I am God Chapter 518: : Primal Desire

There is light in the darkness.

The shining one is a woman, the two senses of the sacred and the monstrous are combined in her body, the beautiful body is as cold as the deep winter, and accompanied by the ultimate temptation.

Melder opened his eyes and slowly landed, his feet landing on the ground one by one.

Two female monsters who have fallen from the world to the abyss, half-demon and half-human, put on her traditional Wingman-style clothing, which is sewn from spotless white cloth.

Melder walked out of the temple barefoot, her figure was completely incomparable to that tall and terrifying monster, but at this moment those monsters were sticking to the ground and did not dare to raise their heads.

Especially when he walked out of the temple, all kinds of strange roars and shouts emerged at the same time.

“The king of lust!”


“The king of lust!”



Thousands of evil creatures shouted, and the demons danced wildly.

Those who can speak call Meld’s name, those who cannot speak make various sounds.

The powerful captains of the Abyss Legion lined up in a row, kneeling motionless outside the temple.

Across the entire black mud abyss, only Melde, the king of the abyss, looks the most like a normal life form. Without the black wings on the other side, no one can imagine that she is the king of the black mud abyss. king.

Melder’s cold eyes were lowered, and those eyes seemed to have warmth, and the commanders of the abyss legion who were kneeling in front of her couldn’t help shivering.

“Is the altar of the law of the abyss I asked you to build completed?”

The powerful third-order monsters said immediately.

“It has been built, Lord Melde.”

“Just outside.”

“We’ll have someone pull it up now.”

The voice just fell.

Immediately, I saw huge rotting winged demons flying up with their chains, pulling some giant monsters from the depths of the swamp, and an extremely evil altar made entirely of bones and flesh appeared in the temple Before.

This altar is said to be an altar, but it actually looks like a womb, wriggling like a living thing.

Finally, the altar was fixed to several pillars outside the temple.

“The Altar of the Law of Lust!”

Melder’s expression didn’t change, he just nodded reluctantly.

“It seems that you have not slack off on the tasks I entrusted to you.”

The army leaders of the Black Mud Abyss heaved a sigh of relief, they knew how moody the King of the Abyss was before them.

It doesn’t matter if anyone made a mistake, or didn’t complete the task.

She will immediately kill it as a consumable without mercy.

“Master Melde, your order is the will of God.” They bowed their heads respectfully.

“Everything is according to your will. I hope you can become a great **** and guard the eternal original sin.” Immediately, the legion leader stepped forward and made a compliment.

“Master Meld, you are the primordial desire, the most powerful king of the abyss!” Once the words of praise opened, it seemed that it could not be stopped.

“You are the mother of darkness.” More people imitated the previous ones and made crazy voices, as if they couldn’t express their inner piety without going crazy.


How much piety these fallen monsters have in their hearts, even the farmers in the world know.


The wind blows.

Meld flapped his wings and flew towards the altar.

The altar in front of him is a mythical altar, which can extend Meld’s power from the abyss to the world.

The embryonic body of the altar was built by Melder himself, but the ritual array and sacrifice later were jointly completed by Melder’s servants and legion leaders.

It was the appearance of this altar that caused some weird demons to appear in the world.

These demons usually hide in the world, and choose the opportunity to join the temples or churches chosen by the gods who have not yet ascended the throne of gods, and become the “servants” of those chosen by the gods.

Then think of a way to steal the power of these god-chosen, or even pollute and degenerate these god-chosen.

Ever since Melde, the king of lust, obtained the mysticism from Anu, he immediately began planning and planning his own path to becoming a god.

Not only her, but also Dark Moon, the King of Rage on the other side.

Meld landed on the altar, and pulled out a scepter exuding powerful spell power from the center of the altar. It was Meld’s Staff of the Fallen Angel.

She stretched out her other hand and called to the heights.

“The will of the abyss!”

“In the name of the King of the Abyss, I want to perfect my authority.”

A terrifying scene appeared.

A huge mass of invisible flesh squeezed out from the uppermost layer of the black mud abyss, and one mass after another of filth fell from the heights, and then black rain and rain fell in the black mud abyss.

