I am God Chapter 480: : The Death of the Lizard Man Anu

Flame Guard City.

The torch was held high in the palace, and a large number of people came carrying a coffin and sent it to the depths of the palace.

The coffin was finally delivered to King Meurabi. A powerful general got up immediately after saluting, opened the coffin and said to the king.



King Morabi approached and took a closer look. Inside was the remains of the deputy commander’s body.

King Morabi’s face was solemn, and his eyes revealed the emotion of thinking.


“How did you die?”

Everyone present shook their heads, but no one knew.

The general replied: “I only know that he died because of the curse and pollution, but how he died, I don’t know yet, but Anu must have done it.”

King Morabi supported the coffin, and did not regret the death of the commander of the guards: “The preparations are still not enough, something went wrong.”

More than that, he immediately asked another waiter behind him, and made the next arrangement: “Have you sent all the letters to all the apostles and God’s Chosen?”

The waiter behind him: “Your Majesty, I have arranged…”

Suddenly, all the powerful people in the Suinhor Palace raised their heads and looked at the sky above the Fire Guard City.

“Someone is coming!” A person jumped directly onto the wall.

“Third level? Or fourth level?” More powerful people moved.

“That’s…” Someone saw a light above the sea of ​​clouds.

“Stable enchantment.” At this time, someone burst into a sharp cry.

It was a sword light that descended from the sky, and the light circled down, smashing into the palace as if it was about to tear the earth apart.


In an instant, the entire barrier was cut open, one after another ritual nodes burst open, and pieces of palaces and buildings collapsed.

Fusing with the Wind Lizard, Anu appeared as the Darkscale Giant.

He stood on the sky, holding the afterglow of the lunar eclipse and looked down.

There was a panic inside and outside the palace, and everyone moved.

“Stop him!”

“Protect His Majesty the King.”

“It’s the lizard man Anu.”

“He’s coming!”

Under the rage, Anu used all his strength to hurry, controlling the power of the dragon and the wind, and killed him in the palace.

However, in the panic, King Meurabi looked at Anu in the sky and didn’t dodge at all. Instead, he pushed away the guards around him and walked to the front to face him.

“Your Majesty the King!”

“Your Majesty the King!”

“Be careful…”

Everyone around was shouting, but Morabi still walked out.

He raised his hand and spoke.

“It’s all in front of us, can you still stop him?”

“Yes, Anu!”

The darkscale giant walked down from the height, he didn’t say a word, but the flame sword in his hand twisted and swung towards the bottom.


The flames set off a heat wave and rushed through the corridor in the palace, but when they reached King Meurabi, they split apart and headed towards both sides.

He spoke in a tone similar to that of the black dragon Anu, and asked the small and fragile mortal king.

“Aren’t you afraid of death, Morabi?”

King Meurabi was staggered by the heat wave, but he still held his head up and looked at Anu.

He saw that the Darkscale Giant’s eyes were red, burning like the flaming sword in his hand.

In Anu’s eyes, compared with before, compared with the ambitious Morabi who just came to the throne, this mortal king is even older.

The old style has been erased by the years and time, but the pair of eyes have never changed, but become sharper and more energetic with age.

King Morabi raised his hand and straightened the messy crown and hair on his head.

As he tidied up, he said: “Everyone is mortal. Fortunately, I know where I am going.”

The lizard man Anu stared at Morabi: “You know, you just destroyed the hope of eliminating the plague.”

King Meurabi: “Didn’t you bring the plague, Anu!”

The dark scale giant broke out in an instant, and said loudly to the other party: “I said, everything has nothing to do with me.”

King Meurabi asked back: “It has nothing to do with you, so it is false that you used corpses to refine totem poles?”

The darkscale giant held onto the flames tightly and told King Meurabi: “I did it to relieve the plague. Everything I did was to save people, to save people in the Moonlight Province.”

King Morabi: “Yes, all of this is for the snake man, and I am not for myself.”

King Morabi: “So I can’t trust anyone, let alone you are a lizard man.”

Anu: “Didn’t the lizard people also come from snake people? We used to be snake people too.”

King Morabi: “You also said, that was before.”

Anu looked at Morabi, and suddenly he understood something.

Compared to the plague, the lizardman and his threat are more than the plague to Morabi.

The plague is just a disaster, and it will eventually pass.

In Morabi’s view, the Lizardmen and the Snakemen are a dispute between races, a war between intelligent races.

