I am God Chapter 708: :The will of the gods

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There is a strange ribbon-shaped plant growing in the sea, but it seems that they never grow outside, and they are neatly arranged under the water to draw a clear boundary, as if they were pruned by humans.

The two little girls looked at the plants in the water and felt very strange, so they wanted to transplant the ribbon plants outside, but they couldn’t survive even if they were only separated by a distance of less than a few meters.

Aya watched through the light in the water: “Hey, why do the plants here wither when they go outside?”

My sister was reading a book on the shore: “Because it’s cold outside, it’s written in the book that every plant and species has its own specific living environment and conditions. I can no longer get used to the outside world.”

Aya scratched her head, then said with a smile: “Maybe they love home as much as we do. We drove them out of the house, so they died of sadness.”

My younger sister doesn’t like Aya’s sentimental statement, she thinks that the truth is in the book: “They are not human, how can they be sad.”

Aya pouted and raised her head: “You are too cold.”

Sister said: “Believe in knowledge.”

But in the end, Aya and her sister moved back the ribbon plants that they had removed before.

Their carefree days were a little longer, and Aya and her sister finally began to learn how to use the chapter of the will of the gods.

In the lantern-shaped room connected by vines, the two listened carefully.

The older mother-in-law took out the box again, and at the same time told them the core secret about it.

“Put a root on your body, and you can make a wish.”

“After making this wish, you will enter a special illusion, and the power of the gods will issue a will to this world to make your wish come true.”

Aya asked: “Is it possible to have any wish?”

The voice of the mother-in-law was hoarse: “It doesn’t seem to be, it is conditional. We have always just repeated the wish of the first generation of island owners.”

At this time, the mother-in-law turned over the chapter of the will of the gods, and only saw what was written on the back of the letter paper.

“I hope we can live well on this island.”

The mother-in-law raised her head and looked at Aya and her sister.

“We are like thieves, stealing the power of the gods, and proclaiming the oracle to the small world where this island is located in the name of the gods.”

“We reversed the laws of this world and created a heavenly island in a place where life should not exist.”

“This is against common sense, and it is destined to pay a price.”

Aya asked: “Why don’t you make other wishes?”

The mother-in-law was very serious, almost exhorting her one sentence at a time.

“The time for each wish is limited. If the new wish is not fulfilled, if something unexpected happens, the island and the people on the island will face disaster.”

“We can’t afford this price, and we dare not try.”

Aya and her younger sister also became scared, shaking their heads and waving their hands.


Aya suddenly remembered something while cleaning the house.

Aya asked her mother-in-law: “What will happen to the person who fused the rhizome?”

The mother-in-law said: “It will become one with this island and become a part of this place.”

Aya was stunned.

After less than half a year, my mother-in-law died.

Before she died, her mother-in-law told Aya and her sister who had just become the owner of the island.


“The chapter of the will of the gods is entrusted to you, but in the end it is up to you to decide not to use it. You are the master of this island.”

The mother-in-law closed her eyes and whispered.

“After all, forcibly using the power of gods to reverse the normal laws of this world is destined to be impossible to last.”


Everything is going well.

Until one day the plants on the border of the island began to wither, as if there was an invisible enchantment that was constantly shrinking back.

Aya and her sister came to the edge of the island, picked up the ribbon plant floating on the sea, and looked outside.

The cold air that was originally isolated from the outside of the island is slowly penetrating into the interior of the island.

“Is this island crumbling?”

The two understood that the power of the chapter of the will of the gods was declining, and the wishes made by the previous generation of island owners had begun to dissipate.

Back in the house, Aya made a certain decision.

Aya looked at the whole island from a height, the spring island that never fades, the evergreen plants all the year round.

If there is a heaven on earth, this is it.

But at this moment, Aya decided to abandon this heaven: “I decided to take everyone away.”

Sister was very surprised: “Don’t you like Na’an Island the most? You used to say that you would not leave here even if you died.”

Aya said: “But there is no way!”

“It is said that the wish made by the first-generation island owner lasted for nearly a hundred years.”

“When it came to the second generation of island owners, it only lasted for fifty years, and the wish of the previous generation of island owners only lasted for twenty-five years.”

“The island owner of the previous generation, the wish was only maintained for a short period of ten years.”

“In the end the island is doomed to collapse.”

Aya closed the window, lowered her head and said.

