I Am Supreme Chapter 83: After the war, aftermath

   The entire Yutang Empire boiled almost instantly!

   Nine Manifestations, defeat the enemy!

  This thing with a strong legendary color, from the battlefield, hundreds of thousands of soldiers spoke vividly… God knows how shocking it will cause!

   Three thousand li expedited, quick horse to announce the good news; desperately howling along the way, just seven or eight days of effort, the entire Yutang Empire was completely bombarded by this news!

   Great victory on the battlefield, the country is protected; the strong enemy retreats, the country is safe. In such a war, nine legends were born.

   Tea House.

  ”Do you know? The nine adults have appeared again!”

   “I only know that I heard that the nine masters appeared and repelled the Dongxuan army.”

  ”Yes, yes, a fire burned millions of soldiers from Dongxuan’s army! Let the mainland’s first general, Shenhanshanhe, come back with a feather, and it’s so happy.”

  ”Thanks to the nine adults, or else…”

   “Just know that good people are rewarded, and the nine adults must not die!”

   “It’s said to be dead…this time it’s an apparition…” someone said hesitantly.

   Suddenly, the lively atmosphere stagnated.

   Several people looked bad and turned to look at the guy who said that the nine dead.

  This guy suddenly panicked: “I didn’t mean that…”

   “Then what do you mean?” Someone shouted loudly: “Dare to say that the nine great people are dead… Brothers **** him!”

   A group of people swarmed up!

   “Shut up if you can’t speak! Fuck you Yilan…Your whole family is dead and nine adults will not die…”

  ”Spare my life…”

   The whole country is full of joy.


   A thick pile is written on the iron clank.

   “The minister is guilty,… almost defeated, please punish your majesty…”

  ”The minister has something to say…In this battle, the minister saw the remnant army spontaneously participate in the war… Give up life and forget the death and fight… The minister is in his heart, and the minister represents 300,000 soldiers, and please take credit for the remnant army! And ask your majesty , Cares favorably and give glory.”

  ”…One hundred thousand cavalry, 37 thousand and five hundred died in battle; 300,000 army, now more than 200,000… Our soldiers shed blood and sacrifices, it should be, but the remnant soldiers spontaneously challenged, the whole country gathered 80,000 Three thousand remnants, 27,360 killed in battle! No wounded! Minister, ashamed.”

   “In the face of such a battle damage, the minister has no place to show himself…”


   Tie Zheng’s letter to the letter is half a plea.

   is half of asking for help.

   Please guilty for yourself and for the remnant army.

   However, in the entire letter, there is not a single sentence that mentions the word “Nine Zun”.

   Face up early.

   His Majesty the Emperor expressed emotion and read it.

   “How many hot-blooded heroes of the Yutang! With such a citizen, how can I be afraid of the Yutang! It’s just…in the past it was me who treated these heroes!”

   Qiu Jianhan, the old marshal and Leng Dao Yin both went out at the same time.

  ”War broke out at the border, and our army was in danger. Disabled and retired sergeants took part in the war spontaneously. There were… even a few days after the end of the war, on the road, they continued to encounter distant places that spontaneously formed teams to fight. Remnants…”

  ”…Zhao Zhao loyalty, awe-inspiring blood, Yutang army soul…”

  ”Here is the old minister, and there are collective letters from the disabled soldiers and soldiers. Please send it to your majesty.”

  Qiu Jianhan said.

  ”Read!” His Majesty’s face was flushed with excitement, and he said loudly: “Read, read it to us civil and military officials; let everyone remember it in the future, and teach… officials at all levels, how to do well , Parent officials everywhere!”


   The old marshal agreed, took out a letter from his arms, opened it and looked at it, unexpectedly stunned. Immediately, the burly body trembled, and the tiger’s eyes suddenly turned red.

   “Just a few words.” The old marshal’s voice trembled.

  ”Long live your majesty, your subjects are fortunate, the book sees the heavens…Xiaomin and others were former military lieutenants. They only hate their low ability and disability on the battlefield. They can’t go on the battlefield with their colleagues again, and contribute to the country. “

  ”… Your Majesty will give you a treat every year, and I am so ashamed… Now that the country is in distress, we wait to kill the enemy spontaneously. It is a matter of our own, and we do not ask for rewards. After the war, I will be disarmed and returned to Tian Keya. .”