“Hoo hoo!”

“Clatter!” The heavy rain poured down.

The nine-winged fallen angel stood on the altar in the dark high place, facing the wind and rain, with his hands raised high.

At the core of the abyss, a ray of light spewed out from the huge and boundless mass of meat, and fell towards the bottom.

It is a spar like an evil eye, and it is also the mythical organ that the king of **** first merged into the abyss. It is black and white, with circles of threads.

Meld raised his hand high, just in time to catch his mythical organ.

The reason why Melder summoned it was to use it to create his own mythical props.

If she can really succeed, she will become the most important link attached to the abyss system just like the gate of original sin.


This mythical item will not be counted separately in the sequence.

Because in the view of the God’s Cup, they are a whole, a whole that is condensed with the source of the abyssal race and the oath of the crown of wisdom.

Everything is already ready.

Melder became a nine-winged fallen angel, built an altar, and even made the staff of the fallen angel.

She placed the spar on the scepter, and the scepter immediately exuded the power of law.

Meilde raised the scepter high, circles of light spread out, and her spiritual force field further expanded, continuously deepening towards the entire black mud abyss.

It was as if she really wanted to turn this entire abyss into her kingdom.

All the abyssal monsters looked at the woman on the altar, and were too scared to look up again. The other party was so powerful that it completely suppressed some of their inner thoughts.

Melder would not pay attention to those servants who were prostrate at her feet, she stroked her scepter and said softly.

“The Staff of the Fallen Angel.”

“The Rod of Primal Desire!”

“Whether it is a species with intelligence, or those who are stupid.”

“All beings with life are occupying this world through reproductive power and seeds.”

“This is the essence of life.”

She raised the scepter in her hand high, called the wind and rain in the darkness, and shouted out her own law of lust, a declaration of her own strength.

“I, Meld, the king of lust.”

“With this power, I will lead the abyss and take away everything in the world for the **** of original sin.”

Melder chose a name for his Staff of the Fallen Angel, which is also his mythical prop.

Melder believes that born out of the first and primitive desire is **** and the desire to reproduce.

It is also from this desire that all other desires eventually derive.


It is the original desire.

At this point, she can be regarded as a true God’s Choice, an existence that has embarked on the road of mythology.

And Melde has already planned her own path to becoming a god, but she is still following the path of erosion, using the law of the abyss she created to the extreme.

The target is all the other gods outside the abyss.

The first step is to connect all those who pray to her with a mythical altar, so that those mortals who have no reproductive power will be tempted, inspired by her power invisibly, and eventually become a **** under her control.

The second step is to use the power of the black mud of the abyss and the law of **** to give these mortals the power to give birth, but what they give birth to can only be a half-demon; Strength, but of course Melder is not satisfied with this.

So there is the next third step. The half-devils she controls will go deep into temples, religious groups, and believers in various places, from a province to a temple; And replace the beliefs of these people, and eventually the doves occupy the magpie’s nest.

If the third step is performed perfectly, there will be a fourth step.

That is to completely seize everything from the pre-selected gods, just like she once seized the power of the black dragon on the void continent; but she will definitely not give others the chance to fight back like last time.

After Melde created the stick of primitive desire, he returned to the place where he pulled out the stick.

I only saw that there was still a stone tablet on the altar, and one name after another had been written on the stone tablet, which was the target of Melder’s attempt to erode and seize power.

All those who try to ascend to the position of gods with mortal bodies.

Looking up from the bottom, one can see all the famous people in the world.

“Black Dragon Anu.”

“Ackermanmon, the king of ghouls.”

“The Feathered Serpent Kurmys.”

“Happiness and wishes are God’s choice for Oran.”

“Sukob was chosen by the God of Law and Code.”

And on the top line it says.

Duma, the king of sky angels.

When looking at other names, Melde’s expression didn’t change.

But when he saw the last name, Meld’s expression changed, and this cold woman showed a slight smile.

But that smile does not make people feel warm at all, it only makes people feel cruel and cold, with the desire to plunder and corrode.


“My daughter, the son of the ancient gods.”