This kind of contradiction is above all else, far better than plagues and natural disasters.

Anu also fully understood that from the very beginning his dream was just a delusion, Morabi never thought of coexisting with the Lizardmen, he was just using him.

His naive fantasy, the ridiculous idea that lizard people and snake people can live in peace, is impossible to realize, at least not in this era.

The darkscale giant raised his head and let out a low growl like a wounded beast. His voice changed from that of the black dragon Anu to that of the lizard man Anu.

After many blows, the string in his heart seemed to be broken.


“You idiot!”

“You idiot.”

“Everyone is looking at you like a fool, everyone thinks you are a fool.”

“You think you’re doing the right thing, but you’re really stupid.”

“What are you dreaming about?”

“What beautiful things are you thinking about?”

Anu’s heart was burning with rage, and the flames even spewed out from the scales of the dark scale giant, turning it into a flame giant.

“Why don’t you wake up!”

“Even if it’s a stupid beast.”

“A toothed beast.”

“Time to change too.”

At this moment, it seemed that there was a voice in his body roaring towards him, roaring towards him.

“Kill him!”

“Kill him!”

“Kill Morabi!”

“Kill him, and you can avenge your brother and everyone.”

“Kill him, and then you will sit on the throne and become the common king of the snake people and the lizard people.”

“Rule the country and change the world.”

The darkscale giant let out a roar: “Ah!”

Anu turned the sword, and the afterglow of the lunar eclipse pierced the sky and landed on Morabi.

Everyone who had been watching Anu’s every move moved, angrily and terrified, and ran towards King Morabi, wanting to rescue Morabi.

Someone even rushed over, trying to block Morabi directly.

But their movements are not as fast as Anu who controls the wind and fire, everything is already too late.

“How dare you!”


“Avenge His Majesty the King.”

Just after the flames died down, Moraby’s trembling voice came from inside.

“Stop it all for me.”

Only saw that Anu’s sword burned one of Morabi’s arms into ashes, and also burned his long hair into charred black, looking extremely distressed.

Anu’s hand holding the sword was shaking. At the last moment, he suppressed the anger and killing intent in his heart, and still chose other things deep in his heart.


King Meurabi made a painful sound, but he not only insisted on standing still, but even walked forward, talking loudly to Anu.

“Why don’t you kill me?”


The hand of the dark scale giant holding the flame sword tightly loosened slowly, and his arms hung down.

“Forget it!”

“Forget it!”

“I don’t care.”

“You are right, I am a lizardman.”

“No matter how many of you die, it has nothing to do with me.”

“The stability of this country has nothing to do with me.”

“What does it have to do with me, a lizardman?”

“I don’t care…I don’t care…”

Anu laughed loudly, with indescribable sadness and desolation in his laughter, as if the pillar of faith in his heart collapsed in an instant.

The light surged on the darkscale giant, and then the giant split into two shadows.

Anu untied the form of the darkscale giant, and rode on the wind lizard dragon, and the flame of rage in his hand finally turned into the color of silver dark flame.

Anu, who had recovered his lizardman form, looked at Morabi below, at the palace he guarded, the king he guarded.

“Didn’t you say in this palace that I am your right-hand man?”

“Now, your arm is gone.”

“You owe me this.”

After speaking, the wind lizard dragon spread its wings in the night, and the wind swept the sky.

The Wind Lizard rushed into the sky with a strong wind and left the Fire Guard City.

Morabi watched Anu, the lizard man, riding the wind lizard dragon away, disappearing into the night.

Immediately, a doctor rushed forward to help Morabi treat his injuries, but Morabi still stared at the sky firmly.

The minister in charge of the royal family shivered: “My lord, it was really dangerous just now!”

But King Meurabi said: “In fact, I would rather he kill me.”

King Meurabi told other people around him about his original plan.

“I have written to all the other apostles, and to the major temples, exposing to them the plan of the lizard people, the plan to devour Suinhor and change the snake people into lizard people.”

“As long as I die, all this will be fully confirmed.”

“This is the giant island of the snake people. No one can accept a lizard man as the protagonist.”

“As long as I die, the lizardman will die with it, and the threat will be released.”

“Not as it is now.”

At this time, Anu’s voice came from the wind.

“Don’t worry!”

“The Lizardman and I will leave, so you can guard your isolated island and be your lonely family!”


Amidst the wind, the last word Wang seemed extraordinarily heavy.

