I am God Chapter 719: : Flowers falling in the world of Zeheon

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This is an era of rapid civilization development, as well as an era of rapid population explosion and growth.

Alchemy and pharmacy are becoming more and more powerful, various new professions are constantly emerging, the scope of magic nets is getting wider and wider, and magic crystal props are becoming more and more popular.

There are more and more cities, and the whole world seems to be full of people.

They were busy doing their jobs, and occasionally learned about changes in various countries through newspapers, or which country went to another world, or where a war broke out.

This day.

In the magic tool city on the edge of the desert where the sun fell.

Snake people, wing people, lizard people and demons gathered into a torrent and got out of the train. One train after another kept coming and going away.

This is an important hub connecting the Land of Light, the Evil Peninsula, and the giant island of Ruhe. There was a portal in ancient times, and the daily flow of people is terrifying. It is also one of the most prosperous extraordinary cities in the world. one.

When people get out of the car, they can see the newsboys selling newspapers shouting.

“The Golden Time Train, sponsored by the Haitian Wu Kingdom, has set off.”

“The second Zeheon development city is under construction, and the magic net and magic temple are fully recruiting magician professionals to go to the depths of the astral world.”

“A fierce conflict erupted between the White Witch Spirit Scroll Production Guild and the Undead Order. The two competed in the sea of ​​storms for the remaining mythical substances that fell from the abyss from the sky, and a large number of extraordinary professionals were killed or injured.”

“The war broke out, and both the Lusen Wu Kingdom and the Montenegro Principality dispatched hundreds of thousands of troops and hundreds of magic crystal steam-powered battleships to fight for the share of the stone in the sky.”

Some of the people who got off the bus left in a hurry, some stopped to buy a newspaper, and some got together and chatted while reading the newspaper.

“The outbreak of wars outside Ruhe Giant Island is becoming more and more frequent!”

“It’s all caused by the development of the star world. These people are crazy and want to rush to the sky, crazily fighting for the opportunity and power to go to the high sky; those temples and guilds don’t matter, those kingdoms are gradually dying. The old old nobles and old men are also crazy, I don’t know why.”

“That’s right, the ground hasn’t figured it out yet, so they just want to go to heaven. The consul of our country is also yelling about the astral world and Zeheon every day. It’s annoying to hear too much.”

“You can’t say that, the astral world is the future.”

“Abyss Mythical Matter, haven’t you finished digging after so many years?”

“What’s going on with the Order of the Undead?”

“It seems to have split from the ancient Ghoul Esoteric Cult. The Silver Church was destroyed, and the ghouls disappeared, but these guys are still there; they are all a group of evil lunatics, pursuing immortality.”

Gao Tian, ​​Divine Kingdom, Star Realm.

Wars, cults, immortality.

Everything seems to be related to them, because these all happened in this world, but everything seems to have nothing to do with them.

Most people just live in this era normally, and they also pass away with the time. They may not be able to go to the depths of the starry sky in their entire life, let alone gain immortality.

Be born here, and die here.

That’s all.

Amidst the noise, an area and passages of the station began to be closed, and guards began to drive away the surrounding people.

A monster driving a huge magic guard passed by both sides of the road. The several-meter-long metal mechanical legs were very flexible, and there were people on it shouting with a horn.

“The Star Realm is exclusively stationed, please give way immediately and leave along the No. 2 passage.”

“Star Realm special entry, please…”

People immediately left the side of the lane and left along the passage, but at the same time they also saw a large group of strange people entering the side of the lane through the passage and waiting.

“What is this for?” When people left, they were also very curious.

“The star train is coming, look quickly, the portals are all open.” Someone looked back, although they couldn’t see the portal, but the rainbow-like light was clearly visible.

“This should be the team that set off to the high sky, but it looks different from what I saw before. What clothes they are wearing are all the same.” Someone noticed the strange people who entered the lane and waited. Figures, they are all wearing uniform black clothes, and the words and symbols of the Star Boundary Exploration Team are printed on the clothes.

“Maybe they come from the same force!”

They guessed partly, but not quite.

These people all come from various forces sponsoring the spaceships of the Holios Star Boundary, from a certain country, a certain guild, or a certain temple.

