I Am Supreme Chapter 525: The decisive battle at Tianxuanya (2)

This dark road is only on the farthest side, as if it is the end of the horizon. There is a little faint light, but it is still only for you to see vaguely, and you can’t really see it clearly.

   Although I don’t know what the road is, and there is no hint; however, all the enemies who attacked Yunyang at this moment have a clear understanding that reaches the bottom of their hearts instantly: That is the road of reincarnation. !

   In the legend, only the Yinsi Huangquan has the reincarnation channel!

   This dark road seems to be able to attract all the minds of witnesses, and it is full of indescribable and indescribable temptation, making everyone feel turbulent when they see it, and in a trance. He remembered his past and present life.

  The unique light of reincarnation under the sword shines all over the front, Yun Yang feels his wrist vibrates violently when he makes a move, a burst of great power surges, and then he feels the resistance is extinguished, and his heart is relaxed, and he follows. Another muffled hum came from a little further away.

   Yun Yang’s thoughts were turned, and he quickly judged that the situation was that his sword of providence had met the opponent’s weapon, and then he had the initial feeling of hard-to-fight. The opponent’s cultivation level was obviously quite good, otherwise there would be a wave of strength. How could it affect oneself; but the myth of the unparalleled sharpness of the Blade of Providence continues, only to cut off the opponent’s weapon after a short stalemate; it even hurts the opponent.

   The figure flickered in the shadow again, and two more light beams came out. Just as Yunyang’s knife cut a person’s weapon and wounded the other person, he had already come to Yunyang’s body, and the evil trick came. .

   Yun Yang didn’t dare to neglect, and hurried back. As the blade turned and swept, his right palm fell back fiercely!

   There was a bang. The person who struck from behind was hit by his palm, and the palm flew away. The long sword of the person who struck on the other side was cut by the blade of heaven; however, the manpower was sometimes poor. , Even if Yun Yang tried his best to deal with it, it was still difficult to avoid the last attack, so he only had time to lean and a sharp light flashed across his chest.

   Yun Yang suffered a pain in his chest, but he had already retracted the knife that had just been hacked out, and he relentlessly counterattacked, the momentum was fierce, before the multiple.

With a crisp sound, the last somersault of the four-way attack just turned over, and as the person retreated, the enemy from the four-way attack retreated at the same time as if they had been negotiated, and never left!


   On the other side, Ji Lingxi’s swords and swords are scattered all over the place. They are as brilliant as fireworks, but they are only offensive; the four opponents on the opposite side are very surprised.

   In the world, there is a girl who has such a profound cultivation base, such a powerful combat power, and such a sturdy style of play?

   is really better than seeing it!

   But, holding on to such a flawed style of play to fight us, no matter how high the level of cultivation is, there is still a dead end. Is there any luck? !

   their eyes met for an instant, and the two of them had already taken the first step. They joined forces to hold up Ji Lingxi’s sword. One rushed his palm to draw Ji Lingxi’s right hand away, and the last one looked at the neutral position and snatched in with the white horse crossing the gap. On the right side of Lingxi, he slashed fiercely!

   is the key point of Ji Lingxi’s slender neck, without any pity for Xiangyuyu.

   At this point in the battle, Ji Lingxi is on the verge of death. Even if he has an outrageous cultivation base, it is absolutely impossible for him to insist on such a sharp point!

   Countless Lingxi didn’t seem to notice it, still in the frenzied rushing force, attacking the joint double swords in front of him, deliberately breaking this interception and demanding the enemy’s life.

   When it was said that it was too late and then it was fast, and the knife was as light as electricity, and with the sound of a pop, it had been accurately cut on Ji Lingxi’s neck.

  The free hand of the person who drew the sword stretched out, with five fingers spread out, obviously intending to chop off his head with a knife, and then take it with one hand and leave, waiting for the purpose of deterring the clouds!

   As long as you think that you are not a single face-to-face, you will kill Yunyang’s right-hand man, the unpredictable confidante, and then throw this beautiful beauty’s head with a pop in front of Yunyang. Instead, we have to see if the Yunzun of Megatron Continent will instantly collapse and be dispelled!

   This man has cruel eyes, and he is ready to grab it with one hand!

   But the next moment… the whole person was stunned!

  Because of this momentum, the tyrant killer, who was so heavy that it could break the mountain and crack the rock, hit the vital point of the neck, but did not chop off the head!

   No, not only didn’t cut it down, but didn’t feel any force at all…

  This…what is going on?

   Is this woman’s bodyguarding skills unique, so she just blindly attacked, completely undefended? !

At the moment    the thought turned, I saw another red light slowly rising…

   What’s the matter?

Is    the appearance of a special power body? !

  The person who came out of the sword saw the red light gradually spread, and it was… rushing towards me?

  What the **** is this, how is it so weird…

   This person’s thinking stopped at this moment!

  Because of this moment, he suddenly felt that his body seemed to… hit a mountain?

  A mountain that is flying a hundred thousand miles in the blink of an eye? !

   If you have to describe it… in a way that everyone can understand or can describe it like this, a sports car running at a high speed hit head-on on a high-speed rail that was driving at full speed.

   and it’s on the front of the high-speed rail train without any flowers!


  , of course, there was a bang!

   In addition, the three people who were fully resisting Ji Lingxi’s mad attack looked over in surprise, but they saw that their companion was unknown so the earthquake flew up, like a goshawk, suddenly opened their arms and rushed into the sky at high speed. !

   is the eagle, you fight the sky!

   Yes, now the posture of this companion is so similar!

   But… why did this eagle rush forward at an unparalleled astonishing speed, and not come down for a long time?

   followed… the answer came out!

   But see, the fighting sky figure that lifts off at a high speed is clearly still waiting to rise at the very high sky, but it seems to be overwhelmed and disintegrates!

   Well, it’s really disintegration, and it’s the head, limbs and body… all separated!

   Is it because you rushed too fast, the resistance in the air was too strong, so… You tear your body apart?

   The brains of the three of them are revolving rapidly in an instant~IndoMTL.com~ but they still can’t guess what is going on.

  How everything is so weird!

The woman opposite    still maintains a wide-open offensive mode, and a sword in her hand exerts a terrifying power of 300%!

  The reason is actually very simple… She doesn’t defend at all!

   Offense is the best defense, but it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t defend it!

   That’s right… Didn’t you see who just slashed her on the neck?

   That’s the point!

   Then why can she attack?


   At this moment, Ji Lingxi saw that no matter how hard he tried to attack, he still couldn’t help the three of the opponents team up. They joined forces to eliminate his offensive style. In a burst of anger, he suddenly yelled. The long sword was put away, and he rushed straight towards the three of them!

  What kind of play is this?

   Where is there such a trick in the world?

   This is no longer fearless and not afraid of death, it is just looking for death, okay? !

   The three were shocked when they saw this!

   There must be evildoers if something goes wrong!

   While the opponent is jumping into thunder, do this action, I’m afraid there is nothing strange!

   Two of them did not dare to move rashly, and quickly evaded, only to see Ji Lingxi like a crazy bull, rushing towards the person in the middle!

  The one who was the first to see was unable to dodge, and without thinking about it, he stabbed out with a strong sword, hitting Ji Lingxi’s heart!



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