Morabi laughed, as if his words were meant for Anu to hear.

And now this answer is also the result he wants.

The minister in charge of the royal family looked at Morabi’s smile but felt a strong fear.

The mortal king in front of him is really not afraid of life and death. He treats everyone as pawns and bloodily eliminates all unstable factors.

Even for an existence like the lizard man Anu, once he loses his use value and becomes a threat, he will show no mercy.

Perhaps because of this, he was able to become Suinhor’s first mortal king!


The wind lizard flies across the land.

When passing a hill, the wind lizard dragon stopped.

Anu landed on the mountain, picked up the long sword in his hand and stuck it on the rock on the top of the mountain.

After finishing this matter, Anu turned and left without saying a word, as if he had no intention of taking the sword back at all.

He actually threw away this mighty sword.

However, at this time, a voice came from behind: “Did you find out?”

Anu didn’t seem to have any surprises, and turned around to look at the matte sword.

“Because I am Anu!”

“I will never bring disasters on other people who don’t want to be imprisoned because of my hatred.”

“This is my persistence, my will, which cannot be shaken by anyone.”

“You can’t change me, and you can’t shake me.”

The illusory shadow of the dark moon appeared behind the sword, and he leaned on the sword with one hand: “It sounds great, but it is stupid.”

Anu didn’t want to argue with Dark Moon: “People like you won’t understand.”

But An Yue still wants to say: “Human anger is a kind of power, the power to change fate. Because of anger and unwillingness, people have made various moves to break through fate.”

The reason why Dark Moon said these words was because he regretted that Anu didn’t kill King Meurabi just now.

“If you just kill Morabi, you may change your fate.”

“Even if he has a backup, you are not without a chance of winning. As long as you can ascend the throne and control this country, everything is possible.”

“You only need to master the power of the apostle, rely on the myth behind your back, and then use external forces…”

Dark Moon looked at Anu and shook her head.

“Unfortunately, you finally chose to give up.”

“What a great opportunity, enough to fight.”

The afterglow of the lunar eclipse shook, as if trying to struggle out of the stone, calling for Anu.

Dark Moon: “Anu, it’s not too late, you can go back.”

Anu is not moved at all, nor is he shaken by the “beautiful” future that Dark Moon said.

“But no matter who wins or who loses, what befalls this country and all the innocent people is pain and disaster.”

“This is not what I expected in the first place, nor is it what I want.”

After Anu said this, he ignored the dark moon and went away.

The phantom on the sword still said: “I thought we would become the same people.”

“It still looks like we’re not the same.”

A ray of light distorted, dragging the afterglow of the magic item, the lunar eclipse, into the dark vortex.

The abyss of the dark prison.

The flaming corpse on the throne grabbed the long sword, stroked it lightly, and sighed regretfully.

The other side.

Anu gave up everything he had gained through years of hard work, and returned to the volcanic forest.

He entered under the Feathered Serpent Pyramid in a daze.

The lizard man stopped and looked up, looking at the powerful power and enchantment emanating from the pyramid.

From the beginning.

It is not the lizard people who guard the pyramid, but the feathered serpent Kurmis who protects the lizard people.

Even if this pyramid is placed here, few people can break through it, but the lizard people have always relied on it to get through the weakest stage. Without the Kurmis lizard people, they couldn’t exist at that time.

Entering the pyramid, Anu knelt in the passage facing the golden seed pot of the Feathered Serpent.

He performed the ceremony skillfully and communicated with Kurmis’ memory.

He entered the fantasy forest full of various potions, and saw the golden-maned serpent with two wings coiled in the forest again.

It is as beautiful as a dream creature.

Anu walked up to the big snake and sat down cross-legged, and said to him respectfully.


“I’m back!”

Next, he reported the external changes to the other party as usual.

“Recently, you have added dozens of temples and shrines, and even in the new overseas world, people have begun to know your name.”

“You already have thousands of servants and countless believers.”

“It won’t be long before you can really wake up from your deep sleep and stand on the kingdom of God as a god.”

“It’s not like when we first came here, there was nothing.”


Anu has been talking a lot, recalling a lot of past events, but while talking, he suddenly found that many of them are no longer there.

Anu’s voice also became softer, and gradually he couldn’t even speak.

There is only sadness left.

After a while, Anu looked up.

“Master Kurmis, I am going to leave, and I am going to take all the lizardmen with me.”

