I am God Chapter 707: : A letter from a dragonfly with a big head

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Since the Luhe Giant God Moon Demon Fern left this world, the Moonlight Forest has also disappeared.

It is said that it was brought to the true moon by the giant god.

Although the Moonlight Temple, which was originally on the edge of the Moonlight Forest, is still there, it is just that the surrounding area has become an ordinary plain forest, which is no longer the magical scene it used to be.

Occasionally, some people would like to pay their respects to the miracle, or take a look at the place where the ancestor Arsini found the curly ball fern. Except for a stone tablet erected there, there is basically nothing left; The jungle was sliced ​​into small towns and villages, and here and there were roads, railways, and the humming airships that kept passing by.

But today, the Moonlight Temple, which has always seemed deserted, welcomed a group of guests.

They wear different robes, come from different places, countries and even races, and believe in different gods.

“Moon Witch?” The people in the Moonlight Temple didn’t understand why these people suddenly paid so much attention to the situation of the Moon Witch.

“This is the supreme secret of the temple. I think everyone here can understand what the witch’s secret is to us.” The visitor wanted to know whether the Moon Witch was born or not Find the most perfect seed, but of course they will not casually tell others about this kind of secret.

“The black storm above the sky is spreading faster and faster, and unknown crystal walls are also being born. We must make preparations in advance to go to the star world. In the future, it may not only be us, but also the gods. You must leave with the main body of civilization.” The visitor explained the situation.

“But, what does this have to do with the Moon Witch?” The people in the Moonlight Temple still didn’t understand.

The visitor explained the whole situation in detail, without hiding anything.

“For the star realm development plan, we found Michel and Holios of the Demon Spirit Clan. Xier opens the astral passage, and the portal to the astral on the earth will be affected, so the ideal situation is to open the portal on or near the real moon.”

“In order to achieve this goal, the power of the Moon Witch is particularly important.”

“So I hope that your palace can join this star realm development plan. This is not just a matter of a certain country and force, it may be the future of the entire civilization, or even a matter of life and death.”

After the visitors left, the problems they brought were not resolved.

In the Moonlight Temple, discussions on this issue also erupted.

“What to do, let alone the Moon Witch, we have been searching for so long, and we can’t even find a suitable carrier.” Of course, the Moonlight Temple dare not tell this fact to others, although everyone knows that Moonlight There are no witches in the temple, but if you hold the eye of Luhe’s mark, but you can’t even give birth to a prophet, then there will be a big problem.

“Why?” Everyone scratched their heads and looked even more anxious.

“Among other servants who believe in giant gods, even if there is no witch, at least the blind prophet was born, but the perfect receptor for the power of the giant **** has not been found, but why can’t we, even the prophet, be born?” This question has always troubled the people of the Moonlight Temple, and even made them doubt whether their beliefs are pious or not, and whether they have been rejected by the giant gods.

“There must be something wrong, but where is the problem?” Originally, the problem was only an internal problem, but now the Moon Witch’s problem has attracted everyone’s attention, which means that the cover is about to be lifted.

Someone also raised a question that was raised a long time ago.

“Could it be that Her Majesty the Witch has already been born, but we haven’t found her yet, or that the power of the Witch has been taken over by a certain existence, so the seeds we found can’t carry the power of the Moon God .”

“How is this possible?”

“If this is not the case, what other explanations can there be?”

Yeah, it can’t really be because they were rejected by the giant gods, right?

At last, the leader of the Moonlight Temple, who was dressed like a knight leader, stood up and said to the others.

“Since we can’t solve this problem internally, maybe the problem is external.”

“Just take advantage of this opportunity to find it, use all your strength, and let other forces help us find it.”

“Even if you search the whole world, you must find Her Majesty the Moon Witch or someone who can become a witch.”

It doesn’t matter what is shameless, as long as there is a witch, everything will be available.

Without the witch, the Moonlight Temple would be nothing.


The Moonlight Temple sent a large number of investigators and moonlight knights, some went to the countries of Ruhe Giant Island, and some went to various places on another continent.

Investigate signs that may be related to the Moon God’s power.


Departure from Ruhe Giant Island.

