I am God Chapter 490: : San Rafael who was “sneak attacked”

Land of Light.

Romil took the gravity stone with difficulty to set foot on the way home, but he couldn’t fly at all, and could only move staggeringly at low altitude along the way.

In a few days, I have only traveled a few tens of miles, so I don’t know how long it will take to fly back.

Just carrying a small thing the size of a grain of rice made Romir feel as if he was carrying a small mountain on his back, and he had to summon the spirit of the seal to share the power.

“No, I have to find a way.”

At the beginning.

He tried to use various methods to isolate the force field of the gravity stone, but it didn’t work at all.

However, Lomir soon discovered some of the characteristics of the Gravity Stone.

He found that although the gravity stone makes people feel extremely heavy, it is not because of the gravity stone itself.

It is caused by the force field it emits on external objects and on Romil.

“So it’s not that it’s heavy, it’s that it makes me feel heavy and makes everything around it heavier.”

Romir suddenly realized, and he quickly found a brand new method.

Romir used mental power to make the thread, and he himself was far away from the influence range of the gravity stone, so he dragged the gravity stone into the sky, so that its force field could not be applied to his body and moved towards the distance fly away.

Under such circumstances, Romir finally flew back with the gravity stone.

All the way across the western part of the Land of Light, he once again saw traces of the Winged Man and civilization.

Romir has returned to the Principality of Matalie of the Wingmen.

He headed towards the capital of the Principality of Matalie with a clear goal, because he had some doubts and questions, perhaps that strange demon spirit could answer them.

The Yiren in this city built on a mountain peak has been particularly lively and busy recently. A large number of craftsmen and powerful people from various cities gathered here, and even the Yiren powerful people from the Jiayin Kingdom came here especially.

They all came to witness the refining of props by metal angels from foreign lands.

For Yiren, the favored ones of God are angels.

Because they have no other name for this existence.

Many people came here in a hurry after hearing that the other party was planning to publicly refine a third-level item here.

An item of this level is equivalent to a national treasure for any country in the Yiren Kingdom, just like the Tier 3 Stone Demon in the Matalie Kingdom.

However, compared to the third-tier Stone Demon, the third-tier props are obviously more precious and rare.

“Did the magic gold smelting succeed? The Grand Duke said that it must be completed this month?” The spiritual flames were transpiring in the tall and extraordinary furnace in the city, and the winged man below controlled the wind to blow in it.

“Has the classification of supernatural materials been handled well? Has the psychoactivity been completely eliminated? Mr. Lei has already told us the method. This is a real secret technique. You must give me your best and use it to repay sir.” On the other side, a large number of powerful people in a workshop are processing supernatural materials, processing supernatural materials that originally possessed various mixed powers, and removing the spiritual activity in them.

“I heard that Mr. Lei said that these extraordinary materials will be used to engrave the curse seal?” The power of the curse seal immediately caused discussions among the people present.

“That metal angel from a foreign land is said to know many kinds of curse marks.” This kind of statement means that the other party has mastered many kinds of laws, and all the powerful people who come here want to see, other curse marks the power of.

As soon as Romir the skyslayer arrived, the bells on the heights of the city rang again.

The current Grand Duke of Matalie and the previous Grand Duke Usdu came to greet him personally.

“Master Romil.”

When Romir flew down, he observed the movement in the city, and then immediately asked Usley about the latest situation.

In the mansion.

The preparations are almost complete, but the closer it is to refining the props, the more empty Lei feels.

He always felt a little uneasy in his heart, which made him look a little worried.

He spends all day lying in his room reading books, doing preparatory work over and over again, or researching a certain problem.

Because there is one more crucial thing about his circle theory that has not been fully proved.

If the world were a ball.

So is there really a force that can hold all things and even the earth?

Sometimes he would ask himself in his heart: “Is it possible to make a mistake?”

This kind of thought kept echoing in his mind, making him a little anxious.

Maps can be inaccurate, and many gaps can be left. Those are things that can be modified and improved later.

But if the world model is wrong, it means that the route is wrong from the beginning, and it cannot be recovered later.