  ”But Wansei begs your Majesty, this time you will fight, and you will die your brothers…There are wives and children in the family, please give your majesty Hong En, please give me a generous compassion. I will have my wish later, no other request!”

  ”He was a man in the army, he has his own blood; when the country needs it, he must fight again on the battlefield!”

  The letter from the representative of the disabled army can clearly see that, although it has been modified, this letter is really poorly written, the wording is average, and even a bit inverted, let alone any literary talent.

   But the loyalty and passion in it are vivid!

  Qiu Jianhan, the old marshal said without changing a word, the whole hall of the court was silent!

   “Okay, okay, okay!” After a long time, His Majesty, with tears in his eyes, praised three times, and said loudly: “This is my people! This is the son of Yutang! I am deeply gratified and deeply moved. Moved!”

  ”In the face of such iron-blooded blood, I am committed to it, if I don’t recognize it…”

   Before the emperor finished his words, the old marshal guilty and said: “Your majesty calms down the veteran to interrupt…These remnants, since the end of the war, have returned home, and now the stars are scattered…I’m afraid, It’s hard to get together again.”

   It was extremely rude to interrupt the emperor. But Old Marshal Qiu couldn’t help but say, because… If the emperor said commendation or something else, what ceremonies are needed… Then, it is really difficult to gather people, and it will become an embarrassing thing.

   His Majesty the emperor was a little lost: “Isn’t this… let me treat the heroes badly…”

   sighed coldly on one side, and said: “The thoughts of these old brothers, the minister can guess one or two… They didn’t think that they had done much; they thought all of this, It should be…”

  ”Moreover, they still feel sorry for the brothers who went out together but did not come back together…” Leng Daoyin sighed: “Your Majesty…for the rest of the battlefield, everyone will feel…alive, It is already the greatest gift from God!”

   “No matter how hard it is…no matter how difficult life is… it is much better and happier than those brothers who are already lying on the battlefield…” Old Marshal Qiu also knew this feeling.

   “Hey…” His Majesty the Emperor sighed loudly.

   “In that case, those who died in the battle… 27,360 disabled soldiers… Retire!” His Majesty said gravely: “Every household…retire, gold twelve; children in the family , Subsidized enrollment.”

  ”Also, this pension must be supervised in place. If there are people who are embezzled by ink…” His Majesty the emperor’s voice is severe: “…the nine races are all punish!”


   scattered backwards.

  Everyone dispersed.

   But Old Marshal Qiu was left by His Majesty the Emperor.

   His Majesty the Emperor is a little impatient: “Is there any news?”

   Qiu Jianhan shook his head: “No.”

  ”No?” His Majesty the Emperor looked at Marshal Qiu suspiciously: “Didn’t Tie Zheng tell you?”

  Old Marshal Autumn gave a wry smile: “Here is the letter.”

   took it out of his arms and gave it to His Majesty the Emperor.

  ”This…” His Majesty the Emperor carefully read it, and his eyes widened in disbelief: “Tie Zheng…he also said…Appearance?!”

   Old Marshal Qiu had a dark face and didn’t know what to say.

   “Fuck!” His Majesty finally couldn’t help but jumped and shouted: “Do you believe it?!”

   Old Marshal Qiu grinned: “I don’t believe it either.”

   “Then… Tie Zheng, is he fooling ghosts?” His Majesty was furious: “I am so stupid?! Appearing? Tie Zheng is alive and confused! Call him back to me! I will be serious! Cure his sin!”

  ”Your Majesty, wait a minute!” Old Marshal Qiu hurriedly stopped, and said carefully: “Tie Zheng’s mind, the old minister can also understand some…Moreover, it is indeed a manifestation from the moment… It is more appropriate.”

   His Majesty the Emperor gasped for breath, but finally began to think in his heart.

   After all, he is not a stupid person, but he is concerned and confused. Qiu Jianhan clicked on it, and he suddenly understood.

   “Nine…Nine people have always been dispatched together… but this time, only the two masters of wind and fire appeared.” Old Marshal Qiu Jianhan’s face was heavy: “Furthermore, Tie Zheng said, he felt the wind and fire. The abilities displayed by the double veterans are much inferior than before…”

   His Majesty the Emperor’s face sank.

