I am God Chapter 474: : Dragons and Dragonmen

The Continent of Nothingness.

A young lizardman headed towards the legendary Feilong Mountains. He was covered with animal skins and held short weapons in his hand to drive away those man-eating beasts.

It is said that in the depths of the Feilong Mountains and forests, there is a flying dragon tens of meters long and a knight who can control the dragon. They have very powerful power.

He wants to go there to find a powerful force and a solution to the death demon disease.

Every once in a while in his hometown, some Lizardmen would die due to a large-scale outbreak of the death demon disease, and he wanted to solve this problem.


There are rolling mountains and jungles full of towering giant trees.

The young lizardman raised his head and strode into the depths of the jungle, not at all afraid of the darkness and depth of the jungle, as well as the roars of those man-eating beasts.

For some reason, he always felt that something in the forest was calling him.

The lizardman overcame obstacles all the way, and finally came to the deepest part of the mountain range, where he saw the legendary totem pole.

“Found it!”

However, when he excitedly approached, all he saw was the corpse of a wind lizard dragon and the dead bones of another lizardman.

Looking at all this, the young man was both surprised and surprised.

“So they are already dead?”

“It’s normal, after all, it’s been more than a hundred years.”

The young man couldn’t help but stepped forward to touch the quaint totem pole, inspecting the patterns on it, and said with curiosity and excitement.

“What a big pillar, this pillar is definitely not ordinary.”

“There must be some secret hidden inside.”

Suddenly he saw a sword under the pillar, so he stretched out his hand and drew it out.

“This sword!”

“Why does it feel so familiar?”

Holding the sword, the young man felt a strong sense of familiarity.

And when he pulled out the sword, the tall totem pole in front of him moved.

The pillar shook violently, emitting rays of light; a huge shadow spread its wings and flew out, hovering around the totem pole and him.

The young man held his sword and shouted: “Who are you?”

But looking at the shadow, he suddenly changed his words: “Are you human?”

The shadow told the young man: “I am the consciousness spirit of the totem pole, your former partner.”


Anu on the giant island of Ruhe has been asleep, waiting for the end of everything.

What is coming now is Anu on the void continent.

The young man was very surprised: “How do you know my name?”

“You know me?”

Spirit of the Totem Pole: “Of course, it’s just that you forgot something.”

Youth: “Why should I forget, then how can I remember?”

The Spirit of Consciousness of the Totem Pole: “Only when you become a myth will you find your true self.”

Anu of the Void Continent: “Myth?”

“Real self?”

Seeing that the spirit of consciousness on the totem pole didn’t mean to hurt him, and looked very friendly and familiar with him, Anu put down the sword in his hand and asked him various questions.

Through a conversation from day to night, Anu knew that he was the corpse on the ground, but he had forgotten the past because he had entered reincarnation.

It was only then that he understood why he wanted to come here so persistently, and why he had an inexplicable sense of familiarity with everything here and this sword.

The spirit of the totem pole in front of him is the flying dragon in the legend.

Moreover, he can understand those terms that seem very complicated and difficult to understand after listening to them once.

Anu asked the consciousness spirit of the totem pole: “So, follow our plan.”

“You become the spirit of the totem pole, the core prop of the power of the magic beast and the magic knight.”

“And after I enter reincarnation, I will come back here to reawaken you now, and then create a large number of monsters.”

“Afterwards, I will enshrine and repay you with the spar of Warcraft, and finally make you a mythical item.”

“And I entered reincarnation, embarked on the orthodox path of mythology, and at the same time guided the lizardmen to become stronger, right?”

Standing under the totem pole, he opened his mouth wide, and his eyes were full of excitement and shock.

Anu was a little excited, he didn’t expect that he would be the legendary dragon knight, and he would bear such a great mission and have such a bright future.

Compared to what the other party said, compared to the generational reincarnation plan between the two of them based on civilization and race, the stars above their heads seemed to have dimmed a lot.

Because this plan is related to becoming a god, it is related to civilization, and it spans at least ten thousand years.