At this time, Lomir came to the mansion, and Lei sat under the huge paper-paste spherical map, turning his head to look at the divine and handsome sky angel.

He stood up and asked with some expectation.

“Sky angel, are you back?”

He realized that he had said something nonsense, so he directly addressed the issue he was most concerned about.

“Did you find it?”

He asked, of course, whether Romir had found the meteor.

Romir nodded, but he told Ray: “I found something, it’s just not suitable to show here.”

Lomir was worried that after the gravity stone was taken out, some things here would be damaged.

After they came to an open space, Romir summoned the gravity stone from a height.

Lei looked curiously at the rice-sized stone that fell from the sky: “This is the meteor from before, only this small?”

As soon as the words fell, a powerful force enveloped everyone.

Uth fell down in an instant, unable to even wave his wings, until Romir pushed it to a high place again, so that its gravity field would no longer cover the three of them.

Ray was very surprised: “But it is so small, it has such a powerful force.”

The Sky Messenger Romir told Ray and Us: “Its name is Gravity Stone!”

Lei chanted the name, and the more he chanted it, the more meaningful it became.



There was a flash of inspiration in the thunder gem-studded eyes, and the metal doll danced with excitement.

“That’s right, that’s the name.”

“The gravity exerted on everything maintains the important law of this world.”

“It’s an invisible force, but it’s everywhere.”

“It’s not that we haven’t discovered it, but because it has completely become a part of our existence, and it is the law of the world we are accustomed to.”

“That’s why we ignore it, but it is undoubtedly one of the most important laws of this world.”

With the arrival of Romir, the gravity stone completely confirmed Lei’s idea.

Lei rushed up, and when he carefully looked at the grain of rice, the biggest doubts and worries in his heart were resolved.

“Its power is exactly as I imagined.”

Ray looked at Lomir and told him very seriously.

“This is the law of the world.”

“A stone born under the laws of the world.”

“Without it, maybe we will go for a long time, and we may never be able to detect this secret.”

“Thank you, Romir, you have solved a mystery and doubt in my heart.”

Romir could faintly understand Lei’s mood, as if he saw the scene of the great star rising beyond the sky.

Seeing that Romir couldn’t put away the gravity stone, Lei gave him something.

It is a strange box, but this box can only be opened with a gap, which is also the step for the initiation of the above ceremony.

Lomil took the box and asked, “What is this?”

Lei told him: “This is an ordinary storage item, but it can store the gravity stone, at least this way you don’t have to carry it so much trouble.”

Storage props were born after the storage fairy Saint Raphael came to the world, and it was the first time that the sky angel knew that there was such a magical thing in the world.

Romil activated the above ceremony, a gap was opened in the box, and after a ray of light shot out, the gravity stone was put in.

Open it again, and the gravity stone inside will reappear.

Lomir’s expression was very shocked, he looked at Lei: “Such a precious thing, can you really give it to me?”

Lei told Lomir: “This kind of ordinary storage box is not precious. It is a relatively common storage item on Ruhe Giant Island. For example, the remaining life of this storage box does not exceed ten years. After a year, the dimensional space anchored by this prop will be broken, and it will lose its function.”

“There are storage pockets that are more precious than it, because the material of the pocket is much more precious, and it is easier to carry.”

“There are also storage scrolls, as well as storage rings and bracelets.”

“Of course, those permanent storage items are the most precious.”

“It’s just such a permanent storage item, most item masters are reluctant to make it, and they don’t know how to make it at all.”

“And except for some specific inheritance items, or to place extremely important things, no one is willing to use it. Its cost is too expensive.”

If you can make the ancient puppet monster say the word expensive, you will basically know the price of this thing.

And from just such a storage item, Lomir can see the prosperity of the extraordinary power on the giant island of Ruhe.

And he really needs this thing very much, so he no longer refuses.

“Thank you so much.”

In the following time, Lei no longer hesitated and was confused.

The next day.

He announced that he would refine props.

Before Lei appeared, almost all the Yiren in Matalie’s capital came, and there were many Yiren capable people in the crowd.

At the moment they are standing in the crowd with all the other Wingmen, there is nothing special about them.