Passing through the Sea of ​​Storms and the vast ocean where the Floating Sons often haunt, one can arrive at the Land of Thousand Islands.

A long time ago this was a deserted place with only plants and animals.

But as batches of fleets from afar arrived here, these islands became the best docking places for the crew, so here gradually formed gathering areas one after another, and finally even established small towns and city.

As the route matures, some important islands here become more and more prosperous, becoming the sea connection hub between the world and the land of giant dragons.

There are no countries here.

The islands are thus largely autonomous, but a loose federation has recently been formed.

There are various races from all over the thousand islands, including snake people, wing people, lizard people and demons, and one of the small islands is very special. Its location is close to the southern pole and it is very remote.

Several islands around the small island are in a state of ice, and the surrounding ocean is often filled with ice floes.

It shows that the weather here is freezing.

Not only is there no ice and snow on this island, but it is like spring all year round.

Its name is Naan Island.

Na’an means warmth in the Snake language.

When they were young, Aya and her sister would go to the theater on the island to watch movies after school. They sneaked in and watched in the corner.

What is being played in the cinema is the story of the Evelians sailing away to establish a country on another continent. After reading it, Aya feels very puzzled, because the people on Naan Island never leave here, and they seem to love home very much. people.

Aya: “Why did the people of Aiweier leave their hometown? If it were me, I would not leave my home so far away.”

Sister: “Didn’t you say at the beginning that their country was defeated by another country.”

Aya: “Ah, did you say anything?”

Sister: “Inside the word at the beginning.”

Aya: “It’s too easy to write in words. I just took a picture.”

Sister: “That would be too long.”

Aya and her younger sister ran around the streets of the island after watching the movie, fighting with each other. The streets on the island extend in all directions, and the buildings are also very neat and beautiful.

There are magic obelisks and alchemy towers.

Rail cars come and go, and there are cinemas, colleges, and medical forts on the island.

It can be seen that there are farmlands everywhere in the distance, and the plants are very luxuriant. This is also the means for the residents on Naan Island to make a living.

Compared to fishing, the land of Thousand Islands is full of fishermen, which is nothing unusual or valuable.

On the contrary, food is extremely precious and of high value in the land of Thousand Islands. The warm environment of Na’an Island, as well as extremely fast-growing plants and some special extraordinary products, turned this remote village into a paradise.

Although some travelers from afar wanted to investigate why this happened before, they failed to know the secret in the end.

It was getting dark.

Aya and her younger sister returned home from playing around, but unexpectedly there were people everywhere in the house, as if something had happened.

Aya entered the room and saw some people dressed in simple and simple clothes. One of the old women immediately turned to look at Aya and her sister, and nodded with a warm smile.

After a while, Aya realized what happened.

“The island owner of the previous generation just passed away suddenly.”

“According to her guidance, one of Aya and her younger sister will be selected to become the next generation island master.”

In this way, Aya and her sister were taken to an antique building in the center of the island. It was a lantern-like building with strange vines wrapped around it.

When setting off at night, Aya saw that the lights on the street were all turned off, and a strange light appeared in the sky.

The light seemed to spread from that lantern-like building, and it looked like countless fireflies flying in the sky, which was extremely beautiful.

This moment.

The plants of the entire island seem to come to life.

They seem to be moving, singing, and dancing with that special fluorescent light.

It is the first time that Aya has seen such a picture when she is so old.

Surrounded by everyone, Aya and her younger sister lived in that building. They felt very novel and a little uneasy.

And those people dressed in simple and simple manners are very respectful to the two, saluting them with every move. They are the waiters of the island owner.

Aya and her sister asked: “Why did you choose the island owner among us?”

The mother-in-law who brought them said: “Because the previous generation of island owners said you can.”

They asked again: “What is the main purpose of the island?”

The mother-in-law said: “The owner of the island is a person who protects Na’an Island and has special power.”

Aya and her sister nodded, half understanding.

However, what they didn’t expect was that to become an island owner, one had to learn, and the things to learn were more than others, and more complicated than the knowledge taught in the academy.

They will identify and learn about various plants, including common crops, various plants that can be used as medicine, and plants that seem to have little use but are actually indispensable in the environment.

