I am God Chapter 696: : Purgatory and the Devil

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Many years ago.

On the burning stars, the Lord of Purgatory and Dark Moon finalized and started their plan to smuggle into the astral world and become a god, but for some reason, both of them felt strong unease.

Everything seems too smooth?

It seems that luck is all on their side, and all choices point to the optimal result.

As they advanced step by step, the terrifying enemy seemed to have not discovered any problems in Purgatory from the beginning to the end, and there was no movement.


The more this happened, the more uneasy they were.

On this day, the dark moon came above the flaming stars and brought a message.

“The King of Hell, Naproseth, is in the Land of Light. He seems to be preparing for something, and wants to ascend to God as quickly as possible.”

“Don’t think about it.”

“The demon clan went to the star realm, and it will definitely stimulate him and that person.”

Not long ago, the demon clan had successfully condensed the fruit of wisdom and became a veritable **** system.

However, compared to the more shocking news to ordinary people, the two people’s words are more concerned with original sin and hell. They have been watching every move of the abyss and the evil **** of original sin.

And the more it is because of this, the more it explains their inner anxiety.

But this answer does not satisfy the Lord of Purgatory: “I am asking that person, what is his move?”

Dark Moon was silent for a while, and then said: “I can’t figure him out!”

The Lord of Purgatory raised his head: “Then we have to prepare for the backhand.”

Dark Moon said: “I’m already preparing.”

After a while, Dark Moon’s clone came to Purgatory again.

The Lord of Purgatory remembered this matter, and he asked him when the dark moon came: “What kind of backhand are you preparing, is it a preparation to ensure that we will succeed?”

Dark Moon asked the Lord of Purgatory: “Do you think you can win?”

The Lord of Purgatory did not speak, but Dark Moon teased the other party: “Sometimes, silence is the best answer.”

The Lord of Purgatory became a little annoyed: “Then what are you preparing for?”

Dark Moon said: “When we fail, what should we do to ensure that the plan continues and ensure that losses are recovered to the greatest extent.”

Dark Moon stepped forward: “Is it even possible to obtain another greater benefit through failure?”

The Lord of Purgatory: “Can you gain greater benefits even if you fail?”

Dark Moon: “Looking at failure from a different perspective is also the difference between the strong and the weak.”

The lord of purgatory asked back: “Then we, who are thinking about running for our lives before we start, are we considered strong or weak?”

Dark Moon said: “We are very self-aware people. Those who are self-aware can live a long life and are destined to succeed.”

Both of them laughed together.

Purgatory’s voice was full of sarcasm, and Dark Moon was the only one who really laughed at the joke, which also showed the difference in personality between the two.

If An Yue is a general and consul who can behave calmly in the face of desperation, the Lord of Purgatory is more like a proud son of heaven who goes smoothly.

Even though, the Lord of Purgatory is about the same size as Dark Moon.

However, the despair and pain An Yue faced in her life was not comparable to that of the Lord of Purgatory. Sometimes what makes people grow is not years, but adversity and pain.

No matter how old you are, you are just a child who grows up and grows old.

After laughing, they still decided to carry out this seemingly indecent plan.

Even the Lord of Purgatory knows that it is likely to be used.


Some time has passed.

Under the thorn tree inside the flame star.

The magma flowing here and there brings a red flame, although it is bright, it makes people feel oppressed and breathless.

While the Lord of Purgatory was preparing for the ascension ceremony and selecting the spirit of the oath, Dark Moon’s avatar came again, and as he approached the high platform, an elongated shadow gradually appeared.

The Lord of Purgatory was engraving a stone tablet, and asked Dark Moon without looking back.

“What did you bring, why didn’t you put it in the storage item?”

Dark Moon brought over a large ellipse, which is very conspicuous.

Dark Moon placed the thing under the roots of the thorn tree on the high platform, and the roots immediately stretched out to envelop it and provide it with strength and nutrients.

At this time.

The lord of purgatory noticed that it was an egg that was pregnant with a living body, and when he looked carefully at the living body inside, it looked exactly like the dark moon when he was young.

The Lord of Purgatory stopped what he was doing, stood up and looked at the egg with a familiar shape and the secret technique used on it.

How could he fail to recognize what it was, because he was born from such an egg.

The Lord of Purgatory looked at Dark Moon with a trace of questioning.

“Did you create another self like Avon did back then?”

“No wonder you asked me about the process of making me in Avon, and this secret technique.”

Dark Moon nodded: “It’s not just me, you also want to create yourself.”

The Lord of Purgatory frowned: “I want it too?”

