I am God Chapter 47: :Full Moon Kingdom and Golden City

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Under the moonlight, a metal ellipsoid seems to be breathing and shining with the moonlight.

Holfas held it and could clearly hear the rhythm coming from inside.

This is a dragon egg.

Depending on the situation, it may not be long before the evil dragon inside this evil dragon egg will be reborn from it.

It was originally an item used by the God-shaped Society and the former King Ztik. It should be that the God-shaped Society killed an evil dragon with the Mithril Sword and turned it into the most suitable weapon for sealing and seizing power. attitude.

It can be seen that they paid a lot for the Sealed Book, but they did not expect that it would eventually fall into the hands of Helfas.

Helfas thought about sealing this evil dragon into his body. Maybe he could also become a dragon professional and get rid of this fragile body and become a powerful dragon, but it was just like what he thought before. Just like when I was about to accept Zi’s power, I immediately felt a great fear pouring directly into my heart.

Remind him that this will lead to extremely terrible consequences.

He can control sealed objects, and he can borrow weird power, but he can never directly merge this power with his own power.

Since this road didn’t work, he had another idea.

He put the dragon egg down and took out a black iron seal scale and a ball of black iron from his arms.

This is a real black iron seal scale he got from Fei Komodo, not the one he made. The one in his hand has been destroyed by him.

Ever since he knew why the merchant created the Black Iron Dragon profession and left the Black Iron Sealing Scale, the sealing power inheritance, in order to forever record the names of all the sealed objects in the world in that book, Helfas I know that I can no longer use any method other than the Black Iron Sealing Scale to seal the weirdness.

If one day he really gets the book of seals, he will also include the true name of the flying cloak he is wearing, and eventually all the true names of the sealed objects will be included in it, without any omission.

Helfas first brought the black iron block close to the dragon egg, and immediately saw that the iron block began to melt, and then merged into it little by little.

The metallic color of the dragon egg also began to change, getting closer to the color of black iron.

After completing this step.

He held the special scales shed from the black iron dragon in one hand, and guided it with the other hand, injecting a special power into the dragon egg.

This is the inheritance method of the black iron dragon, which allows the divine blood in another dragon’s body to be combined with ordinary black iron, and finally transformed into extraordinary metal.

Gradually, special lines appeared on the dragon eggs.

This means that it has the characteristics of the black iron dragon, which can transmit and guide energy.

After this, you can see that the rhythm of its life is faster and more frequent.

It will be born soon.

If it were directly sealed into the human body, a black iron dragon professional would really be born, or a new magic dragon would appear, but Helfas did not give it this chance. .

He raised the Black Iron Seal Scale high, activated the ritual power within it, and summoned the projection of the pillar in the kingdom of the gods.

“In the name of a pillar, the strangeness in front of you is sealed.”

Under the power of that light pillar.

The dragon egg shattered, and the shadow of an evil dragon spread its wings and flew toward the sky.

It just had time to let out a cry, and the outline of its body melted in the light, and finally turned into a pen and fell down.

The style of the pen is very strange. It is obviously not something that should be available in this era. It is made entirely of black metal. The metal pen tip is divided into two parts and has a hole. The body of the pen is an illusory and hazy god-shaped floating figure. carve.

If you can look through the pen body, you can also see an empty capsule inside.

[Sealed Object·Black Fountain Pen]

[Ability 1 Phantom Text: This pen made with the characteristics of black steel and black iron dragon has the ability to store and guide extraordinary power. Injecting psychic abilities into it, the person holding this pen can The picture is turned into text, and the person who sees the text can re-analyze the text into a phantom picture in his mind. 】

[Ability 2 Soul Sustenance: This pen is made by Helfas. Helfas injects spiritual power into it and turns it into ink. At the same time, he can also rely on his soul on it as a temporary anchor point and body. , walking in the human world in the form of a soul until the spiritual power in it is exhausted. 】

[Ability 3 Psychic Influence: People who have used this pen and borrowed psychic abilities will be passively affected by Helfas’ psychic power to a certain extent. 】

Herfas stepped forward and picked up this pen whose style was completely beyond this era.

He closed his eyes and seemed to be able to feel that there was an empty capsule inside the pen body, which separated a boundary between its own power and the empty capsule.

His spiritual power is like ink, injected into this pen and stored.

As long as the thought is turned again, the characteristics of the black steel can guide the power from the empty capsule intact. Of course, there will be losses when injecting and guiding it out, but the loss is not large.

This feeling.

Just like the dragon Helfas knew, he could enter the sky and clouds to store the power of thunder and lightning, and then release it from his body, turning it into the thunder and fire that Helfas saw and controlling the thunder. horrific images.

