I am God Chapter 430: : The eye of true knowledge and the stone statue behind the throne

The land of blood.

The Crimson Goddess sent King Osis away. He prayed to the supreme **** on the mural before finally returning to the Temple of Truth.

The three-leaf symbiont who was on duty today raised his head and looked at the goddess.

“Master Vivien.”

“Is it His Majesty Osis just now?”

This trilobite symbiont was once a subject of Orsis, so the title is naturally different, and his attention and expectations for Orsis are also different from other trilobites.

The Scarlet Goddess nodded, and the three-leaf symbiont on duty couldn’t help but said.

“Master Osis seems to have changed a lot this time, I really hope he can recover.”

This is not the first time Osis has been reincarnated, but the past few reincarnations have become more and more depressing.

He didn’t think he deserved to be alive, he didn’t deserve to reach this era.

Crimson Goddess: “He is the former king of Xiyin Sai, and he is also the current king of Suinhor.”

“He has the blood of a king in his bones. When he truly believes in his own strength and that he can face all difficulties, the will of his ancestors will awaken in him.”

At this time, bursts of light suddenly burst out in the Temple of Truth, spinning and shining in the hall.

It is like the refraction of the sun penetrating through the water surface, sparkling.

Very beautiful.

The light comes from above, from behind the throne.

It is a pendant similar to an eye, hanging in front of an ancient statue.

The scarlet goddess Vivien was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly showed a surprised expression.

“The eye of true knowledge.”

“Have you accumulated enough blood?”

This eye was originally refined by Lan En, the second-generation sage of truth, and given to Vivien as a gift.

But it was shattered a long time ago, Vivien picked up its fragments and refined it again after she became a god.

In all the temples of Suinhor, if the **** attendants of the past dynasties voluntarily die, they will bring their own blood and everything into the eyes of true knowledge and turn into a wisp of ghost, which will become the inheritance of Suinhor and background.

Their memories and knowledge will be transformed into an existence that can be passed on to the younger generations who communicate with the Eye of True Knowledge.

It is precisely because of the existence of this eye that Suinhor’s wise and powerful people, the gods of those temples can master a lot of magic, so that they can cooperate with those alchemists and witches who rely on the myth of wisdom. The spirits resisted in one vein.

Suinhor is the largest empire on this continent, and the Crimson Goddess has the most believers on Ruhe Giant Island.

And the scarlet goddess Vivien also hopes that through this huge accumulation, she can accumulate the power of myth.

Day after day, year after year.

With the background of the past, its accumulation is finally enough now,

The scarlet goddess Vivien’s years of anticipation finally saw hope.

The Scarlet Goddess couldn’t help showing various emotions in her eyes, and her lips trembled slightly.

Happy, excited, nostalgic, sad.

A variety of emotions flowed across the face of this god.

“How many years?”

“Finally… I have accumulated enough.”

He has been waiting for this moment since the day he descended into this era.

Perhaps this period of time is not too long for the gods, but if you look forward to and long for something too much, every moment of waiting will be a torment.

The Scarlet Goddess walked up to the throne little by little, touched the stone statue with her hand, and caressed the opponent’s face.

“An Li.”

After a long time.

The Scarlet Goddess waved her hand, and a force centered on her sealed everything here.

The gate of the Temple of Truth closed slowly, and everyone was slowly pushed out under that force.

The Scarlet Goddess turned her back, and her voice came from the slowly closing door.

“I have something very important to do, don’t bother me during this time.”

For Vivien, nothing is more important than this.


Red Territory.


There are a large number of corpses on the fire platform piled high, and the soldiers are throwing corpses one after another.

While the corpses and firewood were crackling, they also emitted various smells.

The stench of corpses, the horrible aroma.

Plus the smell of burnt mixed together, just thinking about it makes people sick.

Scenes like this are everywhere on the front lines of the Suinhall coalition forces.

The soldiers riding on the ground dragon kept shouting and waving the flags in their hands, which represented the king.

“His Majesty the King has ordered that all the corpses must be burned clean, and they must not be buried on the spot.”

“The heads of those ghouls must be cut off, and then purified by God Attendant, so be careful.”

“Soldiers who have been scratched by ghouls or injured by magic must go to the rear camp to report and be inspected by Lord Servant.”

“Those who violate the order will be severely punished.”

The coalition forces wiped out the ghouls in Drumworth and Char, and advanced step by step into the red soil territory. It seems that they are winning steadily.

At this point, the coalition forces have completed the encirclement of Hongtu City from the sea, the south, and the east.

But this victory was not easy, and the casualties were also very heavy.