“That’s right!”

“There is only one kind of totem spirit in the totem pole, the totem spirit of the Warcraft Wind Lizard Dragon. Although we can create a steady stream of Wind Lizard Dragon now, this is not our goal.”

“Our purpose is to create a holy beast, the first monster with a fourth-order personality, a monster with a long lifespan.”

“That’s a holy beast.”

When speaking of this, the Spirit of Consciousness of the Totem Pole emphasized it a bit.


Anu looked at the huge remains of the wind lizard dragon beside him: “Aren’t you a dragon before?”

The Spirit of Consciousness of the Totem Pole: “This is just a wind lizard, far from being a real dragon.”

Anu: “Dragon, how big is that?”

The Spirit of Consciousness of the Totem Pole: “Spread your wings, at least one hundred meters above, stand taller than the tallest tree in the forest; the shadow cast from the sky can envelop an entire village. “

“It can turn into a storm with a flick of its wings, and turn the jungle into ashes with a mouthful of flames.”

Anu couldn’t imagine such a terrifying existence, but he felt excited and excited: “Can it cure the death demon disease?”

The Spirit of Consciousness of the Totem Pole: “It has a lifespan of a thousand years. Isn’t it able to solve a plague and disease for such a long time?”

“And for you, a thousand years is not enough, so spend another thousand years.”

“As long as you have strong power and endless life span, you can naturally do whatever you want.”

Anu rose to his feet, knowing what he meant without speaking, and he wanted to have this power.

The consciousness spirit of the totem pole went on to say: “Only by cooperating with the fourth-order giant dragon and the mimic spiritual force field of the totem pole, the map of life evolution, and the power of the totem spirit, can one continuously pursue one’s bloodline The power of the depths, digging out the power of the ancestors.”

“Thus constantly perfecting oneself and possessing a more powerful form.”

“In the end, it can even transform from a giant dragon again and become a mythical dragon.”

“And if you keep mimicking, the life evolution map in the ancestor totem pole will gradually light up, thus giving birth to more totem spirits, so that more types of monsters can be created .”

Anu couldn’t wait to ask: “What do I need to do, or how can I do this?”

The shadow of the spirit of consciousness on the totem pole emerged, and its claws touched Anu’s forehead.

He began to tell Anu their complete plan, telling the other party how to implement it, from becoming a powerful person, to creating a holy beast, and controlling the power of the totem pole.

“No, I can’t hold it anymore.”

As he spoke, the spirit of the totem pole consciousness suddenly felt extremely heavy in his heart, and a wave of drowsiness hit him deep in his heart.

He understood that he was about to fall into a deep sleep again.

Although he has been sleeping for so many years, he has not accumulated much power, and these original powers are not used for consumption in this way.

After some explanations, he passed on knowledge and memory through power, and at the same time awakened the other party’s power, he gradually couldn’t bear it anymore.

He hurriedly speeded up. Although some details have not been transmitted yet, the main things have been told to Anu, and he thinks there should be no problems.

While transmitting knowledge and awakening the other party’s power, he exhorted.

“This is our plan, I’m going to sleep.”

“I haven’t become a real mythical prop yet, so I can’t stay awake all the time, so it’s up to you.”


He still wanted to say something, but his consciousness gradually fell into silence.

At this time, Anu asked.

“So we want to create holy beasts, and then perform mimicry again and again, and finally create more monsters?”

The Spirit of Consciousness of the Totem Pole: “That’s right…more monsters…more powerful forms…more reincarnation and evolution.”

After that, there was no more sound.

The spirit of the totem pole fell into a deep sleep again, and Anu stood under the totem pole with his hands clenched, his blood boiling.

In the middle of the forest.

Anu took out his divine blood according to the method taught to him by the spirit of the totem pole consciousness, transformed it through the totem pole, and then bestowed it on himself.

The light surged, and a corner of the life evolution map appeared.

The lizard map emerged, and a totem spirit evolved from it.

The totem spirit of the wind lizard dragon emerged, fused with Anu’s mythical blood, and then imprinted on Anu’s body.