“Come on, we are a family.”

“Together forever.”

Her desire for Duma is far more than that of other gods. She wants to bring Duma down to the abyss and corrupt it.

Her will and desire to possess something are extremely strong, and she never has any scruples about what others want.

Even if this person is her daughter.

Even, her god.


Totem City in the Land of Dragons.

Under the totem pole of the ancestor, Anu waited quietly.

Now that the first half-demon has been discovered, there is a possibility that there is a second or even a third among the lizardmen. to what extent.

Anu looked at the re-shaped ancestor totem pole, with the vicissitudes of life like an ascetic who sees through the years and time, there was a tremor at this moment, and the fists of his hands were involuntarily clenched together.

The instant the shadow of Melde, the king of lust, appeared behind the scenes, many bad memories appeared in Anu’s mind, those memories of pain and despair that did not belong to this world.

He seems to have returned to another world, the continent named Nothingness.

The demon king with black wings brought down the plague, took away his control over the lizard people, and expelled him in the name of God, calling him a dragon.

“Black Winged Goddess!”

“Kill that dragon.”

“Dragon Anu, you are the source of chaos!”

“Dedicate your life to the Dragon God!”

“Fight for the Black Wing Goddess!”

Suddenly, the voices of thousands of lizardmen echoed in my ears.

They each screamed the name of their beliefs, each cursed each other’s gods.

Because of these two names, endless wars broke out in that world.

The fight between faith and mission has never stopped for thousands of years.


The two started a war for the mythical person, and in that war, Anu lost.

Anu saw himself turned into a black mythical dragon, sowing plagues throughout the world.

He saw a lizardman climb the wall of the tower, crying out in despair in the empty city.

“This is God!”

“This is God…”


Then he jumped down, the loud laughter echoed in the sky like a bell, getting louder and louder, resounding in the mind of the black dragon Anu.

In the end, he witnessed the death of the last lizardman.

He personally killed all the lizard people, ending the era and civilization of the lizard people.

On the boundless sea, tears of hatred and regret were left, but the voice of the loser could only be heard deep in my mind.

“I didn’t expect it to end like this.”

In that dream-like life, he has experienced so many things, he has spanned hundreds of thousands of years, and he almost forgot who he is.

He can’t tell whether those are false or real.

Those servants and believers created by themselves have really existed, or are they just a void.

But for himself, all that is very real, and that despair is hard to remember.

Whether it is the lizard man Anu or the black dragon Anu.

They both lost everything, one was abandoned by the Snakemen, the other lost all the Lizardmen.

That is their eternal nightmare and obsession.

Anu stretched out his hand and touched this ancestral totem pole. No matter in which story or in which life, he was always with this totem pole.


“I will not let that scene happen again.”

“This time I will guard the Lizardmen and our civilization.”

At this time, the outside became noisy.

“This woman’s will was taken away by the abyss!”

“Kill her!”

“Kill her!”

“The Great Elder hasn’t spoken yet, it’s not confirmed yet!”

Not long after, the elder lizardman rushed in and told Anu.

“Really found another one!”

“But what I found was a pregnant woman, and the half-abyssal species hasn’t been born yet.”

Anu asked him: “Are you sure?”

The lizardman elder said: “Although I haven’t checked it yet, this pregnant woman is indeed believing in the king of lust, and she has never had a child for more than 20 years, but she has a child after believing in the king of lust. Not normal.”

Anu said: “We still have to check.”

A Wurm flew out, and it wasn’t long before Anu spoke.

“Melder, she wants to transmit her power from such a distance. It seems that she is determined to attack us.”

These words also meant that Anu had confirmed that the female lizardman outside was indeed pregnant with a half-demon.

The elder lizardman looked anxious, with panic in his eyes.

“How about this?”

“From such a distance, these evil existences are able to extend their power.”

“We have to find a way, find a way to solve this problem.”

The elder lizard man looked outside, his gaze became severe.

“Those who dare to believe in the abyss demons must be severely punished, and those abyss demons must be burned alive.”

Anu said at this time: “Just like this, can the problem be solved?”