On the one hand, it is because the number of ghouls far exceeds expectations, which can be said to be overwhelming.

The two are because these ghouls are completely different from the ghouls that appeared in the Lunar Eclipse City of Ten Thousand Snake King’s Court before. From all aspects, this brand new ghoul is more difficult to deal with.

They have almost no vitals, because the main body of these monsters is not a corpse, and the vitals are not the organs on the corpse.

It’s the corpse worm inside the corpse.

They can even devour living people on the battlefield to make up for their own damage. The more they fight, the more energetic they become, and the stronger they become.

And the more powerful a ghoul is, the crazier it is, the more fearless it is, the more it desires the power of flesh and blood; but the soldiers of Orsis will be afraid, they will be afraid.

The three are because the ghouls in the red soil territory are highly organized and led by a number of third-rank high-ranking ghouls; Casting curses, and even bringing down diseases and plagues, people are hard to guard against.

This is just the situation facing the enemy, and the coalition forces are also facing various problems.

In the early stage, a large number of wounded soldiers and corpses could not be dealt with in time, and they were just buried hastily as before. , Instantly caused violent chaos inside the barracks, and also caused heavy damage to the soldiers’ life, and everyone was in danger.

All kinds of curses and diseases emerged one after another, and the gods of the temple didn’t know how to deal with them at first.

So after a series of incidents broke out, there were a lot of decrees that followed.

For example, the dead must be cremated, and even the practice of bringing back some of the wreckage from previous marches must be prohibited.

On all marching routes, the cemetery where the corpse is buried must be inspected, and then the **** attendant of the temple will perform a ritual to purify the dead air and resentment in the cemetery, or burn the corpse directly.

All killed ghouls must not only be incinerated, but also must be purified of ghouls in a special way, and even the ashes must be treated specially.

It can be said.

The appearance of ghouls has changed the burial habits of the people of Suinhall, and in the future it will definitely affect the snake people on the entire Ruhe Giant Island and even further away on another continent.

Ackerman single-handedly increased their fear of death and corpses,

Seeing the cemetery and the tomb, I couldn’t help but think of those monsters crawling out of the coffins and the ground, those ghosts who eat corpses.

In the barracks, Osis couldn’t help rubbing his forehead.

“Things like ghouls must be contained from the very beginning.”

“When they spread, it will be too expensive to deal with them.”

Osis was also exhausted by monsters like ghouls, full of anger.

The generals also scolded one by one.

“These monsters can’t be killed. They have to cut off their heads and burn them with fire.”

“It’s the corpses that are burned with fire. Some ghouls are useless to burn with fire. Those bugs can’t be burned to death at all.”

“Fighting this kind of monster is fighting with a group of poisons. If you kill them, you will also be poisoned.”

“No, meeting them feels like jumping into a cesspit. I don’t want to fight this kind of monster in my life. It’s really disgusting.”

At this time, a small team came in from the outside.

The spear held by the leading figure had the head of a Tier 2 ghoul stuck in it. This head was not dead and could even speak.

“Eat, eat, eat.”

“Kill you.”

“I’m so hungry.”

However, being pinned by the special spear, the ghoul could only howl in pain, unable to use any power.

Seeing this scene, the expressions of the generals in the tent immediately became complicated.

It is the lizardman team.

After Anu led the lizardman squad to join this war, he has repeatedly attacked the commanders of the ghoul legions these days, and has achieved many successes.

Anu is full of confidence at this moment: “The Red Earth City is in front of us, we must take him down tomorrow.”

“Get rid of Ackermanmon, the king of ghouls, and everything will be over.”

King Osis burst out laughing, feeling inspired by these words.

“That’s right, Hongtu City is just around the corner.”

“These ghouls are now completely surrounded by us, and there is nowhere to escape. Now they have only one dead end.”

The atmosphere in the entire camp suddenly improved a lot. Everyone told King Osis that they would take the lead and be the first to enter the red earth city.

King Osis encouraged them one by one, but after everyone left, King Osis’s expression was not as confident as it seemed.

He sat cross-legged, looked at the marks on the map depicting attacks from the sea route and the three routes from the south and the east, and finally his eyes fell on the red earth city.

Everything went according to plan, the battle was extremely difficult, and the ghouls were beyond imagination.

But in the eyes of King Osis, everything went too smoothly.

Because of the most difficult and most threatening king of ghouls, the one called Akmanmon.

It never showed up, which made all the preparations made by King Osis in vain.

It’s like holding a shotgun all the time, the hands are swollen, and the prey never appears.

So the closer he was to Hongtu City, the more victorious he was, the more Osis felt empty in his heart, and he was not at ease.