They did come here to take the train to the high sky, go to the legendary Time Station, and then they will follow Holios’ star spaceship to set off there.

That’s right, Holios is about to embark on a journey around the solar system.

Standing by the driveway, watching the Astral Time Train slowly pull out of the rainbow-colored light, each of these people wearing black Astral Expedition Team clothes felt a little heavy and uneasy. They may be excited, but when they really want to go, they are a little scared.

They don’t know if they will ever come back.

Even if they could come back, they would not be able to see their family members again. Although the Demon Spirit Clan could keep their time, they couldn’t keep the time of this world.

They had bid farewell to their families before they set off. Everyone could be said to be carrying a mission and task of great power, and vowed to give everything for it.

For example, some people stayed on the ice moon in a certain world on the way, and were responsible for laying down base stations there, exploring and confirming the situation.

Then guard and wait for the arrival of the next group of people, and finally establish a stable portal there, and then find a way to slowly transfer the water of this world to the world of Zeheon.

Someone’s task is to bring the Cup of Desire to a certain world, and then cultivate it there, and they may have to wait there for a lifetime.

Some people are looking for something in the depths of the astral world, even if they don’t know if they can find it.

“The train to Guangyin Station is about to leave!”


Everyone boards the train in silence.

When many people cross the threshold, they can’t help but look back at the crowd and the world behind them, because for them, this is a one-way ticket.

They finally stared at the familiar world, but chose to set off without hesitation.

In the sound of bang bang bang, the train started again.

“The next stop is the Demonic Floating Void City Time Station!”

Bowing their heads in silence, they turned to the time station that could slow down time, and saw the legendary time control machine.

They lived in the station for one night, and that night they heard a movement in the distance.

A beam of light rushed to the sky, opening the door to the dream world.

In the light, they heard a voice.

“I am Holios, the God of Exploration of the Demon God System.”

“I will go to the star realm with the Starlight, and explore every star in the star realm I pass by.”

This is a declaration of becoming a god.

This voice can be heard by every **** and apotheosis.

On the eve of the arrival of the Death Star giant, Holios, who has been transforming his own astral spaceship, finally completed the steps of boarding the myth.

Holios, the **** of exploration, transformed his astral spaceship into four forms. The overall size has not increased, but the strength is completely incomparable to before.

The Time Station also shone with light.

On the time control machine, a figure shook his head: “It’s really slow, it’s too slow!”

And powerful figures emerged one after another from all over the Demonic Floating Void City, looking at the range of the enchantment of the mythical domain: “The **** of adventure, the **** of exploration, the **** of travel, our star realm The Three Gods finally appeared.”

These three gods also represent the path and ideals of the demon clan.

In the time station.

Everyone in the Star Boundary Exploration Team who was about to set off looked at the mythical shadow in the light, and at the same time saw the “big fish” with light on its back.

The members of the star exploration team walked to the edge of the time station one by one, looking at the “big fish” from a distance.

They finally saw the astral spaceship they were going to board in the future, and called out the name of the strange ship.

“Astral Spaceship Starlight.”

At this time, someone came to summon them.

“Master Holios let you board the ship, we are about to set off.”

Everyone hurriedly took their things and ran towards the location of the astral spaceship, as if they were afraid that they would not be able to board the ship if it was too late.

However, they didn’t expect that after they lined up to board the ship, they didn’t see Holios, the **** of exploration and captain, for several days, and there was no movement of departure.

Until a few days later, they saw the arrival of a comet with a long tail in the sky.

“It’s the Death Star.” People gathered in front of the window.

“It turns out that the Death Star is like this, it’s really magnificent and stalwart.” Someone said.

“The last time she came, I wasn’t born yet!” Most of the people present were not very old, at least they didn’t see it when the Death Star came last time.

“If the Death Star is coming, does it mean…” Some people looked around and found that the demons on the ship were also moving.

Now everyone knows that this astral spaceship is finally about to set sail.

Sure enough, soon the entire Starlight started to move.

First she emitted a strong light, and a strong beam of light was emitted from above her head, aiming at the distant death star.

After circulating the world a few times, she easily broke free from the shackles of the main world with the help of the Death Star Titan.

“Let’s go.”