In addition, they also need to learn the history of Naan Island.

Aya: “We were not the aborigines on the island at first, so where did we come from?”

The mother-in-law told Aya: “Of course, all the people here are not aborigines. Only plants will grow in the soil on the island, and no people will grow.”

“Whether it’s the people on the island here, or the lizardmen in the land of the dragon in the distance.”

“We all came from another place and just lived here.”

Aya remembered the movie she watched before: “The lizard people in the land of the dragon also came from other places, just like the Evills migrated here?”

Sister: “What about the Land of Light, where did those winged people come from?”

The mother-in-law told them: “They also migrated from other places. That place is called Ruhe Giant Island, which is also known as the origin of the gods. All the intelligent species came from there.”

Of course Aya and her sister have heard of that place, the most prosperous place in the world, but they have never been there, only a few occasional tourists or college books will tell about it.

But before, they basically didn’t read and study seriously. Children always don’t like to study.

The mother-in-law continued: “The ancestors of our Na’an Island came from a place called Moonlight on the giant Ruhe Island. It is said that the moon used to be there.”

Aya was shocked: “Moon?”

Sister pointed to the sky: “Is that the moon in the sky?”

Compared to long ago, the moon looks hazy now, as if surrounded by a halo of mold lake.

The mother-in-law said: “Yes, it is said that the moon was originally on the ground, but one day she suddenly went to the sky, and it became what we see now.”

Aya: “Why did we come here?”

The mother-in-law tells a story with twists and turns in the first half and fantastic fantasy in the second half.

“A long time ago, our ancestors came here by boat, and wanted to go to the land of the dragon to do business.”

“However, at that time, the route from Ruhe Giant Island to the land of giant dragons and the polar regions was not completely perfect. Going out to sea was all about fighting for life and taking risks. Our ancestors were not lucky, and the ships they took got lost in this sea area. in.”

“However, the ship was lost, and they were lucky enough to find this island.”

“But when approaching, the ship unfortunately ran aground again, and finally the ship sank.”

“Fortunately, some of them came to this island in a small boat.”

“But after arriving on this island, they found that the island is full of ice and snow, and there is nothing left. What awaits them is starving to death in despair.”

When the mother-in-law was telling the story, Aya and her younger sister kept exclaiming that the luck of the last moment will become the misfortune of the next moment.

“At this time, the first generation of the island took the initiative to use the chapter of the god’s will, and with the help of the powerful power of the gods, the island became like this.”

“The seasons are always like spring, and the plants are always green and will not wither.”

“The first generation of island owners performed miracles and saved everyone on board.”

Aya and her sister are very curious: “What is the chapter of the god’s will?”

When the mother-in-law told this story, she was also ready to tell the two of them the real secret behind Naan Island.

The mother-in-law brought Aya and the two to the highest point of the house, and carefully took out something that was packed in a box from the top of the “lantern house” where it was connected to the vines.

When the box was opened, there was a page of paper inside, but I don’t know what material it was made of, the surface of the paper was as smooth as a mirror.

There are luminous words on the paper, which are not written on it.

Looking closer, I found that the characters were in sections, which seemed to be pasted by some kind of plant roots.

But at least two hundred years have passed, and the things that may be “some kind of plant roots” are still the same as those just picked off, but I just looked at the roots of that plant for a long time, and I don’t know why I feel Dizzy, even feeling that his will will be swallowed, and then gave birth to an inexplicable fear.

The mother-in-law immediately closed the box, preventing Aya and her sister from continuing to watch.

And Aya looked at her mother-in-law, as if she hadn’t looked at the things in the box from the beginning.

Aya doesn’t know why.

The mother-in-law said: “This is what the first generation of the island owner left – the chapter of the god’s will.”

The younger sister recalled the writing on it, which was obviously not the Snakeman language, not even any kind of writing known in the Second Era.

“Is this text?”

“Is it some kind of symbol, or a musical note?”

“It’s just, what kind of person doesn’t use a pen to write, but uses such a strange thing instead of strokes?”

“What is the meaning of the chapter in the chapter of the will of the gods? Is it the meaning of the article or the meaning of the movement?”