Either stand on the square, or stand on the roof or fly in the low sky, looking at the center of the square.

As soon as Lei came up, he didn’t have anything to say, and started refining the props directly.

He mainly used the magic gold as the skeleton, and the bone meal of the abyssal bone demon as the main body to refine the main structure.

Then use the way an alchemist handles materials, fusing more than a hundred kinds of extraordinary materials together to refine the core of the spell seal.

Finally, he will use the Wuling method to draw the surface map texture and the magic array texture.

In a way, Lei’s method of refining props can be said to be a combination of ancient and modern methods.

This is also the highest level that an ordinary prop master can achieve.

Looking at Lei’s skillful technique, the wingmen who came from afar were stunned.

They were not only amazed at the techniques and techniques that Lei used that they couldn’t understand, they were even more shocked that Lei actually showed such superb skills to them.

Although some core secret skills cannot be learned, at least Lei has shown a correct path to wingman power users and prop masters. This is even more precious to them than some core skills, because this The history of refining props representing Yiren will undergo iterative changes.

Everyone can’t imagine, because no matter which one has such a skill, it will definitely be treasured and not allowed to be snooped by anyone. It is enough to trigger a war.

But thinking that the other party is the favored person of a god, it suddenly makes sense.

“It’s really refining props in front of everyone.”

“The core of the curse seal, the skill of refining the core of the seal seal, he let us see it like this?”

“What curse seal is that?”

“I don’t know, but this method of refining the curse seal can definitely be used on the curse seal of the wind.”

Soon, Lei refined the main body of the prop and the core of the spell seal.

The two are combined into one, and the power of the curse seal can be seen immediately emanating from the prop, forming a strong coercion.

At this time Ray took out a piece of cloth.

There are maps and mysterious patterns drawn on the cloth.

Lei wrapped the cloth on the sphere, and the cloth spontaneously ignited and made a sound.

But along with the spontaneous combustion, there is also a surge of distorted extraordinary aura.

A powerful sealing force appeared, and the upper and lower ritual arrays of the square pressed down.


The cloth produced by the silk weaving spirit insect gradually burned out, but the extraordinary power inside and the patterns on it were printed on the sphere, with bright colors and colors at the same time.

At this point, this prop is finally made successfully.

This is a spherical magical prop, with a base underneath and a spherical shape that can be rotated at will.

Cheers immediately erupted from the crowd, and everyone watched Lei and applauded like thunder.

Many people even saluted on the spot to express their gratitude to Ray for his generosity and generosity.

Matale’s former Grand Duke Us also came over: “It’s so shocking, we never thought that there are so many skills in refining props.”

Lei also felt a little cautious in the face of such a big scene: “This is an ancient method of making props, but now alchemy is the mainstream.”

Uth asked: “Because their method is better and more powerful?”

Ray said: “Not necessarily, but their threshold is lower.”

“The alchemist casually finds a first-level servant or even an apprentice, and can start refining props with the help of the lamp of the divine deed and the fire of desire.”

“If a first-level alchemist is skilled enough, he may even have the opportunity to surpass his own limit and refine a second-level item.”

“It is difficult to do such a thing with this ancient method of making props.”

“So the art of making ancient props may not be eliminated, but it cannot prevent alchemists and alchemy from becoming the mainstream of this world.”

Us probably understands that this seems to be what happened when he governed this country.

One thing is substituted for another not necessarily because it is better, but because it is cheaper.

Us looked at the newly born item: “Does it have a name?”

Lei told Us: “The Circular Instrument, this is the name I named it.”

“It was born because of my theory of the circle of the earth, and the name is just right.”

The magical tool, the Earth Circle Instrument, was born.

And there is an additional description on the God’s Cup of the Kingdom of Creation God.

