I am God Chapter 642: : From the stars, and to the stars!

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In the frozen white world, a row of lonely footprints were left on the snow.

Michel stepped on the snow.

He boarded the high mountain and looked at the next mountain peak.

He is not in a hurry, and he also knows that if he walks too fast, he will only miss it, but he cannot really find what he wants to find.

And just as he was about to move on to the next snow peak, suddenly a strange gust of air blew past.

Look again.

There seemed to be light flowing in the wind, and the snow became crystal clear.

“Time slows down.”

Michel shouldn’t have felt the time slowing down, because he was already in the domain.

Perhaps he will not be able to intuitively know the problem until he is back outside, or perceives the change in the length of the day.

But Michel is an apostle, and at the same time a demon apostle.

His other end is connected with Elena, the **** of demon spirits.

Michel raised her head and stared ahead.

Sure enough.

As Michel imagined, he found it.

In the heavy snow, a shadow floated from the wind.

Michel met the legendary Ice Fairy.

It was a gray-haired girl sitting on an ice crystal flower, rippling freely in the wind, and finally stopped in front of Michelle.

The gray-haired girl looked at Michel and didn’t speak, but her eyes had already asked a question.

“Are you looking for me?”

Michel nodded: “Messenger of the years, I have been looking for your traces, because I have heard about your deeds, and I want to restore something very important to me and my friends to what it once was.”

The demon clan seems to have a lot of experience in dealing with these envoys from the Kingdom of Creation God, and they directly explained their purpose of coming without any superfluous words.

The gray-haired girl sat quietly in the air: “What price can you pay?”

Michel asked: “What price do I need to pay to be enough?”

The Ice Fairy pointed to Michel’s forehead, as if pointing to something in his mind: “I want your past.”

Michel was stunned: “In the past?”

“How should I hand over my past to you.”

Frozen Fairy: “Give me something meaningful to you, as well as a good memory from the past.”

“The more you have to look back, the more complicated it is, the more you have to pay, the more you will lose the past.”

“Even, lose everything you have.”

Michel thinks there is a loophole that can be exploited: “Then what if I make a copy of the memory?”

The Ice Fairy said indifferently: “I took away not only your memory, but also all the beauty and emotions you have about this memory.”

“Even if you copy it, you only get this part of the picture, just like looking at a painting or reading a book by someone else.”

“Even after you die, the dream of life enters the sea of ​​fantasy stars.”

“This memory will not come with you.”

Michel understands the special features of dream species, and also knows what no matter which dream species is collecting.

He guessed that the Ice Fairy should gain strength through this process.

Michel got the key information Ray asked him to find.

Ice Fairy can really control time within a certain range, but the price she pays is the past in one’s mind and an item that has meaning to the past.

Michel thought about the price, and wondered if the price was worth paying.

His past is long and incalculable. If he only extracts a part of it and restores a few letters, he thinks it will be good.

“I agree.”

Michel took out an iron piece with one hand, which was a part of his body.

With the other hand, he took out the bottle containing the letter.

“What I want to recover is just a few letters, is this price okay?”

Ice Fairy didn’t answer, but just stretched out her hand.


I saw streaks of colored lights in Michel’s body floating into the air along with the iron sheet, and finally they were frozen and fell into the fairy’s hands.

Michel recalled it at this time, and the memory of that iron piece in his mind completely disappeared, and he couldn’t remember it no matter how much he thought about it.

When he lowered his head, he saw that the letter in the bottle had been completely new in the wind and snow.

“Is this all right?”

The other party was too fast and agile, which actually made Michel a little uncomfortable.

Michel looked at the snow fairy who had left without saying goodbye, and suddenly stopped her. He still had a question to ask.

“Messenger of the years!”

“I have a personal question that I want answered.”

“What did the Supreme God create you for?”

As a newly born fairy, rather than a descendant from the past like Michelle, the other party should be more aware of such things.

The Ice Fairy stopped and told Michelle.

“I hope we keep those good things.”

Michel asked again: “Then Insa created us, and for what purpose?”

Perhaps, this question is what Michel really wants to ask, and it is also what every intelligent species in this world wants to ask.

