .

“Do you have any good thoughts or plans regarding the subjugation?”

It was a question he just threw, but it was a really impressive thing .
The first prince of the kingdom asked the opinion of a mere troop commander .
This was a really unprecedented thing .
If they were escorting knights or nobles, it was a thing that could cause commotion .
But Simon was really calm .

‘If you just have the ability, you don’t differentiate between slave or sinner . ’

This was Simon’s thoughts .
He needed an influential person to win on the competition for the throne .
Roan organized his thoughts for a moment and then raised his head to look at Simon .

“I don’t know if it’s good but I have something prepared . ”

A calm voice and expression .
Roan took out two scrolls of paper from his chest .
He spread one of them and placed it on a wide table .


At that moment, Simon put a surprised expression .
He opened up his eyes roundly as if it was something he hadn’t expected at all .
In the other hand, Roan nodded with a calm expression .

“Yes . That’s right . It’s the map of the region of Tale . ”

The identity of the map was a map made by the agency .

‘A map… . . ’

Silence fell between the two people .
The designing of a map was being labeled as being a really dangerous thing .
Because you could suffer great damages if it was leaked to another kingdom .
Roan looked at the stiff expression of Simon and said in a low voice .

“The value of a map in a battle is really big . ”

He spread the second scroll .
Likewise, it was a map of Tale, but the different thing was that it had several dots and arrows in it .

“The dots are the places the subjugations occurred and the arrows are the records of the movements of the monsters . ”

His finger moved busily .

“Based on the results of the analysis, the monsters are moving to the north through the mountain ranges spread from west to east . Aside of that, they tend to move through the road between Mediasis village and the plains of the west . ”

Simon nodded unconsciously .
The scenery of a battlefield he thought was done only through senses, was felt as if it was spread in front of his eyes .
The dots and arrows were of big strength on grasping the entire flow of the battle .
Roan spread the first map again .

“We set up several traps, obstacles and camps with the gathered and analyzed information as the background . ”
“Ah…… . !”

At that moment, a low exclamation came out of Simon’s mouth .
It was just like Roan said .
On the first map, there were records of camps, traps and bases for the troop, and those places were on the moving routes of the monsters .

‘He wasn’t just fighting blindly!’

Simon unconsciously gulped dry saliva .
He got amazed once again at Roan’s abilities .

‘It’s a waste to just leave him as the commander of a single troop . ’

He got certain .
Roan saw at the stifled expression of Simon and bowed .

“I know what the prince is worried of . And because of that, we are managing it so this map isn’t taken outside . ”
“Mm . ”

Simon nodded with a low exclamation .

“If we have this map, it will certainly be of great help . ”

A positive reaction .
Roan nodded .

“Yes . It will be of great help on the dispatch of troops and movement . ”

At those words, the eyes of Simon got loosened up softly .

“Good . Making a map as you please is a punishable thing, but as the situation is like this I will forgive you . No…… . . ”

His mouth slightly rose .

“Actually, I think that it is really amazing . Because if we only have this map, we can perfectly control the region of Tale . ”

Simon patted Roan’s shoulders with a proud expression .

‘Whew . Did it turn out well?’

Roan let out a short sigh .
Actually, showing him the map was one of the risks for him .
The making of a map was that much of a problem .
But he thought that when the mad monarch Simon saw this in this situation, it would be of help for him .

‘He was a really reasonable person and someone that valued personal strength before he became the mad monarch . ’

Because of that, commoners with great ability could get an important job without the courting of the nobles .

“Roan . Shall we return now?”

He had finished observing .

“Yes . I will take the lead . ”

Roan quickly took back the maps and after he put it in his chest he started to walk .
Simon put a faint smile and followed his back .
The two people arrived in the conference room of the HQ where several nobles were gathered .

“DId you finish observing?”

Io smiled brightly and asked .
Simon glanced at Roan once and then nodded .

“He was really amazing . ”

At those words, several nobles nodded .
Just like Simon’s words, they were also greatly surprised at the power of the troop and the defenses of the central village, no, Mediasis village .
Simon sat on a seat Io prepared .
And Roan stood humbly at the back of the nobles .

“Just like everyone of you knows, I decided to subjugate the monsters of the north with this point as the base . ”
“Yes . ”

At Simon’s words several nobles nodded .

“Because of that, this region of Tale became more important than anywhere . I can’t give the commanding right of this kind of place to anyone . ”

He paused for a moment and then put a faint smile .
Then, Simon’s sight moved to Roan .