[Sacred Artifacts, Earth Circle Instrument]

【Serial Number 485】

[Ability 1 Map Record: It will perceive and record all the terrain information around itself, and it can also be branded and modified by others. It is a map that will continuously improve itself. 】

[Ability 2 Never get lost: It has the power to calculate its own position based on factors such as the sun, the angle of the stars, and the surrounding environment. It has the power to break most common obstacles. Those who possess it will never get lost. 】

[Ability 3 Sun Chaser Spirit: There is a sealed cursed spirit inside the Earth Circle Instrument, even if there is no owner, it will still chase the sun’s trajectory and explore the world. 】

Lei also walked towards the prop he made, reaching out to touch it.

And the moment his hand touched the globe, the spherical globe turned into a ray of light, covering Lei’s body.

Don’t know why.

He suddenly ran onto Lei’s head and put it on his head like a holster.

His face was just above the surface, and he was at a loss for this change.


“What happened?”

Lei recalled the last time he refined props, when he made a special flying machine.

It’s a pity that the aircraft fell into the black storm just after it was made.

However, after the production of the props was completed, his No. 1 Lei, No. 2, and No. 3 were embedded in the prop, forming a whole.

At this moment, this newly refined item unexpectedly ran to him on its own initiative, Lei suddenly had a kind of understanding.

“Demon spirits and props have a natural affinity. Does this represent the future power path of the demon spirit clan?”


In the high-altitude mansion.

Lei’s terrestrial instrument was placed aside, and behind him was the big-headed Monster No. 3 who seemed to be sleeping, and the kite Monster No. 2 was fluttering in the wind in front of the window.

As an ancient puppet monster, Lei has an immortal form.

But except for the body, it is still the same one made more than 200 million years ago, sharing the same consciousness.

As for the other parts, each life needs to be accumulated again.

However, this is not a problem for Lei. He still quickly rebuilt to the peak of the third level in this life, and it seems logical to break through the apostle.

But after reaching this step, he got stuck again.

The demon spirits are no longer in the form of the people of the Demon Abyss. They have transformed into another brand new form, attached to the Demon Spirit Pyramid.

The ancient method of divine grace no longer fits their power completely, and it is inevitable to find a new divine grace.

Sitting in front of the table, Lei suddenly spoke to his two partners.

“Number Two!”

“Number Three!”

“I seem to have found the steps for the demon spirit to become a divine favor.”

The apostle of the first era was also called the priest of grace, and sometimes Lei would habitually call him this in his spoken language.

No. 3 finally raised his head, and said in a buzzing voice: “Ah, Lei, are you finally going to become an apostle?”

The harnessed kite flew back and stayed at the window.

The voice is ethereal: “Lei, what kind of apostle do you want to be?”

Lei told No. 2 and No. 3 excitedly: “I think the new divine grace technique should maximize the potential of the demon spirits, and our strongest point is our affinity with props. different.”

“We can even insert props directly on ourselves, as an extension of our power.”

“So if we want to become priests of grace, we must first design a large composite prop that we want to build.”

“Then use yourself as a material in a way similar to making props, and manufacture the basic core of large-scale combined props, which is also our mythical organ.”

“Then use other props as their own plug-ins, the extension of the spiritual force field, embedded on the core, and finally create a super large prop.”

Ray continued to narrate his thoughts.

“Not only that, the demon family can even invite other demons to jointly create large-scale combination props.”

“As long as our strength is combined, the strength of our partners will be the strongest.”

“And we just have to work together.”

“In this world, there is no place that can stop our steps.”

Finally, Lei looked at the kite monster.

“Number Two.”

“Number Three.”

“I’m going to leave a place for the two of you on my mental power field and large combined props.”

“From now on, we will be completely bound together and will never be separated.”

“Would you like to?”

The kite demon told Lei: “Lei, don’t you want to go to the sun, I want to go too.”

“As long as I haven’t reached the sun, I will be by your side.”

Lei lay down in front of the window: “Ah, are you going to leave when you fly to the sun?”

The kite demon turned around: “At that time, it depends on whether you have any greater ideals.”

Lei thought for a while, and really couldn’t think of a greater ideal than this.

Big head No. 2 scratched his head and said, “Lei, whatever you say is what you say.”

He is too lazy to think, anyway, just follow Lei.

Receiving the support of his partners, Lei immediately began to design his future large-scale combination props in a hurry.