“What happened?”

“Why hasn’t the king of ghouls, Akmanmon, moved yet, is he really sitting there waiting to die?”

Osis even had some doubts whether Akmanmon was still in the red earth city.

“No way, if we dispose of all the ghouls he created by himself, the loss will be unimaginable.”

“He is willing to give up like this?”

Osis began to analyze the character of Ackermanmon, the last generation of King of Snakes, a puppet supported by General Dark Moon.

He picked up the information about Akmanmon again, and wanted to analyze what kind of character he was based on his characteristics and personality.

But after reading it over and over again, I found that the records about Akmanmon are too thin.

No one knows how he came to this day, how he joined the Ghoul Secret Cult, and what kind of connection he has with Thuro.

Seems from start to finish.

No one has ever really understood what kind of existence this guy is.

“What kind of person is this guy?”

Osis put down the information in his hand, still feeling uncertain.

If the king of ghouls is not caught, even if all the ghouls are eliminated, it will only solve this crisis and leave a huge hidden danger.

But it’s already here, and there is no other way.

Finally, Osis made up his mind: “I will fight Hongtu City in three days, I can’t wait.”


A few days later.

The coalition forces pulled out camps one after another, and besieged the entire Red Earth City step by step, which was accompanied by a large number of contests among rangers and competition for the sky.

Those ghouls can not only ride corpse beasts, some of them can also summon rotten winged demons from the abyss.

But at this point, the ghoul army has begun to have nothing to do.

One of the characteristics of the Suinhall City-State Alliance Army is that it has used a large number of stone demons, and stone demons of all sizes can be seen everywhere.

Because stone demons can not only be used for offense and defense, but also can be used to build camps. Accompanying the legion is a huge beast of burden to transport various supplies. Much is missing.

This is a typical feature of marching and fighting in the southern city-state alliance, which is very different from that in the north.

There are many stone demons in the southern army, and the winged demons in the northern army are overwhelming, and the fire demon is summoned at a critical moment to make a final decision.

But in the siege battle, the fire demon is too destructive, and sometimes it is forbidden to use it.

Osis rides on the ground dragon, and he can see the city wall in the distance from a distance.

“Set camp on the spot and prepare to attack the city after rest.”

“Each Golem team builds a camp and is responsible for patrolling.”

“All the alchemy legions are in place, and all the **** servant teams are in place, waiting for orders.”

“The alchemy machine is ready, the ritual enchantment is ready.”

“The winged demon squad blocked the sky and monitored the movement in the city.”

After the orders were issued one by one, the coalition forces started to move like a machine, and after many days of running-in, the cooperation between the entire coalition forces gradually became higher.

It also means that King Osis has more and more control over it.

Everyone is on the alert, knowing that this will be the final battle.

In the camp.

On an enclosed flat ground, a group of **** attendants assisted the lizard man Anu to arrange an extremely complicated ritual array.

Anu sat in the center of the ritual array, activated the seeds on his body, and opened this special ritual array.

The light of the ceremony spun, and the seeds attached to the lizard man Anu grew roots and penetrated into his body.

The shape of Anu also began to change constantly. A spar grew on his forehead, his body stretched like dough, a long mane grew on his back, and his hands turned into two huge wings. wing.

In the end, he transformed into a giant feathered serpent.

The Feathered Serpent opened its eyes, and the eyes did not look like Anu at all, but another person.

The consciousness of Feathered Serpent Kurmis is temporarily attached to Anu’s body, hovering in the sky and looking at Osis.

Osis: “Mr. Kurmis, this is the last battle.”

“The last city of ghouls is Red Earth City. If there is no accident, Ackermanmon, the king of ghouls, is inside.”

“Suinhor needs your help, and I need your help too.”

Kurmis asked Osis, “Your Majesty Osis, you are already here.”

“How do you deal with the king of ghouls, Ackermanmon, you should tell me all about it!”

Before he was worried about leaking, Osis had never told anyone.

After all, once this kind of thing makes Ackermann prepared and vigilant in advance, the difficulty of success will increase exponentially. These ghouls have various methods. It is to turn a living person into a ghoul without anyone knowing it.

Osis said to Kurmis alone, secretly using the ability to communicate with the soul to send information into Kurmis’ mind.

“This is the method that the Scarlet Goddess told me, and only this method can truly seal Akmanmon, so that the king of ghouls will no longer be resurrected.”

“The first step, we must completely destroy its body and all corpse-eating insects, let this Akmanmon die completely, so that the next Akmanmon will be born.”