   “The battle of the Profound Cliff of Heaven must be true… Even if the nine statues are a fluke, some of them survive… But others… I’m afraid…”

   “And the ability is damaged, but also… as expected…”

   “In that case, there are too many strange things in the battle of the Profound Cliff…” The old marshal Qiu deliberated and said word by word: “Well, determine this news as a manifestation… and then… so… So…”

  ”In this way, the country can be stable, the enemy can be paralyzed, and the several empires will definitely be suspicious and dare not to attack…This gives us a breathing space…”

  ”The Tribulation of the Nine Sovereigns…not to mention the foreigners and the arena, but the internal traitors in the court and even in the major classes… must be found out, otherwise, there will be endless troubles. They can find it out. Sky Profound Cliff, can’t it be done a second time?”

   “What if that…is really…the catastrophe…”

  The old marshal Qiu tried hard to persuade him.

  ”As for Tie Zheng, now the Tieguguan is a waste of time, let him sort out there first… until the foreign affairs are settled, the reconstruction of the Tieguguan is completed, and Dongxuan’s external troubles have been determined to be free… Summon Tiezheng into Beijing, let him report to your Majesty in detail…it’s not too late.”

   “When the time comes, your Majesty will beat and punish this kid… It’s not just a sentence…”

  Old Marshal Qiu said.

   “This is also reasonable…”

   “However, Tie Zheng has a request.” Old Marshal Qiu said.

   “What’s the requirement?” His Majesty the Emperor asked.

   “He wants to get married, then, invite all the brothers in the army to drink his wedding wine, including… the soldiers who died in battle!”

   Old Marshal Qiu’s face was heavy, he explained all the circumstances of the matter again, and introduced the causes and consequences in detail. He sighed: “This…”

   His Majesty the Emperor grinned: “Tie Zheng…Please drink so many people, does he have so much money?”

   Old Marshal Qiu coughed and said nothing.

   Inviting hundreds of thousands of troops to drink, and inviting the brothers who died in battle to drink, this is really astronomical.

   “I will come out this money!” His Majesty the Emperor gritted his teeth: “Although the treasury is empty, the money for wine…is to be given.”

  The old marshal Qiu sighed, and stopped talking.

   Now in successive years of warfare, the country’s money is spent on the army, all on pensions; in this regard, His Majesty the Emperor has never been merciless.

   But now the country is really out of money.

  The wine money… is definitely an astronomical figure.

  If you spend it out, I’m afraid it will cause another riot, or even impeachment. The emperor will face immense pressure: Now that the people are no longer living, you spend such a large sum of money to buy wine and pour it on the grave?

   But if it doesn’t cost… Then, the last wish of tens of thousands of heroes and dead souls, and such a trivial last wish, wouldn’t it be satisfied?

   They just want to drink a glass of handsome wedding wine!

  The old marshal thinks ~IndoMTL.com~ Your Majesty is not easy.


   His Majesty the Emperor was pacing, and suddenly lowered his voice: “Lao Qiu, you said… the two masters of wind and fire are still alive… this, should it be true?”

  Qiu Jianhan has a black line.

   I just said so clearly, let’s not talk about this matter anymore… How are you…

  ”The old minister felt…like and not like…” Qiu Jianhan hesitated.

   His Majesty the Emperor is more and more enthusiastic: Then you say…If the two masters of wind and fire are still alive, then, is it possible that the other few are still alive? “

  The old marshal kept his eyes on.

   You think too much, right?

   Even if it is these two, it is still uncertain whether it is true or not…

   “Then my child…” His Majesty the Emperor was full of hope: “…Is it also…”

   At this point, a pair of eyes are full of light: “…Alive?!”


   Old Marshal Qiu felt that he was going crazy.

   Others may still be alive, but there is absolutely no possibility that the maharajah is alive… If the maharaja is still alive, even if he only has a breath, he will know the news first. Can be His Majesty the Emperor!

   “This…a bit hangs.”

  The old marshal is very honest.

   His Majesty the emperor’s eyes widened suddenly, and in an instant the anger surged: “Bold Qiu Jianhan, how dare you deceive your king!”


  The old marshal was speechless.

  When did the old man deceive the king again? Even if you are the emperor, you can’t justify it!



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