“Are you going to leave with us?”

After listening to the story, Feathered Snake’s memory finally raised his head and opened his eyes slightly.


“Why do you want to leave, this is Ruhe Giant Island, our home.”

Anu said: “But this is no longer our home, it is no longer the home of the lizard people.”

The memory of Feathered Snake still said: “This is our home, our hometown.”

Kurmis’s memory didn’t answer his words directly, this is already an answer.

This represents the answer and obsession deep in Kurmis’ heart.

Anu seems to have known the answer a long time ago. He looked up at the shadow of the Feathered Serpent Kurmis, and said with a smile that didn’t seem to care.

“Sure enough, what about you, Mr. Kurmis!”

“You have nothing but guilt for us.”

Kurmis was the guard of Shana, the lord of Meiya, when he was young, and he spent his whole life as a monster.

He chased the goal of his life in the past, all he wanted was to become a snake man again.

Anu understands everything about Kurmis, understands Kurmis’ obsession and persistence, and even more understands Kurmis’ ideals.

Kurmis guards the lizardmen, but it doesn’t mean that he is willing to abandon the snakemen for the lizardmen.

That’s just his guilt towards the lizard people, his guilt towards Anu, because Kurmis wanted to make brown ball vines, and turned them from snake people into lizard people.

At the same time.

Kurmis is now completely bound to the belief of the snake people, and he needs these snake people if he wants to become a god.

Kurmis looked at Anu dully in his memory, and saw tears streaming down Anu’s face: “Why are you crying, Anu?”

The lizard man Anu told Kurmis: “Because you cannot walk with us, because you love the snake people more than us.”

Kurmis’ memory: “Did I say something wrong?”

Lizardman Anu: “Actually, you don’t have to feel guilty, you didn’t let us down.”

“At that time, we were willing. We also wanted to make brown ball vines, and we also wanted to be heroes.”

“It’s just that none of us knew at the beginning, it will be like this later.”

After Anu said this, he got up and left this memory world.

He walked away from the golden seed pot and walked outside.

Just walking to the other end of the passage, he suddenly felt something.

Anu turned around.

He suddenly saw the head of a huge feathered snake protruding from the void world, looking at him.

Anu saw the eyes of Kurmis, those huge golden snake pupils seemed to be shedding tears.

Anu froze for a moment, and asked what Kurmis had asked him just now.


“Why are you crying?”

The feathered snake’s shadow didn’t speak, but Anu grinned and showed the same innocent smile as when he was a boy.

At that time, he was still a snake man, and he could be happy for half a day after eating a piece of cake, and he carried a food box to and from Kurmis’ house every day.

They don’t know yet, so many stories will happen later.

“It doesn’t matter, Lord Kurmis!”

“I will take all the lizard people with me and live better in another place.”

“I will lead them to find our true future, our true belonging.”

After speaking, he didn’t stay any longer, and walked straight out of the Feathered Serpent Pyramid.

In the village of the Lizardmen.

Since Anu left the Feathered Serpent Pyramid, he has been very decadent.

He talked to Kurmis in the pyramid for a long time, and he seemed to have spoken out what he said deep in his heart.

But after telling everything, it seemed that Anu’s heart was also emptied.

There is nothing left.

Anu has been lying on the bed in the room, refusing to go anywhere.

He seems to want to stay asleep like this until the end of time.

And all the lizardmen and children in the lizardman village are busy, and they are preparing to leave Ruhe Giant Island according to Anu’s instructions.

There are two leaving plans, and they are divided into two hands to prepare.

The first plan is to get in touch with the Evil people who control the Evil waterway, and use them to go to the new world. There are many unknown places on that continent, and the lizard people can find a place to open up their homes.

The second plan is to build a portal. Anu once got a key from the door fairy Rosa. The door fairy told him that this door leads to the distance and hope. This door has already been built before, but Anu didn’t expect it to be used here.

Soon, the Evelians from afar also sent a letter through the rainbow tree, and they had a ship ready for them.

It’s just that they have just set off from the Evil Peninsula, and it will take a while to arrive.

After some time passed, the portal was built.

But Anu didn’t have the slightest desire in his heart, he was like a lizard that got into a hole in the ground, curled up in a ball and ignored the outside world.

This day.

A lizard man came outside and knocked on the door: “Chief Anu, the portal has been built!”

Anu, the lizard man lying on the bed with his back to the door, replied: “Oh!”