Subsequently, a stone gradually grew on Anu’s head.

That’s right, a magic crystal grew directly from his head.

In an instant, Anu’s figure changed dramatically.

He did not become a magic knight, but turned himself into a monster.

He began to mimic the appearance of the wind lizard, but because his prototype was not a swamp lizard, but a lizardman, the template of the wind lizard didn’t exactly match him.

So his form gradually distorted, turning into a black monstrous lizard dragon.

This moment.

History has gone for a fork, and it has also deviated from the plan that the two had planned before.

Lying on the ground, Anu, who had turned into a black lizard, panicked.

“What happened?”

“How did this happen, how did it become like this?”

Unfamiliar with his new appearance and body, he crawled on the ground frightened and frantic.

He soared into the sky, he flew into the distance at a loss, looking at his own reflection as he skimmed across the water.

“I turned into a monster?”

“Did I make a mistake, or did something go wrong?”

Anu was terrified, terrified.

He didn’t know if he was going wrong, or if it should have been like this.

After the panic, it took several days for Anu to finally calm down and find a solution.

“It doesn’t matter, I can still become a holy beast according to the spirit of consciousness on the totem pole.”

“As long as I become Tier 4, I can change my form and become a god.”

In Anu’s eyes, the form of God must be a very stalwart lizard man form.

In the forest, Anu worked hard day and night to practice.

He quickly recovered his own power from his body, the power has always been there, but he forgot how to use it.

A few years later, he became the peak of the third order.

And under the power of the totem pole, Anu began to try to become the fourth order.

Under the ancestor totem pole.

The moment he used the divine grace technique to become the fourth-order, Anu’s body also began to change, and the entire form, including the magic crystal, began to distort.

Embracing the power of the totem pole, Anu manipulates the ritual.

“Mimic mental force field!”

“Pursue the blood of my ancestors and empower me.”

A powerful spiritual force field emanated, and Anu’s black lizard dragon shape was continuously distorted, gradually turning into an egg-like appearance.

What’s more important is the change of the magic crystal. The brand of the wind lizard dragon in the magic crystal was erased, and more things were recorded.

His mimicry is no longer that of a wind lizard, but a more perfect form.

A black shadow is reflected in the magic crystal.

It was a giant dragon, a black dragon.

In the mimic mental force field, the egg-like object instantly swelled and transformed into a black dragon with a wingspan of more than 100 meters.

The black dragon Anu opened his mouth, and horrible flames spit out from his mouth.

The wind and fire entangled and turned into a fire tornado.


This is the harvest of mimicry this time.

A strange organ grew out of the black dragon’s neck, which could secrete a black oil-like substance.

I don’t know which one of the ancestors of the lizardman possessed this power, but after being strengthened with mimicry and wisdom, the black dragon is given the power to control and breathe strange dragon flames.

The black dragon Anu made a satisfied sound, flapping its wings in the sky.

“Very good!”

“This is the power of dragon fire.”

As he tried his strength, it rained, but his fire remained unaffected.

“I’m not even afraid of the water, even the rain can’t extinguish it.”

He didn’t immediately perform the next mimicry, because mimicry can’t be used indefinitely.

Every time it is performed, the mimicry information in the magic crystal will change, and more things will be recorded.

It will have a new look and form, as well as a new natural ability.

In a sense, every mimicry is equivalent to a new life.

When he plans to use the four-point secret technique to reincarnate a hundred years later, he will perform the next mimicry.

By the way, let’s see if the spirit of consciousness on the totem pole has awakened after a hundred years.

After turning into a black dragon, Anu couldn’t wait to start another ceremony.

“God Form Ritual!”

“According to this ceremony, I can become an apostle.”

After the stone ceremony, Anu changed from a black dragon to a naked man, but it was somewhat different from the legendary **** figure. There was a dragon’s tail behind Anu.

However, after turning into the form of a god, Anu was not very happy.

He looked at his reflection in the water and made a suspicious sound.

He never thought that the long-awaited God’s form would look like this.