“It’s really starting.”

“Look below, something is flying out of the world.”

The members of the exploration team on the ship originally looked down at the main world below, but they did not expect to see a special picture.

They saw meteors breaking free from the atmosphere above the earth and following them towards the dead star.

The shooting star brushed past them and danced with them.

In the starry sky world, they walk with shooting stars.

“A son of the Death Star.”

“It’s so beautiful.”

“Set off with the stars.”

Their children’s holes reflect the deep darkness, and in the darkness are retrograde streamers piercing the sky.

Such a picture liberated everyone’s heavy emotions. Looking at the picture deep in the astral world, expectations emerged in their eyes.

At this moment, Holios appeared in front of everyone, biting a pipe.

“Master Holios!”

“I have seen the great **** of exploration!”

“I have seen the great **** of exploration.”

He glanced at these people and raised the corners of his mouth.

He knows that each of these people has a different purpose, but he doesn’t care. In his opinion, no matter what the purpose is, everyone here comes with a desire for the starry sky, just like him.

She knocked on the pipe and said loudly.


“Follow me to find the stars!”

He had a big grin, the biggest grin of all.

The astral spaceship, a mythical magic tool like a lantern fish, finally set sail and flew to the other side of the starry sky under the eyes of everyone.

The Demon Clan’s “Perfect World Search Project” has also officially started.

The gods in the world are also watching the departure of the Starlight. After all, they also have a part in promoting Holios to become a god.

“Can the so-called perfect world be found?”

“I think the ice moon plan proposed by Osis is more reliable.”

“Even if there is a new world that can rival the world of Ziheon, it will not take a while to transform it.”

“Time… is not enough!”

Everyone has expectations for Holios’s expedition team, but they don’t expect her to find a place in the astral world with just the right gravity, suitable environment, water, and various data that are most suitable for transformation in a short time. The place.

That is unrealistic. According to observations, this kind of world cannot exist in the solar system, and there can only be other star fields that are too far away to be observed in the depths of the astral world.

Everyone just hopes that he can find a world that matches his data. Even if he can find a world with abundant resources, that would be a big gain.

On the second day after the Starlight left, the newspapers in the world also simultaneously leaked the news.

“Starlight officially departs.”

“The journey around the star field is about to begin.”

“This is the greatest journey of wisdom species, a journey of exploration to the future.”

When people read the newspaper, they are also encouraged.

“It’s amazing!”

Of course, some people dismiss it.

“What’s the use, what does it have to do with us?”

“Let’s live a good life, today’s meal has not been settled yet!”

“It doesn’t matter, I won’t be able to go to the star world in my life, maybe the next generation’s soul will be reincarnated, and I will be able to go there!”

“As long as you want to have a soul, is it good to be a ghost?”

That being said.

But if it was possible, who wouldn’t want to be that eternal soul chasing endlessly to the stars?


Sky Miracle Garden.

Yin Wa, the God of Desire and Alchemy, watched as the God of Exploration, Holios, left, and said.

“For this world, the second era of intelligent species may be coming to an end.”

“But for us, the second era may have just begun, and the era of the astral world has kicked off.”

Olan stood behind Yin Wa: “God Yin Wa, do you think that Holios can find the perfect world?”

Yin Wa said: “I heard that the **** of adventure, Lei, has arrived near the sun, and he should start planning to go to other star fields in a short time, and at the same time bring the portal there.”

“Even if you can’t find it now, Holios will definitely find it in the future.”

The division of labor in the demon **** system is very clear, and Lei, the God of Adventure, moves the fastest, so he won’t stay in any one place.

He is responsible for reaching the farthest place and opening the gate. The God of Exploration follows him to explore the surrounding star field, and the God of Travel will follow.

Yin Wa watched the Death Star completely disappear in his eyes, so he said to Oran.

“I’m going to start preparing for the breakthrough with all my strength, and the affairs of the Kingdom of God will be left to you for the time being.”

It can be seen that the Sky Miracle Garden is completely different from before, and its structure has completely transformed according to the structure of the Eternal Kingdom.

The castle in the center of the island has completely turned into a spar structure, exuding spiritual brilliance, which permeates the entire island.