Now Helfas is also following his example, but what he stores and guides is another special kind of power.

Helfas did not try the first power of this sealed object, but directly started to use the second one.

“Come out!”

In the dark night.

Helfas held the pen in his hand, imagining the feeling of his soul leaving the body and walking in the kingdom of the gods and the island.

This time, what he relies on in this pen is no longer his psychic ability, but his soul.


A faint light emerged from Helfas’s body.

The other transparent one, invisible to the naked eye, pulled out afterimages, struggling outwards from his body.

After a while, there was only a sound of falling to the ground.

Helfas held the pen and looked back, and saw his body slumped on the ground.

His soul really relied on the special sealed object of the black fountain pen and walked out.

He didn’t stop and continued walking forward.

He could feel that the power in the pen was slowly being consumed. He walked through the depths of the jungle, crossed the stream, and appeared on the top of the mountain like a ghost.

Under the moonlight, only by using powerful extraordinary abilities and special eyes can one vaguely see a vague outline and shadow.

“You can really walk in the world in the form of a soul, as long as you rely on this pen.”

Helfas said with some joy.

This pen may not be too strong for other people, but in Helfas’s hands, it becomes completely different when combined with his original special abilities and methods.

Helfas has no way to turn into a dragon, and there is no way to make up for the fragility of this body, so if he encounters some special or critical situations, he can directly walk in the form of his soul and control the sealed objects in the form of his soul.

In this way, he can not only show a stronger posture, but also greatly weaken and hide his weaknesses.

I don’t know how far along the way, Helfas was trying to see if there was a limit to this power.

Standing high up, Helfas saw the sky turn white.

It’s dawn.

At this time, the power in the pen was finally exhausted. Helfas felt his eyes darken, and then he opened his eyes, and he had returned to his body.

Helfas stood up and looked in the direction of the Full Moon Land.

“I’m going back.”

After many years, he was finally going to set foot on the land called Full Moon again.

Although he had made the decision to bring the problem to himself, it did not mean that he would go to the Land of the Full Moon in such a daze to directly face those beings who were eyeing the Sealed Book.

With this ability, Helfas feels that he should be able to deal with most situations.

At least he is in crisis, and there are not many people who can keep him.

He whipped up a gust of wind, sucked out the pen that fell to the ground on the top of the mountain, and then flew away into the distance.


“Have you heard? Some people say that a god-shaped man with black hair and black eyes appeared on the sea.”

“The Black Iron Dragon King appears in the east.”

“The Black Iron Dragon King has a book that records the names of all the sealed objects in the world. Whoever can get it will have supreme rights and power.”

“If the rumors about that book are true, then the rumors about the return of the Black Iron Dragon King must also be true.”

“Who can take that book away from the Black Iron Dragon King?”

“What do you mean by saying such ancient rumors at this time? There shouldn’t be any trouble. The battle between dragons was bad enough in the past. Don’t let such a terrible scene happen again.”

I don’t know when, a rumor entered the Full Moon Kingdom under the influence of human beings, and also spread among the countries along the eastern coast.

The fishermen at sea, the business groups traveling on the trade routes, the nobles of all sizes, civilians and even slaves.

We have all heard variations and exaggerated stories about this rumor.

No matter whether there are big or small differences in the details of each version, they basically tell the same content.

The legendary Black Iron Dragon King Helfas has returned. He is heading towards the land of the full moon. He will ascend the throne that belongs to him and stand on top of the dragons again.


The era of the Dragon King will return.

Wherever the news spread, there was a lot of discussion in every city and town in the Land of the Full Moon.

Some people in the crowd swear by this rumor with great faith. They believe in the ancient prophecy and look forward to the return of the Dragon King.

Some people scoffed and thought it was just a rumor.

Some people are worried that the rumors that are spreading will cause some terrible chaos. Whether an existence like the Dragon King enters reincarnation or returns again, it is an extremely terrifying thing. The Golden Dragon King entering reincarnation is an example.

Now that the legendary Black Iron Dragon King is resurrected, who knows what kind of scenes will result?

At this moment.

Helfas, the protagonist in this prophecy, has already passed through the earth and entered the land of the full moon.

As he flew through the sky, what he saw was no longer the endless endless virgin jungle, but valley villages and plain towns that had been developed and lived in peace and contentment.

Looking down from a high place, he saw criss-crossing rows of agricultural crops represented by breadfruit trees, and he could see the crowded streets in the towering city.

The dragon people seem to have conquered this land. They killed and raised a large number of dangerous dragon beasts that used to roam this land, and turned the jungle into their farmland.