“What kind of monster is this?”

Although I don’t like it very much, this form is really suitable for ordinary actions, and the black dragon’s body is too huge.

Anu flew towards him contentedly. He already had the power, and he was going to change his hometown next.

But when Anu returned to his hometown, he found that all the people in the tribe had died.

The black dragon Anu looked at the dilapidated and dead village, the uncontained bones, and the wilderness where wild beasts were rampant, and looked into the distance.

“The plague of death demon disease!”


Time flies, a thousand years later.

The consciousness spirit of the totem pole finally awakened again.

And a black dragon like a hill lying beside the totem pole also raised its head and made a sound.

“You finally woke up.”

The former Feilong Mountain Range has become the Demon Dragon Mountain Range, and various dragon beasts have appeared in the mountain range.

During the millennium, Anu performed eleven mimicry.

His black dragon form has also undergone tremendous changes, with dragon horns growing on his head, a special mandible, armor like steel, and various special organs growing in his body .

His form became more and more perfect, and his strength became stronger and stronger. He possessed more than a dozen fourth-level innate divine arts.

Accompanied by his imitation, eleven new kinds of monsters appeared on the magical props, the ancestor totem pole. At the same time, because this kind of monsters derived from the blood of lizards, they were also called sub-dragons.


The wave of light continued to pass, covering a small half of the mountain range.

A powerful force killed the monsters in the mountains, and the power of those magic crystals was also extracted and integrated into the totem pole.

Countless monsters were devoured by the spirit of the totem pole. After a thousand years of waiting and accumulation, they were harvested at this moment.

But this is not enough, it is far from enough for him to board the mythical prop.

Subsequently, the consciousness spirit of the totem pole woke up.

The spirit of the totem pole looked around. It seemed that there was not much change here, and it was still a quiet valley full of green plants.

Only one black giant dragon was lying beside the totem pole, looking at him like this.

The spirit of consciousness on the totem pole sensed Anu from the fluctuation of consciousness, and immediately asked in a lazy voice.

“How many years have passed?”

But when he really looked at Anu, he was stunned by his appearance.

“No, you are Anu?”

“How did you become like this?”

The black dragon made a thick voice. After a thousand years, his voice became indifferent and vicissitudes.

After the passage of time and the changes of the world, he is no longer the one he used to be.

“Like this?”

“Isn’t the holy beast you mentioned, the giant dragon supposed to look like this?”

The Spirit of Totem Pole Consciousness: “You yourself became a dragon?”

The Spirit of Totem Pole Consciousness sensed that there might be some mistakes, but in his opinion, this was just an experiment and not a big problem.

Even if there is a problem, they will have a long time in this world to reverse it.

“According to the plan, you should be the king of the lizard people now, or even the **** in their eyes!”

“Where are the magic knights, there should be many magic knights?”

In the eyes of the spirit of the totem pole, Anu who possesses such a powerful force can do such a thing with ease.

The black dragon Anu raised his head and looked at the shadow behind the totem pole: “Demon knight, what magic knight?”

The spirit of the totem pole found out: “Didn’t you receive it?”

The black dragon Anu has already noticed some problems, and asked at this moment: “So, the knowledge you passed on to me was not complete?”

The Spirit of Totem Pole Consciousness did not hide: “Before I became a myth, I had a limited time to wake up each time, and it took a lot of energy to transmit knowledge, and I didn’t have much accumulation.”

“The last time I passed on the main knowledge to you, I fell into a deep sleep.”

Anu stared stubbornly at the shadow behind the totem pole, and did not speak for a long time.

After a long time.

The black dragon lowered his head and told the spirit of the totem pole consciousness: “It has been more than one thousand and one hundred years since we last met.”

Even the spirit of the totem pole consciousness felt a sense of embarrassment at this moment: “In the blink of an eye, more than a thousand years have passed?”

The black dragon asked: “Is it very long?”

Totem Pole Spirit of Consciousness: “It’s been long enough.”

The black dragon shook his head: “You haven’t experienced it yourself, you just slept in this pillar.”