“We must design and manufacture a large-scale combination prop. This time, we must design it to be large enough. Even if it is not large now, it will definitely be large in the future.”

“It must be able to fly, and it must be able to fly very far, very high.”

Lei raised his sphere and shook it above his head.

“Take the sphere and inlay it on it.”

He pointed to the kite demon again: “Number two, you will always be my helmsman and my lookout.”

Then pointed to the monster with a big head: “Number three, you will always be the gunner in Lei’s adventure team.”


Lei held his head high, knocked on his iron skull, and made a bang bang sound.

“Although our goal is still full of difficulties and obstacles, it doesn’t matter.”

“Our adventure team will never disband.”


The Kingdom of the Creator God.

In the wonderland of storage.

This fairyland standing by the sea is not the only storage fairy in San Rafael. Later, several other forest fairies chose the path of storage, so they also put the rainbow tree Moved in here.

The new storage fairies stitched together their fairyland and San Rafael’s fairyland, so now this fairyland looks extraordinarily vast, with several extremely tall rainbow trees.

However, the most famous storage fairy in the world is still Saint Rafael, so most storage prop makers still sing the name of Saint Rafael, pray to her before making props.

So you can see that the rainbow tree in San Rafael is the largest here, and the flowers on it are also the most luxuriant.

Each flower on the storage fairy’s rainbow tree represents a small dimensional space.

It also means that in the world, a storage tool was born.

Every day.

Saint Rafael would come under his flower tree, look at the luxuriant flowers on his rainbow tree, and count the number.

It feels like a miser counting every gold coin in his warehouse.

But this is the happiest time for San Rafael every day, and she never tires of it.



But today, just as San Rafael started counting, he discovered something unusual.

She found out that the corolla of her rainbow tree had been crushed to a large extent.


Saint Raphael looked upwards and raised his head to the highest point.

Saint Raphael puffed up his cheeks, opened his mouth and blew a few times, as if he wanted to blow up the flower crown.

In fact, it is to forcefully control the crown of the rainbow tree to rise.

“Huh!” But after it was lifted up, it was immediately pressed down.

“Huh!” So San Raphael immediately tried again.

But it still doesn’t work.

San Rafael had to go a little farther to look seriously at the corolla above.


She looked left and right, and the more she looked, the more confused she became.

She found that her rainbow flower tree was indeed crushed in a large area, and even the branches were crooked, and she could even hear the creaking sound from it.

But no matter how she looked, she didn’t see anything on the corolla.

“What’s going on?”

Saint Raphael floated upwards, passing through the branches and flowers, wanting to see what was going on.

But just after flying up, a strong force of gravity suppressed it.


The power of the Ruhe giant **** Death Star dragged the unsuspecting San Rafael to the ground.

The storage fairy fell so hard that her **** almost broke into several petals.

“My ass.”


“Who attacked me?”

“The Hammer of Justice?”

“Is that you?”

“You are bullying, I did nothing.”

Santa Rafael is looking for the “criminal” everywhere, wondering if some bad goblin has come to harm poor San Rafael.

Later, it was even suspected that Hammer of Justice ran out of the White Tower, but no one was found at all. Hammer of Justice ignored her even in the White Tower, and never came out at all.

Saint Raphael rubbed his butt, extremely wronged.

I didn’t do anything bad, I just counted the flowers on the rainbow tree in my home, but I was also severely injured and attacked by someone.

“No, I must find that villain.”

Finally, San Rafael finally found the culprit of this situation in a rainbow tree flower.

“The power of life myth?”

“Here is Ruhe’s stuff?”

Saint Rafael puffed his cheeks.

These guys in the world are too bad to come up with such a way to sneak attack the great storage fairy.

“Who is it?”

“Mythical items dare to be placed indiscriminately.”

San Rafael immediately made up his mind that he must set the same rules in the future.

“In the future, things with mythical power will not be allowed to be put into ordinary storage items.”

“It can only be put into permanent storage items, and placed in the storage white tower.”

“Who dares to put mythical items in, the storage props and dimensional space will be broken immediately, don’t try to use my rainbow tree to share the pressure for you.”

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