All the movements of the Lizardman Great Elder stopped, and the six gods looked at Anu helplessly.

“Master Anu, what should we do?”

The matter involved the existence of a personality like the King of the Abyss, and it was indeed beyond his ability to solve it.

Anu said calmly.

“The important thing now is not only to solve the problems that have occurred, but more importantly, to prevent problems before they happen.”

“Go tell everyone, tell every lizardman, about the horror and evil of the abyss.”

“Tell them that the so-called goddess of primitive desire is actually the king of **** in the abyss.”

“She is just deceiving mortals, and the so-called reproductive power she bestows, the child born in the end is not a normal child at all, but a monster from the abyss.”

“A crazy monster with no human form.”

“As for the woman corrupted by evil forces, after she gives birth to a child, just send that half-devil to me.”

The Lizard Man Great Elder nodded: “Solve the problem with one hand, and prevent it from happening with the other hand. I will arrange to do it immediately.”

When he was about to leave, he suddenly turned around and couldn’t help asking.

“Master Anu!”

“Does this really solve the problem?”

The great elder of the lizard people stared at the extraordinary stone pillar worriedly. The ancestor totem pole is the foundation of the existence of the lizard people, and it is as important as the black dragon Anu, or the two existences themselves are one.

These abyssal monsters came here for this pillar. Once the pillar is eroded and destroyed, it can be said to be a huge blow to the lizardmen.

Because their extraordinary system is built on this.

What’s even more frightening is that if the totem pole is completely eroded, then the extraordinary system built on the totem pole will also be controlled by the opponent.

Anu said: “Of course it is impossible. If you want to really solve the problem, you don’t want to be eroded by the abyss.”

“There is only one way.”

“That is totem poles become myth props, and the lizardmen have real myths to guard.”

The great elder of the lizard people suddenly looked at Anu: “Master Anu, do you want to…”

Anu nodded to the Great Elder: “I have already decided which path to take.”

Originally, Anu was still hesitating whether to choose the road he walked before or the road of Kurmis.

The road of Kurmis is really too difficult and full of dangers.

In comparison, Anu still thinks the latter is easier to go, after all, he “has” gone through it once.

Furthermore, according to the information he got from the ceramic villain Naproses, if the mythical props also have a second true **** road, even if it is a true **** that is not as powerful as the main authority, this road also has a broad scope. future.

The elder lizard man fell into ecstasy: “Really?”

Compared to the ecstasy of the Lizardman Great Elder, what Anu showed was not much joy, but seriousness.

“But now there is a problem.”

“How can we bypass the level of the king of lust?”

“Once I embark on this path, I will fall into a long-term slumber, and I can only maintain my waking state for a short time.”

“What kind of preparation should I make to face the problems that may arise in the future.”

Before he embarked on this path, Melder had already started to attack the lizardmen and the ancestor totem pole.

If he once embarked on this road, it means that he will fall into a state of deep sleep and sometimes awakening.

Only when the mythical props are finally formed, will he wake up as a mythical spirit and become the source of all dragon beasts and lizardman totems.

During this process, how could he withstand those covetous existences.

In the cave palace.

The ceramic villain was looking for loopholes in the enchantment everywhere, trying to escape from it, but found that there were no dead ends in the entire underground palace.

It wants to open its storage props. Although Anu can’t open its storage props, there is a way to make it unable to open the storage space itself.

With its own strength alone, it can’t run out at all.

In the end, it could only sit on the table and scold.

“The cunning dragon.”

“It looks upright, but it’s actually full of bad water.”

“It’s definitely not a good thing to be on guard against Lord Naproseth all day long and speculate on others with bad thoughts.”

The ceramic figurine cursed Anu behind his back, when suddenly there was a shout behind him.


The ceramic villain turned his head and didn’t panic when he saw Anu.

What it cares about is the address of the other party: “It’s Naproses!”

Anu said: “Whenever you really become a myth, I will call you by this name.”

Although the ceramic villain is dissatisfied, there is nothing he can do.

Anu suddenly said: “Come out with me!”