“This kind of power does not belong to mortals. Even if the gods don’t care, we can’t bear this price.”

Aya arranged for the first group of people to leave the island as the owner of the island.

But not long after they boarded the boat and left the island, they lost all their strength and fainted on the ground one by one. When they came back, they were like those plants that withered when they left the island.

Perhaps, they have long been accustomed to the environment of this island and cannot survive outside.

“Why can’t you get out?”

“Why is this happening?”

Aya doesn’t understand.

They seem to have grown up with this island, and they have become plants rooted in this island.

Aya also finally understood why the people on Na’an Island were extremely unwilling to leave their hometown from the bottom of their hearts.

Not only because of Rolling Love, not only because the island is as beautiful and peaceful as heaven, but because they cannot leave.

But if the residents on the island cannot leave, the extremely cold weather will hit soon, all the plants will wither, and the foundation of the island residents’ survival will be gone.

Even, once that power is gone, Aya is not sure if the people on the island can really live?

Aya walked on the path of Naan Island, just like when she was a child.

She saw the child running carefree, unaware that the crisis was approaching, only some adults on the island gathered together to discuss in fear and panic.

“What should I do?”

“All are dry.”

“Why is this, why are the crops in the farmland dead?”

“The weather has been getting colder and colder recently.”

Every sentence fell into Aya’s ears.

She squatted down, touched the withered crops in the farmland, and sighed.

Afterwards, walk towards the topmost floor of the “Lantern House”.


Pushing open the door, she suddenly saw a figure.

She saw her sister on the top floor, holding the box in her hand.

Aya frowned: “What are you doing?”

My sister asked: “What did you decide to do?”

Aya said: “I will take on the responsibility of the island owner, and I am the island owner.”

After speaking, Aya rushed over and snatched the box from her younger sister, but when she got closer, she saw her younger sister’s body began to glow.

She saw that her younger sister’s body became transparent, and a thin thread penetrated from the center of her eyebrows, turning into dense lights and blending into her body.

The younger sister let go of the box, and said with some pride: “I have merged, although you are the owner of the island.”

Aya looked at her younger sister and backed away again and again, then she suddenly covered her face, and the box in her hand fell to the ground.

The younger sister looked at the crying Aya: “What’s wrong.”

Aya just cried, but my younger sister comforted her like an older sister: “Don’t cry…”

The younger sister’s body changes more and more, and she looks less and less like a snake person.

Her hair gradually turned moon white, and the inside of her body emitted a radiant light, which would come out from her pores and eyes.

Her body became more and more stiff, and then she could only lie on the bed.

Sometimes, my sister said that she saw visions.

She murmured: “I seem to have seen another world. There is nothing on the ground, and there are glowing silk threads floating everywhere, with a fluffy texture.”

As if in a dream, she closed her eyes and said, “I seem to see a forest glowing with light, and I seem to hear other people’s voices coming from the forest. It’s a nice voice, as if someone is singing. .”

She stretched out her hand, as if she was touching something in the darkness: “There is a big vine growing in the darkness, hanging down from the sky, it’s so big, it’s really big, I see the world, the world is really big What you want is a round ball, and the vines will take root on the ball.”

My sister is like burning the lake and painting it.

Aya was in extreme pain, but there was nothing she could do.

On this day, my sister suddenly got up from the bed, put on a beautiful dress, and came to the hall.

She said: “Let everyone live a good life, this is my wish.”

Aya followed behind her sister, and saw her turn her head and smiled at her.


“Go find a solution to your problem!”

The voice falls.

Aya saw that her sister’s body was slowly shattering like glass and porcelain.

Countless fluorescent lights flew out from the broken porcelain, released from the lantern house, and spread throughout the island.

This scene.

It is exactly the same as what the two sisters saw on the day they set out to come here.

Aya chased out, and it was dark outside, and the lights of each room began to be turned off in accordance with the tradition.

Although they don’t understand the secrets of this island, they know that when this fluorescent light appears, it is a symbol of the death of the island owner.

And the children poked their heads out, naively uttering the same words that Aya and her sister had said before.

“Wow, so beautiful.”

Aya understood a long time ago why the previous generation of island owners would choose two people, because the other party knows that the next disaster cannot be survived by one person, and perhaps the two people selected this time will be the last Naan Island the owner of the island.