The bank is full of silver flower cups in a circle, and their roots are shining and shaking in the river of desire, and in the river of desire that surrounds the entire kingdom of God, there are groups of wild animals like Consciousness like a lamp.

The high towers and workshops are combined to form small towns and cities floating on the river.

The breakthrough mentioned by God Yin Wa is naturally a seventh-order true god.

But at this moment, he asked Oran: “Are you ready for the “Astral World Wisdom Species and Mythical Civilization Transformation Plan”?”

Olan bowed his head and saluted: “I’m making preparations. I’ve made arrangements in the Land of the Rising Sun. At the same time, I’m also communicating with the Demon Clan, the Magic Net and the Magic God System.”

Yin Wa nodded: “That’s good, you can use this time to carry out the plan slowly.”

He looked at Oran and said something that made Oran feel a sudden increase in pressure.

“After all, time is running out.”

God Yin Wa crossed the crystal bridge and entered the ancient castle deep in the garden.

The Golden Queen closed the door for him, and Oran stood at the door to salute, and finally turned away.

Twenty years later.

The root of the spiritual world, the pattern of the law of the soul on a fruit of wisdom on the God of Wisdom Tree gradually grew, and finally turned into a special flower shape.

The fruit of wisdom bloomed with light, and at the same time it became precarious.

Under the sacred tree, the ancient spirits raised their heads and looked at the fruit.

“The Law of Desire!”


“It’s desire!”

“Who has become the true god?”

“That flower, the ferry flower.”

In the high sky, dense lights surged.

Olan was originally in the human world, but he felt something at this moment, and rushed back immediately.

The moment he came back, he saw the mythical shadow of God Yin Wa covering the Kingdom of God.

“Eternal Kingdom.”

Spirituality gushes out from the crystal castle in the center, and the light river of consciousness lights continuously rushes out, turning into a light river that surrounds the miracle garden in the sky.

At this moment, all the lights fell into the silver flower sea of ​​desire, turning into special life forms one by one.

The servants of Yinwa who passed away in the past returned from the years one by one and became soul species.

It can be seen that they wake up from their stupor and regain their wisdom and consciousness.

They looked at their luminous and transparent body in amazement, looked at the other people standing in the sea of ​​flowers, and finally looked at the stalwart mythical shadow in the center of the Kingdom of God in disbelief.

“Am I alive?”


“God Yin Wa has given us a new form, a new life.”

Yin Wa, the master of the **** system, has fulfilled the promise he made to them.

Those special soul-body beings walked out of the sea of ​​flowers, crossed the river, set foot on the lighthouses and workshops, and became a part of it.

“Soul species.”

Olan watched the arrival of the soul species one by one, and then the entire Miracle Garden in the Sky began to accelerate, heading towards a higher place.

He raised his head: “Let’s go!”

Yin Wa followed closely behind the witch doctor god, and stepped on the stairs to Shenyue.

However, when she set off, she didn’t take Oran’s Divine Kingdom domain with her, but just left with Oran’s mythical body.

Olan watched the Shenyue above his head open the gate and cast moonlight to welcome them.

The Shenyue is just the reflection of the Shenyue body in the dream world, but at the same time it is also a door that can directly lead to the spirit world. They penetrate the door of the Shenyue and break into the dream world.

They saw the outlines of intelligent races appear one after another, and they also saw the reincarnation of desires.

They passed through the endless emptiness and came under the sacred tree.

However, unlike the witch doctor god, Yin Wa did not see King Jesser sitting on the treetop. He picked the fruit of wisdom of desire with his own hands, and then the two merged into one.

The Eternal Kingdom of God has also turned into the fruit on the tree.

As Yin Wa’s consciousness connected to the root, the “fruit” broke free from the sacred tree and floated towards the upper layer.

Did not see the eternal stars of creation, but directly entered the dimension that was gradually breaking away from reality, and docked the Kingdom of God here.

Olan said in amazement: “There really is a third floor!”

Of course Yin Wa knows what it is: “The Kingdom of the God of Creation.”

Olan looked at the higher level, thinking in his heart.

“If you can enter there, can you really transcend everything?”

However, this thought did not last long, and all the soul species and other followers of the gods came to Yin Wa.