Aya and her younger sister are very strange, but even the mother-in-law who has served the previous generation of island owners all her life can’t answer her doubts.

Aya recalled the appearance of that thing: “What kind of letter does this seem to be?”

The mother-in-law said: “If you believe it, it feels a bit too forced, but the island owner before had this idea.”

“It’s just that the island owner guessed that it might not be a letter written to someone.”

Aya: “It’s not for people, is it for gods?”

The mother-in-law shook her head: “Maybe it’s not for the gods, but…for this world.”

Aya was stunned: “A letter to this world?”

The younger sister also asked curiously: “Why?”

Grandma: “Because it can replace the gods to issue orders to a part of this world.”

Aya and her sister’s eyes widened completely, as if they understood the true meaning of the name Chapter of the Will of the Gods.

The old man told Aya and her sister very seriously: “Although we never know which **** it originated from, the power it possesses far exceeds our imagination, and even surpasses our understanding of the gods. imagination.”

“Actually, we don’t know what it can do, and what kind of power it really has.”

“Create its existence, and what kind of purpose is it for?”

“It’s like a savage climbed on a magic crystal steamship, turning their turntable indiscriminately, secretly using its power, and using our cognition to give it a piece of us. A name that can be understood.”

“I thought the power we saw was all there was to it, maybe it was just an insignificant trace of it, as if the savage broke off a mechanical handle and found that the light above his head was on, and then let out a cheer, I thought that was all there was to this ship.”

Aya looked at the box: “Don’t the gods who created it know about it, don’t they know that we are secretly using this power?”

The old man shook his head: “I don’t know.”

“Maybe I don’t know, maybe I don’t care.”


A long time ago.

Two uninvited guests came to the headquarters of the Moonlight Temple, an invisible shadow, and a strange big-headed dragonfly wearing a ring like a crown.

Like a temple in a botanical garden, ferns grow in the corners and vines cover the walls.

In the center of the fountain pool of the open-air temple stands the statue of the Moon God, and the symbols and outlines of the seven Ruhe giants are depicted on the surrounding tall walls.

Accompanied by music.

Intense fluorescence was emitted from the pool, and fluorescent roots floated out of the water and surrounded the entire temple.

The dancers serving the gods danced a sacrificial dance, lit a tall bonfire, and musicians played musical instruments.

The surrounding plants are mutating.

The plants grow wildly, the crown of the giant tree bows its head as if paying tribute, and the water and mist dimly reflect the light.

There are bright spots floating in the air one after another, and the scene is like a green fairyland.

All of this is because the Moon God is flattering the “big-headed dragonfly” on the top of the statue.

“Big-headed dragonfly” is very happy.

Late at night, when the sacrificial dance is over.

The “big-headed dragonfly” flapped its wings and flew to the shoulder of a certain figure in the pavilion.

God asked the triumphant “big-headed dragonfly”: “Have you finished writing your letter?”

A certain mythology asked the “big-headed dragonfly” for instructions before, but “big-headed dragonfly” seemed to have had so much fun that he forgot, and more importantly, how should a big-headed dragonfly write a reply?

The “big-headed dragonfly” got into trouble, and then looked at the fluorescent vines wriggling in the pool. She pulled out the roots of the Moon Demon Fern one by one, and pasted them on the letter. Enough strokes.

A perfect masterpiece.

“Big-headed dragonfly” is very satisfied.

But in the end, she found that when the letter was written, she found that there was no rainbow tree around, and there was no way to send it.

The “big-headed dragonfly” looked left and right, then threw the letter away impatiently, and shouted directly through the authority.


“Go to the big lantern.”

The sound came into another myth’s dream and woke it up with fright.

The Moon Fern watched the letter fall into the pool.

The root hairs that were pulled out of her body just now are useless now.

She didn’t dare to say anything, and she didn’t even dare to pick up the thrown away letter, even if she showed a little distressed look.

And the letter floated into the canal with the rippling of the pool, drifted away with the canal, and finally converged to the river.

It went down the river again, and finally fell into the hands of a person waiting for a boat on the bank.


“What is this?”

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