It’s just that the original order should be Aya, and then the younger sister, but the younger sister did what originally belonged to Aya.

The previous generation of island owners knew that Naan Island was doomed.

But compared to choosing to give up the island and everyone on the island, perhaps choosing to give up on herself is an easier decision to make, so in the end she chose to face her own death, leaving the decision to give up to next term.

The mother-in-law also understands.

So the mother-in-law said those words before she died, maybe she also hoped that Aya would choose to give up.

They all know that this decision is cruel, but the decision to give up is even more cruel.

Aya lay helplessly on the ground.


“Why should I choose to give up, let me decide the demise of this island.”

“This is so unfair to me, and it is too cruel.”

As the strange fluorescence diffused into the island, it turned into a force to protect it.


The environment on the island has stabilized again, and it has become that paradise again.

In the “lantern house”, Aya became silent.

Aya began to study everything about the chapter of the will of the gods, and she wanted to completely solve the problem on Na’an Island.

She wrote down the visions her sister saw with a pen, and she felt that there might be some secrets hidden in them.


A few years later.

On this day, a man dressed as a knight came to Naan Island, and at the same time discovered the unusualness of this island.

The knight was riding a one-person magic crystal aircraft. The aircraft full of mechanical sense and the simple attire were really out of place. He had a radiant sword on his waist, and he was entering the island. After that, the light on the sword became brighter and brighter.

The people on the island looked at this strange knight and kept casting their gazes.

“Why are you dressed like this?”

“Yeah, what age is it, and it feels weird to still be wearing armor.”

“What a weirdo.”

“Don’t talk nonsense, this may be a professional from an ancient temple.”

The knight looked at the sword at his waist bursting out with such a strong light, the face inside the armor was a little dazed, of course he knew what it meant.

This place is not far from the end of the world. The Moonlight Knight never expected to see such a powerful power of the Moon God in such a small place isolated from the world.

The knight checked the situation on the island, and took out a notebook to record on it: “The entire island is shrouded in the divine power of the Moon God. This divine power reversed the climate on the island and made the island The plants on it maintain a strong vitality.”

Observing the people on the island, he found that the physical signs and appearances of the people on the island were also somewhat abnormal: “At the same time, the powerful vitality nourished also began to cause some changes in the bodies of the mortals here, which were somewhat different from the Ordinary people.”

The knight was walking, and suddenly saw some abnormal phenomena on the crops on the hillside at the edge of the island. He squatted down to observe, and then wrote: “This place should be full of strong moonlight power before, but Recently, the strength has begun to fade, and the reason is unknown.”

Although I don’t know what happened on this island, who is using the power of the moon **** to maintain this small island that is like spring all the year round.

But the knight suddenly had a feeling that the person he wanted to find, or the person the entire Moonlight Temple wanted to find, was here.

Slowly, he walked to the center of the island.

That is under the strange lantern house.

At this time, a voice came from a high place: “Who are you and what are you doing here?”

The knight raised his head, his expression instantly turned into stunned.

Because next to the high window, he saw a woman with white hair for a month, which is definitely not the hair color that a normal person should have.

As for the boy hole on the other side, the moment the knight met, it was as if they saw the moon, and they could even see the arc of the full moon revolving around the boy hole.

The knight exclaimed: “Your Highness!”

Aya is very strange: “Your Highness?”

In the room.

The knight explained his purpose of coming and what he was looking for, without any concealment.

“The Moonlight Temple is looking for someone who can carry the power of the gods, just like His Highness.”

Aya let out a long breath after listening.

It was the first time she knew who the power they used belonged to.

She can’t leave the island, everything she knows is written in books, she has consulted some low-level professionals, but those professionals can’t give her an answer.

The island is too remote and too small.

It is very close to the end of the world, but far from the center of the world.

The world that people on the island can touch is limited to the ordinary class, and this is already a secret that even the gods may not be able to truly know all about.

The young moonlight knight looked at Aya: “I’m curious, why is this island exuding such a powerful moonlight power, and how did you obtain the power of God?”

Aya hesitated for a while, she could feel that the knight in front of her was very powerful, and what she said should be true; and at this time, she had nothing to worry about.

Afterwards, she took out the chapter of the will of the gods.

“Our strength comes from here.”

“We gave it a name called Chapter of God’s Will.”