The two fell into silence. After a long time, the black dragon Anu finally talked about what happened during the thousand years.

Over a thousand years have passed, the lizard people have established a great civilization, and they have established one country after another on this void continent.

“After I returned to my hometown, I found that the plague broke out again, and everyone died in the plague.”

“If I’m not around the totem pole, I can only change into the shape of a black dragon and a god.”

“I walk everywhere, everyone is afraid of me, sees me as a monster, thinks I’m a different kind.”

Spirit of Totem Pole Consciousness: “How could the form of God be…”

Suddenly, the consciousness spirit of the totem pole froze and became speechless.

He suddenly realized that there is no snake man, no gods, and no concept of the shape of a **** in this world.

For them, the so-called God’s form is nothing more than an ugly monster.

The black dragon Anu on the side didn’t know what the other party was thinking, he said to himself, as if he was immersed in his past, the millennium years.

“But this is not a big problem. I think that as long as I work hard, I will be able to make everyone agree with me one day.”

“I believe that as long as I get rid of the death demon disease, everything will go on the right track, as we planned.”

Spirit of Totem Pole Consciousness: “So, you have solved the death demon disease?”

This is the first goal of the lizard man Anu when he came to this world.

Black Dragon Anu: “No, because there is no need to solve it.”

The spirit of the totem pole consciousness is a little confused: “What does this mean?”

The black dragon Anu told him: “Because the death disease has become an extraordinary power now, all the extraordinary people on this continent use the control of the death disease to perform various divine spells.”

“They no longer fear the death demon disease, and even regard it as a gift from the gods.”

“And these superhumans who possess the power of the death demon disease call themselves priests of the abyss.”

The spirit of the totem pole was completely stunned: “Abyss priest?”

The spirit of the totem pole did not expect that this name could be heard in this world.

The black dragon Anu continued: “Those black demon diseases are not just plagues, they are alive, and I can feel that there is a very powerful existence behind them.”

When the spirit of the totem pole heard the name Priest of the Abyss, he vaguely guessed who he was.

“So did you find that existence?”

Black Dragon Anu: “I didn’t find her, she doesn’t seem to exist at all, or she is everywhere.”

“But I can feel that she is getting stronger and stronger, and this plague is constantly changing.”

“She is going through the death demon disease, devouring the world.”

“When I was young, how could I tolerate such a situation.”

“This guy used the plague to kill my family and my people, and now he wants to use the plague to enslave all the lizardmen.”

“So I fought her, I tried everything to destroy her, and I wanted to save everyone from her hands.”

“I fought against her power a few times, and every time I fell into a disadvantage.”

“I have no way to deal with her, even the two sides fought several times, and I couldn’t even see her real face.”

“Her existence and form are too weird.”

“She seems to be in another world.”

During the words, the black dragon Anu’s words were flat, and he didn’t feel any emotion at all.

It is completely different from the young self in his words.

Spirit of Totem Pole Consciousness: “So the magic knight we planned was not born, but let the death demon disease occupy this world instead?”

The black dragon Anu nodded, and then talked about what happened next.

“In the process of fighting against the master of the death demon disease again and again, I lost, so everyone began to abandon me and even resent me.”

“I not only lost to the black demon, but also to the people on this continent.”

“Because gradually, the situation has reversed and changed; the death demon disease is no longer a problem, it is me who has the problem.”

“The death demon disease brings power, but what I bring is death and disaster.”

“Until one day.”

“I found that in all the countries on this continent, all the lizardmen are trying their best to kill me.”

“In the name of the Lord, they want to kill me, the evil black dragon, and those sub-dragons driven by me.”

As the black dragon Anu spoke, he actually laughed.

But that laughter is full of sadness, sadness, helplessness and vicissitudes.

“Do you know?”

“The mountains and forests where you and I live are called the Demon Dragon Mountains, and they are the most terrifying and darkest areas in the Nothingness Continent.”

“They don’t know what the lizard man Anu is. They only know that the most terrifying black dragon on the continent lives here, the dragon of disaster that brings destruction and death.”