The Lord of Purgatory thought that Dark Moon was repeating Avon’s method before, and after his death, he let a guy who inherited his memory become the new Lord of Purgatory.

He is not Avon and Dark Moon, the Lord of Purgatory can hardly accept everything he has to make a wedding dress for another self.

Dark Moon saw the expression of the Lord of Purgatory, and still said.


“You have to create another self, and let him carry out the plan to go to the sky instead of you, while you seal your body, hide in the dark and wait for everything.”

“However, when copying memory and personality, we have to delete all the pictures about creating him in the memory of the copy body, so that he will really think that he is you, and then try our best to make purgatory a mythical prop instead of Thinking about how to get rid of you.”

“Similarly, he will die instead of you at critical moments, and he will die flawlessly.”

The plan that Dark Moon told him was another one. After all, the situation they faced and the conditions they had were completely different from those in Afran.

The Lord of Purgatory asked a possible hidden danger: “Then he will also become a **** instead of me?”

Dark Moon has already thought about it: “You seal yourself in the Book of Xiuburn, which is the source and core of the curse, and also the center of purgatory.”

“We set up the ritual of becoming a **** in advance. At the moment when Purgatory becomes a mythical item, the one who controls the authority of the mythical item is actually the Book of Xiuboen.”

“If everything goes well, after you succeed, you will use the back door you left behind to take back the Book of Xiuburn and its authority, and refuse the spirit of mythology to attach to your kingdom of God, thus killing another you.”

“If the plan fails, let him die for you, then you can survive smoothly.”

Because this second road to becoming a **** is powerful with mythical props.

The so-called **** is actually nothing more than a spirit body that controls power and is attached to props.

Theoretically, if you can kill a mythical spirit and keep the Kingdom of God intact, you can become a **** immediately.

However, this method can only be used on mythical props, and it will not work on demigods.

The Lord of Purgatory looked at another dark moon in the egg: “So, you created another self, and you will kill him in the end?”

He always seems to want to mock the guy in front of him: “You people are so cruel, you are so cruel to yourself!”

Darkmoon shook her head.

He stepped forward, looking at himself in the egg with flickering eyes.

It is not a scorched corpse flowing with rage, but a living person.

He put his hand on it with some nostalgia, looked inside through the transparent egg shell, and looked at his appearance when he was young.


“I created him, and I will keep him forever.”

The Lord of Purgatory looked at Dark Moon in astonishment: “Aren’t you afraid of accidents?”

“Aren’t you afraid that one day, he will completely replace you?”

Shaking his head, Darkmoon told the Lord of Purgatory.

“Only those who have no ideals and are not persistent enough are afraid of such things.”

“And it is precisely because you have this kind of thought that I let you get rid of the other you immediately after waking up, because the other you will also have the same thought.”

Dark Moon said while circling around the egg that sealed another self.

“And he will be different when he wakes up. I think he will stand firmly by my side and help me realize our common ideal.”

“If I die, he will inherit my ideals and dedication.”

“Why should I worry and be afraid of him?”

The lord of purgatory looks very unhappy at Dark Moon, but sometimes, he admires him very much.

According to the secret technique left by Avon, the two recreated a purgatory master. The two eggs were bound under the thorn tree by tree roots.

The Lord of Purgatory looked at himself in the egg: “What should I call him?”

Darkmoon said: “How about Avon III?”

He pointed to himself: “There is also Dark Moon Two.”

The Lord of Purgatory said: “His name is Avon III, so what is my name?”

He said contemptuously: “Avon II?”

Dark Moon smiled and said, “You said that.”

In order to prevent hidden dangers, or some kind of falsification of memory in the future and various other means, as well as confusion among individuals who cannot tell who is who.

The Lord of Purgatory and Dark Moon also carved indelible marks on their own bodies and cloned spirits.

One and two are depicted on the dark moon and the clone, while two and three are depicted on the Lord of Purgatory and his clone.

Although the Lord of Purgatory was very dissatisfied, he finally accepted it.

Everything is ready.

The rest is for the Lord of Purgatory to seal the main body into the book of Xiuboen, and after such a long time, the Lord of Purgatory has gradually trusted Dark Moon, and he entrusted the outside affairs to the other party .

It is not to believe in the integrity of the dark moon, but to trust in the persistence and goals of the dark moon.


The book of Xiuburn unfolded, and gradually became huge, until it supported the dome of the underground cavity.

The cursed shadows squirmed in the book, as if there was a world in the book.