“Because according to our understanding, it has the power to issue orders to this world. We make a wish to it, and the gods will issue a will to this world.”

With her moon-white hair draped over her shoulders, she gently stroked the surface of the paper and said softly.

“I’ve been thinking about it all the time.”

“What is the existence that left the chapter of the will of the gods?”

“Why is it possible to create this island through the wishes it makes?”

Aya raised her head and looked at the knight.

“I want to figure out the secret, maybe I can completely solve the problem on this island.”

However, raising her head, Aya saw the terrified and ferocious expression of the knight.

Moonlight Knight looked at the contents of the box, his whole face turned pale, and he almost twitched.

The moment he saw the chapter of the will of the gods, the scene he saw was completely different from that of Aya. He saw the endless moonlight swallowing him.

The knight’s talent is very high, and his spiritual power is very strong, but it seems that the more he is like this, the closer he is to death and danger.

It wasn’t until Aya closed the box that he took a breath.

asked the knight.

“You said?”

“There are words on it, words made of fluorescent rhizomes?”

Aya nodded: “It may be a word, or it may be some kind of symbol.”

The knight probably guessed something. The object that allowed him to directly see the demonic fern moon was probably related to the giant god.

And what kind of existence can write a letter with a part of a giant god, which is simply unimaginable.

“Probably, no, there is only the ruler of life in the legend!”

“And the thing carried on it should be the fetish that the moon **** faded.”

Aya was surprised, but seemed to understand.

“It turns out to be the Supreme God!”

Aya took out the phantom she had recorded about her sister, and then asked the knight.

“Another world?”

“I don’t know what it is, but the Moon God can create all kinds of illusions. It has been recorded that the gods have witnessed the pictures of the ancient times in the light of the Moon God, and the glowing fluff is the moon One of the manifestations of the power of the God of Color is called the Silk of the Demon Moon.”

“But I’m pretty sure that forest is the moonlight forest. It is said that there are fairies living in the moonlight forest, so the singing she heard should be the singing of fairies.”

“As for the huge vine, a part of the moon god’s body is a huge vine, and it is said that the moon hangs on that vine.”

Aya’s doubts were finally answered.

The knight then asked: “You said that if you want to find out the secret of the chapter of the god’s will, you can solve the problem on this island. What is the problem?”

The knight suddenly thought of the withered plants he had seen before.

Aya calmly asked the waiter to bring food and tea, and then calmly told the stories of the island owners of the past generations, as well as the stories about her and her sister.

And when the knight listened to the stories of several island owners on the island, he felt extremely shocked and admired. Looking at Aya with moon-white hair, his attitude became more and more respectful.

“The island owners of all ages, including you, are all worthy of admiration.”

Moonlight Knight looked at Aya and said very seriously.

“The power of gods cannot be fused at will, nor can it be carried by ordinary people. You and the island owners of all ages should have the physique that can fuse power.”

“But other than that, the special ceremony and the steps of inheritance are very important.”

“Because of the lack of these, although you and the previous island owners have obtained the power of moonlight, in the end they are completely out of control.”

“As for the changes that took place on this island, I guess it has nothing to do with the chapter of the god’s decree. The power of the great Moon God, besides being able to create all the plants in the world, also has a Great authority is the ability to create illusions that affect the world and life.”

“I heard that when the illusion of the Moon God is activated, countless threads of the moon will appear, and the threads of the moon will replace the giant **** to affect everything in the world, and even directly invade and replace everything in the world.”

“It is said that the power of the Moon God can even cover the entire world, pulling the entire world into his illusion, and all life and matter will also become part of her body.”

Moonlight Knight looked at the island, no wonder he felt that the power of the Moon God was surging everywhere here.

It turned out that the island owners of the past dynasties fused a part of the moon god, transformed it into a moon thread and released it.

“The island owners of all ages should have used this kind of power. After merging the power of the moon god, they let the magic moon silk bred in their bodies attach the fantasy they expected, and finally let them control the island. Become like this!”

Aya understood the whole process, she opened her mouth slightly.

“So we can’t do without the reason here, everything here is against common sense and the reason of the world’s laws.”

“Is it because this place is in the realm of the illusion of gods, and we will also become a ray of illusion of gods?”

Aya remembered what her mother-in-law said, and said helplessly.

“Sure enough, our understanding is one-sided.”

“It’s as if the Savages turned on the lights on a steamship.”

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