I am the master of All Times Chapter 3: Qi Gathering succeeded

  Ye Wuchen dragged his body back to the room, sat cross-legged on the bed, calmed down, and looked at the body inwardly.

Before reincarnation, his soul was badly damaged, but Divine Sense‘s inner vision can still be done.

   saw that a dark gas was floating in his body, which was the Forbidden Curse power planted by human beings.

  The strength of Forbidden Curse is not weak. Even if Ye Feng father is the first master of Green Yang City, he can’t get rid of it. When Ye Feng father was alive, he tried various methods and found countless Spirit Medicine.

   It is precisely because of the power of Forbidden Curse that the previous Ye Feng has been unable to succeed in Qi Gathering.

   And within his Dantian, a nine-color tripod is suspended, which is his previous life-source divine artifact, called Myriad Extinguishing King Cauldron, one of the strongest divine artifact Opening Heaven Nine Treasures in the world, and it is also guarded by Myriad Extinguishing King Cauldron, so his soul can tear the piece Chaos time and space.

  Ye Wuchen tried to call out Myriad Extinguishing King Cauldron, but Myriad Extinguishing King Cauldron didn’t respond. After dozens of attempts, Ye Wuchen had to give up.

  Myriad Extinguishing King Cauldron is one of the Opening Heaven Nine Treasures. He has no chicken power now. He doesn’t have any spiritual power. It is impossible to summon it.

  After looking inside the body, Ye Wuchen concentrated his mind and started to run Origin Dragon Secret Art. Suddenly, in the void, a brilliant red light gathered to the surrounding of his body.

  Origin Dragon Secret Art is the first cultivation technique created by the universe before the opening of the sky. After practicing great accomplishment, it can have the body of the first dragon. It is one of the strongest Divine Body between heaven and earth. , Very domineering.

   At that time, after he became the strongest Ruler of Divine World, he traveled the universe and got it under chance.

   At that time, his Divine Body was completed, and later he practiced Origin Dragon Secret Art, so he could never cultivate the body of Shilong to great accomplishment realm, but now it is different. Now he has not practiced any cultivation technique. He believes that he will be able to practice Origin Dragon Secret Art this time. To the highest realm.

   With the operation of Origin Dragon Secret Art, those red rays are getting stronger and stronger around the body of Ye Wuchen, like a sea of ​​red fire.

   Between heaven and earth, there are a variety of auras with various attributes, and the quality is high or low. The red light absorbed by Ye Wuchen is the highest quality aura of Divine Continent Mainland, called Fire Dragon Essence, and it is also the most refined of Mortal World. A pure aura.

   It is no exaggeration to say that even the strong Divine Continent Mainland Emperor Level cannot absorb the level of aura like Fire Dragon Essence.

  Origin Dragon Secret Art is the strongest kind of cultivation technique between heaven and earth. The higher the cultivation technique grade, the higher the quality of the heaven and earth Aura consumed. And with the improvement of Origin Dragon Secret Art, the quality of the aura consumed by Ye Wuchen will become higher and higher in the future.

  Fire Dragon Essence keeps walking around Ye Wuchen, looking from a distance, like a little fire dragon.

  However, these Fire Dragon Essence had just poured into his body. The black Forbidden Curse power in his body suddenly shone brightly, forming a photomask, and even trying to stop him from absorbing these Fire Dragon Essence.

   Ye Wuchen smiled coldly. This little Forbidden Curse force even wanted to stop him from absorbing Fire Dragon Essence. Immediately, he accelerated the operation of Origin Dragon Secret Art. Suddenly, Fire Dragon Essence became stronger and stronger, forming a fiery vortex around him.

   After a while, his whole body was blazing, Fire Dragon Essence was like a torrent of magma, and he immediately burst away from the black forbidden force.

   Bang! When the black forbidden power was exploded, Fire Dragon Essence, like a dragon, continued to gather in Ye Wuchen Dantian, and then spread to all corners of his body.

   Under the stimulation of Fire Dragon Essence, Myriad Extinguishing King Cauldron also exudes a faint glow.

  The residual power of the black ban was getting weaker and weaker under the incineration of Fire Dragon Essence, and finally dissipated.

  Originally, a black palm print was printed on the Ye Wuchen chest, which was played by Li Family disciples yesterday, but now, the black palm print is also getting lighter, the congestion at palm print is beginning to dissipate, and finally disappeared.

  Not only that, the dark spots and scars in all corners of Ye Wuchen‘s body gradually dissipated and recovered.

   Less than an hour later, the black ban in his body not only expelled cleansing, but also completely recovered all injuries, no more wounds or scars on his body.

   This is the dominance and surprise of Origin Dragon Secret Art.

  However, Ye Wuchen did not stop practicing, but continued to run Origin Dragon Secret Art and continued to devour Fire Dragon Essence.

  It didn’t stop until four or five hours later, when the setting sun shined on the ground.

   Ye Wuchen stood up and only felt comfortable all over the body, yes, comfortable, a very cool feeling~ Before IndoMTL.com~, this body was full of vitality, no matter how many injuries were large and small, even a few steps He was panting, and his chest was like a huge stone, but now his chest was smooth and his body was full of strength.

  Ye Wuchen looked inside again, and I saw the red light flow around the Dantian area. This is the gas after Fire Dragon Essence was refined! That is the internal force that Divine Continent Mainland said!

  According to the practice of Divine Continent Mainland realm, now, he has successfully practiced to the 1st-Layer, Qi Gathering of Spirit Body Realm!

  Spirit Body Realm, which means flesh realm, and above Spirit Body Realm is Divine Connection Mysterious Boundary, and then on, it is Origin Core Realm.

  Whether it is Spirit Body Realm, Divine Connection Mysterious Boundary, or Origin Core Realm, there are 10th-Layer.

  Spiritual State 1st-Layer Qi Gathering, 2nd-Layer Skin Refining and Bone Tempering, 3rd-Layer Internal Strength, 4th-Layer Exchange Blood, 5th-Layer Divine Strength, 6th-Layer Hardness and Softness, 7th-Layer Splitting Veins, 8th-Layer Connecting Wheel, 9th-Layer Cleanse Muscle and Quench Marrow, 10th-Layer Spirit Transformation.

  Spirit Body Realm 10th-Layer, it seems simple, but every 1st-Layer breakthrough, it is extremely difficult, especially the 1st-Layer Qi Gathering, some people can’t succeed in practicing Qi Gathering for a few months, some need a year or two, some people can’t even succeed in life Qi Gathering, only Be an ordinary person.

   Like Ye Wuchen, Qi Gathering succeeded in a few hours. It can be said that it is very fast. This is still because Ye Wuchen wants to expel the prohibition in the body, otherwise it will be faster.

  Spirit 10th-Layer, the more difficult it is to break through, especially after 7th-Layer, every breakout of 1st-Layer requires great perseverance and great chance, not to mention Divine Connection Mysterious Boundary, now the whole Green Yang City, one Divine Connection Mysterious Boundary strong No.

   Even Murong Family Head and Li Family Family Head are only spirits 10th-Layer.

Before   , the reason why the father of Ye Feng was the first master of Green Yang City was because the father of Ye Feng was a master of Divine Connection Mysterious Boundary, but after the death of his father Ye Feng, there was no Divine Connection Mysterious Boundary in Green Yang City.

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