God Yin Wa walked across the crystal bridge and stood at the front of the sea of ​​flowers, with Oran and other followers standing beside him.

In the eternal kingdom, God Yin Wa told all the soul species that belonged to the desire and alchemy gods.

“This is the eternal world of soul species, and it is also the paradise I created for you.”

“But you will never grow up living in this eternal kingdom. This is your paradise and belonging, but it is not your future.”

“You are destined to go to the world, where you will gain a new life and start a new life.”

God Yin Wa looked at Oran, and at the same time said to these soul species.

“Olan will control his kingdom of God and lead you to another world for reincarnation. You will spend a new life in that world, and then return after death.”

“Go to the next reincarnation, to the next world.”

Under the watchful eyes of all the soul species, God Yin Wa shouted out the declaration that represented them.

“We are a mythical civilization in the starry sky, an immortal lamp.”

The morphological framework of the seventh-order true **** god system is fully displayed and exposed to everyone.

The Eternal Kingdom is located in the spirit world, where all soul species live.

Ordinarily from the different worlds of the kingdom of God in the present world, this is the hub connecting the eternal kingdom, and it is also the transit point for soul species to go to different worlds.

At the same time, believers and servants from different worlds will also go to the gods to transform from the kingdom of gods to the gods, and finally transform into soul species to go to the depths of the spirit world to obtain eternity.

God Yin Wa waved his hand, and saw a large number of soul species falling from the spirit world with Oran.


“You leave this world with the first batch of Tarlings and go to the world of Zeheon.”

“Go and completely light up the lights of that world!”

When Oran opened his eyes, he had already returned to his own country.

Standing among the white round towers and stretches of alchemy workshops, he saw groups of souls falling from the sky and descending into his own kingdom.


Land of the rising sun.

Beginning more than ten years ago, the various temples of the Desire and Alchemy God System began to propose the concept of astral life and mythical civilization, and disclosed the transformation method of the tower spirit.

They provide tower spirit transformation rituals and utensils to help some professionals who belong to the **** system transform into tower spirit form.

Stone buildings up to dozens of floors are spread along both sides of the street, and through the fountain at the end, you can see the dense crowd praying under the temple in the distance.

They seem to be witnessing something.

In front of the temple, the servants of the gods are leading the crowd, witnessing an old alchemist and devout believers receiving the blessing of a strange life form.

It was a strange life form that was half plant, half human, wearing a silver smock, with a human face.

“Transformed into a new posture of being a life in the astral world, a species of wisdom.”

“Become part of a mythical civilization.”

“Take off the fragile body and gain a real new life.”

“Witness the future of wisdom.”

The Servant chanted exciting slogans, while the dense crowd witnessed an old Servant transformed into a pagoda spirit under the ritual and bathed in the light of Yinwa.

His appearance changed to that of his youth, and his body was full of strength again.

He raised his head, and his body glowed with bright silver light, like a creature walking out of a myth.

In an instant, the front of the temple boiled.

“Look, what a sacred and beautiful gesture.”

“A form beyond life and death.”

“Longer life.”

“A life form without fear of the starry sky.”

At the beginning, a large number of people may find it difficult to accept.

But as more than ten years passed, one alchemist after another began to choose to give up the body of the snake man and the wing man, and became a tower spirit.

It seems that everything is not so embarrassing.

At this moment, it can be seen that the people who witnessed this scene in the crowd changed from a little panic before to infinite yearning.

“It’s really shocking that a mortal can become such a divine being.”

“Ta Ling Clan, this is the gift of God Yin Wa.”

“To become a tower spirit, you can enter the kingdom of God and gain eternal life, you can be with God, and you can step into the starry sky.”

“If only I could be selected.”

Not only alchemists and tower keepers can become tower spirits, but all professionals belonging to the desire and alchemy gods can be transformed into tower spirits; at the beginning, most old professionals chose to transform, Up to now, some young professionals have begun to choose to transform.

In front of the temple, the newly transformed tower spirit followed behind the transformed tower spirit, receiving everyone’s worship and cheers.

After everything was over, he followed behind the opponent.

“My lord, where are we going?”

The other party turned his head, looked at him and said.