The black dragon Anu looked at the spirit of consciousness on the totem pole and said with his head held high.

“So, let you down.”

“I did not become the king of the lizard people, nor did I become the savior of the lizard people.”

“I became a dragon in their eyes.”

The huge body of the black dragon Anu lifted up slightly, and the entire valley and forest became dark.

The terrifying giant dragon said a word with a gloomy look in his eyes and a piercing tone.

“I am the dragon Anu!”

In this sentence, there are countless anguish and bitterness accumulated over thousands of years.

Spirit of Totem Pole Consciousness: “So we ended up being the biggest villains instead?”

The black dragon Anu nodded: “I do my best to help everyone, I want to save disasters, and I want to bring happiness.”

“In the end, I became the one who brought disaster in everyone’s eyes.”

“In their eyes, I am just a black dragon, and I am just a black dragon that brought disaster.”

The black dragon Anu looked at the shadow behind the totem pole: “I have been thinking, what went wrong?”

“What went wrong with our plan, why is it different from what we expected?”

“Just now I suddenly understood, on the one hand, it was because of the appearance of the master of the death demon disease, and on the other hand, it was because of the lack of my inheritance.”

“I should have become a magic knight. A large number of magic knights should have been born among the lizard people. The magic knights should have changed the world and become the protagonists of this world.”

Spirit of Totem Pole Consciousness: “I’m sorry.”

Black Dragon Anu: “Can an apology change anything?”

When the spirit of the totem pole consciousness heard the other party say this, he knew that the other party would not forgive him, and he hated himself.

The Spirit of Totem Pole Consciousness asked: “Since you think everything is my fault, why don’t you destroy the totem pole, but let me draw strength and wake up again?”

Black Dragon Anu; “Because the time has passed, everything is irreversible.”

“More importantly…”

When the black dragon Anu said this, he suddenly paused.

“I suddenly found that some things I don’t care about.”

“Everything I cared about and pursued when I was young is no longer important.”

“Even if I change everything, I will never have the innocence I had when I was a teenager, and I will never regain the dream of becoming a savior.”

The black dragon approached some totem poles, staring at the shadows behind them.

“I’ve been waiting for you, just want to ask you a question.”

The voice of the black dragon became extremely sharp, and it pierced into the spirit of the totem pole like a knife.

“Where did you and I come from?”

Anu questioned the other party, expressing the biggest question in his heart.

“I’ve checked, it’s too strange that you and I appeared in this world, and so is the owner of the dead demon disease.”

“The knowledge you and I possess does not belong to this world at all.”

“It is true that we were once companions, but before we became companions, there should be other stories.”

“Tell me, what is that story?”

“Tell me, who is the owner of that dead demon disease?”

The black dragon looked at the totem pole: “My memory, is it right here with you?”

The black dragon roared: “Give me back my memory.”

The spirit of the totem pole consciousness is not going to hand over this memory now, because this is tantamount to destroying Anu’s plan. Even if it is handed over now and sealed again, it will still be Anu who has lived for more than a thousand years.

More importantly, if the black dragon Anu regains his memory now, it will be detrimental to the spirit of the totem pole consciousness. After living for more than a thousand years, he will definitely find his own problems.

As if aware of the opponent’s thoughts, the black dragon made an instant move, spitting out flames: “Leave it to me!”

The spirit of the totem pole fought with Anu, and the black dragon Anu finally showed the hatred in his eyes.

He hates this guy in front of him. If he hadn’t made a mistake, nothing would have gone wrong, and the original plan would have succeeded.

His thousand years of pain and regret all came from this guy in front of him.

“Give it to me, give me back what belongs to me.”

The ancestral totem pole floated up into the sky, and summoned the spirits of the totems one by one to press down on the black dragon; but the spirit of consciousness on the totem pole didn’t have any intention of handing over, but said to the black dragon.

“I said, only when you become a myth, can you find your former self.”

While the black dragon breathed out flames, the wings also set off layers of storms, and at the same time a ritual array emerged from its horns, pressing towards the totem pole.