Before the ceramic villain agreed, he threw the ceramic villain onto himself, and then turned into a black dragon and flew towards the Dragon God Mountain Range.

The little ceramic figurine lies on the back of the black dragon Anu, looking at the world below from aloof.

Whispering in his mind, he said with fantasy.

“This black dragon is my mount.”

“I am his master.”

At this time, the black dragon Anu finally stated the purpose of bringing it out: “I want to ask you for a favor.”

Porcelain villain has gradually become accustomed to dealing with the black dragon Anu, except for exchanging the secret book left by its owner: “If you ask Lord Naproses for help, the benefits are indispensable.”

Anu told the villain: “I will give you the blood of wisdom, and you can **** as much as you can.”

Naproseth was very pleasantly surprised, this guy is so generous.

It immediately became looking forward to it, thinking to itself.

“When I absorb more divine blood and become stronger, I will find a way to escape.”

“When I become stronger in the future, I will come back and turn your hateful black dragon into my mount.”

However, the ceramic villain encountered an unexpected scene next.

I only saw the black dragon stop on a sacrificial altar outside the Dragon God Mountain Range, and there was a newly born lizardman child on the altar.

The child looks ordinary, but the ceramic figurine clearly senses that there is a strange power in the child.

The power is merging into the child’s body, gradually giving birth to an extraordinary organ that is difficult to detect abnormalities with ordinary methods or even mental power, an organ transformed from the power of the abyss.

And Anu let it absorb the filthy blood of the black mud of the abyss, extracting the power of corruption and darkness from the body of the newly born lizardman child.

Prevents the formation of this organ.

Stop the birth of this new half-devil.

Under the gaze of the black dragon Anu, the little ceramic figurine suppressed his nausea and bit the child.

The black power turned into silk threads and pulled out from its body, and then fell into the body of the ceramic figurine.

It was immediately seen that the cracks on the ceramic figurine had partially healed again.

Even, there was a broken gap that became slightly smaller.

“Bah, bah, bah!”

“Anu, you bastard, is this the divine blood you said you let me suck?”

“You bastard, why don’t you smoke yourself?”

Even though he was originally born in the abyss, eating the dirty black mud in the abyss in this way is still disgusting to the villain.

Anu looked at the distraught figurine, thoughtful.

“Sure enough, as I guessed, you are not even afraid of the erosion and pollution of the abyss.”

Having devoured the power of the black mud of the abyss, the little ceramic figurine was neither polluted nor backlashed, and it didn’t even have the tendency to alienate into an abyssal monster.

“You bastard.”

“It’s really extraordinary!”

The ceramic figurine doesn’t buy it at all, it doesn’t like Anu very much now.

“I am.”

“Do you think that if you praise me a few times, I will thank you for letting me eat mud?”

Anu said: “Have your injuries healed a lot, as long as you can slow down the injuries, what do you care about?”

Ceramic villain slandered: “When I become stronger in the future, I will throw you, a black dragon, into the quagmire of the abyss and let you eat your fill.”

Anu raised the rescued child: “Look!”

He felt the rhythm of the newborn’s life: “You saved a new life, how do you feel?”

But the ceramic villain said: “I feel sick.”

Anu said: “He will appreciate you in the future.”

The ceramic villain has a vicious face: “That’s even more disgusting.”

Not long after, another group of lizardmen came under the altar.

When they climbed onto the altar, they saw the reborn child.

Fortunately, it is a newly born half-devil. If after a while, the black mud of the abyss completely condenses into extraordinary organs, there will be no room for recovery.

The lizard people checked the child, although they couldn’t find anything wrong with it, but when the elder said that there was no problem, they immediately burst into cheers.

“It’s the Dragon God, and the Dragon God has shown a miracle.”

“Really saved!”

“Dragon God removed the evil power in his body.”


The child’s mother was tied up, and just witnessed the manifestation of the dragon **** and rescued the child she thought was doomed.

The original voice of scolding and cursing immediately turned into weeping and remorse.

“Thank you Dragon God!”

“Thank you Dragon God!”

On the way back.

The ceramic figurine hiccupped and said disgusting, but his body was content to digest the power he had just gained.