“In the second step, we must use Akmanmon’s head as a ritual medium to revive him as soon as possible, because once others take the lead, it will have no effect.”

“And this head is in my hands now, and it is also the corpse that is most suitable for his birth; if it is done at the same time, the Silver Worm will definitely choose it first, and let Ackerman be resurrected on this head and corpse, Grow a brand new body.”

“The third step is to seal him. This method can seal him for a thousand years, repeat it after a thousand years, and seal him for another thousand years. As long as you repeat it infinitely, you can seal him forever. “

Osis did not hide any details this time, and told Kurmis everything.

However, this is the first time this method has been used. The specific function and effectiveness only exist in theory, and it depends on how to operate it below.

The Feathered Serpent Kurmis nodded: “I understand, so this battle must completely destroy it, and we must not give the current Ackerman a little life, so that the silver worm will create the next one.” Kemanmon.”

Osis nodded: “Yes, only when he dies completely will a new Akmanmon be born.”

“The ghouls and evildoers of the Silver Church don’t always say that death is not the end, but a new beginning.”

“Then we’ll tell Ackermanmon.”

“When he enters a new beginning, it is also the final end.”

Kurmis became more confident after knowing Osis’s plan, and never hesitated again.

The body of the huge Feathered Serpent rose into the air and rushed towards the distant Red Earth City.


The feathered snake exhaled.

The power of the fusion spell seal merged with the wind in the sky, and immediately turned into a storm and swept down.

The hurricane connecting the sky and the earth rushed towards the city wall, and it could be seen that the temporary barrier covering the red earth city was torn apart in an instant.

A large number of ghouls and corpse-eating beasts guarding the city were rolled up, and the city wall also collapsed rumbling down.

And this time.

King Osis also led the army to rush in through the opening, and launched the final war against the ghouls and the silver-white church evildoers in the red earth city.

The stone demons and winged demons rushed in in batches, and the alchemy legion cut through the defenses of the ghouls like sharp knives.

“Kill all these monsters.”

“These cancerous tumors are worms that eat corpses, and they will be completely wiped out.”

“Fight for the goddess.”

“Fight for justice.”

For this battle, Osis has almost used the power of the whole country, and almost all the third-tier powers that can be used have been mobilized here.

So at this time, it can be seen that a large number of Tier 3 powers summoned the spirit of the curse seal.

In Hongtu City.

The third-order snake man and the third-order high-ranking ghoul fought each other.

Usually it’s two snake-human powers against one high-ranking ghoul, or even three against one.

One stone colossus after another smashed the ghouls’ huge bug-shaped cursed spirits to pieces, and the huge force caused the whole earth to tremble.

The war in the extraordinary world is grand and tragic.

The power of a powerful superhuman is enough to destroy everything, and ordinary people and beast-like servants of ghouls are completely reduced to background boards.

In the midst of the war between snakemen and ghouls, the mighty against monsters, there was a sound of shaking and crumbling throughout the city.

King Osis led several three-leaf symbionts and a large number of servants to the Lord’s Mansion.

A huge feathered snake hovered in the sky, and he was preventing the king of ghouls, Akmanmon, from escaping at last.

But after Osis rushed into the Lord’s Mansion, he found that there was no living person in the entire Lord’s Mansion.

Going forward, they entered a palace bedroom that was almost similar to the palace of Osis, and found the former red earth lord, the old patriarch of the Hunter family.

But it looks like he’s dead.

There was a big hole in the head, and something seemed to crawl out of it.

The same is true for other people in the Lord’s Mansion, each with a big hole in his head.

The entire Hunter family can no longer see a living person. This family that has ruled the red soil since the time of Alpens has completely withdrawn from the scene in this disaster.

It is not the main character, nor does it have any strong scenes.

If it is staged as a stage play, it may be just a few short lines, plus a few lines in the background voice-over.

Osis didn’t even look at the old guy’s body, his eyes were searching around.

He could feel a powerful force surging in the lord’s mansion, but the other party hadn’t shown up yet.

“Swish Swish Swish!”

At this time, a voice came from the depths of the darkness, and Osis and the others turned their gazes away immediately, and even the shadow of the Feathered Serpent in the sky lowered its head.


When I got to the man, I found that it was an existence with a tail.

This is obviously not Akmanmon. Akmanmon was already an apostle and turned himself into the form of a god.

Osis frowned, and asked the figure walking out of the darkness.


“You are not the king of ghouls.”

“Where is the king of ghouls, Akmanmon?”

The light shone in from the gate and landed on the man, finally seeing his appearance clearly.

This is an old monster.

A ghoul from the old era, an existence that has long been eliminated.