The Lord of Purgatory was about to leave, and when he left, he took the egg of Dark Moon Two with him, and sealed it together to study the Book of Bourne.

Just at this time, he suddenly remembered a question.

He turned his head to look at Dark Moon.

“By the way, I can hide my body seal in the Book of Xiuburn, and then let No. 3 carry out the plan instead of me outside.”

“What about you?”

“How can you replace your own body in the abyss, this is simply impossible?”

Dark Moon smiled: “Didn’t I tell you the answer?”

“Which me is the real me and what does it mean to me?”

“As long as he has the same dedication and ideals as me.”

The Lord of Purgatory can already understand the other party’s thoughts, but he still said: “You crazy people.”

Dark Moon still said persuasively: “You people who are not strong-willed, always like to call those who are chasing certain things at all costs crazy.”

Although what Dark Moon did was only for her own goals, the Lord of Purgatory was still very moved.

It can be said that Dark Moon gave almost everything to help him succeed.

The Lord of Purgatory told Dark Moon: “Whether I succeed or fail, when I wake up, I will really think about the things you told me before.”

The Lord of Purgatory walked forward, step by step into the book of Xiuboen.

The last moment the fog of words and curses engulfed him, he told Darkmoon.


“I hope that when I wake up, I still see you now.”

Dark Moon waved goodbye to the other party and sent the Lord of Purgatory away.

Hearing what the other party said, the corners of his mouth slowly raised.

Because he knew that his plan had come true, the goal of secretly influencing the Lord of Purgatory.

It wasn’t until the huge book of curses began to close slowly that Dark Moon slowly lowered his hand. His avatar still had a smile on his face, but he said on his mouth.


“I won’t see you again.”

At this moment, An Yue held her head down.

The light flows.

One picture after another appears in it.

Dark Moon modified the memory in his mind. He deleted all the information about the clone project in his memory, and made the whole plan no longer have any hidden dangers.

Compared to the optimism of the Lord of Purgatory, at least he still has great hopes for devouring the abyss.

But as the plan continued to advance, even to the final stage, Dark Moon’s self-confidence became smaller and smaller.

But An Yue faintly felt that their plan might not be successful, at least he had noticed that there was a big problem in the plan, although they hadn’t found out where the problem was.

But there is no problem, that is the biggest problem.

He understands the horror of that evil **** better than the Lord of Purgatory, and he absolutely does not believe that that person just let them go to the high heavens, regardless of such a big flaw in himself.

But knowing this, they couldn’t stop, they could only go to Gaotian according to the original plan.

At this time, the egg of Avon III in front of him began to be unsealed.

With the main body seal of the Lord of Purgatory, another Lord of Purgatory, that is, Avon No. 3, woke up. He broke free from the shackles and appeared on the high platform, just facing the monument of the oath. .

The egg shells behind him gradually evaporated, and even the roots of the thorn tree were taken back, leaving no traces.

He was a little dazed, looking around in a daze.


He saw the dark moon behind him.

This familiar figure also made his memory clearer, and he found that familiar feeling.

He raised his head and said arrogantly.

“Dark Moon, are you ready?”

At this time, An Yue also just put down her hand and opened her eyes.

He nodded: “Of course, everything has been planned.”

The two of them seemed completely unaware of what they had done before, and they were all focused on going to the sky, just like before.

However, in the following relationship, Dark Moon also discovered some minor problems with the Lord of Purgatory, which may not be considered problems.

The other party seems to have changed.

For example, more arrogant, more immature, etc.

Avon III clearly has the same ideas as the Lord of Purgatory, but in many cases it is far less mature and stable than the other party.

Although it is not reflected in speaking and some ordinary behaviors, once facing certain critical moments and making decisions, these situations will be fully exposed.

However, facing the more contradictory Lord of Purgatory.

He will still tirelessly preach to him.

Until the day when the plan was actually launched, he still looked at the stars in the sky and said to the Lord of Purgatory.

“The power to go back in time, if only I could have this kind of power.”

“What do you want to do?”

“Rescue those things that make me regret, save those who I can’t let go of!”


Some people want to change from a human to a god, but he wants to turn an arrogant **** into a human.

Dark Moon: “Don’t you have friends and people you care about?”

The arrogant existence who is about to become a **** said: “I was born to be the Lord of Purgatory, a destined myth. God does not need friends and affection.”


The time went back to the time after the battle between the four major gods, when the God of Original Sin was looking for the Book of Xiuboen.

In the dream world.

The Book of Xiuburn, which the God of Original Sin hadn’t found, was wandering in the world of spirits and illusions. After reaching a certain place, it finally stopped, and then slowly unfolded.