The lizard man outside said again: “But we can’t open the portal.”

Anu could only get up, put on a layer of clothes indiscriminately, and took the key to the portal.

But Anu, who has no hope and motivation in his heart, how could he open this door.

He stuffed the key into the hole and turned it weakly for a long time, but the door remained unmoved.

But Anu didn’t care, he turned around as if he didn’t care, and opened his hands to all the lizardmen, looking relaxed.

“It’s okay, I have prepared a boat!”

“At that time we can go to sea by boat.”

Anu walked back lazily like this, and all the lizardmen saw that Anu, who was always full of vigor and motivation in the past, became like this, and didn’t know what to say.

At this moment, a lizardman stood up and told Anu one thing.

“Patriarch Anu, the plague of death demon disease has spread to Meiya Province, do you want to go out and have a look?”

Anu’s figure paused for a moment, and the other people behind him couldn’t see his face, they could only hear his voice.


“Look at the fart!”

“It’s none of our business!”


Lime city outside the volcanic forest.

The plague of death demon disease has spread here, and you can see that there are sick and mourning people everywhere in the city.

Pedestrians on the street walked in a hurry, everyone walked along the side, everyone wrapped themselves tightly, and did not dare to approach anyone at all.

The caravans that came here in an endless stream in the past are gone now.

“Hurry up!” Some selected low-status corpse transporters, those who carried the corpse hurried past the street and transported them outside the city.

“These few are still alive, carry them in.” Several new patients were thrown onto the square.

“What should I do? It’s hopeless.” The doctors in the square were powerless. Some primary symptoms have recently been relieved by some magic spells, but this price is not affordable for ordinary people.

“There’s no other way, that’s the only way to go.” But those in front of them were obviously serious, and the doctors present had no choice but to say.

In front of the temple, on the square, on the streets, there are sick people and corpses everywhere.

The arrival of a natural disaster like the plague is like a flood that has destroyed an ant’s nest for mortals.

There is nothing we can do but wait for the flood to pass.

Anu, the lizard man, appeared on the walls of Lime City at some point. He said he didn’t want to see it, but he couldn’t help it in the end.

He watched the scenes happening in the city, looking at those snake people, with a blank face and empty eyes.

He has always felt that he is a snake-man, even after becoming a lizard-man, sometimes he would forget that he is no longer a snake-man.

But later, he became more and more confused about who he was.

“I am Anu the snake man?”

“Or the lizard man Anu?”

“Or the magic knight Anu?”

At this time, another shadow suddenly appeared behind him, a shadow that was completely invisible to others.

The shadow added a sentence later: “It’s still the dragon Anu!”

I don’t know when, as the lizard man Anu himself changed more and more, his resistance to the black dragon Anu became less and less.

As a result, the black dragon Anu also began to slip out from the crack in his heart from time to time.

Sometimes it will appear directly in front of him.

The shadow behind said to the lizard man Anu, stretched out his finger and pointed down: “Don’t you like to meddle in your own business, why don’t you care?”

It seems that two people are having a conversation, but in the eyes of outsiders, it is just the lizard man Anu who is talking to himself.

The lizard man Anu looked at Lime City indifferently, watching the tragedy of the plague in the city: “It doesn’t matter now.”

The shadow asked again: “Do you really care?”

Lizardman Anu: “I really don’t care.”

The black dragon Anu laughed out loud, as if he was mocking the lizard man Anu.

“The power of time will change you and me, and everything.”

“It’s just that you are too fast.”

“I used to be, you are more fragile than I imagined!”

The lizard man Anu didn’t bother to pay attention to his ridicule: “The totem poles are all broken, I can’t control it.”

After the magical props, the ancestor totem pole, was shattered, the lizard man Anu took it back, but it is not a matter of time to recast it, and the current lizard man Anu is not in a bad mood. cast.

The black dragon Anu said again: “Isn’t there another way, you know it!”


Without the totem pole, Anu has another way.

The lizard man Anu can accept the memory power of the black dragon Anu and completely transform himself.

But after that, he was no longer the lizard man Anu, but the black dragon Anu.

He is no longer a magic knight, but a black dragon.

He will walk on the road of the black dragon again, repeating another life trajectory.

The black dragon Anu saw that the lizard man Anu did not speak for a long time: “Why, are you so afraid of becoming me?”

The lizard man Anu suddenly fell silent.