He could no longer bear the conflict and backlash from the blood of the gods, and holes were rotting all over his body. One side of his face seemed to melt like a wax figure, and it was as smooth as crystallization.

Fall into purgatory, or become a supernatural material.

This is his final outcome.

However, this old-age ghoul is carrying a statue of a silver **** on his back, and the heavy stone statue makes him bend over,

As he walked over, there were corpse-eating insects overwhelming under him, filling the entire space in an instant.

It’s creepy.

But Osis could feel that this was a ritual.

The lord’s mansion is the framework, the corpse worms are the nodes, and the statue is a medium.

Here, it is equivalent to a small pyramid ceremony, allowing more ghouls to be born in this area.

As for the origin of these corpse-eating insects, there is no need to think too much about them. They were cultivated from the corpses of the entire Lord’s Mansion and the Hunter family.

Osis figured everything out, and stared at the person coming.

“Who are you? You are the one who has maintained this ceremony here, making us mistakenly think that it is you who is still in Akmanmon?”

“Ackerman, where is he?”

The other party raised his head and showed a sinister smile at Osis.

Because one side of the face melted, the other side could only smile, which looked extremely terrifying.

“It’s King Osis!”

“His Majesty Ackermanmon, the king of ghouls, asked me to wait for you here.”

“He really doesn’t understand that a **** like you already has eternal life and immortality.”

“Why fight for these mortals? Does this have any meaning for an existence like you?”

Standing here is the old ghoul, Ackermanmun’s former history and literature teacher.

Further ahead, he was once the attendant of the Scarlet Goddess, a Suinhorn.

The **** Suinhor sent to the Court of Ten Thousand Snakes to try to influence Akmanmon and intervene in the situation in the Court of Ten Thousand Snakes.

However, the old ghoul has already become a loyal believer of Akmanmon at this time, and he is extremely devout and fanatical about him.

The old ghoul raised his head and asked for a moment, Osis suddenly recognized him.

“Is that you?”

Osis suddenly felt that the person in front of him looked familiar, and it took a long time before he remembered that he seemed to have seen him before, in the Fire Temple many years ago.

Osis: “A lunatic like him, what does he need to understand?”

“He can’t even understand himself, he has to understand others.”

The old ghoul laughed loudly: “God, no one needs to understand.”

“Naturally they are not understood by others, because they are too great.”

The more the old ghoul talked, the more fanatical it became, and the body became more and more alienated.

“He will ascend the eternal throne, and he will become the true silver god.”

Osis originally wanted to do something to kill the old ghoul, but seeing this scene suddenly felt that it was unnecessary.

“He’s not here.”

“You were abandoned by your master.”

Old ghoul: “I am a ghoul of the old age, and I cannot follow in the footsteps of the gods.”

“The humble mortal being able to contribute to His Majesty Akmanmon’s ascension to the throne is already the greatest glory in my small and short life.”

After saying this, the old ghoul turned into a puddle of mud, and finally condensed into a stone.

At the foot of the statue.

Osis didn’t understand whether this guy was truly pious, or whether he was completely brainwashed and controlled by Akmanmon.

He immediately issued an order: “Clean up here and be careful.”

He did not give up, trying to find clues about Akmanmon.

But suddenly, something happened to the Feathered Serpent in the sky.

The original Feathered Serpent waved its huge body hundreds of meters high, hovering in the sky, when suddenly its body froze and made a sound.

“Why are you here?”

That voice seemed to be full of astonishment.

As soon as the words fell, all the power in Feathered Serpent’s body was pulled away.

The lizard man Anu regained consciousness at this time, but found that his body was shrinking continuously, because the existence that gave him power withdrew his own power.

In the end, his body smashed through the roof tiles of a room and fell into the lord’s mansion.

Fortunately, the lizardman’s body is rough and thick, so there is nothing wrong with it.

King Osis rushed over with his people and asked Anu who was dizzy from the fall.

“What happened?”

“What happened?”

The moment the lizard man Anu opened his eyes, he said in shock.

“Ackerman is in the volcanic forest, he has already left the red soil territory.”

The lizard man Anu looked at King Osis and told him what he knew.

“This guy’s real goal is Master Kurmis.”

Hearing Anu’s words, a voice suddenly appeared in Osis’ mind.

“He wants to become a god.”

Akmanmon can be said to be an extremely difficult enemy. If he offends such an enemy and cannot completely solve it, the entire Suinhor will never be at peace in the future.

Don’t say anything else, just a few more disasters like ghouls.

Su Yinhor couldn’t take it anymore.

And if such a guy gets the way to become a god, Osis doesn’t know what will happen in the future.

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