Although, said in the Delici oath.

“Because of loneliness, God created Laidliki, the king of wisdom, and because of Ledliki’s loneliness, God created the three-leaf man.”

But Michel has always wondered whether they are just creatures in solitude.

When I think about it this way, I always feel a little regretful!

The voice of the ice fairy came from the wind.

“I don’t know, you can only ask God Yin Sai.”


“No matter what you were made for, you live because of yourself.”

“You are free.”

Michel watched the other party go away, and then walked back thoughtfully.

While walking on the road, he suddenly laughed happily.


Whatever the reason for their birth, in the end, Insay the Creator gave them freedom.

Free will, free soul.

In this case, the original reason is not important.

He thought: “Intelligent species have infinite dreams, and the only thing that can stop us may be time.”

On the way to leave.

Michelle opened the bottle and took apart the brand new paper airplanes one by one.

He finally saw the letters Maman sent to Holios, the contents of which he had been looking forward to for a long time.

“Catch the kite monster through the black storm?”

“Shouldn’t the Black Storm at this time have all been extinguished long ago, and how can Black Storm, a powerful person who is not even an apostle, survive?”

“How is it possible to hike across the middle of the Sunfall Desert, not the north?”

“Fly meteors into props and fly into the starry sky. Are you refining the son of the death star?”

But after actually reading it, I found that the letter was full of absurd stories.

Michel took out the book that the Destroyer Witch Lotte gave him, and compared the two.

Sure enough, the plot in the letter is basically the same as the plot in the book called “Maman’s Fantastic Adventure”, with only a few differences.

He said it again: “It can’t be true.”

Michel could see it, but he didn’t understand why Holios couldn’t.


Delan City.

Following the clues of the book “Maman’s Fantastic Adventure”, Michelle came to the place where the story was first heard.

The story was only published in the last two years. It was founded in recent years by a printing workshop in Deland City, which also owns a newspaper.

It can be found that this printing workshop has made a lot of money by printing “Maman’s Fantastic Story”, so it can be said that it has made a fortune.

Michel held up the book from the printing workshop and asked the owner of the printing workshop.

“Who is the author of this book?”

“I want to meet him!”

The owner of the printing workshop picked up his glasses and looked at it, and immediately couldn’t help laughing.

“This one!”

“There is no author for this book. This book is a legend that has always existed in Delan City, and it is a story passed down by word of mouth.”

He thought for a while: “But we recently printed this book and found that everyone likes it.”

“I don’t know why, but it suddenly became popular.”

Michel asked the other party: “Where did the story first come from?”

The owner of the printing workshop: “I don’t know, it’s been too long, I’ve heard this story since I was a child.”

Wait until Michelle is gone.

The son on the side suddenly whispered: “Didn’t someone send a large sum of money to ask you to print this book and send it to various cities? You still…”

The owner of the printing workshop immediately covered his son’s mouth: “Doesn’t this just prove that many people like this story?”

Where did the source of the story come from?

This kind of question is difficult for a demon apostle who really wants to investigate.


Michel came to a nursery in the city. There was a sign of the Temple of Miracles on the gate of the nursery. This was a nursery donated by a temple.

This building has a long history, looks old and has a long history.

Beside the nursery, there is a big school with a very interesting name.

It’s called Maman Artisan Academy.

This craftsman academy specializes in teaching children various craftsman skills. Whether it is architectural style or teaching style, it has a very obvious characteristic of the land of sunrise.

The college not only accepts children from the nursery, but also accepts children from all walks of life in the city. It looks very lively.

Michel entered the nursery first, wandering around the building.

Turn around.

Michel saw a portrait of a person among the portraits of the deans of the past, and then stopped.

There is no name on the portrait, but it is a woman with curly, wavy hair.

But what Michelle paid attention to was the pipe in the woman’s hand.

The pipe gave Missier a familiar feeling.


Michel picked up the pipe hidden in his pocket, and compared it with the one on the portrait.

It can be found that the handles of the pipes are the same.

However, the pipe is full of cracks, but judging from the general color and texture, the material should be the same.

The one in Michel’s hand is more like a pipe that was originally full of cracks and was reworked after it was broken.