They sealed or drove the strange things into the uninhabited wilderness.

Even if there are some weird beings that are beyond common sense and have the power of natural disasters, the dragon people are not without any means to deal with them. Even if they cannot defeat them, they can still lead them to other places.

Of course, there are times when we fail.

Many cities were destroyed because of this.

However, the dragon people can always rely on their tenacious vitality to rebuild the city on the original ruins, and then restore its former prosperity and glory.

Step by step, bit by bit, they transformed this land into what they wanted.

Herfas: “What a big change!”

Everything has changed, and he doesn’t even recognize it.

He was flying in the sky, but he felt like he was lost and couldn’t find his direction at all.

Everything below was so unfamiliar that he didn’t know where to go.

The northeastern area of ​​the Full Moon Land.

The famous Jin River runs through a lake.

This lake is called Shanxi Lake. It has no special significance, just because it is on the west side of a mountain.

But there is a city on the mountain not far from the lake. Its status and reputation are completely different. It is the Golden City of the Full Moon Kingdom, a representative city established by the Golden Dragon King.

At this moment.

Herfas fell next to the lake.

No one knows that this is the place where he woke up and saw the world for the first time, and where he met the businessman for the first time.

Herfas was thinking before that if the merchant wanted to leave something in a place that only the two of them knew, would it be here?

But think about it, the businessman has forgotten a lot of things and may not still remember this.

However, because it is relatively close, his first stop is to come here to take a look.

He walked around the lake.

But nothing was found, not even the place where he and the businessman had met, only a general location.

This place is really too big. If you want to hide a book somewhere, and then deliberately cover up its aura and power, it will be really difficult to find it completely.

Helfas felt that it would be difficult to find the sealed book by searching this way, and the book might not necessarily be placed in this area.

“If it wasn’t here, where would it be?”

“Is it the Bronze City, the Black Iron City, or the Silver City?”

Herfas doesn’t know either.

Everywhere seems possible, but nowhere is clear.

He decided to read more about the legends and stories about the Bronze Dragon King Saren before deciding what to do next.

He felt that if he could learn more about the businessman’s later stories, he might be able to make some more accurate judgments.

At least.

It is better than searching around like a headless fly now.

And even if he wasn’t looking for the Sealed Book, he was still very interested in the details of everything that happened after he left.

But in this era, books and knowledge are extremely expensive things, and even money may not be able to buy them.

He turned his head and looked into the distance, his eyes passing through farmland, villages, and small towns, and finally landed on a city that glowed golden in the sun.

The city stands on a mountain, so the buildings are stacked on top of each other, and large areas of green vegetation can be seen in between.

With just a quick glance, Helfas saw the towering palace, the tall warning bell tower, and the crowded white stone square.

“Golden City.”

This is the capital of the Full Moon Dynasty, the most prosperous city in the Golden Age, the gathering place of dragon civilization, and the largest commercial and trading city.

Helfas felt that if he wanted to find any news and information, there should be no shortage of it in this city.

He couldn’t wait.

But then, he did not enter the city directly.

He found a hotel in a small town along the commercial road and settled down. After that, holding the sealed object black pen in his hand, another transparent and illusory version of him broke free from his body.

He walked out of the room, and the hotel waiter walked across the stairs carrying food, passing by him but turning a blind eye.

He walked downstairs to the noisy hall, and no one could see him.

That’s it.

He left the town in a daze and walked towards the city.

Under the cover of night, even if an extraordinary life professional does not pay attention deliberately, it is difficult to find a soul body walking on the dark road.

Although they have extraordinary power, they still need to see with their eyes, not like wisdom.

The Golden City is very big.

If you include the buildings attached to the foot of the city wall, it should be more than seven or eight times the size of the blacksmith’s official city.

As soon as Helfas approached the large buildings under the city wall, he felt a powerful force suppressing him.

The gathering of more than a dozen bronze statues of the Bronze Dragon King brings unimaginable pressure. It is cast with more than a dozen bronze statues of the Bronze Dragon King surrounding it in a circle and forming a concentric circle. This is There was no visible protective formation in front of Helfas.

Because most other cities only have one bronze dragon statue, and you have no way of placing it, and the most blacksmith official cities he has seen only have four, and they are all square and regular.

But like the Golden City, surrounded by bronze dragon statues, it is indeed unique.

However, such a concentric circle structure does create a huge shelter area.

Maximum Space utilizes the power left behind by the Orichalcum and Bronze Dragon Kings.

Helfas walked the earth in his soul form and felt that the power of the sealed black pen was suppressed and could only release minimal power.

However, Helfas’s soul did not seem to be affected.

He can still read other people’s hearts and minds, and can still act freely.