“Roan . I’m planning to give the commanding right and strategy right to you . ”
“Ah…… . . ”

Roan and the several nobles let out low exclamations .
Because they knew the weight Simon’s words had .

‘Prince Simon entrusted ROan with the key of an army!’

Io bowed with a grateful expression .
But the protests of several nobles was too fierce .

“Prince . Roan is a sinner . To entrust the key of an army to someone like that . That can never happen . ”
“Although it’s only limited to the region of Tale, but to give that to a mere commoner…… Some nobles may have to follow his orders . ”

Almost teary expressions .
Simon put on a humorous face .

‘If it wasn’t only for the competition of the throne, I would have already thrown them away . ’

Insect like **** that live off by sticking on the family without any abilities .
But now was a situation that he had to lead even those nobles .

‘If you are saying that he’s a sinner…… . . ’

Simon shook his hand and made the nobles shut up and then looked at Roan .

“In this moment I Simon Rinse act instead of his majesty Deni III to completely pardon Roan’s sins . ”

The nobles yelled with a surprised expression .

“Prince . You can’t decide to pardon the sin that easi…… . ”
“Stop . ”

Simon shook his head and stopped them .
Strength was put in his eyes .

“Speak . Is there someone that raised some clear merits from Pedian monster subjugation until the subjugation of Poskein lake?”
“But the sin of violence against a noble… . . ”
“Noble? Are you speaking about that rotten guy? After several investigations, his sins got clearly revealed . But you are defending that kind of guy?”

A column like presence .
The nobles wavered and in the end shut their mouths .
In the first place, they were the ones that decided to follow Simon .
There was no need to be seen badly here .

“Everyone listen clearly . ”

Simon said with a strong voice .

“I like people with abilities . If he just has that, I won’t care if that person is a sinner or a slave . ”
“Yes . Understood . ”

The nobles bowed and replied in one voice .
The importance of ability .
This was Simon’s philosophy .

‘Because of that, he couldn’t stand getting his throne taken by someone that had less abilities than him . ’

But of course, the decisive case that drove him crazy was another thing .
As he thought about that cruel case, his chest became heavy .
Roan let out a short sigh .
Then .

“Roan . ”

Simon’s voice was heard .

“Come here . ”

At those words, Roan carefully moved his feet and stood in front of Simon .
A heavy silence fell in the conference room .
Simon slowly stood up and loosened up the dagger he had in his waist .
A really luxurious dagger to say it was for actual use .
He gave the dagger to Roan .

“This dagger was something given by his majesty when I became an adult . It’s something made by famous blacksmiths and lapidaries of the capital of Miller . It’s my symbol I call Regate dagger and it’s an object proving the status of the 1st prince . ”

Simon’s sight moved to the nobles .

“I’m going to give this dagger to Roan . You are to follow Roan’s orders as if they are mine, at least in the region of Tale, and follow him loyally . ”

At that moment, a breath taking atmosphere was felt .
Several nobles were conflicted with stifled expressions but they bowed in the end .

“Yes . We will . ”

Only then did Simon nod with a satisfied expression and looked at Roan .

“Roan . I’m giving this Regate dagger to you . ”
“Ah… . . ”

Roan let out a low exclamation and hurriedly kneeled up .
He was slightly bowing and he carefully extended his two hands .

Tuk .

The dagger was placed above his palms .

“Roan . This Regate dagger… . . ”

A low voice as if he was whispering .

“You have to return it to me along with victory . ”

A humorous expression was seen .
Roan replied in the posture of receiving the dagger .

“Yes . I will certainly win . ”

A slightly trembling voice .
Roan was moved .

‘I, a mere commoner troop commander got the commanding right and strategies rights, that are the core for an army . ’

He got recognized by the first prince, Simon, and got some nobles to be under him .
Compared to his past life, this life was a really perfect turn around in life .
Roan wore the dagger in his waist with careful movements .
The luxurious shape received light and shone .
The sights of the nobles poured on Roan .
Envy, displeasement, jealousy .
Sights mixed with several emotions .

‘Now whether they can act as limbs or not……’

He ground his teeth .

‘It’s all on me . ’

His heart beat quickly .
It wasn’t going to be easy but he was confident .
He was planning to show his abilities to several nobles .

‘Not only because of the orders of the prince…… . ’

Flames appeared in his eyes .

‘I will make them want to follow me by their own . ’

Soon, the quickly beating heart returned to normal .
And even the excitement calmed down .
Roan looked at the faces of the nobles with a calm expression .
Several plans were set up in his head .
Now, Roan wasn’t a normal troop commander anymore .

< Poskein Exodus (5) > End

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