“Don’t call me an adult, we will be companions from now on.”

He then walked forward, looking a little hurried.

“Go back and bring the core of our workshop, and then go to the sky.”

The newly transformed tower spirit was shocked: “Go to the sky?”

The other party nodded and told him a secret.

“Yes, because the kingdom of God, the great **** of happiness and wishes, is about to leave this world and go to the world of Ziheon.”

“And we have to set off with him and become a member of the new world and the starry sky.”

“You are very lucky, just in time for the last moment, if you wait for the next time, it may take a long time.”

The two Tarlings returned to their workshop.

They walked into the pool on the top floor of the alchemy tower of the workshop, and then curled up in it. Their consciousness began to connect with the workshop, controlling the changes in the workshop and the alchemy tower.

All outbuildings are abandoned, but those inscriptions and machinery are continually taken back.

In the end, even the alchemy tower began to shrink and compress inside, gradually turning into a round ball.

At this time, someone stepped forward and transported the **** away with a magic crystal transport truck, and transported them all to the docking station.

The airships set off one after another, flew to the White Tower City, and came to a portal.

Finally, it is sent to the sky.

Thousands of Ta Ling clan went to the high sky.

They awoke in the realm of Oran, the **** of happiness and wishes.

One by one, tower spirits walked through the workshops, looking at the constantly rotating gears and mechanical phantoms above their heads, and listening to the roar of the workshops.

Gathering under the towering white round tower, they knelt down in front of a god.

“God of Happiness and Wishes!”

“Happiness and wishes…”

Oran watched them.

Sweeping his consciousness, he immediately counted the number of people, he said to these people.

“After leaving, you may never come back.”

All the pagoda spirits also knelt in the Kingdom of God, speaking in different voices.

“I wish to follow you, follow the great God Yinwa!”

“We are ready.”

“This is our choice.”

Olan nodded and turned away.

“Let’s go.”

“Get out of this world!”

Among the roaring sounds from the Kingdom of God, Oran’s voice spread in the star realm.

“Start today.”

“We are the mythical race of the starry sky, the immortal mythical civilization.”

Everyone stood up and stared into the depths of the starry sky with Oran without looking back.

In this way, they followed Oran’s kingdom of God and set off for another world in the star realm.

Ordinary trains can pass through the portal, but it is very difficult for a behemoth like Oran, an old mythical kingdom of God, to pass directly through the portal.

Perhaps there are other ways to turn things around, but in the end Oran chose to fly over directly. Although it is slower, it is the safest.

With so many tower spirits and soul species, what Oran needs most at the moment is security.

Olan’s departure seemed a bit difficult.

With the help of other gods, even God Yin Wa, he barely broke free from the shackles of the main world.

And then he walked slowly through the starry sky, not to mention much slower than the Sunwing of the God of Adventure Lei, or even the Starlight of Holios.


Although it was slow, in the end he reached the world of Ziheon very smoothly.

Olan’s kingdom of God was first restrained by the power of Zeheon, entered the orbit of the kingdom of God, and stood in the sky above the world of Zeheon.

Then, I saw silver flowers falling down.

Fall into the world of Tszheon and get rooted in it.

“The automatic machinery workshop is launched!”

“The automatic alchemy workshop is launched.”

“Pharmaceutical workshop opened.”

In an instant, a large number of alchemy towers and alchemy workshops were laid in this world.

Not long after, a sea of ​​silver flowers bloomed around them.

In the sea of ​​flowers, a new pagoda spirit was gradually bred.

It is the soul reincarnated from the eternal kingdom.

They will be reborn in the new world.

The entire pantheon of Desire and Alchemy pantheon moved towards the world of Zeheon in such a big way, that it even felt like giving up the main world completely.

This step is a big step forward for the Desire and Alchemy pantheon, but it also made some people in the main world aware of the problem.

Some small forces in the world, and even some ordinary people have noticed the unusual features of these temples and high-level kingdoms.

Some people watched the transformation and birth of those tower spirits, and watched the departure of Oran and the White Tower God Kingdom.

A question was raised.

“Why do you want to leave in such a hurry?”

“Even if you give up your life and everything in this world, do you still want to leave?”

“Is it just because of the call of the gods?”

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