The two fought fiercely, and the movement could be seen throughout the mountains.

The Spirit of Totem Pole Consciousness was quickly defeated, and he wanted to escape, but this place had already become the black dragon’s lair, how could he escape.

The black dragon activated the ritual array and trapped the totem pole: “You can’t escape.”

The spirit of the totem pole consciousness stopped, as if he had given up on running away, he looked at the black dragon and said.

“You said you don’t care anymore, but it’s not true.”

“You care because you never let go.”

“Otherwise, why would you resent, why would you scold me?”

“You want to get back the memories of the past, but you want to know all the secrets, you want to have more powerful power, and find a faster way to become a god.”


“You said you don’t care anymore, but you still want to defeat the master of the death demon disease and take revenge, don’t you?”

In the end, the spirit of consciousness on the totem pole became resolute, and he no longer looked like the simple and honest wind lizard dragon: “You… still want to save the lizard people, don’t you?”

It seemed that the words of the spirit of consciousness on the totem pole had stabbed his heart, and the black dragon’s movements stopped for a moment.

It can be seen that the light in his eyes is scattered, and his pupils are shaking violently. Some secrets in his heart may not be very clear to him, but at this moment, he is directly spoken out by the spirit of the totem pole consciousness.

That’s right, he kept telling himself that he didn’t care anymore.

But it turns out that he never let go.

But at this time, the spirit of the totem pole cast a magical spell that the black dragon Anu could never have imagined.


“The Gate of the Abyss.”

An illusory door opened in the sky, and the totem pole immediately took advantage of this opportunity to get in; the spirit of the totem pole fled into the dream world by opening the door of the abyss.

The black dragon wanted to stop it, but it was too late.

He fell into a simulated dream world, a dark void of nothing.

A totem pole floats in the void.

Everything here is a simulated real world, almost all the magical arts that can be used in the real world can be used here, but the dream world simulated here is just a virtual dream world, there is no abyss, no gods The kingdom of God, let alone the kingdom of the Creator God.

In the battle with the black dragon Anu just now, it can be said that the opponent did not hold back at all.

The Spirit of Consciousness of the totem pole suffered a heavy blow and was about to disperse immediately.

At such a critical moment, the consciousness of the spirit of the totem pole constantly analyzes the situation and deduces what to do next.

He is not afraid of death, because he knows that he will not die in this world.

Because he is a sample, a test subject, of the world deduced by the Void Bacteria.

“I can’t enter reincarnation. If I enter reincarnation, I will lose this totem pole. This is the core of my path of simulating a complete myth. It must not be lost.”

“Warcraft, only when more monsters are born, will I be able to successfully become a myth when I harvest them in the future.”

“What to do?”

Suddenly, a name was remembered in the other party’s mind.


The shadow behind the totem pole gradually changed, gradually turning into the appearance of a scorched black corpse, and then into the appearance of a snake man.

That’s right, the spirit of consciousness on the totem pole is Dark Moon, the King of Wrath.

At this moment, taking advantage of the fact that the spirit of consciousness was about to disperse, he cast a divine technique borrowed and stolen from others.

It was once used by Shaw’s servants, the Barrow family, and also by the king of ghouls, Akmanmon. It is an extremely crazy magic.

It’s just that the king of ghouls, Akmanmon, had to use this secret technique to obtain false immortality because of the lack of the four-point mystery of divine favor, but Dark Moon already has the four-point secret of divine favor. He performed this secret technique in order to continue the road of mythical props of the divine prop, the ancestor totem pole, so that this prop can influence the present world by its own power.

Create monsters and recover magic crystals.

Accumulate strength and ascend to the myth.

Dark Moon immediately cast this magical technique, taking advantage of the last moment.

“The dream of my life.”

“Turn into an altar of rituals, disperse the power of the ancestor totem pole into this world, and create the monsters of this world.”

“Remember my obsession and never forget it.”

At the last moment, An Yue unexpectedly killed herself.