An old lady followed behind Michel, and suddenly spoke.

“That’s the portrait of the third generation dean!”

Michel asked the other party: “What’s her name?”

The old woman said: “Maman, according to legend, she has a fire demon partner, and she also learned alchemy in the land of the sunrise, she is a very special person.”

Michel asked: “What happened next?”

The old woman: “After parting with her fire demon partner, she returned to Delan City, but without the fire demon partner, she never performed alchemy again.”

Michelle is a little strange: “Isn’t she a powerful person?”

The old woman shook her head: “No.”

“However, she brought back a lot of money, and she established the school next to it, and the children in the nursery learned the skills to survive in this world.”

“Many children are able to leave Delan City and go to other places because of this. The school has produced many famous people.”

Michel looked at the portrait and suddenly understood.

“So, this is the contractor of Holios.”

“That Maman.”

Michel raised the pipe, and he found that the pipe might not be simply a tool for Holios, but had some more important meaning.

This made Michelle’s hand holding the pipe more cautious.

He wiped it carefully, and then slowly put it away.


Michel came to Maman Artisan School.

He saw that the children who were about to graduate from the college were doing a very strange activity. They wrote one letter after another with anticipation, and then put the letters into a special clay jar.

After being completely sealed, it was buried in the soil.

Michel asked: “What is this doing? Why did you bury the letter in the ground?”

The old woman said: “It is the tradition of the school, and it is said that it was also left by the old dean who founded the school.”

Michel: “Who is the letter addressed to?”

Old woman: “Send it to your future self, you can write whatever you want.”

The dean and principal’s old lady walked up to the children, encouraged them, and then congratulated them.

After a while, he returned to Michel’s side.

“Many years later, they will come back and gather again to dig out the letters they once wrote.”

Michel: “What will be written in the letter?”

Old woman: “I write about everything. Most of them are about what kind of person I want to be in the future. It is said that this way I can really become the person I imagined.”

Michel asked: “Is it really useful?”

Old woman: “Then you will only know in the future!”

Also, who can know what the future self will look like?

The old ladies seem to enjoy this tradition, and the children do too.

“When the letter is opened, the present self will face the past self.”

“This is a question that spans time, and it is also a ritual to preserve the past.”


Michel again sent letters from Maman to Holios one by one from the bottle.

He thought of all the things during the day.

The portrait of Maman, the words of the old woman, and the letter buried by the children of the craftsman academy.

All of them are stitched together, and the truth emerges in front of Michel.

The omnipotent Maman in that story is actually just an ordinary person.

She did not come from a thousand-year-old extraordinary family, nor was she a genius, nor did she even have the talent for power.

She is just an orphan who grew up in a nursery, and she has worked hard all her life but failed to become a true transcendent.

Nor has she ever been to another continent, and she ended up dying of old age in this nursery, where she had grown up.

Maman compiled a story, but somehow she sent it to Holios one by one across time.

She hoped to live in Holios’ memory this way.

In the most beautiful way.

I also hope that this way can encourage Holios to move forward.

As for Holios.

Perhaps the other party has already seen it, but he is unwilling to expose it.

Because, this is what Maman hopes and expects.

This is the tacit understanding between two people, and it is also the way for two people to maintain their sweet dreams.

“So it is.”

Michelle leaned back on the chair and let out a long breath, all those doubts were answered at this moment.

He lay lazily on the chair, and the envy and longing in Holios’ eyes when he talked about Maman appeared in front of his eyes, without any falsehood.

“He really yearns so much, hoping that Maman can be like the story said, because in his eyes, Maman is so beautiful and free.”

“And he really complied with Maman’s expectations, and moved towards the distance, pursuing that beauty and freedom.”

They all hope to live in that beautiful dream, and hope that this dream can be passed on.

Suddenly, Michel was envious.

“That’s great!”

“That’s great~”

It went full circle.

Michel did not see Maman in the end.

But he suddenly understood how he should face Holios.

I also know what to tell him.


The waves beat against the hull, and the wind stirred the white sails.

The big ship left the port of the kingdom of yellow sand.

It sailed around the giant island of Ruhe, and came to the beginning of the Aiweier route, and then it will go to another continent from here.

