I Am Supreme Chapter 156: Iron face and blue sky

Many officials suddenly burst into laughter, wondering if this guy is hitting His Majesty in the face?

One hundred taels, you can say it even if you lose it, it’s too cheap.

However, the few ministers who laughed out loud, were shocked to find that they immediately met hundreds of pairs of knives.

Among them, His Majesty himself is included!

Wu Lie, the Shangshu of the Xing Department, was a sturdy character who was extremely rare in the court of the Yutang Empire, and he was a pedantic official.

Since he became an official, whether he was the first seven-rank magistrate or now the second-rank master, he has never accepted any funding or any contacts!

Even if someone invites him to eat a meal or drink tea, he never agrees!

This person’s management of himself and his family is even more stringent to the point where he is almost indifferent.

“Your Majesty granted me official positions and granted me salary. That is the reward I deserve to serve the court! But other benefits are not what I deserve! The so-called shorthands, cannibalism. I am Wu Lie, I can’t be sorry for the official position I hold, can’t be disappointed with your Majesty’s trust, let alone the gaze of the people!”

“Especially I am now in charge of the Criminal Department, in charge of the criminal law of the world! More importantly, I should be strict in self-discipline, and consider my life!”

“Anything that flies to the enemy, can’t happen to me!”

“In my eyes, there is no extra-legal sentiment. The law is the law! The prince breaks the law and must sin with the common people!”

After this Master Wu took office, in the past few years, the cases of the Yutang Empire have indeed fallen by a lot, and the officials have dealt with things in obscurity.

No one dared to be upright and unscrupulous as before.

It can be said that the current customs and laws of the Yutang Empire, this Lord Wu is a person who turned the tide and executed it!

Countless corrupt officials, even if they are not found by him, as long as they see him, they will feel a sense of guilty conscience that they want to tremble and confess…

But it is also this Lord Wu who has suffered many tragedies one after another.

The first is his beloved wife. In less than thirty years, Wu Lie had his legs cut off due to reprisals when he was still an officer of the criminal ministry. Afterwards, it was discovered that in addition to his crippled legs, he was also taken off the show. Poison, paralysis of the whole body, just like the living dead.

His son was also imprisoned for many days with revenge. Although he survived by chance, he was not only frail and sick, but also blinded by poison and blindness. He hasn’t gotten any better today, just using drugs to sustain his life.

Every drug that sustains the lives of his wife and children is expensive and expensive.

As a result, the life of Master Wu has been extremely difficult over the years. A kind person can’t stand it, so he secretly sent a pack of silver in the middle of the night and put it in the yard at home.

But as long as he finds out, he will throw it out without saying anything!

Regardless of whether your move is a good intention or deliberate gift, in this Lord Wu’s heart: I shouldn’t take the silver, I don’t want it!

Even if I die of poverty and starvation, I don’t want it!

In fact, in this Master Wu’s house, Master Yun Yang, Master Yun Zun, has sent people to give silver and gold many times, but even if he told him that it was given by Jiu Zun, this Master Wu still The head shook like a rattle, but it didn’t take it.

Even, sometimes the emperor’s extra reward is not required!

I have done my job. Your Majesty will reward me. I want it. That is the reward I deserve. I deserve it.

But, I don’t think I did a good job. Your Majesty will reward me. Why should I accept it! Why are you rewarding me? Isn’t this unclear rewards and punishments? No!

Sometimes His Majesty the emperor even got angry because the courtier refused to accept his reward.

For such an official, now he can come up with a hundred taels, which has greatly exceeded his tolerance limit!

“This, Wu Aiqing.” His Majesty didn’t respond at all to the one hundred and two hundred thousand pledged by other officials, but when he saw Wu Lie take out these hundred taels, he suddenly felt his heart bursts. Pain of convulsions.

“Forget the money you pledged. Take this money back and take care of your own life.” His Majesty said with some embarrassment.

“The pledge this time was done by all the officials, but how can we make an exception for the ministers, and should not be an exception. I still have seventeen, two, three and five cents in my family, which is enough to live this month. “Wu Liegang showed a slight smile on his iron-colored face.

“But…the side of Aiqing’s wife and children still needs to spend. This pledge is voluntary, and helping others needs to be done within their means.” His Majesty the emperor warmly advised: “Take it back.” /

Wu Lie said with a stern expression: “Your Majesty, the minister also knows that the hundred and two silver patterns pledged by the minister is a drop in the bucket. The overall situation is futile and it is far from being compared with others. However, the minister is a member of the Yutang Empire. The empire is in trouble. It is the responsibility and obligation to donate funding. Moreover, this money is the minister’s own money. The minister takes it if he wants, but he doesn’t take it.”

This sentence is hard and cute.

In layman’s terms, this is: Lao Tzu’s own money, I spend whatever I like to spend, can you care about it? You…even if you are the emperor, do you care about how my salary is spent? !

His Majesty the Emperor was almost stunned by this sentence.