The shadow behind the totem pole twists into a ball, spirals itself, and annihilates itself.

It can be seen that his consciousness dissipated, but a colorful bubble emerged.

Under the laws of the dream world, the dark moon turned into a dream of life, and merged with the magical props, the ancestor totem pole.

Using the dream of his own life as an anchor, he spreads the power of the totem pole into the present world.

Because of becoming the dream of life to refine props, the ghoul king Ackermanmon’s crazy method, so rational that Dark Moon, who is still burning in the fire forever, will not use it.

Because a living person can become a dream of life after death, but the dream of life will no longer become a living person. Just the ghoul that engraved his memory.

But it is different in this world. He, Anu, and Melder can be said to be immortal, and this world is just an experiment from beginning to end.

He will not really become a **** here, all he has to do is to simulate all the data and process of becoming a **** here, so that any means can be used.

The shadow of the dark moon dissipated, and the consciousness fell into a deep sleep again.


But the ancestor totem pole sent out a strong vibration, carrying the light of dreams, and spreading the power to the far corner.


Dragon Mountains.

The black dragon Anu looked at the sky where the totem pole left, and there were waves in his eyes.


“There really is another world.”

The black dragon Anu has calculated thousands of times, but he can’t figure out that there is a dream world in this world.

The totem pole is lost, which means that Anu can no longer use the totem pole to create new dragons, and even his own mimicry can no longer be performed.

However, reincarnation does not affect him, he can still reincarnate every hundred years or so.

But soon, the black dragon Anu discovered something unusual.

In the next day, he saw a sub-dragon, or a lizard monster lay an egg, and the egg shone with extraordinary light.

The black dragon Anu felt a force coming from the unknown world, scattered into this world, and poured into this egg.

“Dragon is still born?”

Not only is it being born, but its scope is no longer limited to the Demon Dragon Mountain Range, but is penetrating into the entire world.

Anu looked at the sky and seemed to understand something.

“Does the power of the totem pole permeate from another world to this world?”

The black dragon Anu immediately followed this change and started his next part of the plan.

With the help of the power of the abyss priest, the master of the death demon disease has almost controlled all the lizardmen, and he also needs to create a power of his own.

The power of pure monsters is not enough. The power of these dozen kinds of sub-dragons is not enough to fight against the master of the dead demon disease. He needs a group of wise monsters.

A few years later.

The black dragon Anu turned into the form of a **** and stood on a magnificent altar.

Under the altar, there are eggs.

He radiated his own mental power field to cover all the eggs. He cut open his palm, and drops of mythical blood that radiated light flew out and fell into the eggs.


“I endow you with my blood, and endow your descendants with true wisdom.”

“Gives you a part of the form of the gods.”

“In return, you and your descendants will always obey my orders and follow my will.”

The egg broke open, and little dragons crawled out one by one.

Immediately afterwards, these sub-dragons gradually assimilated towards the god-shaped Anu in the mimicry field, and finally turned into a half-dragon, half-human appearance.

They have the appearance of a human, but with two horns on their heads and a tail behind them.

This is a race similar to abyssal species and ghouls.

They don’t rely on bloodline inheritance, but other things.

They cannot directly breed the next generation, they are intelligent species born from Warcraft.

They can’t directly give birth to a dragonman, they can only give birth to a unique sub-dragon, and then inherit his dragonman form in the black dragon Anu’s mimic spiritual force field to become a dragonman.

Their inheritance and wisdom are attached to the black dragon Anu.

Anu turned into a black dragon and spread his wings to soar in the sky.

Those little dragons also climbed up, chasing Anu’s figure below, Anu told them.

“I am the black dragon Anu!”

“I created you, I will be your god!”

The little dragonmen roared, looking like wild beasts, just like those lizardmen that Anu saw more than a thousand years ago when Anu just came to the void continent.

The black dragon Anu soars in the sky, flying higher and higher.

He pierced through the sea of ​​clouds and looked at this void continent and world.

“I want to be a myth!”

“I’m going to change everything.”

The scale of time rotates again, pushing to the next era.

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