In the bottom of my heart, I even thought that it would be great if I came a few more times in the future.

The ceramic villain heard that Anu was in trouble, and was targeted by that lunatic Melde, the king of lust.

It couldn’t help gloating and asked the black dragon carrying it: “Hey!”

“That crazy woman wants to eat you, are you afraid?”

“Do you feel panicked?”

Melder is a pervert, when he goes crazy, he is afraid of even the ceramic villain.

The black dragon Anu said: “The last time she didn’t have the power to completely devour me and destroy my will, this time it is even more impossible.”

The ceramic villain was very surprised: “Last time? Are you familiar with her?”

Black Dragon Anu: “I have dealt with her before.”

The ceramic villain is very puzzled: “Why are you not afraid of her, she is Meld, the king of the abyss.”

The black dragon Anu said: “Because I am Anu, I will become the myth of the lizard people, and I will not let anyone destroy and destroy the civilization of the lizard people.”

The ceramic villain asked Anu: “Are you ready to take the road of becoming a god?”

Black Dragon: “I want to become a myth, and then guard the lizard people, always guarding them.”

Porcelain villain: “That’s it?”

Black Dragon: “That’s it!”

The ceramic villain snorted and said: “A guy like you actually wants to become a god, you have no ambition at all.”

Black Dragon Anu: “Isn’t the wish too small to guard a civilization and keep it going?”


In the coming days.

There are still a lot of troubles in the land of dragons, Melder still seems to be unwilling, or feels that among the few gods chosen, Anu may be the most vulnerable existence.

So they are still trying to seduce and control the lizardmen through the altar of mythology, trying to capture the ancestor totem pole and the lizardmen.

But what Melder didn’t expect was that the black dragon Anu also had a big killer like the ceramic figurine.

The ceramic villain is particularly sensitive to Melder’s power, and his super spirituality can always smell the smell of the abyss, and he has repeatedly broken through the traps designed by Melder.

Of course, there is also the problem of the small population of lizardmen.

With a city and a few villages and towns, it takes less than a day to go around.

In such a small town system, it is easy to find out if someone is abnormal.

On the contrary, with a population as large as the Snake Man and the Wing Man, it would be difficult to detect any abnormalities.

You can pay attention to a country or a province.

Even pay attention to a county.

But it is impossible to pay attention to every city, or even a shrine in a small town.

In the cave palace.

“There are no more holes.”

“Everything is growing.”

“Hahaha, everything has grown.”

Seeing that all the gaps in his body have been filled, and he has turned into a brand new ceramic villain again, Naproseth is overjoyed.

It is carefully calculating how to absorb more power next time, and then find a way to break through Anu’s seal on the storage ritual array on him.

As long as something can be taken out of it, it will definitely be able to find a way to escape.

Unexpectedly, Anu was also preparing a plan.

The ceramic figurine is also a part of this plan.

When the figurine turned somersaults on the table, Anu showed the figurine a piece of paper that had been written on.

“Help me see if this oath is symmetrical with the previous oath format of the ghoul king Akmanmon and the witch doctor god. Is there any problem?”

Standing in front of the paper, the small ceramic figure froze for a long time before suddenly looking at Anu: “You want to make the crown of wisdom oath?”

The ceramic villain yelled in surprise: “Why are you crazy, you haven’t got the master’s secret code; and you haven’t even stepped on the road to becoming a god, why are you rushing to make an oath at this time?”

At this moment, the ceramic villain suddenly felt flustered, as if he had a bad premonition.

Anu said: “It doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter if you make the vow of the crown of wisdom first, and then try to make up for it.”

The ceramic villain carefully read the oath written by Anu: “You are so reckless, anyway, it’s none of my business, I’ll help you take a look.”

While looking at it, the ceramic figurine was thinking about how to design a big hole in it, and put Anu in it.

Thinking of the Wisdom Crown Oath, the ceramic villain immediately thought of Thuro, the first-generation ghoul king who was played by the God of Original Sin Xiao, and Akmanmon’s teacher and friend.

That guy just didn’t know the heights of the heavens and the depths of the earth, and was finally completely swallowed by the power of Shenzhiyue.