Looks like.

The power of Orichalcum can suppress the strange power, but it cannot suppress the soul of Helfas.

This scene also gave Helfas a guess.

“Perhaps the power I possess is a completely different power from weirdness.”

Helfas came to the closed city gate and squeezed in directly.


The Golden City was built on a mountain.

But the one at the top is not the palace, but the Golden Dragon Palace.

The palace is under the Golden Dragon Palace. It can be seen that even if the Golden Age collapses and the Dragon King generation ends, the people’s tendency towards the Dragon King is still very strong.

Even the Full Moon King can only succumb to the Dragon Palace. Of course, it may also be used to conquer the hearts of the people left over from the Dragon King era and to enshrine the dragons.

The person in power in the palace is no longer the king of the first generation.

The King of the Full Moon has been passed down to him, and it is already the sixth generation. The king is of course not a dragon but a demon hunter. This is also the rule set by the first king of the Full Moon Dynasty.

A dragon cannot become a king.

Otherwise all the witchers will join forces and unseat him from the throne, just like in Clash of Dragons.

The former Full Moon King was the most powerful demon hunter in the world. He dared to fight dragons with his sealed artifact in hand, and even slew dragons with his own hands.

However, by the sixth generation of the Full Moon King, it seems difficult to inherit this tradition and bravery.

The training and traditions of witchers have basically been abandoned, and naturally they are no longer as hardworking and tempered as their predecessors.

It was born in a prosperous age and tranquility. Although it once had some vigor and ambition, and also made some achievements and changes, it was eventually wiped out by this prosperous era with nothing left, and it was addicted to it all day long. In the midst of wine, food, beauty and the power and glory of the subjects.

In his opinion, instead of doing some meritorious deeds, it would be better to let the country and all its subjects please himself to be happy.

The moment Helfas walked into the Golden City.

In the spacious palace that made people feel cold, a gust of cold wind raised the curtains.

On the bed, the king with slightly curly yellow hair hugged a girl about the same age as his granddaughter. A soft dragon-woven blanket covered the two of them.

At this moment.

The king frowned deeply, huddled his shoulders, and shivered.

He seemed to feel a deep chill, not only from his body, but also from another level.

The king had a dream.

I dreamed that I was kicked off the throne, bound by chains, driven to a high level, and fell down in front of the Dragon Palace.

He knelt on the ground in panic all day long. When he raised his head, he saw a black-haired **** sitting in the open-air hall.


“How dare you tie me up.”

“I am the king, the king of you all.”

The king shouted loudly, but was interrupted by a dragon roar in the sky.

He looked around again.

Just found it.

Dragons with black iron scales hovered in the sky, obeying his will and orders.

All the witchers knelt before him and worshiped him.

The courtiers who flattered him in the past shouted his name and praised him as if they were worshiping gods.

Even the princess whom he has been obsessed with recently made a charming snake-like posture and crawled at the opponent’s feet, leaning against the Dragon King’s throne and the opponent’s calf.

That name is.

“Helfas, the Black King.”

At this time, eyes looked at him.

The dragon, the witcher, and his subjects all shouted at him.

“Kneel down!”

“Kneel down, kneel down to the King of Black!”

“Kneel down before God!”

Amidst the roar of the mountains and the tsunami, his whole body trembled like chaff.

As a king, he seems to have no choice but to obey orders and bow at the feet of the other party.

Facing the figure sitting high up, his glory and power are not worth mentioning in front of him. His throne can be taken away at the will of the opponent.

He fell to his knees.

Because the opponent is the King of Black, Helfas.

But there was a strong unwillingness in his heart.

Suddenly he remembered that he was the King of the Full Moon, and the era of the Dragon King had long been ended by his ancestors.

He kept struggling, and the chains made a crisp sound.



“The era of the Dragon King is over.”

“A dragon cannot be king.”

“You are not God, you are not God, there is no God in this world.”

The black-haired man heard his cry and seemed to finally notice his insignificant existence and looked at him from a high place.

In an instant, his entire body was frozen.

The eyes were cold and aloof.

Just looking at him, his eyes lit up, and endless flames came from all directions.

The chill dissipated and the heat enveloped it.

He seemed to be thrown into endless hell.

In the real royal palace.

The king rolled over and woke up sweating profusely, panting heavily, and his eyes were filled with fear.

Although it was just a dream, it was a manifestation of his inner fear.

At this time, the beauty next to her opened her eyes and let out a cry.

“Your Majesty!”

“What’s wrong with you?”

The charming voice frightened the king so much that he shouted quickly.

“Get out.”

“Get out of here!”

(End of this chapter)

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