But here, a figure disembarked with luggage.

Gripping her hat, she watched the big ship go away.


She saw another self holding a kite and soaring towards the other side of the world.

And the other guy followed closely behind the figure holding the kite, hurriedly driving a big boat, and headed for the distance together.

She threw off her hat and watched it blow out to sea.

Looking at it passing by the flame monster’s boat, it was caught by the person who was holding the kite, and then pressed **** his head.


She uttered a dreamlike whisper.

Her eyes were dim as if she was asleep, and the corners of her mouth were slightly raised.

“Go, don’t stop.”

“Genius Maman!”

“And… the fire demon Holios.”

She did not go to the other side of the sea, but returned to her hometown, Delan City.

She returned to the nursery where she grew up, sat on the bedside of the seriously ill old principal, and looked at him quietly.

The old man opened his eyelids with dark spots, and looked at Maman with cloudy eyes.

“Why are you back?”

Before Maman could answer, she continued.

“You shouldn’t come back, I shouldn’t be your bondage.”

Maman smiled and said, “It’s okay, I’ve already been there.”

A smile appeared on the old man’s face, and he grasped Maman’s hand slightly with his fingers.

She still hopes that Maman can come back, just like a mother who is looking forward to her child’s high flight and hopes that the child can be by her side.

And Maman held the old man’s hand, looking at the old man who took care of her growing up, she thought of the man’s youthful appearance.

She failed to witness the other party’s gradual aging, but at least she was by her side at the last moment.

A few days later, the old dean died.

Maman succeeded the old dean as the new dean of the nursery, and took out all her savings to start planning to build a craftsman college next to the nursery.

She hoped that this Artisan Academy would be like the shop of the female alchemist back then, giving others dreams and hopes to fly.

At night, she would also tell stories to the children like the old dean.

Tell another Mama’s story.

The children sometimes did not believe the story, and rebelliously refuted her.

“Dean, you are lying.”

“I heard from others that your name is Maman, and the story is false.”

Maman is not angry: “That is another person in the world. There are many people with the same name and surname in this world. We may be ordinary people, but maybe there is another person in the world who is different from us. What about people?”

And the child grew up, and some people returned to Deran City after going to the Land of the Rising Sun.

The grown-up child told the other children in the nursery what he saw.

“Really, I saw the statue of the alchemist in the Land of Sunrise, the story is true.”

“Is there really that island in the sea?”

“I don’t know, you may be able to go there in the future!”

Adults and children gathered around Maman, who was completely old, and asked her about Maman’s later story, what happened after the Wingman Kingdom?

“What happened next?”

“What happened to Maman later?”

Maman hugged one of the children, raised the corner of her mouth, and said slowly.


“I have to think about it, I kind of forgot.”

The aging Maman thought for a while, and suddenly she remembered something.

“Remember the shooting star she picked up in the desert where the sun was setting?”

Of course the kids remember, they’ve heard the story so many times.

Maman looked up at the starry sky outside.

“In the end, she took the shooting star she picked up and flew towards the stars.”

“Fly and fly, fly where no one has ever been, fly into the world of stars.”

The children’s mouths fell open, but someone asked a question.

“What is she doing on the stars?”

Maman recalled the appearance of the old dean, and said with a happy smile.

“Because, she is a child who walked out of the stars.”

“She came from among the stars, and she will eventually belong to the stars.”

Above the fantasy star sea.

The story in the dream ended slowly, and this was Maman’s life.

Above the fantasy star sea, a group of fairies felt a little bit sad after reading Maman’s story.

They looked at each other, and finally they set their sights on the dream of life that shone like a star.

“Her dream is really beautiful!”

“What a shining dream, it’s really like a star.”

“She really came from the stars, and finally returned to the stars.”

After the stationery fairies finished speaking, they took the time-traveling letter together and came under the rainbow tree in the stationery fairyland.

Then, they sent Maman’s last letter together.

With blessings.

The letter turned into streamer, passing through the distance of space and time to the distant place.

In the end, pass on Maman’s magnificent and wonderful dream to another person.


“A letter from the genius Maman to the fire demon Holios.”

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