Old Marshal Qiu and Leng Daoyin laughed at the same time. The two old men laughed and pointed to Wu Lie: “This is him, a donkey!”

Wu Lie replied stiffly: “You are the donkey! Your whole family is the donkey!”


His Majesty the Emperor turned his anger and smiled, even more directly.

Aside from Wu Lie, anyone who dares to speak such a positive **** and swear the military swords and swords heroes, except Wu Lie, really don’t think about it!

This is something that even the emperor dare not say!

But Wu Lie dare!

Moreover, he is confident, magnificent, upright, high-spirited!

In his own words: I am worthy of the sky, worthy of the earth, worthy of the king, worthy of the people!

No matter how powerful you are or how powerful you are, I am afraid you will be an egg? !

The Minister of Civil and Military Affairs of the Manchu Dynasty couldn’t help laughing at the expressions of the two old marshals who couldn’t break even after eating shit.

These two old hooligans have always used hobs and brutal means to run rampantly. Today they finally saw them also being so speechless. It was so happy!

“The old man is willing to donate another 500,000 silver!”

A gray-haired veteran stood up and said, “Even if you smashed the pot and sell iron, you have to donate. Just to see these two old men being scolded and crushed, the old man feels happy, and the money is donated!”

The prime minister, Du Ruobing, stepped forward.

The old man smiled like a chrysanthemum in full bloom. The poor old man has been irritated by these two old hooligans all his life. He thought that he would have no chance to retaliate when he was close to the soil. Today, someone helped me out It’s out, how can you not make up for a movie ticket…

“Unfortunately, the old man only has half a million coffins; otherwise, it would be worth making up one million!”

The old prime minister sighed with relief.

His Majesty the Emperor lowered his head and covered his forehead with his hand.

It can be seen that the old prime minister is really dead and without regrets, or it is impossible to say it to this point…

In a fundraiser, His Majesty the Emperor madly collected money, and directly collected and collected nearly 19 million silver!

As if a large sum of silver fell from the sky, the Emperor breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and suddenly the evil grew to the courage, and a thought lingered in his heart: “These **** have a problem with their wealth…especially It’s a few of them, if they just rely on their salary, they won’t be able to spend so much money without eating or drinking in a hundred years… and I haven’t heard of any property in the family. Where did the money they pledged come from? ?”

His Majesty thought in his heart, and the eyes of a few of them were suddenly wrong.

Finally completed the fundraising presided over by His Majesty the Emperor himself, and all the officials were relieved. Then, one by one began to feel pain…

“Next, I and all the Qings will bring something out, and then we will send someone to auction it at the outside auction house… I believe we can get some money… In addition to the donations raised today, it is probably That’s enough.”

His Majesty the Emperor was still not satisfied, and made another move.


Manchu dynasty civil servants coughed together.

Your Majesty, you are seeing the money open to a considerable extent…


The meeting is over.

Wu Lie walked out of the palace gate, but raised his eyes to see Old Marshal Qiu Jianhan stopping in front.

“What are you doing?” Wu Lie looked at Qiu Jianhan warily.

Old Marshal Qiu is the head of the three gangsters in the Yutang Empire. He has always been a fierce name. Wu Lie dared to ridicule each other. It is one thing to scold the old marshal. But the old marshal after the autumn settled accounts and beat someone up. What an unexpected thing!

The old marshal snorted and threw a pack of silver, and said: “This is the two thousand taels the old man lent you. If you have money, remember to return it to the old man! This is for your kid, not white For you!”

Without a word, turn around and leave.

Wu Lie held this bag of silver, his throat squirmed, only feeling a fever in his heart, he couldn’t speak.

At this moment, he couldn’t help but think of last night–

At three shifts last night, Wu Lie cleaned his wife and took the medicine, but he heard a painful groan from his son. But when his son got up at night, he was blind because of his eyesight. He stumbled, and because of his weakness, it was difficult to maintain his balance, so he fell heavily to the ground~IndoMTL.com~ He hurriedly took medicine for his son again, helped him go to bed, and then he was so tired that he was about to fall asleep. Someone floated in like a cloud.

“Master Wu.”

“Who?” Wu Lie was very calm at the time.

“Zaixia and Master Wu are acquaintances.” The visitor had a black cloth and mask, but his voice was very kind: “Master Wu should have heard of me. I am the old man of nine, Fengzun.”

Speaking, stretched out his hand, in this airtight room with closed windows and doors, the wind blew slowly.

The wind rolled around, stirring and gentle, in various ways, rolling up the things placed in the room, but gently putting them down. From beginning to end, the man in black did not move his hands or feet except for the first wave of hands. A move.

“Really Master Fengzun in person?”

Wu Lie was excited: “You…”

“No need to say anything else, I just hope Master Wu keeps the news that Feng Mou is still alive.” The Feng Zun said: “I came here today when I heard that Mrs. Zun and Young Master Wu are sick. Do your best.”

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