Because he found that although he was afraid of becoming the black dragon Anu in his heart, in fact he was gradually becoming the black dragon Anu.

He remembered what the black dragon Anu had said before.

“The power of time and time will eventually make you me.”

“One day, you will abandon your ideals and forget about justice.”

“In the end, even the enmity engraved in the flesh and blood, the engraved hatred.”

“It’s all gradually forgotten.”

He asked the black dragon Anu: “Is it just the power of the years?”

Black Dragon Anu: “Maybe you have problems yourself.”

“In this real world, your innocent dreams cannot be tolerated.”


“It’s time to embrace this cruel world, this imperfect world.”

“Abandon your naive thoughts.”

The black dragon Anu once again shook the lizard man Anu’s heart with what the lizard man Anu had said in front of King Meurabi.

“I have tasted the pain so many times, why don’t you wake up!”

“Even if it’s a stupid beast.”

“A toothed beast.”

“Time to change too.”

The lizard man Anu walked down the city wall, passed by the empty streets and alleys, and walked towards the outside of the city.

At this time, on the street, a young man was dragging a trailer towards the square with all his strength, and there was still a cheap thorn ball monster floating on his shoulder.

He yelled heart-piercingly toward the square.

“Help her, save her!”

“Help my mother, hurry up!”

“What about people, come here!”

But the city is completely in chaos at this time, patients are everywhere, and there is no time to treat them.

As for how dare other people come to help him, people avoid the sick.

At this time, the other party saw the lizard man Anu standing in the alley.

He stopped suddenly, and seemed to recognize Anu’s back.

“Is that you?”

“Master Anu!”

Anu’s body trembled suddenly, and he also recognized who the other party was.

That was the first batch of apprentices who joined the Temple of Harvest in Lime City when it was first established, the magic knight apprentices who were granted power by Anu himself.

Recalling his extraordinary memory, he can still recall the scene where the other party looked at him adoringly.

“Master Anu, I heard that you once sealed the king of ghouls with King Osis?”

“Master Anu, when will we be as strong as you.”

The lizard man Anu lowered his head and quickened his pace: “You have misunderstood the person.”

The other party caught up and asked Anu, “Don’t you recognize me?”

“Master Anu?”

“They all said that you brought the plague to this world, is this true?”

The lizard man Anu turned around: “Do you believe it?”

The other party shook his head: “I don’t believe it.”

The lizard man Anu laughed, his laughter was touched, but it was also extremely bitter.

“Thank you.”

He was very moved, at least some people were willing to believe him, although it was useless.

With a wave of Anu’s hand, a ray of light rushed into the body of the opponent’s mother.

“Send it to the temple in Meiya City now, and find a second-level **** attendant to perform the purification magic, there is still time.”

The other party lay down on the ground to thank Anu, and at the same time looked at Anu’s back and said loudly.

“You said so.”

“Gods will bring food, potions and monsters to the world, and one day the gods will fly out from under the volcano and spread the harvest and magic power to the world.”

“And together with him, we will dispel all the hunger and disasters in this world and gain true happiness.”

“We will create an ideal world together with the gods.”

“I don’t believe that people who can say such things will bring disaster to this world.”

The young man also made the pose that Anu once made. At that time, he really believed that he could create such a world with the gods, and his every move seemed to be shining.

But at this moment, the lazy and decadent lizardman whispered mockingly: “The so-called ideal is that it does not exist at all.”

Anu headed back towards the volcanic forest, in a trance.

What the young man said kept echoing in his ears, reminding him of the past.

Those who have said the words over and over again, those who have insisted on the beliefs and vows over and over again, those who blindly follow their side.

The faces of lizardmen and snakemen reappeared, including Anu’s deputy leader who died not long ago.

Walking and walking.

Anu felt more and more uncomfortable.

At the end, he stopped suddenly.


“Why did it become like this?”

“I just… just want everyone to be well, I want everyone not to go hungry, and everyone to be able to live happily and peacefully.”

“Whether it’s a snake man or a lizard man.”

“Is this wrong too?”

He stood for a long time, turned around and walked out of the forest, as if he wanted to return to Lime City.

At this time, the shadow behind him called out to him.


“What do you want to do?”

The lizard man Anu turned sideways and looked at his other self.

The self that does not exist.

He raised his head slowly, and the expression and eyes of the past reappeared on his face.

He who has always been extremely dull and decadent finally showed a smile.