The corners of the little ceramic man’s mouth raised, secretly revealing a sinister expression.

However, Anu said at this time: “You are wrong. It is not only your business, but also very important to you.”

The ceramic villain didn’t know why, and his face was blank: “What do you mean?”

Anu said: “I want you to join me in making this eternal vow together.”

The ceramic figurine was stunned, and the painted expression on his face expanded in an instant.

“Swear with me, are you crazy?”

“What are you pulling me for?”

“Aren’t you afraid that I will betray you, bite you back, and kill you?”

Anu said: “You are an evil monster, but you are not crazy.”

“Because you are afraid of death!”

“You know how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and you know how to kneel down and beg for mercy.”

Anu’s words changed, and then he said a nonsensical remark.

“What promises, relationships, and friendships in this world are often unreliable.”

“But there is only one thing that is very reliable, and that is common interests and destiny.”


“As long as you make an oath, at that time your fate and interests will be bound together with me, and will be completely bound with the lizardman.”

The ceramic figurine backed away in fright, it couldn’t understand the black dragon in front of it.

It seems to have seen another lunatic: “You guy…you guy.”

The ceramic villain kept shaking his head: “I knew that none of you guys who want to become gods are normal, and none of you are normal.”

“It’s not good for you to find someone, you should find me to form a community of interests and destiny.”

“You are crazy… completely crazy.”

Anu looked at the little ceramic figurine, not only the vicissitudes of life in those eyes, but also the wisdom and amazement accumulated over the years.

It was that big dream, something bestowed on him by those hundreds of thousands of years.

Although Anu failed to obtain the power of mythology through that big dream, some of the things he got were not much worse than the power of mythology.


“You know, I want to be a myth.”

“However, this road is too difficult, unparalleled.”

“I have found my own way, but I must prepare for the problems that will arise on this way in advance and lay down my hands.”

“In particular, I still have an enemy like Meld, and there may be unexpected enemies in the future.”

“So, I not only want to get “The Wisdom Crown Pledge and the Second Path to the True God”, I also need the help of a partner.”

Anu looked at the ceramic figurine and said in a positive tone.

“Naplow, I need your help.”

The black dragon Anu has been thinking recently, how to bypass the huge crisis of Meld, and embark on the road to becoming a god.

He finally thought of a way, that is to find someone to guard him when he is sleeping.

Like the red and blue gods.

But this person must have strong potential, the potential to become a myth, and be able to become a fellow on the road of true **** in the future.

Have a long lifespan and must also be trustworthy.

Such an existence is hard to find in the world.

At least have the potential to become a myth, which is already rare in the entire Ruhe Giant Island.

And the last one deserves to be trusted.

Even those high ancient gods may not be able to find one or two companions who can be trusted completely. It is very difficult for Anu to find such people.

And Anu suddenly discovered that the ceramic figurine in front of him fits the previous two.

“Although I don’t know what you are!”

“But you can swallow the blood of the gods without restriction, and you have a lifespan that exceeds that of ordinary people.”

“If you can guard our common belief and homeland with me when I embark on the path of mythology, I think my path of mythology will have a high success rate. “

The black dragon Anu stared at the little ceramic figurine, and expressed his inner worries.

“You are the best candidate.”

“Your talent and strength are the strongest I have ever seen.”

“But the biggest question is, how can you be trusted.”

The black dragon Anu raised his head, as if he was asking himself.


“An evil monster like you, an existence without a sense of belonging or identity.”

“How to be trusted?”

The ceramic villain suddenly understood something.

Sure enough, the black dragon Anu finally said slowly.

“It can make you worthy of being trusted, and it can bind you forever.”

“Only the eternal inviolable, supreme wisdom crown oath!”

The ceramic figurine has an exaggerated expression, with its mouth wide open.


“I don’t want it!”

“I don’t want to be tied to you, I don’t want to make any vows with you.”

The villain turned around and wanted to escape, jumping off the table.

Anu looked at the villain with deep eyes, and sat motionless.

In the cave of the black dragon, where can it escape.

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