Among the pages of the book, a painted **** twisted and then broke free from it bit by bit.

It can be seen that the number two is written on the hand of the Lord of Purgatory.

After standing still, the Lord of Purgatory looked back at the sea of ​​stars through the dream world.

The scenes in the sky reappeared, and some of his feelings even flooded into his mind.

From the beginning to the end, he didn’t have the slightest strength to resist, whether it was facing Xiao or A Sai.

He was angry, but no one cared about him.

He was desperate, but he couldn’t make a sound.

He wanted to curse, but even his personality and will were taken away.

The lofty eyes and hands were playing with his life, death and fate. At that moment, he was no longer a lofty god, even worse than a mortal.

He clenched his hands tightly: “What a guy who does whatever he wants, ignores this world, and treats everyone as tools and pawns.”

He has always wanted to be a superior person, but only when he himself was played in the applause, he can understand the despair.

All his arrogance was crushed, knocking his pride into the clouds.

The Lord of Purgatory lowered his head and grabbed his “Book of Curse”.

The Kingdom of Purgatory and Stars is gone.

However, the **** position is still there.

In the void, he could still faintly hear the faint voice of reciting his **** name.

“The master of curse authority, the **** of whipping and controlling all evil in the world, the lord of the stars in purgatory.”

More than that, there are many other gains.

For example, he also knew the manufacturing methods and secrets of the Eternal Kingdom. When Xiao was conducting experiments through Purgatory, many data were also recorded in the Book of Xiuburn.

Besides that, there is also the strange race born in the flames and stars, which is also a huge harvest.

And some hidden gains.

Everything is really as expected by Dark Moon. Failure from another perspective may be another kind of success, and even huge benefits can be obtained.

He has obtained the **** position, and he has also broken free from the shackles of Asai and Xiao, and even got rid of the shackles of the abyss.

The Lord of Purgatory flipped through the book and released another egg that was sealed inside.

He stepped forward and looked at the life form curled up in the egg shell.

Suddenly, he felt sad.

“Dark Moon.”

His duplicate body was made into a personality puppet by the evil **** of original sin, while Dark Moon’s body was refined into a thread of memory by the other party.

He never thought that after waking up, he would never see the other party again.

He held his head high.

Say it out of your mouth.

“It’s really stupid. If you don’t do anything, you are destined to become a myth of the abyssal gods, but you must lose everything for an illusory persistence and ideal.”

However, it can be seen that the arrogant **** Lord of Purgatory gritted his teeth with excitement.

There seemed to be tears in his eyes.

No matter how hard-hearted and indifferent a person is, when a person is willing to die to achieve you, it is difficult not to move his heart.

After speaking, he reached out and activated the egg in front of him, releasing the life form inside.

Dark Moon Two slowly opened his eyes, the word two in his hand was shining, he looked at the number two in his hand, and immediately understood something.

Although he has exactly the same memory, he knows that he is a duplicate.

“The plan failed?”

Dark Moon Two stepped forward.

He asked the Lord of Purgatory: “Where is the body?”

Next, he listened to the whole process that the Lord of Purgatory said.

Dark Moon knew that the main body had become a thread of memory, but he didn’t say much, but asked the Lord of Purgatory in front of him.

“So finally.”

“Do you want to be such an arrogant god, or a person with feelings?”

The Lord of Purgatory said: “Of course it is God!”

But then he changed his words: “However, I don’t like guys who do whatever they want, I will use my chains to tie them up.”

Dark Moon smiled: “Like Afran?”

The Lord of Purgatory also laughed: “Yes, just like Avon.”

Dark Moon and the Lord of Purgatory are walking in the dream world. The two are discussing a plan to recreate Purgatory. The new Purgatory will no longer be a part of the abyss oath. With this opportunity, they can create a A purgatory that is truly independent of the outside world.

And, make it according to their own mind.

In the dark.

While walking, Dark Moon depicted to the Lord of Purgatory.

“We build a veritable purgatory, a chain that stretches over all heads, to be feared by those who have committed heinous deeds.”

“By the way, how about copying the race that was born in the Eternal Kingdom?”

The Lord of Purgatory: “What should the race be called?”

Dark Moon Two thought for a while: “Is it a devil?”

The Lord of Purgatory: “Why?”

Dark Moon Two: “I felt like this name should be called, and it suddenly appeared in my mind.”

“The devil born out of the wickedness of the human heart is also destined to devour the person who committed the most evil deed, or God.”

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