The pair of eyes regained their spirits again, becoming serious and persistent.

He finally made a certain decision, and finally breathed a sigh of relief, which made him feel as if he was alive again.

He said to another self: “Let me be the stupid Anu one last time.”

He stretched out his hand, raised a finger, and grinned.

“Just, one last time.”

After speaking, he quickly walked outside, gradually turning into running.

During the running, Anu’s figure began to change little by little.

A powerful force reversed his original power, gathered his extraordinary power, and that power gathered into a magic crystal on his forehead, and gradually portrayed a mimetic shadow in the magic crystal .

He is walking towards another extraordinary path, that power is extremely powerful, and it is a perfect mimetic template that has been gradually formed after countless years of accumulation.

I only saw that he changed from the magic knight Anu to the lizard man Anu.

Then he changed from the lizard man Anu to the snake man Anu.

He even gradually changed into his youthful appearance.

And the shadow that had been talking to him swelled up behind Anu, and gradually turned into a huge black dragon.

The black dragon said to Anu: “What’s the point?”

“No one will thank you!”

“No one knows what kind of efforts you have made for them, no one knows what price and sacrifice you have paid.”

“Even people who know the truth will only laugh at you.”

“Laugh at your stupidity, say you are stupid.”

Anu, who turned into a snake man, ran on the ground, laughing heartily while still talking.

“If everyone in this world is so smart, what’s the point?”

“Because some people are so stupid, isn’t it interesting just because some people are so stupid?”

The snake Anu twisted his tail and slid fast. He hadn’t tried to walk with his tail for too long. He seemed to have forgotten what kind of person he used to be.

He rushed out of the forest cheering, and finally stood under the sun.

Facing the wind, he opened his arms.

The sun was shining brightly, as if it shone into the bottom of Anu’s heart.

“Fit in this world?”


At this moment, his expression changed in an instant.

He shouted at the hillside with an expression of never admitting defeat, as if he was screaming at the world.

“I don’t want to admit defeat with this world, I don’t want to be changed by this world and time.”

“Let me stay in the present, forever and ever in the present!”

The sound echoed in the valley and spread to the world.

The young snake man Anu looked at the black dragon, held his head up and looked at him mockingly, and said with an extremely disgusted and contemptuous expression.

“Black Dragon Anu!”

“You who have been assimilated by this world, you who have been changed by the years.”

He shook his head, inhaled deeply through his nose and exhaled again.

“It’s really… really bad!”

The black dragon Anu looked at the young snake man Anu in astonishment.

I don’t know why, even after hundreds of thousands of years, something shattered in his heart at this moment.

He stood there in a daze, tears pouring out of the dragon’s eyes continuously.

He didn’t feel sad for a long time, but he was full of regrets.


The shadow of the black dragon completely entered Anu’s body.

Anu accepted all the memories of the black dragon, and completely integrated with the black dragon.

The magic knight’s power was discarded, a magic crystal was born in the brain, and the black dragon template was engraved.

Anu’s appearance changed wildly, and in the light, he turned into a “perfect” black dragon, a fourth-order black dragon.

The lizard man Anu died, and only the black dragon Anu remained.

The black dragon closed his eyes and spoke.

“Is it too bad?”

“You say I’m inferior?”

“Aren’t I just you?”

But now, there is no other response from him.

The black dragon Anu opened his eyes, looking at the world, he turned his head to look at the lizardman’s village.

“At least, there are lizard people in this world.”

“The lizard people are still there.”

The black dragon vibrated its wings, setting off violent smoke and dust.

The movement was so loud that it could even be seen in Lime City.

Everyone watched in horror as a giant flew out of the forest in the distance.

The huge black dragon flew out of the volcanic forest, swept over the sky of Lime City, and flew towards the distance.


The black dragon roared, and countless black mist in the whole city gushed out from the bodies of those patients, rushed towards the sky, and poured into the black dragon’s body.

Just found a brand new large trailer in the city, and the young magic knight who put his mother on the trailer also saw this scene.

He looked at the sky in astonishment, not understanding where the other party came from.

But watching the black dragon fly across the sky, the black spots on his mother’s body gradually disappeared, and the plague was cured like this.

He suddenly understood something: “Lord Anu!”

The young magic knight watched the black dragon circle over the city for a few times, and then flew to the next city.

The black dragon flew over Suinhor, swallowing endless plagues into its body.

He is the plague and death.

It is disaster incarnate.

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